Media Mining Digest 242 – Jul 1, 2016: AARP, Adam Mansbach, Adopted, Aging Reversal, Animal Sentience, Art Access, Asian-American Hip Hop, Autism Movement Therapy, Autopsy, Beyonce Critique, Big Data, Black Lives Matter, Black Panther Movie, Brain Changing Ideas, Brand Name Myths, Breast and Prostate Cancer, Carbon Cap on Wall Street, Christianity in Britain, Citrus Greening Disease, Civil Rights Decline, Cleveland Police Shootings, Communication Workers of America, Confederate Flag, Container Port, Educational Aids, Everyday Incarceration, Exercise Research, External Storage, Farmer Service Solution, Fat and Sugar, Fat People, First Nations Surgeon, Food Fraud Forensics, Forensic Psychiatrist, Free Trade Agreement, Gig Economy, Government Computer Liabilities, Gravity Detectives, Gravity Wave Detection, Grunt Life, Gun Control Law, Heroin for Depression, HG Wells, Hip Hop Culture, HIV Laws, Investing for Kids, ISIS History, Jazz Begins, Jim Crows Discussion, Macedonia Heroines, Marilyn Michaels, Mass Shooting Response, Microbiology Connection, Microbiome Research, Nanotechnology, Native American Land, Net Neutrality Ruling, Networking, Nordic Culture, Norman Lear, Obesity-Cancer Connection, Online Shaming, Personality Changes, Planet Detection, Podcast Reliability, Porcupines, Puerto Ricans Rebuilding Radiation Background Rapper Bank Robbers, Rare Books, Refugee Totals, Refugees in Australia, Retirement Plan, Romanovs, Sake Revolution, Science History, Sea Rise, Sea Warming, Sex Offender Prison, Sharing Economy, Slave Women in the Civil War, Slavery in Early America, South Pole Rescue, Space Colonies, Space Station Scientists, Stroke Avoidance, Superconductivity, Tax Refund Frauds, Team Rubicon, Technology Trends, Ukraine, Underground Railroad, Virology Connection, Water Control, Water from Great Lakes, Wi-Fi Pioneer, Women President

The best 104 podcasts from a larger group of 314 for the week are shown below. Double or ctrl-click individual highlighted titles to get single podcasts and explore the source, although it’s easier to get all of them as a zip file here for the next four months.  A collection of over 9000 similar podcasts grouped by topic can be downloaded piecemeal here,  but you will be limited to a 4GB maximum per download, so twelve of those will be needed to get all files, which total over 45GB and will take  awhile. The first entry of that collection is a text file listing all the titles for quick searches and researching.  All these abstracts have also been assembled alphabetically in three free large volumes at this link and are updated quarterly.  Even more diversity is possible using a podcast aggregator loaded with this opml file of 325 sources so even the discarded podcasts can be downloaded.

AARP 58 mins – “AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins discusses her organization’s work, as well as her new book, [Disrupt Aging: A Bold New Path to Living Your Best Life at Every Age].” At the link find the title, ”Q&A with Jo Ann Jenkins, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files program.442431.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Adam Mansbach 26 mins – “Before writer Adam Mansbach hit it big with bedtime story “Go the F— to Sleep” — capturing the frustration of all parents whose kids refuse to settle in for the night — he wrote several novels with themes on race and culture. He covers interesting territory with host James Peterson, including piracy, hip hop, and why Iggy Azalea may have been inevitable. Listener warning: This segment contains profanity.” At the link find the title, “Bestselling author Adam Mansbach drops the F-bomb on parenting, Sept, 2015,” right-click “Media files mansbach-web-1.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Adopted 49 mins – “Ever since she was a little girl, Irish journalist Caitriona Palmer knew she had been adopted. Yet, in her late twenties she developed a growing sense of unease. She sought to calm those feelings by reaching out to her birth mother. The two developed a close attachment, but their relationship had one condition – no one could know. Palmer’s mother had kept her pregnancy a secret for decades, the shame of her experience still trailing her. As the two women continued their clandestine meetings, Palmer began to research the history of her adoption, along with the social issues in 1970s Ireland that surrounded it. She tells the story in a new book….An Affair With My Mother‘” At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Aging Reversal 28 minsIs it possible to reverse ageing? By uncovering the genetic secrets of humans and animals that live unusually long lives, scientists are finding extraordinary ways to wind back our cellular clocks. A NOTE ABOUT THE DIET ITSELF Thanks to everyone for your interest in the program. The fasting mimicking diet trialed in Prof Valter Longo’s labs is produced by a private company called Prolon (Prof Longo does not receive profit from this company). Prolon does not distribute the product to Australia and there isn’t a fresh food version released by Prof Longo’s labs. However, the description of the fasting mimicking diet in their published journal paper lists a composition of “at least 9-10% proteins, 34-47% carbohydrates (plant based) and 44-56% fats (no animal fats). The amount of calories in total was around 700 – 800 per day. Unlimited herbal teas – no dairy, advised to drink lots of water. Each daily packet during my five day diet contained a nut bar for breakfast, a vegetable soup for lunch, a vegetable soup for dinner and afternoon snack consisted of 7 olives or some kale crackers. I am obviously not qualified to give medical or dietary advice and suggest you consult your doctor before undertaking any substantial change to your diet. This is a relatively strong intervention.” At the ink right-click “download video: mp4” and select “Save Link As” fromt eh pop-up menu.

Animal Sentience 32 mins – “When you think about fish, it’s probably at dinnertime. Author Jonathan Balcombe, on the other hand, spends a lot of time pondering the emotional lives of fish. Balcombe, who serves as the director of animal sentience for the Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy, tells Fresh Air‘s Terry Gross that humans are closer to understanding fish than ever before. “Thanks to the breakthroughs in ethology, sociobiology, neurobiology and ecology, we can now better understand what the world looks like to fish,” Balcombe says….” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Art Access 6 mins – “Imagine being able to see artwork in the greatest museums around the world without leaving your chair. Driven by his passion for art, Amit Sood tells the story of how he developed [Google] Art Project to let people do just that.” At the link click “Download,” right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Asian-American Hip Hop 23 mins – “Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival director Rob Buscher and music producer Scott “Chops” Jung discuss the gap between disrespect and celebration of Asian-American culture. The upcoming film festival marks its eighth season, Nov. 12 – 22. It is the largest East Coast showcase of films created by Asian Americans, celebrating music, culture and food along with more than 60 film showings.” At the link find the title, “Asian-American authenticity in hip-hop and movies, Nov, 2015,” right-click “Media files paaff-web.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Autism Movement Therapy 53 mins – “Joyce welcomes Joanne Lara, MA Adjunct Faculty at National University, and founder of Autism Movement Therapy (AMT). Ms. Laura who is also a professional dancer,has dedicated herself to improving the lives of individuals with autism through movement and music. Her advocacy has led to founding the nonprofit organization Autism Movement Therapy® based in Los Angeles, California. Th e organization has received two Autism Speaks grants, Ms. Laura will discuss the mission of Autism Movement Therapy and the beneficial role that movement and music can play in the speech, language, behavioral, and cognitive abilities of individuals on the autism spectrum.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Autopsy 56 mins – “This week on the Naked Scientists, we observe a post-mortem. The patient was in his seventies but the coroner ordered an autopsy because the cause of death wasn’t clear. Chris Smith observes pathologist Alison Cluroe conduct the procedure as she tries to find out why the patient died and sees how this once common practice is still saving lives…” At the link right-click “Download as mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Beyoncé Critique 23 mins – “Sorry to break the news to The Beyhivé, but not everyone loved Beyoncé’s “Formation.” Host James Peterson spoke with Philadelphia journalist Ernest Owens, who lays out his critique of the popular song and video in the Huffington Post.” At the link find the title, “Throwing shade at Beyoncé’s ‘Formation,’ slut shaming, and the Oscars, Feb, 2016,” right-click “Media files ernest-web.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Big Data P1 54 mins – “IDEAS, CBC RADIO ONE in partnership with the MUNK School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto weighs the opportunities, the risks — and the trade-offs — as the world of Big Data relentlessly changes our lives.” At the link find the title, “Big Data, Part 1, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files ideas_20160623_26594.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Black Lives Matter 15 mins – “This week, I’m the one answering the questions. KLCC’s Eric Alan interviewed me about the emerging Black Lives Matter movement and how a new generation is taking on the struggle for civil rights.” At the link find the title, “Remix host James Peterson on why the Black Lives Matter Movement matters, Oct, 2015,” right-click “Media files klccweb.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Black Lives Matter 82 mins – “…Join INFORUM and SF Pride for a celebration of San Francisco’s LGBTQI history and a powerful discussion about the work still needing to be done to ensure equal rights and racial and economic justice (this year’s SF Pride theme!) for all, focused on the Black Lives Matter movement. Advocates and spokespeople will discuss their experiences convening diverse allies and communities, and will share their unique insights into the successes they’ve achieved and the challenges they still face in ensuring justice for all.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Black Panther Movie 24 mins – “”Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution” is a the new documentary from Stanley Nelson. Nelson is the Emmy nominated, Peabody Award, and MacArthur Foundation Award winning director of a body of work that includes films on Emmett Till, Marcus Garvey and the Freedom Riders. When Nelson and his production team started working on the project 7 years their goal was to create a film that told the complete history of the Black Panther movement because it was a story that “people really didn’t know”. They felt that the ideas represented by the Black Panthers were relevant but they could not have foreseen the development of the Black Lives Matter movement and the ongoing protests over police violence. “Little did we know that it would be as relevant as it is, at this historical moment that we find ourselves in now”, says Nelson. Using the voices of former Black Panther members and police, music and archival footage the documentary weaves together a story of a group that was, in many ways, a logical follow up to the non-violent civil rights protests of the 1960’s. “There would have been no Black Panthers without the traditional civil rights movement of Martin Luther King,” says Nelson. The documentary focuses on events that took place nearly 50 years ago, but Nelson says that the same issues of inequality that the Black Panthers organized to confront still exist today. ‘The Black Panthers began in Oakland as a result of police brutality. And here we are today with Black Lives Matter and other movements around the country, as we see African Americans being murdered by the police’” At the link find the title, “Filmmaker Stanley Nelson discusses new documentary on the Black Panther Party, Sept, 2015,” right-click “Media files black-pantherweb.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Brain Changing Ideas 63 mins Dr. Daniel Amen – The most popular psychiatrist in America. Dr. Amen believes that brain health is central to all health and success. “When your brain works right,” he says, “you work right; and when your brain is troubled, you are much more likely to have trouble in your life.” His work is dedicated to helping people have better brains and better lives. In this episode we learn how Dr. Amen uses nuclear brain imaging to diagnose and treat behavioral problems. He also explains how the brain works, what happens when things go wrong, and how to optimize brain function.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Brand Name Myths 22 mins – “How much of a brand is real? How much is in our heads?” At the link find the title, “#538: Is A Stradivarius Just A Violin?” right-click “Media files 20160622_pmoney podcast062216.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Breast and Prostate Cancer 58 mins – “There have been controversies over the best methods for detecting and treating each cancer. When should women start getting annual mammograms, for example? How useful are PSA screenings for identifying prostate cancer in men? Our guests are leading experts on the treatment of these cancers, and they do not shy away from controversy. Get an update on the latest thinking on how you can cut your own risk. You’ll also learn what these two different cancers have in common, and what we know about preventing as well as treating breast or prostate cancer. The Research Articles: The research cited on DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) for breast cancer was published in JAMA Oncology in October 2015. The research on prostate cancer that we discussed was published in the New England Journal of Medicine on October 29, 2015.At the link find the title, “Show 1039: How to Reduce Your Risk from Breast or Prostate Cancer, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files PP-1039BreastProstate.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Carbon Cap on Wall Street 49 mins – ““The earth has warmed and we did it” — this is the headline of a large print ad that appeared earlier this week in the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal. The sponsor of that ad, The Partnership for Responsible Growth, is hoping to get a message through to readers of the Wall Street Journal whose opinion writers regularly introduce uncertainty into the question as to whether the climate is warming and how much human activity has to do with it. For those hoping for strong action to counter the risks of climate change, the last eight years have been dispiriting: Despite the mounting scientific evidence, fewer people are persuaded. For this month’s Environmental Outlook: join us to talk about what people believe about climate change and why.”(6 guests) At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Christianity in Britain 33 mins – “Here is part two to our story of religion and religious life at the age of the Great Heathen Army and the Danish invasion of Britain. Last episode, I told you about how the stories we’re often told – of violent atrocities committed against Christian spaces and against Christendom itself – didn’t actually originate from the 9th century, when they supposedly occurred, but only appear in our record during the 12th Century. Two hundred years later during the height of the Crusades. We spoke about how the idea of the pagan zealotry of the Vikings doesn’t align with reports that they converted to Christianity eagerly and easily. And I showed you how the archaeological and contemporary record doesn’t comport with the popular story of a religious war against the Christians of Britain… a story that relies entirely upon records that were written centuries after the fact.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Citrus Greening Disease 51 mins – “If there was anyone that could be dubbed a science wizard, it might be Dr. Jude Grosser. Dr. Grosser has made a career of edgy innovation, creating new solutions that define the forefront of genetic improvements in citrus. He has mastered unconventional techniques that produce new variants of trees (both their scions and rootstocks) that bring improved production quality to Florida’s fresh fruit and orange juice industries. Currently he is a key strategist in the fight to save Florida citrus, where some of his solutions are being trialed, and don’t face the regulatory impediments of “GMO” citrus trees.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Civil Rights Decline 15 mins – “This week, I’m the one answering the questions. KLCC’s Eric Alan interviewed me about the emerging Black Lives Matter movement and how a new generation is taking on the struggle for civil rights.” At the link find the title, “Remix host James Peterson on why the Black Lives Matter Movement matters, Oct, 2015” right-click “Media files klccweb.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cleveland Police Shooting 19 mins – “Three years ago, Cleveland police officer Michael Brelo stood on the hood of a car and fired 39 shots through the windshield at the unarmed homeless couple inside. On Saturday, May 23, an Ohio judge dropped all charges against Brelo. Dr. James Peterson explores the Brelo case with activist Angela Woodson and scholar Bakari Kitwana, discussing the timing of the verdict (it was announced during the Memorial Day holiday), Ohio’s history of abusive police actions, and the response by local activists.” At the link find the title, “Cleveland’s Brelo verdict the latest denial of justice for victims of excessive police violence, May, 2015,” right-click “Media files cleveland-web.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Communications Workers of America 30 mins – “Christopher Shelton, president of the Communications Workers of America discusses the tentative strike settlement between CWA workers and Verizon. Almost 40,000 workers walked off the job in April, and returned on June 1.” At the link find the title, “Communicators with Christopher Shelton, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files program.445040.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Companion Animals 27 mins -”Keith & Russ talk with Gaylene Fasenko, Associate Professor, Companion Animals, College of Agriculture, Consumer & Environmental Sciences at New Mexico State University. Fasenko talks about her early career in avian embryology, and how she eventually made the move to study companion animals and their relationship with humans. She also talks about the evolution of the domestication of dogs, and about the dangers of overly-selective breeding of dogs.” At the link right-click the play button next to “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Confederate Flag 20 mins – “The Confederate flag has been controversial since the Civil War, but when Dylann Roof allegedly massacred nine African Americans at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, in a racist rampage, calls to “take down the flag” from the grounds of the state’s capitol grew louder and more urgent. In this episode of The Remix, we talk to Logan Jaffe about her online documentary project “Battle Flag” and activist Goad Gatsby who is using hip hop to protest the Confederate flag.” At the link find the title, “Remixing the Confederate flag — heritage, hip hop and hate, Jun, 2015” right-click “Media files flag-web.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Container Port 4 mins – “…I’ve seen shipping containers many times before — those metal crates that look like truck trailers. But never flying at me through the air. A crane twelve stories high latched onto the top of a thirty ton container, then whisked it over the side of the ship, dropping it onto a waiting truck. Just as quickly, back it went to get another. Good crane operators make the round trip in a little over a minute and a half; less efficient operators take an extra thirty seconds. It’s a huge difference in a business that’s all about keeping cargo ships moving. Container ports are a fascinating exercise in engineering. The basic activities are simple enough. But the sheer number of containers is a challenge. Imagine thousands upon thousands of containers moving every which way as ships, trucks, and trains are loaded and unloaded. That’s enough to keep things exciting all by itself. But there’s a lot more that goes on behind the scenes….” At the link click “Click here for audio…,” select “Save File” and “ok” from the pop-up menu.

Educational Aids 46 mins – The Tech Chicks discuss nine apps for teachers, parents and students that help with reading, writing, drawing, editing and coding. Of particular note were Braille Bricks that turn lego bricks into a tool for learning braille. At the link right-click “Download” near the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Everyday Incarceration 10 mins – “Reporter Lisa Riordan Seville and photo editor Zara Katz wanted to engage the public in the discussion of mass incarceration in the United States in a new way. They asked themselves: “What does mass incarceration look like?” To answer that question they created the Instagram account #everydayincarceration.” At the link find the title, “Social media project focuses on the faces of mass incarceration, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files everdayweb.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Exercise Research 53 mins – Professor Tim Noakes is one of the most widely respected authorities on exercise and fitness, and he’s built his career by challenging conventional beliefs, including his own. The idea of carb-loading before endurance races: he came up with that. These days he promotes a high-fat low-carb diet, even for athletes. And he’s not a big fan of sports drinks. Noakes joins us Thursday to talk about eating better, drinking less, and running against the grain to achieve better athletic performance. Timothy Noakes is the retired Discovery Health professor of exercise and sport science at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, where he is currently professor emeritus. He is also the founder of the Noakes Foundation and the author of several books, including The Lore of Running, Waterlogged, and his latest, Real Meal Revolution.” At the link right-click the play button next to “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

External Storage 13 mins – “The mind palace, also known as the memory palace or the memory theatre, is something I want badly! Ever since I read the incredible book, the Art of Memory by Frances Yates, I have dreamed of building a mind palace. But in medicine, we should be able to externalize the palace–in fact, we must! The method of loci will not suffice. We need a place to store all of the literature, books, and internet posts/media we feel will be valuable. The storage must be durable (if an internet site goes down, the work remains). If we lose our paid access, we retain the full text of the literature…..” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Farmer Service Solution 13 mins – “Half of the world’s poorest people have something in common: they’re small farmers. In this eye-opening talk, activist Andrew Youn shows how his group, One Acre Fund, is helping these farmers lift themselves out of poverty by delivering to them life-sustaining farm services that are already in use all over the world. Enter this talk believing we’ll never be able to solve hunger and extreme poverty, and leave it with a new understanding of the scale of the world’s biggest problems.” At the link click “Download,” right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fat and Sugar P2 54 mins – “Jill Eisen explores the complex, and sometimes contradictory, science of nutrition – and tries to find clarity amidst the thicket of studies and ambiguous research.” At the link find the title, “Fat and Sugar, Part 2, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files ideas_20160622_86751.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fat People 67 mins – “The way people talk about being fat is shifting. With one-third of Americans classified as overweight, and another third as obese, and almost none of us losing weight and keeping it off, maybe it’s time to rethink the way we see being fat. A show inspired by Lindy West’s book Shrill.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

First Nations Surgeon 23 mins – “As the first female indigenous woman to graduate from UBC’s medical school, Dr. Nadine Caron says there’s so much to be done to ensure Canada’s Aboriginal people get the health care they need. And she knows how hard it can be from her own experience.” At the link find the title, “Dr. Nadine Caron on her trailblazing path as a First Nations surgeon,” Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files current_20160621_52545.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Food Fraud Forensics 23 mins – “It’s a terrifying thought that a secret chemical war is being waged on supermarket shelves, yet as Sorting the beef from the bull shows, it’s a war that’s as old as time itself. From Roman times onward (apparently the Romans were slightly crazy because their wine was adulterated with lead), the book explores some of these hidden battles as criminals and inspectors attempt to outmanoeuvre each other in a game of chemical hide and seek – one side trying a new wheeze, the other scrambling to detect it….” At the link right-click “Download: Chemistry World Book Club – Sorting the beef from the bull.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Forensic Psychiatrist 29 mins – “Dr. Joel Watts’ job isn’t to treat the killers he works with, but to assess their mental state — a side of the criminal justice system Canadians rarely hear about.” At the link find the title, “Forensic psychiatrist opens up on his hours of analyzing killer Luka Magnotta, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files current_20160620_70870.mp3” and select “Save LinkAs” from the pop-up menu.

Free Trade Agreement 59 mins – “In conversation with Merit E. Janow, Dean of Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, Michael Froman, United States Trade Representative, discusses the future of U.S. trade, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and U.S. economic leadership in Asia. Froman examines how the TPP raises labor and environmental standards, addresses exchange rate policy and currency transparency, and prohibits data localization in an unprecedented way. He also speaks to the political challenge of getting TPP passed, which countries are likely to benefit most from its implementation, and how the agreement relates to China’s economic future in particular.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.  

Gig Economy 47 mins – “It’s the age of the “gig economy.” If you’ve got a fulltime job, don’t be so sure it will stay that way. New apps and business models are turning all kinds of people into Uber drivers or the equivalent. Contractors, not employees. Making a living gig by gig. But the law has not kept up. Workers in the gig economy may have freedom, but few have benefits. Sick days. Retirement. A way to bargain. Workers comp. Unemployment. This hour On Point, making the gig economy work for workers.” At the link right-click the tiny arrow in the cloud below the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Government Computer Liabilities 6 mins – “IT Security of High-Impact Systems – Audio interview by GAO staff with Greg Wilshusen, Director, Information Technology” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Gravity Wave Detection 59 mins – “Janna Levin, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Barnard College; Author, Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer SpaceIf black holes collide in outer space and no one can see it, does it make a sound? A black hole collision is an event more powerful than any since the origin of the universe. But when black holes collide, they will do so unilluminated—emanating only gravitational waves. The only evidence would be the sound of spacetime ringing. Levin shares the obsessions, the aspirations, and the trials of the scientists who embarked on an arduous, 50-year endeavor to capture these elusive waves and record the soundtrack of the universe.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Grunt Life 46 mins – “We welcome best-selling science writer Mary Roach back on the show to talk about her latest book Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War.” At the link find the title, “138 Mary Roach – The Curious Science of Humans at War, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files 225dd023-9ed4-4516-bba8-2403d8562312.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Grunt Work 62 mins – “Millions of people serve in our armed forces, but what does it take get them prepared and keep them alive? Roach tackles the science behind some of a soldier’s most challenging adversaries—panic, exhaustion, heat and noise. She shares some of her bizarre experiences dodging hostile fire as part of a training exercise with the U.S. Marine Corps Paintball Team and staying up all night with the crew manning missiles on the nuclear submarine USS Tennessee. Take a tour of duty with Roach and you’ll never think about our nation’s defenders the same way again.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Gun Control Law 48 mins – “Following a deadly mass shooting that killed 49 people at a Florida nightclub, debate over how to address gun violence has re-emerged. The Orlando shooter had been on an FBI terrorist watch list but was able to legally purchase an assault-style rifle a few years later. The Senate votes today on four different amendments, which seek to address gun violence in different ways. The Democratic measures ban suspected terrorists from buying a gun and impose mandatory background checks while Republican versions are less restrictive and focus on alerting law enforcement. Guest host Cecilia Kang and guests discuss new attempts in Congress to address gun violence.” (3 guests) At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Gun Culture 45 mins – “The mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando has led to a revival of the debate over assault weapons, but journalist Evan Osnos says the real growth in gun ownership is from small, concealed handguns. “Something really profound has changed in the way that we use guns,” Osnos tells Fresh Air‘s Terry Gross. “Concealed carry, as it’s known, is now legal in all 50 states.” Osnos, who writes about the evolution of concealed carry in the current issue of The New Yorker, estimates that there are about 13 million people who are licensed to carry a concealed gun in the United States — more than 12 times the number of police officers and detectives in America. He says that gun manufacturers market a “concealed-carry lifestyle,” which uses fear to sell guns….” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Heroin for Depression 30 mins – “For many sick people, getting even a temporary break from pain sounds too good to be true. But this week we hear from three people who did get a reprieve from a chronic disease, sometimes in very unconventional ways. One of our listeners, Allison, struggled with severe, undiagnosed depression in her twenties. She hooked up with a no-good boyfriend who got her into a dangerous habit: heroin. Today, she’s 57 and she knows the guy and the drugs were trouble. But she also says heroin had a surprising side effect. Sara Benincasa is a stand-up comedian who grapples with agoraphobia, a fear of crowds and busy places. But during a trip to the Netherlands she encountered a place that changed how she faces this fear, and helped her see what life could look like when she wasn’t scared to leave the house. Hanna wrote into us with a really intimate story about life with ulcerative colitis, an incurable disease with some difficult side effects. When traditional treatments failed, she and her mom tried an experiment that changed how Hanna thinks about her body and her daily life.” At the link click the circle with three dots beside “Listen,” right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

HG Wells 54 mins – “He foretold the atomic bomb, he believed in a world government, he wrote books about both science and science fiction and was the first popular communicator of scientific ideas. Today we commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Herbert George Wells. HG Wells changed the way science was understood by the public, his writings and his warnings are part of the way we think today. The backdrop to all his work, both fiction and non-fiction, was what science will deliver in the future and what we will do with the knowledge. Will it be used for good or evil? Sharon Carleton reports.” At the link fight click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Hip Hop Culture 19 mins – “Here, at The Remix, we like to think of ourselves as hip hop scholars and that we are the best damn hip hop scholarship podcast — period. But what exactly does that mean? On his episode, we take a step back to look at the bigger picture.” At the link find the title, “Hip Hop Culture 101, Jun, 2015,” right-click “Media files primer.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

HIV Laws 24 mins – “Last summer, in a Missouri courtroom, a college wrestler named Michael Johnson was sentenced to 30 years in prison for “recklessly infecting a partner with HIV.”Johnson, who also goes by “Tiger Mandingo”, was accused of knowingly infecting his partners with HIV, although at least one of them said Johnson called to tell him the diagnosis when Johnson tested positive for the virus. The case shed light on the stigmas surrounding sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, and especially HIV/AIDS. In more than 30 states there is a legal requirement for HIV positive individuals to disclose their status to whomever they’re having sex with. And while most people agree that honest conversation is a good practice, the laws allow people with HIV to be imprisoned for even spitting, biting or oral sex. “Every person with HIV in the country who knows they have HIV is one accusation away from finding themselves in a courtroom,” said Sean Strub, director of The Sero Project. Strub was diagnosed with HIV in the 1980s. Since then, treatments for STIs like HIV/AIDS has made significant progress across the globe. But Strub argues that an HIV diagnosis has continued to carry a stigma, perhaps even worse than before. And Strub said forcing people to disclose their status can backfire, and alienate a population that needs support. While Strub is working to change the policy, New York University sex researcher and educator, Zhana Vrangalova, is focused on challenging society’s perception of risky sex….” At the link click the circle with three dots beside “Listen,” right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Investing for Kids 58 mins – “In this podcast Paul discusses the 12 investment decisions all first time investors must face. He speaks to both the parents, as well as the young investor, about the life changing impact good decisions can have on the young investor’s future. There are a couple of important links mentioned in the podcast.” At the link right-click “Download’ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

ISIS History 58 mins – “Professor Fawaz Gerges looks the history and rise of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL). Professor Gerges is interviewed by Geneive Abdo, author of [Mecca and Main Street: Muslim Life in America After 9/11].” At the link find the title, “After Words with Fawaz Gerges, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files program.443112.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Jazz Begins 38 mins – “The story of how Jazz began. – Between the Liner Notes is a documentary style podcast about music, why it is the way it is and how it got to be that way. We are a member of The Goat Rodeo podcast network.” At the link find the title, “11: The District, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files media.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Jim Crow Discussion 11 mins – “Michelle Alexander’s 2010 book “The New Jim Crow” redefined how many view mass incarceration of black men in the United States, generating discussions about the role of race in prison stats and the legacy of racism in the legal treatment of blacks. However, professor Adolph Reed of The University of Pennsylvania says the analogy to “Jim Crow” doesn’t hold up. “I think that a lot of younger scholars find it powerful because they don’t understand the old Jim Crow,” Reed says.” At the link find the title, “What ‘The New Jim Crow’ gets wrong about the old Jim Crow, May, 2015,” right-click “Media files reed-crow-edit.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Macedonia Heroines 27 mins – “Lucy Ash meets Macedonia’s Special Prosecutors -three women who have become the scourge of the political elite and heroines of the street protests now rocking the tiny Balkan nation. Their job is to investigate claims of wrongdoing and corruption revealed in a huge wiretapping scandal. The former Prime Minister has called them puppets of the opposition but to protestors on the street the fearless trio are Macedonia’s Charlie’s Angels. But will they succeed in their crime fighting mission when they have a tight deadline and most state institutions are either refusing to cooperate with them or dragging their feet. Many argue that a Special Prosecution is not much use without a Special Court. Under the current patronage based system, high court judges are appointed only after the approval of senior politicians and the secret police.” At the link find the title, “Macedonia’s Colourful Revolution, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files p03z4wj0.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Marilyn Michaels 71 mins – “Impressionist, singer and comedienne Marilyn Michaels has spent her entire life in show business, performing in the Yiddish Theater at the tender age of 7, signing with a major record label as a teenager, working the Copa, the Catskills and Vegas showrooms and appearing on virtually every TV variety show of the 1960s and ’70s. Also, Marilyn idolizes Judy Garland, duets with Frank Gorshin, smooches Phil Slivers and takes advice from Jack Benny. PLUS: Gottfried “meets” Streisand! Danny Kaye makes his move! Orson Welles gets verklempt! Ethel Merman lays down the law! And the rise and (tragic) fall of George Kirby!” At the link find the title, “#108: Marilyn Michaels. Jun, 2016,” right-click “Enclosure:” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mass Shooting Response P1 34 mins – “Critical incidents, provider stress and the Orlando active shooter incident with Critical Incident Stress expert Dan McGuire from CISM Perspectives. If that’s what you’re looking for, you found it. It’s the Nursing Show.” At the link find the title, “Orlando Shooting, Nursing Stress Part 1 and Episode 400, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files NursingShow 20160620.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mass Shooting Response P2 32 mins – “More on critical incident stress and how responders and hospital staff are struggling to recover from the aftermath of the Orlando night club shooting. If that’s what you’re looking for, you found it. It’s the Nursing Show.” At the link find the title, “Critical Incident Stress for Nurses Part 2 and Episode 401,Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files NursingShow 20160627.mp3”

Microbiology Connection 77 mins – ”Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Elio Schaechter, Michele Swanson, and Michael Schmidt. Guests: David S. Schneide and Vanessa Sperandio The TWiMers get together at ASM Microbe 2016 in Boston to speak with David and Vanessa to talk about their work on regulation of bacterial virulence in the gut by bacterial adrenergic sensors, and the physiological mechanisms that make us ill and that help us recover.” At the link right-click “…download TWIM#130” and select ‘Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Microbiome Research 15 mins – “The microbiome is one of the fastest-growing areas in biomedical research, fueled in part by engaged patients and citizen scientists with an interest in understanding how their microbiota may affect their overall health. In this One-on-One, Medscape editor-in-chief Eric Topol talks with Jessica Richman about the value of citizen science as well as her company, uBiome, which provides microbiome analyses to consumers and plans to begin providing physician-ordered medical diagnostics in the near future.” At the link find the title, “Citizen Science and Mapping the Microbiome, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files 864972.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Muslims in America – “This week we welcome multi-platform journalist and producer Nida Khan to discuss recent incidents of violence against Muslims as backlash over the San Bernardino shootings and Paris attacks.” At the link find the title, “Islamophobia, Donald Trump, and racializing the war on terror, Dec, 2015,” right-click “Media files muslim-web.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Nanotechnology 4 mins – …So what is it that makes the nano-world so compelling? For one, physics acts differently at the atomic level. We have to rethink basic ideas like what it means to build and manufacture at such a small scale. No nano-forklifts or welding machines. We’ll learn a lot by thinking little. Then there’s concern for our safety. If certain types of nanotechnology pose a threat, we need to know about them. But there’s also … the dream. The thought of infinitesimally small entities performing complex tasks — with results we can see in our macro-world — is exciting. Buy a can of paint with nanobots that do the painting for you. Get an injection of nano-entities that seek out and destroy cancer. Buy nanofiber clothes that make you invisible. Scientists will tell you that possibility quickly gives way to hyperbole. But it’s the hyperbole of dreamers. Will hungry nanobots ever devour the earth? I find that a little hard to swallow. But will we discover new and wonderful things as we think ever smaller? Of that, I’m certain….” At the link right-click “Click here for audio….,” and select “Save File” and “OK” from the pop-up menu.

Native American Land 52 mins – “Native American tribes have asked the Obama administration to use the Antiquities Act to protect nearly 2 million acres of land in southeastern Utah. It’s a region known as Bears Ears, and it contains more than 100,000 archaeological and sacred sites. Opponents of the proposal—including many high-ranking Utah officials—agree the land needs some kind of protection, but they say a monument’s the wrong way to do it. Monday, we’ll hear from both sides in the debate over the Bears Ears National Monument.” At the link right-click the play button next to “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Net Neutrality Ruling 30 mins – “Fred Campbell, director of Tech Knowledge and Matt Wood, policy director at Free Press discuss a U.S. Court of Appeals decision on internet regulation. The Court upheld the FCC’s 2015 rules, which require ISPs to treat internet traffic equally.” At the link find the title, “Communicators Roundtable on Net Neutrality Decision, Jun, 2016,”right-click “Media file program.446172.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Networking 44 mins – “ …The first time I ever met Brandon in person, he told me he wanted to create a huge event for young entrepreneurs – and he wanted to do it in our relatively small city of Des Moines. I knew it’d be a challenge – there’d need to be funding, speakers, events, and tons of logistical planning to make everything run smoothly….Having been out of college for only a couple years, Brandon had no experience answering those kinds of questions. And yet, back in April, the Young Entrepreneur Convention put on its first successful event. Additionally, Brandon has been able to utilize the connections he’s made through setting up YEC to kickstart other ventures – including an upcoming TV show. This is the reason I wanted to talk with Brandon on the show; among the people I know personally, he’s one of the best at making connections and convincing people to support huge ideas. In this episode, we’ll get deeper into the details of how YEC became a successful event, and into what that success has led to. Perhaps more interestingly, Brandon also talks about the path that led up to YEC – how he started doing things in college (and right out of it) to build relationships and lay the foundation that allowed it all to come together.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Nordic Culture 45 mins – “Bernie Sanders’ proposals for free education and healthcare were flatly rejected by those who said “we are not Denmark”. A new book argues that the policies and protections in Nordic countries don’t work because of shared benevolence, but because they benefit everyone’s selfish interests. Today, a Finnish expat gives the US a pep talk. Then, Zarif Khan migrated to America in the early 20th century and became prosperous and beloved in his Wyoming town…though the law prevented his citizenship.” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Norman Lear 20 mins – “In the 1970s (and decades following), TV producer Norman Lear touched the lives of millions with culture-altering sitcoms like All in the Family, The Jeffersons and Good Times, pushing the boundaries of the era and giving a primetime voice to underrepresented Americans. In an intimate, smart conversation with Eric Hirshberg, he shares with humility and humor how his early relationship with “the foolishness of the human condition” shaped his life and creative vision.” At the link click “Download,” right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Obesity-Cancer Connection 26 mins – “You’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: the U.S. has a big problem with obesity. But did you know that there are demonstrated links between obesity and all kinds of serious health problems-—including cancer? In this episode, Science & the City explores the obesity-cancer connection. This podcast is presented as part of the Translational Medicine Initiative, a partnership between the New York Academy of Sciences and the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation to foster the translation of basic science discoveries into improved clinical healthcare. It was a co-production of The Sackler Institute for Nutrition Science and Science and the City.” At the link find the title, “Unraveling the Obesity-Cancer Connection, Mar, 2012,” right-click “Media files 03282012_ObesityCancerConnection.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Online shaming 47 mins – “The internet can shame in a hurry, and at a scale and speed we’ve never known. Tear people up. Take them down. Whatever you thought of Gorilla Mom, the size and speed of the cyber mob that went after her was astonishing. Alligator Mom, who lost her two-year-old to a gator at Disney World – even she got hit. The attacks can be ferocious, heartless and often uniformed. Like a lynch mob. This hour On Point, internet shaming. When is it citizen justice? When is it mob rule?” At the link right-click the tiny arrow in the cloud below the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Palm Tree Protection 5 mins – “Here’s a question that sounds a lot more theoretical than it really is: When is a tree not a tree? The short answer: When it’s a coconut palm in the Indian state of Goa. In December 2015, the state government kicked the coconut palm off its master list of trees. Earlier this week, two conservation groups sued the state to reverse that decision. To understand the case, we have to go back in time to 1984, when Goa passed a law to imprison anyone who cut down trees covering more than about five acres in one year. To fell more trees, even in a private garden, you need permission from the state forest department. With the state government’s re-classification, the coconut is no longer protected under this act. The state’s environment minister Rajendra Arlekar said at a recent press conference that the amendment was a response to the demands of farmers and orchard owners who begged the government to remove the palm from the list of regulated trees in order to replant higher-yield palms. But citizens and activists think this is really a move to appease builders.   “The government is clearly trying to play games with all of us,” says Armando Gonsalves, who runs Goa For Giving, one of the two NGOs suing the state. “They say it’s for the benefit of the farmers. It’s not. A real farmer would never cut a coconut tree — no Goan would do that, unless you’re a builder. For a builder, it’s blanket permission to do what you want, pick up the land and cut it.” According to Gonsalves, the builder lobby is very strong in Goa. No one will directly stand up to them. The only builder who would speak on the record insisted they never cut trees. On the contrary, they said, they plant many more trees than they ever cut down….” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow on the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Personality Changes 57 mins – “We like to think of our own personalities – and those of our spouses, children and friends – as predictable and constant over time. But what if they aren’t? In this episode, Alix Spiegel visits a prison to explore whether there is such a thing as a stable personality. And Lulu Miller asks whether scientists can point to a single thing about a person that doesn’t change over time. The answer might surprise you.” At the link find the title, “Jun, 2016, The Personality Myth,” right-click the circle with three dots and select “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Planet Detection 32 mins – “Many of the thousands of alien worlds discovered around distant stars are unlike anything in our solar system. Some face perpetual hurricane-force winds; others have not one, but two suns. But some of these planets do have striking similarities to those in our own cosmic neighbourhood. Could an Earth-like planet capable of harbouring life be one of our next discoveries? Stuart Clark’s new book, The Search For Earth’s Twin, explores these themes, and he joins me in the studio.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Podcast Reliability 11 mins – A response to criticism about the use of podcasts as a source of medical information by medical practitioners. At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As from the pop-up menu.

Porcupines 4 mins – “We’ve been hearing a lot about porcupines this year. They seem to be everywhere! It’s positively a plague of porcupines! So why are there so many? Biologists don’t have an official answer, but Dave Anderson has a hypothesis involving coyotes and fisher cats. The porcupine’s only real predator is the fisher. It takes a tough critter to eat a porcupine. Anecdotally, trackers and hunters are reporting that fisher numbers appear to be down this year, so it makes sense that porcupine numbers are up…” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Puerto Ricans Rebuilding 5 mins – “José Lebrón and Sheilla Torres had heard the news from Puerto Rico: hospitals aren’t being reimbursed, schools are closing, the official unemployment rate is close to 12 percent, and poverty stands at 45 percent. But a year ago they decided to move back to their island anyway….” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Radiation Background 30 mins – “Why do we fear radiation? Is it because so much about it is still unknown, or that it’s often invisible to us? Timothy Jorgensen of Georgetown University explains…Timothy Jorgensen, associate professor of radiation medicine at Georgetown University, Washington DC and author of Strange Glow, joins Nicola Davis to discuss the story of radiation, exploring the varied ways it exists, and dispelling some of the myths surrounding it.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Rapper Bank Robbers 15 mins – “Journalist Michael Gonzales takes a deep dive into the Philadelphia rap community of the 1980s to find out if where the rappers came from held any clues to where they would eventually end up. His article, “How Cool C and Steady B Robbed a Bank, Killed a Cop and Lost Their Souls,” is in the current edition of the online magazine Cuepoint.” At the link find the title, “How ’80s rappers Steady B and Cool C went from musical sensations to murderers, Apr, 2015,” right-click “Media files gonzo.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Rare Books 59 mins – “Catherine Williamson, Ph.D., Vice President, Director of Fine Books & Manuscripts/Entertainment Memorabilia, Bonhams, Los Angeles Dr. Catherine Williamson, who frequently appears as an appraiser for PBS’ “Antiques Roadshow,” is vice president and director of fine books and manuscripts/entertainment memorabilia at Bonhams in Los Angeles. She will talk about the challenges and issues facing appraisers and collectors today, and share stories of some great discoveries on the “Roadshow”—and elsewhere.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Refugee Totals 49 mins – “According to a report from the United Nations released this week, 65 million people around the world were displaced from their home by the end of last year– the largest number ever recorded by the agency. While the majority are people are exiled within their own country around 20 million are refugees. The largest group, not surprisingly, is fleeing Syria. Europe has struggled to cope with the influx of migrants and have moved to close their borders. On this side of the Atlantic, anti-immigrant rhetoric is running high. Susan Page and her panel discuss the global refugee crisis and how governments in the U.S. and around the world are responding.” (4 guests) At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Refugees in Australia 10 mins – “With over 40 years working in trauma, Paul Stevenson believes the conditions of the island camps of Nauru and Manus are the worst he has ever witnessed.” At the link find the title, “Psychologist describes Australian migrant camps as an atrocity, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files current_20160623_44287.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Retirement Plan 68 mins – “Larry Jacobson will describe how to make a meaningful and fulfilling transition from career to retirement. Jacobson is a non-financial retirement transition coach whose coaching program, “Sail into Retirement,” is specifically designed to answer the question “What am I going to do with my time in retirement?” Not accepting that retirement is a time to stop growing, he will describe how he coaches clients to discover untapped passions beyond their previous careers, and combines these passions with the knowledge from their vocations to build a plan of action for a retirement of fulfillment and purpose.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Romanovs 60 mins – “Author Simon Sebag Montefiore discusses his book, [The Romanovs], about the dynasty that ruled Russia for over 300 years.” At the link find the title, “Q&A with Simon Sebag Montefiore,Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files program.441803.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the poop-up menu.

Sake Revolution 56 mins – “Jake Myrick, Co-Founder, Sequoia Sake Sequoia Sake, which produces the first artisan sake (pronounced sa-KEH) in San Francisco, is leading the next revolution in beverages. Sequoia blends the traditional art of making sake learned from Japan, where it has been brewed for more than 2,000 years, with the enterprising spirit and unique qualities of San Francisco. Sequoia produces small batches of hand-crafted, premium sake with full rich flavors. It is part of the new American “micro-sake” revolution. Myrick will help us understand how sake is made and how to enjoy its complex flavors and varieties. Come hear and taste!” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Science History 23 mins – “Those who don’t know history are doomed to reinvent wheels and miss out on great stories! A historian and a young scientist discuss the rewards and importance of learning about the history of science. Dr. Carol Moberg, historian of science and Senior Research Associate at The Rockefeller University, shares some of the stories behind her book, Entering an Unseen World, about the history and development of modern cell biology. She’s joined by Rockefeller University Graduate Fellow Joseph Luna, who lends his perspective on the value of studying the history of science for students and young scientists.” At the link find the title, “September 28, 2013, Making (and Learning) History!” right-click “download” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sea Rise – Norfolk Naval Base 7 mins – “When US Secretary of State John Kerry wanted to push his country to take the lead on climate change, it was no accident that he chose to give a speech in Norfolk, Virginia. Norfolk Naval Station is the biggest naval installation in the world. But, Kerry said last November, “the land it is built on is literally sinking.”That was just weeks before the big United Nations climate change conference in Paris, and Kerry was framing climate change as a national security issue….” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sea Rise in Holland 6 mins – “The Dutch have been the world’s experts at building dikes and keeping back water for centuries. Building dikes to hold back high water is pretty much how the country was formed hundreds of years ago. But the Dutch relationship with dikes is changing. And there’s no better way to see that change than from … atop a dike….” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sea Warming 60 mins – “At the new raw edge of climate change, scientists Peter Brewer (Monterey Bay Aquarium Institute) & John Shepherd (University of Southampton) peek into upcoming Royal Society conference on oxygen depletion in warming oceans. Seasoned space specialist James Kasting (Penn State) explains a possible end, with scalding seas & bacteria as the only survivors.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow on the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sex Offender Prison 50 mins – “Film-maker Rex Bloomstein, who pioneered a British prison television documentary, gains unprecedented access to the largest sex offender prison in Europe, HMP Whatton in the UK. Since the revelations surrounding high profile figures in the UK entertainment industry, there are more sex offenders in English and Welsh prisons than ever before, around 11,600 out of a total population of 86,000. Bloomstein explores the methods used to get prisoners to confront their offending behaviour and to prepare them to go back out into the world.” At the link find the title, “Treating the Sex Offender, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files p03ynx24.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sharing Economy 49 mins – “’The Sharing Economy may be a misnomer. According to expert Arun Sundararajan, this model — from Airbnb and Uber to Etsy and Taskrabbit — is more like “crowd-based capitalism.” And it’s changing our country’s economy and how we think about employment. Sundararajan and The Washington Post’s Emily Badger on the so-called Sharing Economy of today and tomorrow, and what it could mean for the future of work.” (2 guests) At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Slave Women in the Civil War 75 mins – “Boston University professor Nina Silber and her class discuss the roles and lives of women during the Civil War, with a focus on female slaves.” At the link find the title, “Slavery, Women and the Civil War, Mar 2016,” right-click “Media files program.417339.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Slavery in Early America 29 mins – “American slavery predates the founding of the United States. Wendy Warren, author of New England Bound, says the early colonists imported African slaves and enslaved and exported Native Americans….” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

South Pole Rescue 5 mins – “Early Wednesday morning, in the icy cold and pitch black of the Antarctic winter, a small Canadian plane touched down near the South Pole and evacuated two sick workers in a daring rescue mission. It was only the third ever staged at the South Pole during the southern hemisphere’s winter. A Twin Otter turboprop plane retrieved the sick workers from the Amundsen-Scott research station, about 820 feet from the geographic South Pole, a spokesman for the US National Science Foundation, Peter West said. The plane’s crew and a medical team had made the 10-hour journey to the South on Tuesday night to reach two unidentified patients, whose medical condition could not be treated on site. The planes picked up the patients and touched back down at Rothera, a British base in Antarctica about 1,500 miles away from the South Pole station, Wednesday Eastern time…” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Space Colonies 30 mins – “In 1968, an Italian industrialist and a Scottish scientist started a club to address what they considered to be humankind’s greatest problems—issues like pollution, resource scarcity, and overpopulation. Meeting in Rome, Italy, the group came to be known as the Club of Rome and it grew to include politicians, scientists, economists and business leaders from around the world. Together with a group of MIT researchers doing computer modeling, The Club of Rome concluded that sometime in the 21st century, earth would reach its carrying capacity—that resources would not keep up with population—and there would be a massive collapse of global society. In 1972, the Club of Rome published a book outlining their findings called The Limits to Growth. The book became a bestseller and was translated into more than two dozen languages. It had its critics and detractors, but overall The Limits to Growth was incredibly influential, shaping environmental politics and pop culture for years to come. There was a growing sense that limits would need to be put in place in order to regulate populations and economic growth. But in the midst of the debate, a physicist named Gerard (Gerry) O’Neill suggested a solution—one that would ask us to look beyond planet earth and into outer space. O’Neill wanted to build vast human settlements in space. And although he wasn’t the first to imagine humans living there, he was the first to come up with technologically feasible designs for habitats….” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow under the title and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Space Station Scientists 16 mins – “On 6 July, the spacecraft Soyuz MS-01 is scheduled to blast-off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, headed for the International Space Station (ISS). On board, will be Dr Kate Rubins, who, along with Anatoli Ivanishin and Takuya Onishi, will be part of the 48th expedition to the ISS, due to return in November this year. Before training with NASA, Kate worked as a microbiologist, most recently at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where she worked on emerging viruses such as the Ebola and Lassa viruses. For this month’s podcast, we caught up with Kate as she prepared for her mission, and chatted about the experiments she’ll be undertaking in space, what it’s like to train to be an astronaut, and whether a pipette works in microgravity…” At the link right-click “Download episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Stroke Avoidance 11 mins – “Professor Valery Feigin discusses an Article on the global burden of stroke and risk factors from 1990–2013.” At the link find the title, “Global burden of stroke: The Lancet Neurology: June 22, 2016,” right-click “ Media files laneur_160622.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Superconductivity 25 mins – “Keith & Russ talk with Allan J. Jacobson, Professor of Chemistry, and Director of the Texas Center for Superconductivity, at the University of Houston. Jacobson briefly explains the nature of superconductivity – when certain materials are cooled below a certain temperature, they lose all resistance to electricity, they repel magnetic fields, and become perfect conductors of electricity. Though it’s not fully understood how these superconducting materials work, the Texas Center for Superconductivity is looking into ways to get materials to become superconductive at higher temperatures.” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Tax Refund Frauds 6 mins – “Identity Theft Tax Refund Fraud- Audio interview by GAO staff with Jay McTigue, Director, Strategic Issues” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Team Rubicon P2 31 mins – “This week on the Disaster Podcast, in part 2 of a two-part episode, we will be looking at one of the premier disaster response NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in the country and probably the world right now, Team Rubicon. Podcast co-hosts Jamie Davis, the Podmedic, and Sam Bradley are joined by long-time regular Dr. Joe Holley to chat with Dennis Clancy, Deputy Director of Response for Team Rubicon. Dennis is also a U.S. Army veteran. In this two-part episode, Dennis talks about the structure of Team Rubicon and how they work to respond to disasters. We also talk about the origins of the organization and what services they provide. Find out more about Team Rubicon at Check out last week’s episode where we looked at how the team was created and some information about where they’ve responded locally and around the world.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Technology Trends 62 mins – “Futurist, author, and visionary Kevin Kelly talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about his latest book, The Inevitable, Kelly’s look at what the future might be like and the role of the human experience in a world increasingly filled with information, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the connecting of the planet’s population.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Ukraine 27 mins – “Since the start of the conflict in Ukraine, huge numbers of men have been conscripted into service on the frontline. Many are now returning home to a civilian society which has little understanding of their experiences or how the fighting has changed them. Reporter David Stern follows of a group of Ukrainian veterans as they attempt to adjust to life after the war fare. He is with Sasha, a young recruit posted to the frontline, as he experiences an emotional reunion with his family after his demobilisation. But questions remain about his ability to cope away from his unit, and the psychological impact of the fighting. As Europe’s only active conflict in a generation enters its third year, the programme will explore the unique pressures and dilemmas that a huge cross-section of Ukrainian men is facing after demobilisation.” At the link find the title, “Ukraine – Back from the War, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files p03yz6kp.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Underground Railroad 14 mins – “The Remix takes a look at a 150-year-old celebration of freedom called Juneteenth. We speak with Cornelia Swinson, executive director of The Johnson House Historic Site, located in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia. Built in 1768, it is the city’s only remaining “accessible and intact” Underground Railroad stop.” At the link find the title, “150 years of Juneteenth — why you should care about celebrating freedom, Jun, 2015,”right-click “Media files junth-web.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Virology Connection 89 mins – “Hosts: Vincent Racaniello and Alan DoveGuest: Erica Ollmann SaphireVincent and Alan speak with Erica about her career and her work on understanding the functions of proteins of Ebolaviruses, Marburg virus, and other hemorrhagic fever viruses, at ASM Microbe 2016 in Boston, MA.” At the link right-click “Download TWIV 394” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Water Control 14 mins – “A country has to sell what it’s got. Lesotho always had more rain and snow than it knew what to do with. So Lesotho made a deal with its neighbor, South Africa, to buy the water. The country moved rivers and built one of the most impressive water projects in Africa to deliver it. Then the drought hit. All over Lesotho, the grass is dry. The corn is stunted. And cows are dying. Yet the water deal with South Africa still holds. Lesotho promised to sell the water and it has to keep delivering it. On the other side of the water tunnels is the city of Johannesburg, one of the economic engines of Africa. The metropolis grew on water from Lesotho and needs even more of it in the future. And they’ll do just about anything to keep the water flowing. In a world of climate change, there are countries that are rich in water and countries that need it desperately. But the story of Lesotho is a cautionary tale about how water is unlike any other export.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Water from Great Lakes 21 mins – “The decision to allow Waukesha to “borrow” water from Lake Michigan raises concern for the possibility of future water wars between Canada and the United States.” At the link find the title, “Canadian mayors worry that water to Waukesha sets a dangerous precedent, Jun, 2016,” right-click “Media files current_20160623_45562.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Wi-Fi Pioneer Cees Links 64 mins – “Cees Links is a pioneer of the wireless data industry, a visionary leader bringing the world of mobile computing and continuous networking together. Under his responsibility, the first wireless LANs were developed which ultimately became household technology integrated into the PCs and notebooks everyone is familiar with. He also pioneered the development of access points, home networking routers and hotspot base stations, all widely used today. ” At the link click “Download Options,” then right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Women President 52 mins – “When suffragist Victoria Woodhull set her sights on the White House in 1872, women didn’t have the right to vote. She was the first woman to run for America’s highest office, but of course she wasn’t the last. Tuesday, historian Ellen Fitzpatrick joins us to discuss the presidential bids of Woodhull, Republican Margaret Chase Smith in 1964, and Democrat Shirley Chisholm in 1972. We’ll talk about the opposition they faced and how they paved the way for women like Hillary Clinton today… Her book is called The Highest Glass Ceiling: Women’s Quest for the American Presidency” At the link right-click the play button next to “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

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About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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