Media Mining Digest 48 – Oct 12, 2012: Rabies Discussion, Aging (2009), Hacking Censorship, Mobile Device Impact, Banking Debate, Native Americans, Juliet Garcia, Lee Daniels, Marijuana Legalization, Battle for Point Hope, Fracking Canada, Medical Unemployment, Khan Academy, Idea City, Financial Newsletters

The following audio files were selected from a larger group of 131 for the last week. The link to each podcast is at the highlighted topic and reached by double-clicking or ctrl-clicking the topic. All 15 podcasts converted to 1.5x speed can also be downloaded as a single 94 MB zip file here for four months (vs 357 MB, below). Larger collections of these are discussed at the end of this episode.

Rabies Discussion 125 mins – Vincent Racaniello, Alan DoveRich Condit, Dickson Despommier, and Kathy Spindler — medical scientists —  answer reader email about rabies, xenotransplantation, poliovirus, Ph.D. programs, mosquitoes, and much more at This Week In Virology. One suggested link at the web site is for The Podcaster Studio which offers podcasts on the production and marketing of podcasts. Other links offered there are also educational and entertaining. At the link right-click TWIV201 and select “Save Link As” to download the audio file.

Aging (2009)  24 mins –  “Hear how Aubrey de Grey, a British biomedical gerontologist, thinks science can help extend our lives by decades. De Grey spoke as part of Science and the City’s Fall Provocative Thinkers series.” At the link find the title, “The End of AgingFriday, October 02, 2009,” right-click “Media files 100209aging.mp3” and select “SaveFileAs” to download the audio file. A one-hour presentation from 2012 is on YouTube and De Grey’s has links to other material.

Hacking Censorship   21 mins – “The Internet exists and persists on the border between helpful and harmful, between freedom and totalitarianism, access to knowledge and censorship. But as long as technology is adaptable activists will be learning and creating workarounds to spread information and promote change. Enter the Circumvention Tools Hackfest, a four-day bonanza of coders and freedom lovers gathered together to build and improve applications to help activists in repressive regimes get around censorship and surveillance. Correspondent Becky Kazansky attended the Hackfest to find out what kind of tools these “hackers” cooked up. As part of our new series — Drone Humanitarianism: Harnessing Technology to Remotely Solve and Prevent Crisis — she filed this report.”

Mobile Device Impact 83 mins – “In his new book The Mobile Wave: How Mobile Intelligence Will Change Everything (Vanguard Press, 2012), CEO of MicroStrategy Michael Saylor examines the transformative possibilities of mobile computing on business, society, economies and everyday life. Saylor argues that mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablet computers – “the fifth wave of computer technology” – will be indispensible tools for modern life and completely alter how we live.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As.”

Banking Debate   52 mins – “What a difference four years has not made. That was one of the conclusions from a special live taping of APM’s Marketplace and the BBC’s Business Daily’s World Service at New York Public Radio’s Greene Space this week. Marketplace’s Kai Ryssdal and the BBC’s Justin Rowlatt moderated a panel discussion titled: “Are, we the people, to blame: Do we get the banks we deserve?” At the link click on “Download Audio” and select “Save Link As.”

Native Americans   12 mins – “Columbus Day always carries some controversy. In these politically correct times, people who want to learn more about Native Americans, and their side of the story, might be afraid to ask. Host Michel Martin sorts through some of those tough questions with Anton Treuer, who wrote Everything You Wanted To Know About Indians But Were Afraid to Ask.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As.”

Juliet Garcia  8 mins – “Juliet Garcia has made a name for herself as a trailblazer in education. She’s the president of the University of Texas at Brownsville, a college near the U.S. – Mexico border with about 95 percent Latino students. Garcia speaks with host Michel Martin about her career and her commitment to serve the community where she was raised.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As.”

Lee Daniels  13 mins – “Director Lee Daniels is best known for his provocative 2009 movie, Precious. On Friday, he’s out with The Paperboy, starring Matthew McConaughey. It’s about a reporter investigating a murder in the Florida bayous. Daniels tells host Michel Martin why he’s attracted to extreme story lines. Advisory: This conversation may not be comfortable for some listeners.” At the link right-click “download” and select “Save Link As.”

Marijuana Legalization 12o mins – “Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States and around the world. The approach to marijuana enshrined in U.S. law and in the UN drug control regime—complete prohibition of production, sale, and use—is facing unprecedented challenges. Last year Gallup found that half of Americans supported the idea of making marijuana legal, up from 34 percent in 2001. This November, voters in the states of Colorado, Oregon, and Washington will consider ballot measures that would legalize marijuana. Meanwhile, the Uruguayan government has introduced legislation that would legalize and regulate the marijuana market in that country. On October 3, in collaboration with the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), Governance Studies at Brookings hosted a forum examining the renewed debate over marijuana policy in the United States and abroad. A panel of [4] experts, including the authors of Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know  (Oxford, 2012), considered the potential consequences of a shift to legal marijuana, including the variety of regulatory control options, possible federal responses to state-level policy changes, the interplay between U.S. marijuana policy and Mexican drug trafficking and violence, and the significance of marijuana legalization initiatives for the international drug control regime. At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As.”

Battle for Point Hope  23 mins – “Recorded in the days before the exploratory drilling begins off the Alaskan coast, May Abdalla travels to Point Hope, not far from where the drilling will begin, to meet the Inupiat people and to learn of their fears and hopes of an oil-rich future.” At the link find the title, “The Battle for Point Hope,” right-click “Download 11MB” and select “Save Link As” to download.

Fracking Canada 14 mins – “A conversation with Jessica Ernst on fracking for oil by big companies and problems it is causing in Canada and her law suit to resolve some of the issues.” At the link locate the title, “The North This Week, Setember 23,” right-click “Media files north_20120924_45546.mp3″ and select”Save Link As” to download the audio file.

Medical Unemployment 28 mins – “For those of you who can’t find a doctor…here’s an unbelievable situation: more and more young doctors can’t find a job [at least in Canada].  Brian talks to some newly-minted surgeons about how MD unemployment affects them and you.” At the link find the title, ” Unemployed Doctors,” right-click “Media files whitecoat_20120929_49643.mp3” and select “Save File As” to download the audio file.

Khan Academy 52 mins – “Salman Khan is the founder of Khan Academy – a nonprofit that offers free online educational videos. In 2004, Khan was working at a hedge fund in Boston when he began tutoring his cousin Nadia in math. When other relatives and friends sought his help, he started recording videos and putting them on YouTube. Soon his growing popularity prompted him to quit his job and dedicate his time to the Academy. Today, the website offers more than 3,000 videos and practice exercises on everything from algebra to physics. Khan believes this technology can help empower teachers and allow students to learn at their own pace. Diane talks with Salman Khan on the current state of education and the power of online learning.” Links to two videos, a book, and numerous comments are available at the site. You can only listen online, but not download the audio file; however it’s included in the zip file link at the top of this episode.

Idea City  54 mins – “Ideacity is a three day festival of talk, produced and hosted by Moses Znaimer. The focus this year was optimism and pessimism. This episode is about possibilities. Speakers include: neuroscientist David Eagleman, writer Pico Iyer, and biologist Marlene Zuk.” At the link locate the title, “Moses Znaimer’s ideacity, Part 4,” right-click “Download Moses Znaimer’s ideacity,” and select “Save Link As”.

Financial Newsletters  16 mins – “The promises of financial newsletters may be bold, but the outcome is likely to cost you financially and emotionally. They claim to make investing more predictable, while the only thing that is predictable is more money for them and less for you. Learn more in this week’s podcast as Paul discusses the tricks and traps of financial newsletters.  He also announces his upcoming book, “Get Smart Or Get Screwed: How To Get The Best From A Financial Advisor.” (It hasn’t been released, yet.) At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” to get the audio file.

Over 100 feeds are used to prepare this weekly blog, harvested with Feedreader3. The feeds are available as an opm file at Google Docs. A PDF of feeds is also available there. Free Commander is used to compare old and new downloads to remove duplicates each week. MP3SpeedChanger is applied to change playback speed of multiple files as a batch. A speed listening background article is here. Sixty-four podcasts for 2010 and earlier at 1.5x are listed alphabetically in this PDF and can be downloaded in two sections as zip files, Part 1 and Part 2, each holding about 350 MB. For 2011 an alphabetical PDF list of 184 podcasts at 1.5x is available, and the actual files can be downloaded in five segments: Part 1 to 5 (Part 1 – 276 MB; P2 – 291 MB; P3 – 284; P4 – 153 MB, and P5 – 256 MB).  A similar list and downloads for 362 podcasts for Jan-Jun 2012 is here.Those podcasts are grouped into eight zipped files for easier downloading. Multiple parts are used due to a 300MB limit on file size uploads.  A similar group for the last half of 2012 will be available in Jan 2013. A commenter recommended this $1.99 iPhone/iPad app for mobile devices; leave a comment if you try it. Please leave a comment if you have problems with the links and downloads.

Thanks for visiting.

About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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