Media Mining Digest 85 – Jun 28, 2013: Brazil Riots, Charity Economics, Cheese Origins, Chickens, Chinese Language, DIY Finance, Education Reform, Electric Model Plane Basics, End of Life, Facial Recognition, Future Work, Gender Violence, Health Insurance Concerns, Housing for Health, Immigration History, Internet Issues, Mexico Hazards, Military Medical School, Mississippi River, NSA Controversy, Privacy Protection, Privatizing Outer Space, Quadcopters

The following audio files come from a larger group of 145 from last week. Double-click or ctrl-click individual highlighted links. A 141 MB zip file of 25 podcasts converted to 1.5x speed for 10 hours of listening is here for four months vs 803 MB normal speed using topic links, below, for 14 hours of listening.  More groups of podcasts are discussed at the end of this episode.

Brazil Riots 11 mins – “An increase in bus fare sparked protests in Brazil this week. But even though some municipalities are rolling back the fares, people are still frustrated by the high cost of living and poor government services. Guest host Celeste Headlee takes a closer look at the anti-government protests.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Charity Economics 59 mins – “Dan Pallotta, Chief Humanity Officer of Advertising for Humanity and author of Uncharitable talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the ideas in his book. Pallotta argues that charities are deeply handicapped by their culture and how we view them. The use of overhead as a measure of effectiveness makes it difficult for charities to attract the best talent, advertise, and invest for the future. Pallotta advocates a new culture for non-profits that takes the best aspects of the for-profit sector to enhance the mission and effectiveness of charities.” At the link find the title, “Pallotta on Charity and the Culture of the Non-Profit Sector,” right-click “Media files Pallottacharity.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu. A mentioned TED talk of 19 minutes on the same topic by Pallotta is here and can be downloaded by clicking “Download,” right-clicking “Download to desktop (MP3)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cheese Origins 22 mins – “For the third installment of our dissection of the humble cheeseburger A Thought for Food considers a Paleolithic super food that’s still popular worldwide—cheese.” At the link find the title, “A Thought for Food: Bad Milk Gone Good,” right-click “Media files BadMilkGoneGood.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Chickens 52 mins – “Wednesday we’re talking about chickens, an unassuming animal that emerged from the jungles of Southeast Asia to become a global food, often raised by the millions under industrial conditions. But more and more, people in urban settings are keeping small poultry flocks in their backyards as pets and for eggs and meat. We’ll trace the chicken’s natural history with the help of journalist Andrew Lawler. Urban farmer Novella Carpenter will join us to share the joys and challenges of urban chickens, and we’d like to hear your stories.” At the link right-click “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Chinese Language 6 mins – “For foreigners, learning to speak Chinese is a hard task. But learning to read the beautiful, often complex characters of the Chinese written language may be less difficult. ShaoLan walks through a simple lesson in recognizing the ideas behind the characters and their meaning — building from a few simple forms to more complex concepts. Call it Chineasy“. At the link click “Download” then right-click “Download to desktop (MP3)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

DIY Finance 14 mins – “Mike Smith lives by himself in a small house in a small town in Kentucky, near the Ohio River. He makes about $1,000 a month, owns his house outright, and doesn’t carry any debt. He suspects that his brother and at least one but maybe all of his three grown children have stolen money from him… On today’s show, we look at how people create their own financial systems from scratch. Mike has thousands of dollars stashed around his house in different “accounts.” Tamara Bullock and Patricia Hamilton are part of an informal savings club. Miguel Rada has a whole bank in his pocket — he takes deposits from some people and lends to others. Mike’s story comes to us via the U.S. Financial Diaries Project.” At the link find the title, “#466: DIY Finance,” right-click “Media files npr_193246900.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Education Reform 19 mins – “Sir Ken Robinson outlines three principles crucial for the human mind to flourish — and how current education culture works against them. In a funny, stirring talk he tells us how to get out of the educational ‘death valley’ we now face,and how to nurture our youngest generations with a climate of possibility.  Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we’re educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.” At the link click “Download” then right-click “Download to desktop (MP3)” and select “Save Link As: from the pop-up menu.

 Electric Model Plane Basics 82 mins – “This week Daniel prepares to build an acoustic guitar and Lucien takes us through his intro to power systems lecture. If you’re new to electric this is a great place to start.” At the link find episode “ATTF270,” right-click beside “direct download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

End of Life 6 mins – “Thinking about death is frightening, but planning ahead is practical and leaves more room for peace of mind in our final days. In a solemn, thoughtful talk, Judy MacDonald Johnston shares five practices for planning for a good end of life.” At the link click “Download” then right-click “Download to desktop (MP3)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Facial Recognition 51 mins – “…An estimated 120 million facial images are stored in searchable databases across the country. Law enforcement authorities in 26 states are allowed to search these images for crime suspects, victims and witnesses. How facial recognition software and other biometric techniques are being used today.” You can listen at the link, but not download; however, the file is included in the zip collection noted in the introduction to this episode.

Future Work 14 mins – “Economist Andrew McAfee suggests that, yes, probably, droids will take our jobs — or at least the kinds of jobs we know now. In this far-seeing talk, he thinks through what future jobs might look like, and how to educate coming generations to hold them. Andrew McAfee studies how information technology affects businesses and society.” At the link click “Download” then right-click “Download to desktop (MP3)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Gender Violence 18 mins – “Domestic violence and sexual abuse are often called “women’s issues.” But in this bold, blunt talk, Jackson Katz points out that these are intrinsically men’s issues — and shows how these violent behaviors are tied to definitions of manhood. A clarion call for us all — women and men — to call out unacceptable behavior and be leaders of change. Jackson Katz asks a very important question that gets at the root of why sexual abuse, rape and domestic abuse remain a problem: What’s going on with men?” At the link click “Download” then right-click “Download to desktop (MP3)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Health Insurance Concerns 51 mins – “Advocacy groups across the country have launched major campaigns to promote President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act. The aim is to inform uninsured Americans about health insurance exchanges and government subsidies — and persuade them to sign up. Open enrollment in the new programs begins Oct. 1, 2013. It’s estimated that more than 75 percent of uninsured Americans are not aware of the changes ahead. A government report released yesterday questioned whether the exchanges would be ready. Critics of the Obama health law said the report confirmed their doubts. Diane and guests talk about implementing the Affordable Care Act.” You can listen at the link, but not download; however, the file is included in the zip collection noted in the
introduction to this episode.

Housing for Health 17 mins – “In 1985, architect Paul Pholeros was challenged by the director of an Aboriginal-controlled health service to “stop people getting sick” in a small indigenous community in south Australia. The key insights: think beyond medicine and fix the local environment. In this sparky, interactive talk, Pholeros describes projects undertaken by Healthabitat, the organization he now runs to help reduce poverty–through practical design fixes–in Australia and beyond. (Filmed at TEDxSydney.)”
At the link click “Download” then right-click “Download to desktop (MP3)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Immigration History 51 mins – “Immigration has long been an emotionally and politically charged topic in the United States. The Senate last week began debating a bill to reform the nation’s immigration policies. President Barack Obama called it a “broken system” and urged lawmakers to fix it. Some members of Congress are fighting for tougher laws. They, along with many Americans, worry immigrants are taking jobs from U.S. citizens and burdening already strapped social service programs. But a new book [Global Crossings] argues that legal immigration is almost always economically — and morally — beneficial. Diane speaks with [Peruvian] Alvaro Vargas Llosa about immigration.” You can listen at the link, but not download; however, the file is included in the zip collection noted in the introduction to this episode. The one review for the book at the Amazon site is worth reading, too.

Internet Issues 86 mins – “Recent disclosures about the National Security Agency’s (NSA) Internet surveillance practices have sparked national debate as to how to balance online privacy rights with national security protections. But, the most important impact may be felt most beyond the United States’ borders: officials from around the world are increasingly calling for a re-examination of their nations’ relationships with American-based institutions and technology companies. Has the legacy of an open, global Internet been irreparably tarnished by the recent news concerning the NSA’s surveillance activities? How has trust in the multi-stakeholder Internet governance model suffered? And how might online surveillance programs such as the NSA’s impact Internet governance?” At the link click the audio tab, “right-click” download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mexico Hazards 18 mins – “Alfredo Corchado, the Mexico bureau chief of the Dallas Morning News, has dedicated his life to investigating government corruption, murders and ruthless drug cartels in his native Mexico. He received death threats multiple times, and doesn’t feel safe, but he says he has “learned to embrace the fear.” Corchado, an American citizen, has written a memoir about the complicated relationship he has with the country of his birth, entitled, Midnight in Mexico: A Reporter’s Journey Through a Country’s Descent into Darkness. Speaking about his book on NPR’s Tell Me More, he explains the title by saying that sometimes the darkest moment at night is when you really believe in the promise of a new day.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Military Medical School 44 mins – “Dr. Saguil now works at the ‘Military Medical School,’ located in Bethesda, MD, right outside of Washington, D.C. USUHS [Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences] has been around since 1972 and has graduated 5000 physicians. It is an allopathic (MD) granting degree. USUHS is part of the AMCAS application which is used to apply to the majority (except for Texas) allopathic medical schools. USUHS doesn’t charge for applying! But that doesn’t mean you should apply, just because it’s free. You should truly have an interest/desire to be part of something bigger/something other than yourself.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mississippi River 52mins – “The Mississippi River is central to the American landscape and imagination. And for centuries, it has served as a battlefield in which our most complicated social and economic struggles have played out. So in this episode, the Guys set out to explore the Mississippi’s mighty imprint on American life. From technological tales and political intrigues, to the personal stories of those caught up in the river’s thrall, they discover the crucial role the river has played in the American story – how access to its waters has both united and divided the country, and how it has always proved resistant to our full control.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” fromt   pop-up menu.

NSA Controversy 104 mins –  Leo Laporte, John C. Dvorak, Mike Elgan, Nilay Patel, and Joanna Stern for the first hour of this this TWIT episode discuss the implications of issues raised by Government gathering of cyber data, followed by smart spy phones, patent troll wars, Snapchat mofos, and more. At the link right-click “Audio” beside the down-pointing arrow.

Privacy Protection 52 mins – “Whatever your take on the recent revelations about government spying on our phone calls and Internet activity, there’s no denying that Big Brother is bigger and less brotherly than we thought. What’s the resulting cost to our privacy — and more so, our democracy? Lawrence Lessig, professor of law and director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University and founder of Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society, discusses the implications of our government’s actions, Edward Snowden’s role in leaking the information, and steps we must take to better protect our privacy.” A related 18 minute TED talk by Prof Lessig is mentioned.  For the TED talk click “Download” then right-click “Download to desktop (MP3)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.  Also, at this item’s link, find the title “Full Show: Big Brother’s Prying Eyes,” right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Privatizing Outer Space 60 mins – “President and Chief Engineer at Planetary Resources, Chris Lewicki is today’s guest. Back the Planetary Resources Kickstarter for ARKYD, the first publicly accessible space telescope.”  At the link right-click “Audio” beside the download arrow and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Quadcopters 16 mins – “In a robot lab at TEDGlobal, Raffaello D’Andrea demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes, solving physical problems with algorithms that help them learn. In a series of nifty demos, D’Andrea show drones that play catch, balance and make decisions together — and watch out for an I-want-this-now demo of Kinect-controlled quads. Roboticist Raffaello D’Andrea explores the possibilities of autonomous technology by collaborating with artists, architects and engineers.” At the link click “Download” then right-click “Download to desktop (MP3)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sixty-four podcasts for 2010 and earlier at 1.5x are listed alphabetically in this PDF and can be downloaded in two zip files, Part 1 and Part 2, each holding about 350 MB. For 2011 an alphabetical PDF list of 184 podcasts at 1.5x is available as five segments. A similar list and downloads for 362 podcasts for Jan-Jun 2012 is here, and 591 for Jul-Dec here. Podcasts are zipped for easier downloading and segmented due to a 300MB limit on file uploads. (Dead links in old episodes are due to updating; try a current episode.) Over 170 feeds used to prepare this weekly blog are harvested with Feedreader3. The feeds are available in this opml file which Feedreader can import. A PDF list of feeds is here. Free Commander is used to compare old with new downloads to remove  duplicates. MP3 Speed Changer is used to boost playback speed to 1.5x. A speed listening background article is here.  A commenter recommended this $1.99 iPhone/iPad app for mobile devices; leave a comment if you try it. Another is xSpeedChanger. Please comment on any problems with the links and downloads.

Thanks for visiting.

About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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