Media Mining Digest 89 – Jul 26, 2013: 3-D Periodic Table, Broadband Discussion, Church on Genomics, College Fees, Desalination, Exercise, Givers and Takers, Graphene, Maslow and Motivation, Mexican Drug Lord, Mexico Research, Migration Economics, Military Sex Crimes, Music Trends, NLRB, Personal Finance, Premed Princess, Room Temperature Vaccines, Synthetic Biology, Undocumented Immigrant Health Care, Zimmerman Case

The following audio files come from a larger group of 140 from last week. Double-click or ctrl-click individual highlighted links. A 157 MB zip file of 27 podcasts converted to 1.5x speed for 10 hours of listening is here for four months vs 490 MB normal speed using topic links, below, for 14 hours of listening.  More groups of podcasts are discussed at the end of this episode.

3-D Periodic Table 29 mins –  Shiv Khanna, Professor of Physics at Virginia Commonwealth University talks about his career, the concept of a 3-D Periodic Table of Elements and how it can benefit researchers. At the link right-click the small Microsoft square at the right margin and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Broadband Discussion  21 mins – “Following up on our first “Responding to Crazy Talk” episode last month, we decided to publish a second edition this week. Again, Lisa Gonzalez and I respond to real arguments made by those who oppose community owned Internet networks… We deal with the term “overbuilding” and competition more generally to discuss how these arguments are quite detrimental to the best solutions for expanding access in rural areas. The second argument is the classic one that it is simply harder to build networks in the U.S. because we are such a large, spacious country and that statistics from other countries are misleading merely because they are smaller or more dense. And the final claim is that subscribers are generally happy with what they have and do not need faster connections. Let us know if you like this format and what questions we should consider the next time we do it.” At the link find podcast 55 and right-click “…download this MP3…” and select “Save Link As”” from the pop-up menu.

 Church on Genomics 35 mins – “A few weeks ago some of my colleagues and I recorded a conversation with George Church, a Harvard University geneticist and one of the founders of modern genomics. In the resulting podcast, you’ll hear Church offer his thoughts on the coming transformation of medicine, whether genes should be patentable, and whether the public is prepared to deal with genetic data.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

College Fees 51 mins “Getting a four-year college degree can cost a small fortune — even at public institutions. Annual tuition hikes at public and private universities often outpace the rate of inflation. With state funding for higher education decreasing and federal student loans rates rising, many students will be saddled with ever greater debt. For some, high tuition will make the American dream of getting a college degree unattainable. Diane and [4] guests talk about why college is so expensive and what can be done about it.” You can listen at the link, but not download; however, the file is included in the zip collection noted in the introduction to this episode.

Desalination 29 mins – Discussion with Tom Pankratz who “…has participated in the development of some of the world’s largest and most technically complex desal projects, and has been co-chairman of the WHO desalination technology committee, a member of MEDRC’s research advisory committee and a past member of the National Academy of Sciences desalination roadmap review committee.” At the link right-click the small Microsoft square at the right margin and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Exercise  52 mins – “When it comes to fitness and exercise, there’s no shortage of advice out there. Luckily, there’s Gretchen Reynolds, the Phys Ed columnist for the New York Times. Her job is to cut through the chaff and find out what exercises, regimens and diets actually work, and which are simply hokum. She also wants to show just how little exercise you can do to get lots of health benefits. Reynolds joins us Thursday to bust popular health myths and tell us what it takes to exercise better, train smarter and live longer.” At the link  right-click “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Givers and Takers 38 mins – “Nice guys finish last – or do they? Adam Grant, author of “Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success,”  says that giving is the key to success.  At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Graphene 29 mins – Professor Chung Ning (Jeanie) Lau from the University of California at Riverside discusses her career and aspects of graphene .  At the link right-click the small Microsoft square at the right margin and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Maslow and Motivation 27 mins –  Psychologist Abraham Maslow’s theory of human motivation is discussed, sometimes by the man himself.  At the link find the title, “HealthC: Abraham Maslow and his theory of motivation,” right-click “Media files healthc_20130717-2000a.mp3″ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mexican Drug Lord  9 mins – “Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, the alleged leader of the brutal Mexican Zetas drug cartel, has been captured. But will the arrest make a difference in the country’s drug violence? Host Michel Martin asks Alfredo Corchado of the Dallas Morning News.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mexico Research 29 mins – The Executive Director of the US-Mexico Foundation for Science, Guillermo Fernandez, discusses research efforts in Mexico as it relates to neuro-physiology. At the link right-click the small Microsoft square at the right margin and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Migration Economics 76 mins – “Michael Clemens of the Center for Global Development talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the effects of aid and migration on world poverty. Clemens argues that the effects of aid are positive but small. But emigration has the potential to have a transformative effect on migrants from poor countries who emigrate to richer ones. The discussion concludes with the impact of migrants on the host country.” At the link find the title, “Clemens on Aid, Migration, and Poverty,” right-click “Media files Clemensmigration.mp3″ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Military Sex Crimes 51 mins – “For years the Pentagon has been criticized for not doing a better job of reducing sexual assaults in its corps. There were about 26,000 cases of unwanted sexual contact or sexual assault in the military last year. That’s up 37 percent from the previous year – according to the Pentagon’s own report. Yesterday U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand won the backing of two conservative Republicans for her proposal, which would remove sexual assault cases from the chain of command. A rival plan would allow commanders to keep their power to decide which cases to prosecute. A discussion [by four guests] on how to address sexual assault charges in the military.” You can listen at the link, but not download; however, the file is included in the zip collection noted in the introduction to this episode.

Music Trends  52 mins – “…we’re taking the pulse of music in the year 2013 with Bob Boilen, the host of NPR’s All Songs Considered. Boilen has noticed a couple emerging trends this year: influential bands from the 90s – like My Bloody Valentine and The Pixies – are making great records again; and a trio of talented acoustic guitar players are putting their stamp on a unique new sound. We’ll talk about that, plus the sexiest music ever, glam rock remade as 1920s jazz, the phenomenal new album from Vampire Weekend, and lots more.” At the link right-click “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

NLRB 51 mins – “America in the early 1930s was the scene of widespread labor unrest. Several prominent strikes erupted in violence and threatened the struggling economy. Then in 1935, Congress passed the National Labor Relations Act. The new law guaranteed workers the right to organize and bargain collectively. For decades, the NLRB functioned as a middle ground between labor and business. But recessions and globalization led to calls by some conservatives to defund the agency. Supporters argue the NLRB is the only agency that protects workers’ rights. Diane and [3] guests discuss politics, policy-making and the NLRB.” You can listen at the link, but not download; however, the file is included in the zip collection noted in the introduction to this episode.

Personal Finance 50 mins – “This month, we’re devoting Marketplace Money to the basics — topics like banking, investing, and credit. Saving is probably the most simple concept in personal finance. There’s no algorithm. No elaborate jargon. Just take a portion of what you earn and put it aside. But that’s the finance part of it. The personal is where we run into trouble. This week, how we save, strategies on savings and more. Plus, we take a global tour from Beijing to Brazil to Britain and back home to see how different cultures approach saving cash. And, how did the piggy bank become the icon of saving?” At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Premed Princess 38 mins – “The world of Twitter is very confusing to most. I even thought it was the weirdest thing when it came out. I signed up for a personal account very early on and never used it, because I never knew it’s power…. One of the earlier people I saw on Twitter, sharing advice and retweeting fun pictures and stories of other premeds was @PremedPrincess_. She’s a premed twitter star with over 9,000 followers (as of this publishing). I reached out to her to find out who she is….” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Room Temperature Vaccines 14 mins – “Spotlight on Local Innovators: Michael Schrader is CEO of Vaxess Technologies, a start-up that makes it possible for vaccines to be shipped all over the world without refrigeration.” At the link right-click “download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Synthetic Biology 47 mins – “Synthetic biology is likely to have a profound impact on our future health, the environment and how scientists relate to society – and Imperial College London is at the forefront of this exciting new field in Europe. In this week’s show Alok Jha attends the sixth international meeting on synthetic biology, which took place at Imperial. Prof Paul Freemont and Professor Richard Kitney, co-directors of the EPSRC Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation at Imperial, explained why synthetic biology has become so important for industry in such a short time. The conference hosted a diverse range of scientists, academics and artists. Alok interviewed designer Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg about collaborating with bio-engineers and scientists in imagining future applications and consequences of this emerging technology; Dr Tom Ellis, of Imperial College London, and Dr Leslie Mitchell, of Johns Hopkins University, about their work creating a synthetic yeast; Prof Farren Issacs from Yale University about new tools he is designing for biomedical research; and biological conservationist and consultant Kent Redford on using synthetic biology to preserve the world’s biodiversity.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Undocumented Immigrant Health Care 22 mins – “It is a time of immense change in U.S. health care and immigration policy. On the cusp of major insurance expansions under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Congress is now debating a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants. Understanding what will (and won’t) change under the ACA and immigration reform is critical to crafting sensible health policy in this realm. Despite a flurry of political activity, health care for undocumented immigrants remains a patchwork with gaping holes, and that reality is unlikely to change much over the coming decade.” At the link right-click “Download” (under the authors photo) and select “Save link as” from the pop-up menu.

Zimmerman Case 173 mins tot –  Part 1 12 mins – “The verdict in the George Zimmerman trial raises questions about the legal strategies, the strength of the evidence, and the role of the legal system in addressing social issues. Host Michel Martin talks about all this with Georgetown law professor Paul Butler and writer Jenee Desmond Harris.”  Part 2  10 mins – “Host Michel talks about the role race played — or didn’t play — in the criminal trial of George Zimmerman. She speaks with Corey Dade, contributing editor for, and Roger L. Simon, founder of PJ Media.”  Part 3 6 mins – “Host Michel Martin talks to Robert Zimmerman Jr. about the acquittal of his younger brother, George Zimmerman, in the killing of unarmed Florida teenager Trayvon Martin.”  Part 4 17 mins – “Parents nationwide are wondering how to talk to their children about the George Zimmerman verdict. Host Michel Martin speaks with a roundtable of parents: attorney Glenn Ivey and his wife Jolene Ivey, who’s a Maryland state legislator; author Leslie Morgan Steiner, and blogger Kristen Howerton.” Part 5 12 mins – “The George Zimmerman trial has put so-called “Stand Your Ground” laws back into the spotlight. Host Michel Martin speaks to attorney Leigh-Ann Buchanan about Florida’s ‘stand your ground’ law and similar legislation in other states.” Part 6 62 mins – The Modern Self Protection take: “Technical mistakes and things we can learn — Tactical Mistakes: No Ear Buds, No Flashlight, Exiting his Vehicle, No Intermediate Weapon in Hand, Mumbling During 911 Call, Hanging up with 911, Awareness, Voice Commands, Lack of Ground Fighting ability.  Done Right: Called Police, Was able to access his gun” At each part right-click, then select “Download” and right-click “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu. Part 7  51 mins – “The NAACP is pressing the Justice Department to file federal criminal charges in the shooting death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin. A [5 person] panel joins Diane to discuss what happens next with this case.” You can listen at the link, but not download; however, the file is included in the zip collection noted in the introduction to this episode.



Jan-Jun 2013 files in 18 zip segments (832 podcasts) and a pdf list are here. Jan-Jun 2012 files in 8 segments (362 podcasts) and a pdf list are here, and 591 for Jul-Dec here.  For 2011 a list and 5 segments 184 podcasts. For 2010 and earlier 64 podcasts are listed  in this PDF and are zipped here as Part 1 and Part 2. (Dead links in old episodes are due to updating; try a current episode.) Over 160 feeds used to prepare this weekly blog are harvested with Feedreader3. The feeds are available in this opml file which Feedreader can import. A PDF list of feeds is hereFree Commander is used to compare old with new downloads to remove  duplicates. MP3 Speed Changer is used to boost playback speed to 1.5x. A speed listening background article is here.  Please comment on any problems with the links and downloads.

Thanks for visiting.

About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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