Media Mining Digest 111 – 27 Dec 2013: Affordable Care Act, Aging Workforce, Amateur Enthusiasts, Apps for the Blind, Behavior Modification, Church and State, Craig Venter Interview, Dollar a Day, Dragon Slayers, Ecuador v Chevron, Education Report Card, Fire Management, Geriatrician Interview, Gunpowder Nation, Health Survey, Job Satisfaction, Joy Luck Club, Malaria Research, MOOC with Lab, Neil Gaiman, NYC Public Health, Organ Donors Canada, Physician Assisted Suicide, Puerto Rico Economy, Skin Cell Gun, Stop and Frisk, Styrofoam Hazard, Syria Conflict, T-shirt Cost, Teenage Drug Use, This Week in Law, Working Class Politicians

The following audio files come from a larger group of 196 for this week. Double or ctrl-click individual highlighted links, below, to get single podcasts. A zip file of all 32 podcasts converted to 1.5x speed will download here for four months.  Older groups of podcasts are discussed at the end of this episode.

Affordable Care Act 139 mins – “Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius testifies on the implementation of the Web site.” At the link right-click (there or here) “ Web Site Implementation” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu in the”Podcast of the Week” section.

Aging Workforce 51 mins – “For the last 40 years, the baby boom generation has shaped the American workplace. This trend continues. But today’s boomers are posing a new challenge: how to support a staff made up of workers in their 50s, 60s, even 70s. Next year the youngest boomers turn 50. And older members of the generation are also sticking around. A recent study found that since 2008 the average retirement age increased three years to 62. Those boomers still working estimate that they won’t retire until age 66. Diane and her [4] guests discuss how an aging workforce is transforming the workplace.” You can listen at the link, but not download; however, the file is included in the zip collection noted in the introduction to this episode.

Amateur Enthusiasts 65 mins – Host Leo Laporte interviews Kevin Kelly, founding executive editor of Wired magazine, former editor/publisher of the Whole Earth Catalog, and recently published “Cool Tools: A Catalogue of Possibilities,” he calls a book of possibilities. They also cover hackers, open sourcing, the maker movement, blogs, use of Elance to produce his four-pound book. At the link right-click the down-pointing blue arrow beside “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu to download the audio file.

Apps for the Blind 21 mins – “Smartphone apps expert and In Touch reporter Lee Kumutat and lutenist Matthew Wadsworth join Peter White to discuss the best and favourite apps for blind and partially-sighted users for both the iPhone and Android phones.” At the link for about the next 20 days find the title, “Smartphone apps,” right-click “Download 9MB” and select “Save Link/Target As” from the pop-up menu.

Behavior Modification 34 mins – ” An email pops up in your mailbox: do you open it? B.J. Fogg of Stanford University’s Persuasive Technology Lab is an expert in getting technology to influence our behavior.” At the link click “Download,” then right-click “Download this episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Church and State 58 mins – “…In this episode, the Guys explore the relationship of church and state across American history. We’ll consider the meaning of “freedom of religion” and find out why Baptists in 1802 actually favored Thomas Jefferson’s “wall of separation.” We’ll learn why the dramatic wartime deaths of three ministers – each of different faiths – shaped public ideas about American religion during the 1940s and 50s. And we’ll explore how legal decisions about the relationship of church and state have shaped how Americans understand faith and what it means to have “a religion.'” At the link right “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Craig Venter Interview 16 mins – ” J. Craig Venter, author of “Life at the Speed of Light,” went from surfer dude to one of the first scientists to sequence the human genome. Now he’s working on changing our biology.”  At the link click “Download,” then right-click “Download this episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Dollar a Day 6 mins – “In this installment of the series, “Overcoming Three Hurdles to Saving and Investing for the Beginning Investor”, Stacy continues to look at the hurdle, “I lack the money”, and recounts one of Paul’s experiences where he suggested saving a dollar a day.  Stacy includes a 1-page download and suggests that regularly saving a little bit over a long time can help create a brighter financial future.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Dragon Slayers 28 mins – “The holidays are a time when we share stories of hope and inspiration. On this week’s show, we have two stories of young patients we’re calling The Dragon Slayers.” The first patient is a sixteen-year-old boy with incurable cancer. A journal he prepares during his ordeal up to his death is used to create a play about the process in his honor. The second patient has a double-lung transplant and describes the business of dealing with the medical establishment.  At the link find the title, “The Dragon Slayers Podcast Media,” right-click “Media files whitecoat 20131219_84869.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Ecuador v Chevron 5 mins – “The residents of Ecuador’s Lago Agrio region have been pursuing a case against Chevron oil company. This week, a judge ruled that the Ecuadorians can pursue their case against Chevron in Canada. The residents are trying to collect damages that were awarded to them by a court in Ecuador. They had originally sued Chevron after the company was found guilty — in Ecuador — of contaminating a large area of the Amazon jungle. Chevron was ordered to pay $18 billion in damages. The company refused, saying the ruling in Ecuador was influenced by fraud  and bribery. But now a Canadian judge has ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, giving them a green light to seek a reduced payment of $9.5 billion.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow on the sound bar’s right side and select “Save Link As” from the pop-menu.

Education Report Card 12 mins – “Cities across the country are receiving the latest numbers on how well their 4th and 8th graders are doing in reading and math. Results are positive, but there’s only been incremental changes when it comes to race, gender, and income gaps. Host Michel Martin finds out more.” At the link right click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fire Management 4 mins – “Today, our guest, UH journalist Michael Berryhill, prepares for a rainy day. The University of Houston presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them. Within a year of Hurricane Katrina, three major books were published about the government’s failure to cope with the disaster. But none told the story of local government’s biggest success: the response of the New Orleans Fire Department. The day before Katrina arrived, the department dispersed its firefighters and equipment to sixteen pre-assigned “places of last refuge,” tall, sturdy buildings on higher elevations. Each firefighter brought a three-day supply of food and water. Some of them brought their own boats.” At the link right-click “Click here for audio….” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Geriatrician Interview 31 mins – “In Episode 56, Ryan interviewed Dr. Regina Harrell, a practicing geriatrician and assistant professor in the College of Community Health Services at the University of Alabama. She is the author of a recent article entitled “Why A Patient’s Story Matters More Than A Computer Checklist”, published in November 2013 in Pulse Magazine and also on NPR’s Shots Health News website. First, Dr. Harrell talks about her path into medicine. She talks about her early exposure to nursing homes as a child growing up, as her father was a nursing home administrator. Interestingly, she thought she was going to be an oncologist, but ultimately she fell in love with Geriatrics. She then reflected on her own struggles as a pre-med.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Select File/Target As” from the pop-up menu.

Gunpowder Nation 52 mins – “As America remembers the victims of the Sandy Hook school shooting a year after a lone gunman shot and killed 26 people, including 20 children, Bill speaks with cultural historian and scholar Richard Slotkin about the role of guns and violence in our society. Slotkin is the author of an acclaimed trilogy — including Gunfighter Nation — on the myth of the frontier that has shaped our nation. In an essay following his conversation with Slotkin, Bill talks about the role of the NRA in the firearms debate and looks at a new public service announcement by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a gun control organization.” At the link find the title, “Full Show: Gunfighter Nation,” right-click “Media files Moyers and Company_249_Podcast.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Health Survey 12 mins – “For the first time in decades, America’s obesity rate remained flat this past year, according to the United Health Foundation. Tell Me More host Michel Martin speaks with Dr. Reed Tuckson about the report. Marquette University Professor Andrew Williams, who is developing a robot to help children exercise and make better nutritional choices, also joins the conversation.” At the link right-click “download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Job Satisfaction 42 mins – “Jesse Sostrin, PhD – Author of Beyond the Job Description: How Managers and Employees Can Navigate the True Demands of the Job, consultant, speaker, and expert on the hidden world of work.  From the day you start your first job you quickly realize that your job is much more than what you thought it would be.  You have to understand office politics, identify hidden opportunities, and appease those above you – it’s a lot to handle. But if you can realize where your true potential lies and how to thrive in the environment, you can quickly excel and live a life of happiness, wealth, and meaning.  Our guest this week has spent his entire career (and a lot of time in school!) understanding how both employer and employee can be better off by just having a better understanding of what brings out the best in individuals.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Linked Content As” from the pop-up menu.

Joy Luck Club 32 mins – ” Amy Tan talks to the Guardian book club about the novel which made her name, The Joy Luck Club.” (609 Amazon reviews) At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Malaria Research 97 mins – Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, a virologist, and Dickson Despommier, a parasitologist, review three novel approaches to antimalarial chemotherapy.  Upwards of two billion people are infected with some strain of the malaria parasite annually. Not all of those infected will show symptoms, but a tenth of a percent (200,000) will die. The parasite’s life cycle can be confusing and the friendly banter between the two professors includes several sidebars about the more difficult aspects. At the link right-click “TWIP #64” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

MOOC with Lab 35 mins – “This week we learn about MOOCs with Michael Schatz.   As professor of physics at Georgia Tech, Schatz has been running a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) for Introductory Physics I with Laboratory.  Schatz talks to us about his experience with the class, how the online lab requirements work, and his plans to expand it.” At the link right-click “download” beneath the playback window and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Neil Gaiman 46 mins – “Our Nov. 25 hour with author Neil Gaiman hit on a lot of topics, but we gave plenty of love to his new “Sandman: Overture” series. The new graphic novels, which examine the origins of Gaiman’s classic “Sandman” series, look a lot like the originals, and we were lucky enough to snag a couple of pages of both works for your viewing pleasure.”  “The only people who inveigh against escape are jailers,” J.R.R. Tolkien famously said.  The world’s premier artist of escapism today may be Neil Gaiman. Neil Gaiman wrote “The Sandman,” the dark, epic fantasy praised by connoisseurs as the greatest comic book – 75 issues long – ever written.  He’s heaped with sci-fi and horror prizes – the Hugo, the Nebula, the Bram Stoker – but also with children’s prizes, the Newbery and more.  He’s a literary rock star who also takes the stage – and mines our deep, dark veins.” At the link right-click “Download this story” under the playback bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

NYC Public Health  20 mins – “NYC’s Top Doc on Bloomberg’s Aggressive and Often Controversial Health Mandates: Dr. Eric J. Topol Questions Dr. Thomas Farley on His Provocative Approach to Population Health .” At the link find the title, ” NYC’s Top Doc on…,” right-click “Media files 817850.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Organ Donors Canada 28 mins – “This week…we take a look at organ donation.” in Canada, problems with the process and possible solutions.” At the link find the title, “WCBA Organ Donation,” right-click “Media files whitecoat 20131214_24956.mp3” and select “Save Link/File As from the pop-up menu.

Physician-Assisted Suicide 52 mins – ” This week our lecture is presented by Boston University’s Institute for Philosophy and Religion, and the Boston University Center for the Humanities.  Our speaker is Professor Dan Brock, from Harvard University’s Department of Social Medicine.  Professor Brock’s lecture is titled “Physician-Assisted Suicide and End-of-Life Issues.”  At the link right-click “Download this story” at the left side of the play bar and select “Save Lin/Target As” from the pop-up menu.

Puerto Rico Economy 51 mins – “Puerto Rico has been a U.S. territory for more than a century. In 1917, its people were granted American citizenship. Then in the 1970s, Congress granted special tax breaks to corporations locating on the island. This briefly led to an economic boom. But a change in U.S. tax laws combined with a global recession dramatically altered Puerto Rico’s fortunes. For the past eight years, the island has been in recession with double-digit unemployment and a $100 billion debt burden. Only 40 percent of working-age Puerto Ricans are employed. And more than 100,000 have left for the U.S. mainland. Diane and her guests explore the troubled economy of Puerto Rico and what it means for the U.S.” You can listen at the link, but not download; however, the file is included in the zip collection noted in the introduction to this episode.

Skin Cell Gun 12 mins – “Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Jörg Gerlach, MD, PhD.  Dr. Gerlach is a Professor with the Department of Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Gerlach discusses his “skin cell gun” and its applicability as well as other alternatives for burn therapy. For more information about the Dr. Gerlach, click here. For more information about the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, visit: McGowan Institute Research Site” It is only applicable to burns up to 2d Degree. At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.”

Stop and Frisk 12 mins – “The police chief in Miami Gardens, Florida, has stepped down and the force is facing allegations of racial profiling. For more why the department is under fire and how residents are responding, host Michel Martin speaks with Miami Herald reporter Julie Brown and pastor Horace Ward.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Styrofoam Hazard 29 mins – “Can you think of two everyday materials with a worse environmental rep than Styrofoam and plastic bottles? From production through disposal, these things produce toxic gasses, are major culprits in our single-use disposable culture, and are rapidly invading our oceans and destroying marine food chains. This week’s guests on Sea Change Radio are each working on eco-friendly alternatives to these environmental villains. …Eben Bayer, one of the founders of Ecovative, a company that has developed a mushrom-based alternative to extruded polystyrene foam (more commonly known by its copyrighted name, Styrofoam). …Next, host Alex Wise talks to Rick Eye, CEO of Blue Can Pure Water, a company offering an alternative to those ubiquitous plastic water bottles: on-the-go water in aluminum cans….” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Syria Conflict 46 mins – “From the early days of the conflict – now civil war – in Syria, American assertions have been loud and wrong.  The dictator Bashar al-Assad would go, said the US.  Years later, he’s there.  Chemical weapons use would cross a red line and bring American punishment, said Washington.  But it didn’t.  Last week, the US just got robbed blind on the Syrian border.  Western-stocked warehouses meant to support moderate Syrian rebels, picked clean by Islamist fighters.  It looked like a last straw.  This hour On Point:  Western-backed, moderate Syrian opposition in, many now say, collapse.” At the link right-click  “Download this story” below the playback bar and select “Save Linked Content As” from the pop-up menu.

T-shirt Cost 21 mins – “Today’s show is the final installment of the Planet Money T-shirt project. In all, each shirt cost us about $12.42. We open up the books and explain how that breaks down — how much went to cotton, how much went to the workers in Bangladesh, and how much went places we would never have imagined.” At the link find the title, “#503: Adding Up The Cost Of The Planet Money T-Shirt,” right-click “Media files
npr 250881548.mp3”

Teenage Drug Use 51 mins – “A new report from the National Institute On Drug Abuse indicates that marijuana use among teenagers has risen slightly and an increasing number do not believe regular marijuana use is harmful. On the other hand, high school students are drinking less alcohol, and are less likely to be abusing prescription painkillers. Cigarette smoking is down, as well. Join Diane for an update with Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute On Drug Abuse on the trends in drug use among teens, the latest scientific research on addiction and what changes to medical marijuana laws in some states may mean for overall use of marijuana.” You can listen at the link, but not download; however, the file is included in the zip collection noted in the introduction to this episode.

This Week in Law 56 mins – “I am pleased to post Show 199, December 4, my interview with Denise Howell of This Week in Law. Denise is a pioneering podcaster/”netcaster” who founded and co-hosts the outstanding This Week in Law. …As the subject of podcasting itself is rarely discussed — indeed, the last major discussion that I had about it was Show #3, in June 2006, with Colette Vogele, it was past time to discuss the state of our mutual interest.” At the link find the title, “Show #199 — Denise Howell,” right-click “Media files
20131202-Levine-199-Howell.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Working Class Politicians 60 mins – “Nicholas Carnes talks about his book, “White-Collar Government,” in which he argues that the socio-economic disparity between elected officials and the citizens they represent reflects an inability of legislators to relate to their constituents.” At the link in the “After Words” section find the title, “Nicholas Carnes, “White-Collar Government” and select “Save Link/Target As” from the pop-up menu.


Jan-Jun 2013 files in 18 zip segments (832 podcasts) hereand a pdf list here; Jul-Jul Dec 2013 files in 13 zip segments (720 podcasts) here, and a list here;  Jan-Jun 2012 files in 8 segments (360 podcasts) and a pdf list are here, and 593 in 13 parts for Jul-Dec here.  For 2011 a list and 5 segments 184 podcasts. For 2010 and earlier 64 podcasts are listed  in this PDF and are zipped here as Part 1 and Part 2. (Dead links in old episodes are due to updating; try a current episode.) Over 180 feeds used to prepare this weekly blog are harvested with Feedreader3. The feeds are available in this opml file which Feedreader can import. A PDF list of feeds is hereFree Commander is used to compare old with new downloads to remove  duplicates. MP3 Speed Changer is used to boost playback speed to 1.5x. A speed listening background article is here.  Please comment on any problems with the links and downloads.

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About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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