Media Mining Digest 221 – Feb 5, 2016: Afghani Women, African Agriculture Development, Age and Cognition, Aging and Blindness, Aging Issues, Antarctic Activities, Antisemitism, Arctic Changes, Auction World, Australia Energy, Blended Families, Blindness Onset, Bombing vs Ground Troops, Book Publishing, Boycott Value, Categorizing Mental Disorders, Clean Energy Solutions, Climate Tactics, Compassion, Con Artists, Contrarians, Creationism, Crimean Annexation, Data Analysis, Data Collection by Smartphone, Data Overload, Davos Activities, Desalinization, Econometrics, Elderly Architecture, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Engineering Academic, Ethidium Bromide, Female Friends, Feminism Challenges, Flint Water, Foreign Policy Issues, Galapagos, Great Moghul of India, Healthcare Data Visualization, High Altitude Biology, Holocaust Music, Immortality, InfraGard, Interactive Science, Iran Sanctions Removal, ISTE Student Stndards, Knee Replacement Issues, Latino Factor, Legionnaires Case, Levitating Trains, Lying, Marco Polo, Mass Shooting in Canada, Microbiome Changes, Morality Foundations, Murder Trials, Music Recording Deals, National Cyber Protection, National Health Care Trends, Ocean Decline, One child Policy, Opiates Problem in Canada, Organ Invention, Partially Sighted, Patient Experiences, Perception and Action, Pilot Concerns, Planned Parenthood, Poverty Research, Problem Solving, Race Reality, Racial Divide, Radiology, Rasputin to Putin, Reading Process, Refugees, Republican Party Takeover, Research Replication, Rome Underground, Rwanda Mind Control, Scams and Scammers, Silicon Valley Titans, Slavery, Sneakers Market, Social Media Marketing, South Africa Reconciliation, Space History, Stem Cells, Supplements and Safety, Thomas Paine Common Sense, Treasury Department Automation, Vatican Secrets, Water Keepers, World Progress, Zika Virus

The best 99 podcasts from a larger group of 274 for the week are shown below. Double or ctrl-click individual highlighted titles to get single podcasts and explore the source, although it’s easier to get all of them as a zip file here for the next four months.  A collection of over 8000 similar podcasts grouped by topic can be downloaded here,  but you will be limited to a 4GB maximum per download, so twelve of those will be needed to get all files, which total over 45GB and will take  awhile. The first entry of that collection is a text file listing all the titles for quick searches and researching.  All these abstracts have also been assembled alphabetically in three free large volumes at this link and are updated quarterly.  Even more diversity is possible using a podcast aggregator loaded with this opml file of 280 sources so even the discarded podcasts can be downloaded.

Afghani Women 49 mins – “Two years ago a young couple in Afghanistan fell in love. They’re from different races, ethnic groups and Muslim sects. She’s a Caucasian Sunni and he’s an Asian Shiite. They defied their parents’ opposition to marrying and eloped. His family came to accept the marriage, but hers wants her dead – to restore their honor. This Afghan Romeo and Juliet story gained international attention when a New York Times reporter wrote about the couple in a series of articles – and now in a book. We talk to the author, a young Afghan human rights advocate and an Afghanistan expert about honor killings and the struggle many Muslim women are engaged in to win basic rights.” [3 guests] At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

African Agriculture Development 58 mins – “In a global system that seems to be remorselessly concentrating capital into fewer hands, this lecture will examine efforts to move money the other way in order to promote food security, with particular reference to Ethiopia.” At the link click “Download” to get the file.

Age and Cognition 88 mins – “ Decline in cognition with age and brain is not inevitable; there is considerable variability in how much and how fast. UCSF doctors explore age-related declines, their causes and how to tell if cognitive changes are because of aging or something else. Recorded on 10/21/2015. (#30138)” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Aging and Blindness 19 mins – “The RNIB and Age Concern are worried that social care for older, blind people is steadily declining. They outline their evidence and explain how they think things could be improved. We get reaction to last week’s item about the need for a stylish symbol to indicate that you’re partially sighted. And we hear about a blind travel agent who flew three Channel 4 comedians over Ayers Rock himself.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link as” from the pop-up menu.

Aging Issues 65 mins – “Professor Tom Kirkwood, Director of the Institute for Ageing and Health at Newcastle University, explores how the ageing process is influenced by a broad range of lifestyle and environmental factors.” At the link click “Download” to get the file.

Antarctic Activities 57 mins – “In her recent article for Newsweek, “The Big Melt: The Last Antarctic Explorers Are Seeking Answers Inside The Continent’s Ice” (, Nina Burleigh writes: “The history of the planet is held in frozen suspension in the Antarctic. Vertical miles of ice encase air bubbles that hold bits of atmosphere… some dating as far back as a million years ago. Fossil records show the place was once green, teeming with life,…[but now holds] 90% of the planet’s ice…and those 7.2 million cubic miles of ice are now melting at unprecedented rates… Scientists have predicted that even partial melting of the Antarctic ice will raise sea levels enough to force the 150 million people around the world—including parts of New York City, Miami and Mumbai, India—to abandon their homes.” Tune in as Nina shares her first-hand experience exploring Antarctica, and how vital scientific research being conducted there may provide answers to some of the most dangerous unknowns about climate change.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Antisemitism 54 mins – “Anti-semitism has deep roots in France. Recent anti-Jewish demonstrations show that anti-semitism is still a potent force in contemporary France. Philip Coulter talks to scholars, historians and Jewish community leaders in Paris.” At the link find the title, “The Oldest Hatred,” right-click “Media files ideas_20160126_24426.mp3” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Arctic Changes 30 mins – “When we try to visualize the Arctic, we usually think of ice as far as the eye can see. But, unfortunately, that’s changing. This week’s guest on Sea Change Radio, author Roy Scranton, gives us a first-hand glimpse into the rapidly melting polar cap up North. Scranton, who recently took a cruise through Greenland and Northern Canada for a piece published in The Nation magazine, presents us with the many challenges we face as this vast region undergoes vast transformation. Then, host Alex Wise and Scranton discuss Scranton’s book, Learning How To Die In The Anthropocene, and how his time as a U.S. soldier in the Iraq War gave him a unique perspective on climate change and environmentalism.” At the link right-click “Download’ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Auction World 15 mins – “We uncover the secrets of the auction world. There is conniving. There are tricks. Also: Hydraulic hammers.” At the link find the title, “#678: Auction Fever,” right-click “Media files 20160122 pmoney_podcast.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pot-up menu.

Australia Energy Issues 54 mins – “In just over 35 years, the world population is expected to increase by almost 50%, from 7 billion people now to 10 billion. Without change, in less than 20 years enough fossil fuel will have been burnt to increase average global temperature by an average of 2 degrees Celsius. Some areas in the Arctic are already 5 degrees Fahrenheit above average. Urgent action is required. Coal and oil needs to stay in the ground and other sources of power need to be implemented quickly. But such a transition will not happen overnight. So what are the options for Sydney, and other Australian cities? How is it that France became nuclear powered? How has China, with its smog managed to embrace solar power so quickly? The Geological Society of Australia assembled this forum of scientists and engineers to discuss options in Australia and reflect on achievements elsewhere” At the link right-click “Download Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Blended Families 47 mins – “In the old “Brady Bunch” TV show, two families were thrown together by remarriage and blended. It was an icon early in America’s introduction to widespread divorce and reshuffling. Today, a full 40 percent of marriages are remarriages. And nobody thinks blending families is a snap. Some say it can take a decade. Some don’t even like the phrase “blended family.” There are many configurations. Some never blend. This hour On Point, what it really takes to blend two families, or to make a step-family.At the link right-click “Download this story” and select “Save LinkAs” from pop-up menu.

Blindness Onset 53 mins – “…we begin our coverage of the Sundance Film Festival with the story of John Hull. Hull went blind in 1983 and he knew that if he didn’t try to understand this massive change, it would defeat him. So he kept an audio diary of his experiences. While he may have appeared to be adjusting well on the surface, his tapes reveal a desperate inner struggle. Directors James Spinney and Peter Middleton will join us to discuss their innovative documentary about Hull’s journey to a “world beyond sight.” The film Notes on Blindness is written, directed, and produced by James Spinney and Peter Middleton, who also created a series of award-winning short documentaries based on John Hull’s audio diary. Notes on Blindness is screening in the New Frontier category at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival. Spinney and Middleton also collaborated with cross-platform artists to create a virtual reality experience called “Notes on Blindness–Into Darkness,” which gives participants an idea of what blindness might have been like for John Hull.” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Bombing vs Ground Troops 26 mins – “It was widely seen as a stumble on the international stage when PM Trudeau didn’t offer specifics on the pledge to pull Canadian fighter jets out of the coalition that’s bombing ISIS. Today, we look for a clearer picture of Canada’s anti-ISIS plans.” At the link find the title, “Defence minister Harjit Sajjan faces heat over Canada’s anti-ISIS strategy – Jan. 26, 2016 (2/3),” right-click “Media files current_20160126_40256.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Book Publishing 13 mins – “At the American Booksellers Association’s Winter Institute meeting this week in Denver, indie booksellers heard their online nemesis Amazon branded a monopolist and a tax evader. Douglas Preston, who has led the Authors United movement to force the Dept of Justice to charge Amazon with antitrust violations, even told ABA members that the company is a contemporary equivalent of Standard Oil, the Gilded Age giant that finally fell to the trust-busting sword of President Theodore Roosevelt…“Yes, Amazon is the clear market leader. Yes they are brutal negotiators. But if they went away tomorrow, you could still get books and publish easily. You could still exchange ideas, and speech. God forbid a reader should have to patronize Barnes & Noble, or Apple, or Google, or Kobo, or Sony, or Smashwords, or an indie bookstore. “Whatever Amazon is doing, there is still a vibrant supply chain existing alongside them in publishing that has grown by leaps and bounds in efficiency,” Albanese tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally. “In that light, the call for an Amazon action looks to me to be less about the free flow of ideas than about preserving a market position.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Boycott Value 37 mins – “The Montgomery Bus Boycott, the South African divestment campaign, Chick-fil-A! Almost anyone can launch a boycott, and the media loves to cover them. But do boycotts actually produce the change they’re fighting for?” At the link right-click the three-dot bar beside “Que” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Categorizing Mental Disorders 17 mins – “Steven E. Hyman discusses the philosophical issues that arise from attempting to categorise mental disorders with David Edmonds in this episode of the Philosophy Bites podcast.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Clean Energy Solutions 53 mins – “Professor Saiful Islam, of the University’s Department of Chemistry, gives a flavour of the fascinating chemistry behind green technologies such as hybrid petrol-electric cars and fuel cells.” At the link click “Download” to get the file.

Climate Tactics 60 mins “Swedish anthropologist Alf Hornborg says economic crash could empower change to save climate. UK scientist Sergei Petrovskii on new paper: warming die-off of oxygen-making plankton. Robert Shirkey gets climate warning labels on Canadian gas pumps. Radio Ecoshock 160120 “ At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow on the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Compassion 77 mins – “Over the last decade, a quiet revolution has taken place in the sciences of the mind and psychotherapy. Eastern mind training traditions, and Western psychology have come together in an unprecedented fashion, allowing the development of advanced new psychotherapies. Concepts such as mindfulness, acceptance and compassion, which were once typically associated with Eastern meditative practices are now central therapeutic concepts that are being researched the world over… Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is currently considered the best method in existence to treat a variety of mental illnesses ranging from anxiety, to panic, to OCD. However, many people don’t realize that there are a number of different kinds of therapy under the CBT umbrella. Our guest this week is Dennis Tirch, the foremost expert in one of the newest and most effective forms of CBT known as Compassion Focused Therapy….” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Con Artists 26 mins – “Why is it that people who are otherwise smart and rational keep getting sucked-in by the con artist’s magic? From snake oil… to email scams, New Yorker writer Maria Konnikova gets inside the con artist’s head in her book, The Confidence Game.” At the link find the title, “Hooked on a feeling: inside the con artist’s confidence game – Jan 19, 2016 (3/3),” right-click “Download Hooked on a feeling: inside the con artist’s confidence game – Jan 19, 2016 (3/3)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Con Artists 29 mins – “How does the brain of the con artist differ from the rest of us? And how could some of their skills be redeployed for the greater good? Why are we more likely to be tricked when we’re emotionally vulnerable? In The Confidence Game, author Maria Konnikova surveys con artists from different walks of life, from global swindlers to small-time street hustlers. With her, we take a look at the con artist’s shared traits of narcissism, psychopathy and machiavellianism, and Konnikova suggests how some of the skills of the con artist might be redeployed for the greater good.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.”

Contrarians 54 mins – “IDEAS presents some very contrary views from Moses Znaimer’s 2015 ideacity conference: Dr. Amy Lehman on aid & development; Dr. Patick Moore on science & environmentalism; and Alex Epstein on the moral case for fossil fuels.” At the link find the title, “Contrarians, January 2016” right-click “Media files ideas_20160122_51758.mp3” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Creationism 59 mins – “Steve Jones, professor of genetics at University College London, describes why he believes that creationism is wrong and evolution is right at a lecture organised by the Department of Chemistry at the University of Bath.” At the link click “Download” to download the file.

Crimean Annexation 26 mins – “Two years ago in a referendum, Ukrainian-controlled Crimea voted to be annexed to Russia. Two years on, Mother Russia is anything but nurturing as Ukrainian nationals and a Tatar minority leave out of fear and Western sanctions squeeze those who remain. Russian Regrets?” At the link find the title, “Crimeans disenchanted 2 years after annexation – Jan. 26, 2016 (3/3),” right-click “Media files current_20160126_71390.mp3 (MP3 – File, 23.3 KB)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Data Analysis 12 mins – “Does collecting more data lead to better decision-making? Competitive, data-savvy companies like Amazon, Google and Netflix have learned that data analysis alone doesn’t always produce optimum results. In this talk, data scientist Sebastian Wernicke breaks down what goes wrong when we make decisions based purely on data — and suggests a brainier way to use it.” At the link click “Download,” then right-click “Download Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Data Overload 21 mins – “Our friends at Note to Self have just launched a new project called Infomagical, which hopes to be an antidote to “infomania” and a “collective FOMO course correction”. It’s not about your gadgets per se, it’s about all the stuff on them, and all the stuff coming out of them, and getting a grip on the constant stream of information. Through Infomagical, Note to Self hopes to turn your anxiety-inducing information portals into overload-fighting machines. We’re bringing you the introductory episode (listen above). You can visit Note to Self’s page to stay tuned and find out more about Infomagical.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Davos Activities 46 mins – “On this episode of Slate Money, Felix goes to the World Economic Forum in Davos! Felix Salmon of Fusion, Cathy O’Neil of, and Slate’s Moneybox columnist Jordan Weissmann are joined by special guest Jenny Anderson, a Quartz reporter at the conference. They discuss: Their first takes on Davos; Diversity at the World Economic Forum; The $68 Davos burger; And, of course, Donald Trump.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As from the pop-up menu.

Desalinization 15 mins – “Water infrastructure issues are much in the news in the U.S. — not only in the West, where drought continues to take a high toll, but also in other parts of the country, where the water needs for municipalities, energy production, commercial interests, and agriculture intersect and sometimes conflict. In this interview, one in a series of three exploring some of the nation’s water challenges, we talk with Bob Yamada, Director of Water Resources for the San Diego County Water Authority, about the mix of strategies adopted to meet the growing needs of the authority’s customers, and the new Carlsbad Desalination plant. This advanced technology reverse osmosis facility was built, financed, and will be operated through a public-private partnership under a water purchase agreement to serve the region for the next three decades.” At the link right-click “Listen to this episode now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Econometrics 64 mins – “Nobel Laureate James Heckman of the University of Chicago talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the state of econometrics and the challenges of measurement in assessing economic theories and public policy. Heckman gives us his take on natural experiments, selection bias, randomized control trials and the reliability of sophisticated statistical analysis. The conversation closes with Heckman reminiscing about his intellectual influences throughout his career.” At the link right-click “MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Elderly Architecture 48 mins – “Our homes are a resource for us as we age. Though age-friendly design is often about grab bars and ramps for supporting mobility and preventing accidents, it is most of all about living well in our homes. Architect and social entrepreneur Susi Stadler will help the audience discover the potential of our homes to adapt to our changing needs. She will teach us how, by demanding practical, creative and elegant solutions, to arrive at a different way of living in our homes by seeing age-friendly design as a way to enhance overall quality of life.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Eleanore of Aquitane 45 mins – “Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the life, times and influence of Eleanor of Aquitaine (c1122-1204) who was one of the most powerful women in Twelfth Century Europe, possibly in the entire Middle Ages. She inherited land from the Loire down to the Pyrenees, about a third of modern France. She married first the King of France, Louis VII, joining him on the Second Crusade. She became stronger still after their marriage was annulled, as her next husband, Henry Plantagenet became Henry II of England. Two of their sons, Richard and John, became kings and she ruled for them when they were abroad. By her death in her eighties, Eleanor had children and grandchildren in power across western Europe. This led to competing claims of inheritance and, for much of the next 250 years, the Plantagenet and French kings battled over Eleanor’s land…” At the link find the title, “Eleanor of Aquitaine,” right-click “Media files p03gt847.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Engineering Academic 101 mins – “Jon Ellis (@profgears), researcher and professor at the University of Rochester, talks about the rigors of being on the tenure track, doing high precision distance measurement and helping define NIST standards” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Ethidium Bromide 5 mins- “…Originally used as an anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial and anti-viral drug in the 1940s, ethidium bromide has a passionate affinity for DNA, which gives it its medicinal properties. Made up of linked rings of carbon and hydrogen atoms (with a few nitrogens and a bromine ion thrown in) its flat, plate-like shape enables it to easily slip between the rungs of DNA’s double helical ladder – a feat known as intercalation. By locking into DNA like this, ethidium bromide blocks the enzyme responsible for copying out the genetic code when cells, bacteria and viruses reproduce. Not only that, but by slotting into the helix it also changes the way that DNA interacts with UV light, creating that characteristic orange gleam….” At the link right-click “Download: CiiE_Ethidium bromide.mp3” and select “Save Link as” from the pop-up menu.

Female Friends 16 mins – “Legendary duo Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin have been friends for decades. In a raw, tender and wide-ranging conversation hosted by Pat Mitchell, the three discuss longevity, feminism, the differences between male and female friendship, what it means to live well and women’s role in future of our planet. “I don’t even know what I would do without my women friends,” Fonda says. “I exist because I have my women friends.” At the link click “Download,” then right-click “Download Audio” and select”Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Feminism Challenges 60 mins – “Anne-Marie Slaughter is the Washington power player who upset the feminist applecart. At the peak of her career — as first female Director of Policy Planning at the US State Department — she turned her back on her dream job with Hillary Clinton in order to spend more time with her teenage sons. How, cried her contemporaries, could she have sacrificed her high-powered career for her family? Slaughter’s ensuing article for The Atlantic, ‘Why Women Still Can’t Have It All’, went viral, sparking furious debate about how men and women juggle their working lives. Having it all, Slaughter argued, remained a mirage. Women who managed to be both mothers and top professionals were either ‘superhuman, rich or self-employed’. On January 26, Anne-Marie Slaughter came to the Intelligence Squared stage, together with Amanda Foreman, award-winning historian and presenter of the recent BBC documentary series The Ascent of Woman, which charts the role of women in society over 10,000 years. They were joined by neuroscientist and broadcaster Daniel Glaser and Sky News social affairs editor Afua Hirsch, as they examined what real equality might look like for both men and women. Is gender equality a matter of women ‘leaning in’ harder in their careers? Or do we all need to fundamentally rethink the roles we assign ourselves, so that both sexes can break free from traditional gender stereotypes?” At the link find the title, “What Next For Feminism?” right-click “Media files 244413825-intelligence2-what-next-for-feminism.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Flint Water 54 mins – “The economically depressed city of Flint, Michigan, is making headlines across the country because there’s something in its water that shouldn’t be there. You may have heard about the problems in Flint: about how the tap water can be brownish, stinky, funny-tasting. After denying there was a problem for more than a year, state and city officials finally admitted it – there was too much lead in the water. On this hour of Reveal, you’re going to hear the whole story of how people in Flint went from trusting their tap water to fearing it. And thanks to Michigan Radio’s Lindsey Smith, who produced an incredible documentary called “Not Safe to Drink,” we dive right in.” At the link find the title, “Do not drink: The water crisis in Flint, Michigan,” right-click “Media files Do-not-drink_-The-water-crisis-in-Flint-Michigan.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Foreign Policy Issues 57 mins – “Lord Rees-Mogg, former Editor of The Times, gives a free public lecture on the changing international scene.” At the link click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Galapagos 54 mins – “This week, a glaring omission is corrected. The Science Show goes to the Galapagos Islands. Despite being on holidays, Robyn Williams has his trusty recorder and microphone on hand as he takes a boat trip between the islands. Naturalists explain the habits of fish, reptiles and birds and we visit the sites where Charles Darwin was so inspired by what he saw, that it led to the development of his theory of natural selection, explaining evolution and the diversity of life on Earth.” At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Great Moghul of India 59 mins – “Nicholas Fogg describes life at the Court of the Great Moghul, his campaigns, his foibles and his lasting impact on the history of India.” At the link click “Download” to get the file.

Healthcare Data Visualization 55 mins – “Dr Este Geraghty is the Chief Medical Officer of Esri (Environmental Systems Research Institute) in Redlands, California. Having originally trained in Internal Medicine and working as an Assistant Professor of General Internal Medicine at UC Davis her primary focus is now on how healthcare data visualization can change how we deliver healthcare in the modern world. This is an exciting conversation with topics ranging from how technology will guide the patient to the best car parking space to how recent infectious diseases crisis like the ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone and Liberia was managed.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

High Altitude Biology 46 mins – “Like the mutating cells it was trying to investigate, and through a serendipitous series of unrelated coincidences, what started out as a multi-disciplinary UK-based research project to explore the stratosphere using helium balloons somehow evolved and mutated into a high-powered rocketry based research collaboration with NASA Astrobiologists in the Nevada Desert. At the link click “Download” to get the file.

Holocaust Music 27 mins – “Music teacher Francesco Lotoro resurrects the music of Holocaust victims, with the help of the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra. For the past few decades Francesco has been collecting music written in concentration camps from World War Two. Working closely with composer Adam Gorb, together they pick through an archive of 8000 pieces, much of which has never been heard.” At the link find the title, “Raising the Dead,” right-click “Media files p03gnshg.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Immortality 53 mins – “Professor Malcolm Johnson from the Department of Social and Policy Sciences at the University of Bath looks at the changing face of death in an ageing society.” At the link click “Download” to get the file.

InfraGard 28 mins – “InfraGard, one of the longest running outreach associations, represents a partnership between the FBI and the private sector. Members include businesses professionals (including many law firm employees), people from academic institutions, and local participants who share their experience and expertise with the FBI to assist in crime prevention. In the recent climate of rampant cyber security issues, many in the private sector are better equipped to fight these cyber threats. So why is it important for lawyers to know about and potentially join InfraGard? In this episode of Digital Detectives, Sharon Nelson and John Simek interview FBI special agent and InfraGard coordinator Kara Sidener about the way InfraGard works and why lawyers and other law firm professionals should be interested in joining this two-way information sharing platform.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Interactive Science 53 mins – “Professor Stephen Payne from the University of Bath, will discuss how his research combines an understanding of the human mind with the design of interactive systems.” At the link click “Download” to get the file.

Iran Sanctions Removal 28 mins – “After years of isolation, Iran has flung open it doors, at least to foreign investment. How will this affect Iranian-Canadians who have family and friends still in Iran, who have felt the brunt of economic sanctions in the past?” At the link find the title, “How will renewed economic relations with Iran affect Iranian-Canadians? – Jan 29, 2016 (3/3),” right-click “Media files current_20160129_81653.mp3 (MP3 – File, 25.2 KB)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

ISTE Student Standards 41 mins – [International Society for Technology in Education] “We decided to need to … instead of get off the pot. So here we are! Hopefully we still have a few listeners… Mom? Dad? Anyone” [The Tech Chicks recommended these useful and interesting sites: ISTE Standards for Students Draft, Star Wars DC Posters, Nearpod Revisited, ClassKick, Sites for Sources Images on the iPad, NYPL Release of Images, H&R Block Budget Challenge, 50 iPad Apps for Struggling Readers and Writers, 10 Google Add-Ons for Teachers, 5 Makerspace Books You Need to Read, What Was There, History Pin, and Pixar in a Box At the topic link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu to get the podcast.

Knee Replacement 51 mins – “Modern knee replacement is a highly successful operation, relieving the pain and disability of knee osteoarthritis. However, it has limitations and these, combined with the changes in population demographics, present significant challenges for both current and future healthcare systems. Professor Richie Gill’s inaugural lecture ‘What is wrong with knee replacement?’ explores these issues and the research being done to overcome them.” At the link click “Download” to get the file.

Latino Factor 48 mins – “The Latino factor in 2016 and beyond. We’re in California, where Latinos are now the biggest ethnic group in the state.” At the link find the title, “On Point Live: Lessons For The Country In California’s Latino Plurality,” right-click “Media files npr_464328054.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Legionnaire Case 30 mins – “An unwelcomed stranger snuck into the city last summer, and New Yorkers were panicking. A sudden outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease, a type of pneumonia caused by waterborne bacteria, had landed in the city in July… They narrowed down the search to five suspect water coolers in the South Bronx, and shared this information with the public… Though they eventually tracked the source to one cooling tower, they couldn’t be sure. They still needed to grow more Legionella in the lab and match it to the bacteria in infected people to confirm that they had indeed cleaned the right unit, which would take weeks… New legislation was passed that required building owners in the entire city, not just the Bronx, to clean their cooling towers within two weeks. In the public’s eyes, this mass effort was something close to heroic. The deaths stopped, new cases weren’t reported. The whole city seemed to be actively fighting this strange disease. But it was the city health department, quietly waiting for the Legionella to grow in labs, that would truly put an end to the outbreak. Dr. Varma and his team were able to match the bacteria samples to one single water cooler tower on top of a hotel. A tower they had, luckily, cleaned weeks before. At the link find the title, “How to Stop and Outbreak,” right-click “Media files onlyhuman012616_cms569032_pod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Levitating Trains 50 mins – “*sorry about the audio quality* *one guy was in china, and my mic broke and all sorts of bad stuff happened. :(* Erika Ensign, from all the dr. who podcasts, has come on our show so that Darren Peets and Abby Shockley and I can do our best to explain how VORTICES enable MAGNETIC PINNING in TYPE 2 SUPERCONDUCTORS.” At the link right click “Direct download: Ep 61 Levitating Trains.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Lying 54 mins – “Everyone agrees that lying is, generally, a bad thing to do. But it’s actually quite hard to figure out what’s wrong with it! Philosophers Michael Blake, Samantha Brennan, Arthur Ripstein and IDEAS host Paul Kennedy tell us the truth about lying.”At the link find the title, “The Truth About Lying, January, 2016,” right-click “Media files ideas_20160120_85184.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Marco Polo 54 mins – “Almost everything we think we know about Marco Polo – traveller, explorer, the man who brought the wonders of the East to the west – is being questioned. Tony Luppino searches for the real man and story behind the legendary wanderer.” At the link find the title, “Making Maro Polo, January 2016,” right-click “Media files ideas_20160121_23195.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mass Shooting in Canada 23 mins – “It has been a weekend of mourning, disbelief and a multitude of questions, in tiny La Loche, Sask., after a 17-year-old boy was charged in Friday’s mass shooting. Today we’re asking how the tight-knit community is coping and what it needs now.” At the link find the title, “La Loche, Sask., struggle to cope with tragic mass shooting – Jan 25, 2016 (1/3),” right-click “Media files current_20160125_71580.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Microbiome Changes 60 mins – “Why are obesity, juvenile diabetes and asthma increasing? Is it something in the environment or in our modern lifestyle? Dr. Martin Blaser thinks that it may be due to changes in our microbiome – the ecosystem of tiny microscopic creatures that live in and on us. Learn about his hypothesis that some of the greatest medical advances in the 20th century – antibiotics, C-sections and antiseptics- may be having unintended consequences. Dr. Martin Blaser has studied the role of bacteria in human disease for over 30 years. He is the director of the Human Microbiome Program at NYU. He founded the Bellevue Literary Review and has been written about in newspapers including The New Yorker, Nature, Science, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal. His more than 100 media appearances include The Today Show, The Daily Show, Fresh Air (NPR) GMA, the BBC, The O’Reilly Factor, and CNN. He lives in New York City.” At the link you can view the video with many visual aids or right-click “MP3 Audio Only” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Morality Foundations 54 mins – “Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist at the NYU-Stern School of Business. Haidt’s research examines the intuitive foundations of morality, and how morality varies across cultures–including the cultures of American progressive, conservatives, and libertarians.” At the link click “Download options,” then right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Murder Trials 52 mins – “…On this episode of BackStory, the Guys will explore our fascination with courtroom drama. What makes for a compelling case and why have some landmark proceedings received little attention? We’ll consider why so many Americans followed the trial of a young clerk accused of murdering a New York City prostitute in 1836, and why we’re still talking about Sacco and Vanzetti nearly a century after they were sentenced to death. From public hanging in Puritan Massachusetts, to the murder trial of Black Panther leader Huey Newton in the late 1960’s, the Guys will reveal the deep-seated issues beneath American trial-watching.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Music Recording Deals 52 mins – “Stepping away from radio promotion to attend law school, George Gilbert began a record label with the intent of licensing out-of-print R&B titles from Atlantic Records. When financing fell through, George began working on the musical reunion of Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman that would eventually result in the release of the multi-platinum ‘Bat Out of Hell 2’. Listen to part two of Gilbert’s interview as he explains how he convinced label executives that despite having four consecutive flops, Meat Loaf was still as popular as ever. He also tells of how the key man clause in Whitney Houston’s contact saved Clive Davis’s job; why musicians are often afraid to audit their record labels; and how the upcoming battle over copyright termination rights is going to be one fierce fight. Hear this and more, exclusively on Between the Liner Notes.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

National Cyber Protection 6 mins – “DHS [Department of Homeland Security] Information Security – Audio interview by GAO staff with Greg Wilshusen, Director, Information Technology” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

National Health Care Trends 36 mins – “We look at the innovations that are changing the NHS today and asks what science on the horizon will transform the health service in the next decade It employs 1.6 million people, spends more than £4,000 a second, and performed 10m operations last year in England alone. Millions more visit emergency units, have outpatient care, and receive help for mental health problems. This week we’re focusing on the NHS and how science and technology underpin the care doctors can give to patients. Ian Sample talks to Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS England’s Medical Director and professional lead for NHS doctors. Bruce is responsible for promoting clinical leadership, quality and innovation, having previously been a surgeon and physician who specialised in cardiac surgery. And we hear from three specialists from very different parts of the NHS:….” At the link right-click “Download mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Ocean Decline 60 mins – “Arlene Blum, Executive Director, Green Science Policy Institute Liz Cunningham, Author; Environmental Activist From the depths of the ocean to the highest mountain summits, our planet is under assault as never before. From very different perspectives, two female adventurers share their extraordinary worldwide experiences to inspire action to meet urgent environmental challenges that face us now and in the future. Their message is one of inspiration and hope that all of us working together can save and preserve the wild and wonderful environments on our planet. Learn about their work, adventures and inspiration, now and for the future of planet earth.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

One Child Policy 56 mins – “Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Mei Fong talks about her book, [One Child: The Story of China’s Most Radical Experiment], about the one-child policy in China and its impact on the country” At the link find the title, “After Words with Mei Fong,” right-click “Media files program.425831.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Opiates Problem in Canada 26 mins – “Starting in February, codeine will no longer be available without a prescription in Manitoba. How bold of a move is this? And will it be enough to curb abuse?” At the link find the title, “Codeine will require a prescription in Manitoba in February – Jan. 29, 2016 (2/3),” right-click “Media files current_20160129_98633.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Organ Invention 4 mins – “…In the very first years after Alexander, people like Euclid and Archimedes worked in Alexandria. So, too, did one of the greatest engineers who ever lived — a man named Ktesibios. Ktesibios was fascinated by fluid flow — the movement of water and air. He revolutionized the measurement of time when he invented a new water clock. The flow of water into it was held steady by the first feedback-controlled water supply valve. He invented a piston-powered water pump and used it to force water into a closed reservoir where it trapped air. That compressed air could then expel water through, say, a fire-fighting nozzle. Ktesibios was also interested in music. Writer Thomas Levenson tells how Ktesibios solved the problem of supplying air to a set of pipes. He used his water-powered air-reservoir to fill a box that fed the pipes. He created a keyboard that let performers open individual pipes to the air box. In one stroke he’d given us the pipe organ, close to its modern form, over 2200 years ago… ….” At the link right-click “Click here for audio…” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Partially Sighted 19 mins – “Symbols to Say You Are Partially Sighted – News, views and information for people who are blind or partially sighted.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Patient Experiences 59 mins – “…Despite enormous sums spent on health care and extensive training of professionals, patients are largely dissatisfied with the service they receive. A growing body of evidence points to the human experience as a key driver for improved patient satisfaction, health outcomes and loyalty. How can we turn this around? What role can patients, with unprecedented access to health-care information, play in a system that historically has disempowered them? What is a realistic vision of a patient-centric system that delivers both medical care and compassionate health-care journeys? Dr. Bridget Duffy, the nation’s first chief experience officer at the Cleveland Clinic and the leader of the patient experience movement, has spent more than 20 years defining the components of an ideal healing environment. Relentless in her mission to fix this broken system, Dr. Duffy will share 10 ways to restore humanity, respect and trusted relationships in health care.” At the linkr ight-click “play now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Perception and Action 68 mins – “The idea that our brains are prediction machines is not new, but in his latest book, Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind, Andy Clark explores how this idea can be integrated with embodied cognition. The key idea is that while our brains are constantly predicting sensory input, this is intimately tied to action. Perception is active, not passive, and there is an ongoing loop between perception, attention and action. I explore these ideas with Dr. Clark in the latest episode of the Brain Science Podcast. Thanks to Dr. Clark these potentially intimidating ideas are accessible to listeners of all backgrounds.” At the link right-click “FREE audio mp3” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Pilot Concerns and Issues 172 mins – “The crew for this week’s episode is Captain Jeff, Miami Rick, and Captain Nick. NEWS: Retired Alaska Airlines Captain Accused Of Piloting Plane While Under The Influence; ‘Plane wreckage’ found in Thailand fuels talk of missing Malaysian jet; FAA updates flight review guidance; JFK allowed passengers arriving on international flight to exit without going through Customs; German tourist escorted off plane by police after ‘opening emergency exit door just for fun’; It happened again: AA flight diverted back to DFW, airline claims dark runway; FAA Registered Nearly 300,000 Unmanned Aircraft Owners.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Planned Parenthood Cases 48 mins – “A grand jury in Texas investigating Planned Parenthood instead indicted two abortion opponents who made undercover videos of the organization. We discuss what makes an undercover investigation criminal and the ongoing political battle over Planned Parenthood’s role and funding.” [5 guests] At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Poverty Research 52 mins – “The President of the Child Poverty Action Group, Baroness Ruth Lister, gives an insight into poverty research in the UK.” At the link click “Download” to get the file.

Problem Solving 7 mins – “The water hyacinth may look like a harmless, even beautiful flowering plant — but it’s actually an invasive aquatic weed that clogs waterways, stopping trade, interrupting schooling and disrupting everyday life. In this scourge, green entrepreneur Achenyo Idachaba saw opportunity. Follow her journey as she turns weeds into woven wonders” At the link click “Download,” then right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Race Reality 50 mins – “ On Martin Luther King Day, a conversation about racism in America and Black Lives Matter with poet Claudia Rankine and activist DeRay Mckesson. Protesters hold signs at a press conference in front of city hall in North Charleston, S.C., Friday, Jan 8, 2016, in the wake of the release of former North Charleston police officer Michael Slager on bond. Slager was charged with murder in the shooting death of an unarmed black motorist in April 2015. The last year and a half have been hot in a way many didn’t see coming on the subject of race in this country. From Ferguson on, exploding layers of dissatisfaction with the way things are – all these years after the civil rights movement. On this Martin Luther King Day, we’re taking on this new chapter in American race relations with celebrated poet Claudia Rankine and Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson. This hour On Point, America’s next chapter on race.” At the link right-click “Download this story” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Racial Divide 65 mins – “On this episode of BackStory, the Guys will consider how and why Americans throughout the centuries have crossed the lines of racial identity, and find out what the history of passing has to say about race, identity, and privilege in America. We’ll look at stories of African-Americans who passed as white to escape slavery or Jim Crow and find out how the “one-drop rule” enabled one blonde-haired, blue-eyed American to live a double life without ever arousing suspicion. We’ll also explore the story of an African-American musician who pioneered a genre of exotic music with a bejeweled turban and an invented biography, and examine the hidden costs of crossing over.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Radiology 88 mins – “Most cases of kidney cancer are found incidentally by imaging. How can this technology help to not only diagnose but treat? Hear from UCSF radiologists on new insights into cutting edge techniques. Recorded on 11/17/2015. (#30136) “ At the link right-click “Audio MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Rasputin to Putin 38 mins – “Professor David Gillespie, from the University of Bath’s Department of European Studies & Modern Languages, explores Russian culture and the country’s search for a national identity.” At the link click “Download” and select “Save File” from the pop-up menu.

Reading Process 41 mins – “My guest today is Liz Schotter, a postgraduate student in psychology at UC San Diego and one of the most active researchers in the field of reading and eye-tracking at the moment. I reached out to her when I was doing research for the 3rd video in the speed reading series, and the insight she was kind enough to provide really helped to make that video shine. After finishing that video series, however, I still had questions…” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Refugee Health Issues 14 mins – “Etienne Langlois discusses the importance of access to appropriate health-care services for refugees worldwide.” At the link find the title, “Refugees and health-care services: The Lancet: January 22, 2016,” right-click “Media files 22january.” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Refugee Summits 62 mins – “With global displacement at record levels, it is clear that humanitarian protection will continue to be a key focus for policymakers and the international community throughout 2016. This year’s calendar is dotted with a series of high-profile international events related to migration and refugee protection—including conferences in London (February 4) and Geneva (March 30) addressing the fallout of the Syrian civil war, and a pair of summits on refugees and migrants hosted by the United Nations and the United States in September. These high-level meetings could prove crucial in paving the way for meaningful solutions for the world’s forcibly displaced populations. Migration Policy Institute (MPI) experts join the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative on International Migration, Peter Sutherlan, for a webinar focusing on what can be expected to be discussed at this year’s high-level migration summits, and what tangible results might occur. In addition to Mr. Sutherland, the webinar features MPI Senior Fellow T. Alexander Aleinikoff, former UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, and MPI Senior Fellow and Co-Founder Kathleen Newland.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save link as” from the pop-up menu.

Republican Party Takeover 63 mins – “Cliff and Digby discuss Trump and the fracturing GOP. Planned Parenthood developments—good news in Texas, but Ohio still a major battleground. The centrist Democrat leadership terrorized by Sanders, and the concomitant rise of the Bloomberg spectre. Digby: Hillman Award-winning blogger; American political writer and founder of the liberal blog Hullabaloo; contributing writer for Salon Magazine.@digby56 Cliff: President, Libertas, LLC (PR). Bestselling Author: The Real McCain; Daily Beast columnist; weekly guest, The Majority Report; co-founder and part owner of Washington DC’s independent progressive radio station, We Act Radio, 1480AM. Find his firm at and his site at Follow @cliffschecter The 2016 Virtually Speaking Media Panel Avedon Carol, Cliff Schecter, Culture of Truth, David Dayen, Dave Johnson, David Waldman, digby, Gaius Publius, Isaiah Poole, Joan McCarter, Marcy Wheeler, Sara Robinson, Susie Madrak, Spocko, Stuart Zechman” At the link find the title, “digby & Cliff Schecter • VS Sundays,” right-click “Media files digby-cliff-schecter-vs-sundays.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Research Replication 21 mins – “How much of published scientific research is false? Scientists are trying to figure it out.” At the link find the title, “#677: The Experiment Experiment,” right-click “Media files 20160115 pmoney pmoneypod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Rome Underground 54 mins – “Delving into Rome’s past by venturing into what lies below it. Megan Williams goes underground in the city that was once known as the capital of the world. She uncovers the quiet secrets it continues to offer up and the questions that hang unsolved.” At the link find the title, “Underground Rome (Encore March 12, 2015),” right-click “Media files ideas_20160127_49226.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Rwanda Mind Control 26 mins – “After covering brutal conflict and crisis in several African countries. Anjan Sundaram headed to Rwanda to teach journalism. He was excited to be in a country praised by the West for its progressive President. And then he tried actually reporting.” At the link find the title, ‘Bad News’ author exposes repression of journalists in Rwanda – Jan. 25, 2016 (2/3),” right-click “Media files current_20160125_84825.mp3 (MP3 – File, 22.9 KB)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Scams and Scammers 23 mins – “You’ve seen these ads: “You can work from home and get rich. It’s easy. Call this number!” So, what happens when you respond?” At the link find the title, “#680: Anatomy Of A Scam,”Media files 20160129_pmoney_podcast012916.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Silicon Valley Titans 25 mins – “It was a meeting of two American masters: Robert Noyce, who, in inventing the integrated computer chip and founding Intel, willed Silicon Valley into being, and Tom Wolfe, who in holding a magnifying glass over the social and class currents that shape America, rewrote the laws of what it meant to be a journalist. Their resulting Esquire story from 1983, “The Tinkerings of Robert Noyce,” remains one of the most revealing and entertaining portraits of early Silicon Valley and the personalities, imagination, and free wheeling gall that triggered and continue to power the computer revolution. Kara Swisher, who spent two decades covering digital issues for The Wall Street Journal before cofounding the influential technology site Re/code, joins host David Brancaccio to discuss what both Noyce and Wolfe wrought, and how the influence of each—in computers and nonfiction writing, respectively—remains as powerful and mesmerizing as ever.” At the link find the title, “The Tinkerings of Robert Noyce, by Tom Wolfe,” right-click “Enclosure:” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Slave Geneology 46 mins – “Regina Mason’s great, great, great grandfather, a man named William Grimes, was as runaway slave and the author of what is now considered the first fugitive slave narrative. Mason talks about finding out her family’s secret history. [then] Kevin Whitehead reviews two unusual cross-cultural recordings from musicologist Joachim-Ernst Berendt.” At the link find the title, “January 18, 2016 , A Family Discovers Its Connection To An Escaped Slave,” right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Slavery 48 mins – “Kevin Bales discusses the lives of enslaved people and the environmental impact of human bondage. Slavery often exists in places where “the local environment [has] just been destroyed,” Bales says. His book is ‘Blood and Earth.’ [then] Ken Tucker reviews Benji Hughes’ album ‘Songs in the Key of Animals.’” At the link find the title, “January 20, 2016 ‘Blood And Earth’: How Modern Slavery Contributes To Ecocide,” right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sneakers Market 63 mins – “How many pairs of sneakers do you own? Josh Luber of Campless and StockX talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the world of sneakerheads–people passionate for collecting and trading sneakers. Each week people line up to buy classic sneaker models Nike re-releases. Luber has collected millions of transactions from Ebay on these sneakers and others and has analyzed the return to investing in various sneaker models. The conversation includes a discussion of how Nike has helped to create this market and Luber’s work creating a stock market for sneakers and other goods.” At the link right-click “MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Social Media Marketing 56 mins – “Thanks to social media, today’s teens are able to directly interact with their culture — artists, celebrities, movies, brands, and even one another — in ways never before possible. But is that real empowerment? Or do marketers still hold the upper hand? In “Generation Like,” author and FRONTLINE correspondent Douglas Rushkoff (“The Merchants of Cool,” “The Persuaders”) explores how the perennial teen quest for identity and connection has migrated to social media — and exposes the game of cat-and-mouse that corporations are playing with these young consumers. Do kids think they’re being used? Do they care? Or does the perceived chance to be the next big star make it all worth it? The film is a powerful examination of the evolving and complicated relationship between teens and the companies that are increasingly working to target them.” At the link find the title, “Generation Like, Feb 2014,” right-click “Media files 136878864-frontlinepbs-generation-like.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

South Africa Reconcilitation 54 mins – “Judge Richard Goldstone presents the 2015 Vancouver Human Rights Lecture. It’s been twenty-one years since the end of Apartheid. Goldstone reviews the successes and the failures of the African Truth and Reconciliation Commission in his lecture.” At the link find the title, “Reconciliation in South Africa – Richard Goldstone,” right-click “Media files ideas_20160125_37835.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Space History 49 mins – “ Award-winning space historian, Piers Bizony, presents an illustrated account of the Space Age, from the first tiny satellites to America’s colossal project to land men on the moon.” At the link click “Download” to get the file.

Stem Cells 53 mins – “Professor Melanie Welham from the University of Bath’s Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology talks about the benefits of stem cells.” At the link click “Download” to get the file.

Supplements and Safety 56 mins – “FRONTLINE, The New York Times and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation examine the hidden dangers of vitamins and supplements, a multibillion-dollar industry with limited FDA oversight.” At the link find the title, “Supplements and Safety, January 20, 2016” right-click “Media files 242902953-frontlinepbs-supplements-and-safety.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Thomas Paine Common Sense 46 mins – “Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Thomas Paine and his pamphlet “Common Sense” which was published in Philadelphia in January 1776 and promoted the argument for American independence from Britain. Addressed to The Inhabitants of America, it sold one hundred and fifty thousand copies in the first few months and is said, proportionately, to be the best-selling book in American history. Paine had arrived from England barely a year before. He vigorously attacked monarchy generally and George the Third in particular. He argued the colonies should abandon all hope of resolving their dispute with Britain and declare independence immediately. Many Americans were scandalised. More were inspired and, for Paine’s vision of America’s independent future, he has been called a Founding Father of the United States….” At the link find the title, “Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, January 2016,” and click it to download the file.

Treasury Department Automation 65 mins- “In 1997, as a freshly-minted lawyer, Mariano-Florentino (Tino) Cuéllar joined the staff of the Treasury Department’s Office of Enforcement. Almost immediately, he was drawn into some of the fascinating issues that Treasury confronted at the time, from the regulation of electronic money to international policing and anti-corruption initiatives. In this talk, he reflects on his years at Treasury and discusses some of the connections between the challenges he encountered at Treasury then, and some of the dilemmas facing the world today.” At the link right-click “Download the MP3” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Vatican Secrets 86 mins – “ Thanks to social media, today’s teens are able to directly interact with their culture — artists, celebrities, movies, brands, and even one another — in ways never before possible. But is that real empowerment? Or do marketers still hold the upper hand? In “Generation Like,” author and FRONTLINE correspondent Douglas Rushkoff (“The Merchants of Cool,” “The Persuaders”) explores how the perennial teen quest for identity and connection has migrated to social media — and exposes the game of cat-and-mouse that corporations are playing with these young consumers. Do kids think they’re being used? Do they care? Or does the perceived chance to be the next big star make it all worth it? The film is a powerful examination of the evolving and complicated relationship between teens and the companies that are increasingly working to target them.” At the link find the title, “Secrets of the Vatican ,” right-click “Media files 136878961-frontlinepbs-secrets-of-the-vatican.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Water Keepers 57 mins – “On today’s episode of Go Green Radio, we will talk to Marc Yaggi, Executive Director of Waterkeeper Alliance (, about how- in 21st century America- a town of 100,000 people in Flint, Michigan was exposed to extremely high levels of lead in their drinking water. We will talk about the public policy failures, the actions taken by policymakers, how individual residents will be affected, and lessons that every community in America should learn from this disaster. Waterkeeper Alliance is the world’s fastest growing environmental movement, with over 270 Waterkeeper Organizations protecting rivers, lakes and coastal waterways on 6 continents. The organization’s President is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

World Progress 44 mins – “On this episode of Slate Money, Felix Salmon of Fusion, Cathy O’Neil of Mathbabe, and Slate Moneybox columnist Jordan Weissmann are joined by special guest William Easterly, professor of economics at New York University and author of The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor. They dig into: The realities of the developing world; Poor and displaced populations; The World Bank” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Zika Virus 48 mins – “ Health officials are alarmed at the rapid spread of Zika virus in Latin America and the Caribbean. Brazil reported its first case of the mosquito-borne virus last year. Since then, cases have been reported in 21 countries and territories throughout the region. Disease experts suspect the virus of causing an unusual spike of a rare birth defect. It may also be linked to a syndrome that can lead to paralysis. The Centers for Disease Control is advising pregnant women to avoid travel to countries where the virus is spreading. Guest host Indira Lakshmanan and a panel of guests discuss efforts to control the virus and develop a vaccine.” [4 guests] At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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