Media Mining Digest 265 – Dec 9, 2016: Ageing, Aging and Mobility, AIDS Concerns, Albania’s Cannabis, Aleppo Overview, American Progressive Movement, Angies List Founder, Animal Work Rights, Arctic Ice Melt, Bacon Story, Behavioral Economics, Blind Parents, Bronze Age Collapse, California Trends, Canadian Startups, Canadian Shooting Hazards, Cancer Treatment, Cesar Chavez March, Chaos Value, Childhood Adversities, Climate Change, Cold War, Cuban Gay Scene, Dementia Decline, Digital Culture, Disabled in Wheelchairs, Dollar History, Election Rigging, Electoral College, End of Life Care, Energy Defined, Fake News, Female Hazards, Feminism, Fidel Castro, Hair Business, Hate Speech, Health Care in Britain, High Speed Cameras, Jury Selection, Justice System Concerns, Lighting History, Louisiana Justice, Mars Explorer, Mental Health Research, National Security, Navigating Nature, NBC Chimes, Oligarchy Defined, Palm Oil Impact, Pandemic Prediction, Parkinson’s Case, Particle Physics, Phantom Limb Pain, Photosynthesis Improvement, Placebos, Polymer Scientist, Salt History, Science Careers, Sea Rise Reaction, Seminole Wars, Social Enterprise Solutions, Survival Skills for Kids, Thyroid Problems, Trade Policy, Trump, Veteran Affairs Deficiencies, Vitamin D Supplements, Vitex, Voting Fraud in NH, Weapons of Math Destruction, Welfare Roadtrip, White House Renovation, Wilderness Art, Working Women, World War One

Earobics – aerobics for the brain: the 99 podcasts shown below present the best ideas, information and stories from a larger group of 255 for the week for your ears while your hands and eyes are busy. Double or ctrl-click individual titles to get single podcasts and explore the source, although it’s easier to get all the files in zip format here for the next four months.  A collection of over 12,000 similar podcasts, listed alphabetically, can be downloaded piecemeal or in groups here.  You’ll be limited to a 4GB maximum per download, so at least twelve group downloads will be needed to get all files, which total over 45GB and may take awhile. The first entry of this collection is a text file listing all the titles for quicker reference.  An alphabetized collection of all 10,000 abstracts is available at this link and it’s updated quarterly.  Even more diversity is possible using a podcast aggregator loaded with this opml file of 350 sources, so even the discarded podcasts can be found and downloaded. Exercise your ears and let everything else relax.

Aging  35 mins – “On 4th August 1997, Jeanne Louise Calment died in a French nursing home. Born 122 years and 164 days earlier, Jeanne currently holds the record for the greatest fully authenticated age to which any human has ever lived. And with the ever-growing average life expectancy for humans showing no sign of slowing down, how close are we to cracking the code of longevity? Helping Nicola Davis delve into the age-old problem of ageing this week, prominent biomedical gerontologist Dr Aubrey De Grey reveals his unique, seven-step approach to the problem of ageing. We ask Harvard University’s Dr Justin Werfel why programmed death might be a good thing. And we hear how the University of Kent’s Dr Jenny Tullet is using roundworms to reveal clues about the genetics of ageing.”  At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As”from the pop-up menu.

Aging and Mobility 84 mins – “Mobility is important for health. Learn about mobility, activity, function and falls and how these relate to health. Then explore ways to assess and improve your mobility with an activity plan. Recorded on 10/11/2016. (#31552)” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

AIDS Concerns 57 mins – “On the week of World Aids Day, a look at HIV and AIDS in New Hampshire. New preventative methods and ever-improving treatments mean that more patients are living longer, healthier lives. But many challenges remain, including testing and insurance discrimination.” (3 links) At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

AIDS Research 67 mins – “Find out all about the research being carried out at the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR)into HIV, AIDS and related viruses in this episode of the Contagious Thinking podcast on #WorldAIDSday. Read more on our blog here: Listen and find out about the HIV/AIDS problem from the clinical, scientific and veterinarian perspective, all from researchers at the CVR. Here, we speak with Dr Emma Thomson [2 minutes 15], a local infectious diseases clinician and researcherAgeing within CVR, about the continued clinical challenged that HIV and AIDS poses; Dr Sam Wilson [24 minutes 06], an MRC research fellow whose work in fundamental HIV virology enables us to understand how our cells fight back are immune to infection; and Professor Margaret Hosie [45 minutes 42], whose research into FIV, the feline analogue of HIV, may be able to give us some insight into how we could develop a vaccine for HIV.” At the link click “More,” click “Download” and select “OK” As” from the pop-up menu.

Albanian Cannabis 27 mins – “Linda Pressly and Albana Kasapi investigate the ‘Green Gold’ rush in the Balkan nation” At the link find the title, “Albania’s Cannabis Boom, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files p04jn88k.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Aleppo Overview 20 mins – “The Syrian military has announced it has taken control of two more districts in rebel-held Eastern Aleppo. The CBC’s Margaret Evans shares her observations on the many sides of a once-vibrant city ripped apart by an unending conflict.” At the link find the title, “Nov 28: CBC’s Margaret Evans shares ‘apocalyptic’ view of Aleppo, 2016,” right-click “Media files current 20161128_96226.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the op-up menu.

American Progressive Movement 82 mins (2parts) – ”Here we’re going to dig into the beliefs of the original American Progressives (c. 1890s-1920), and we’ll see that they’re a bit different (and more troubling, if you happen to support things like self-ownership and property rights) from what you’ve probably been told about them.” In Part 2 “Those early American Progressives we talked about last time left the United States with a lot of physical and cultural artifacts that seem omnipresent through to today.  Many things that Americans take for granted as timeless examples of Americana are less than a century old and were Progressive innovations, sometimes ironically in light of how many modern-day “conservatives” love some of them.  Some of the details and origins of these artifacts are more troubling than you might think at first glance.” At the title right-click “Download” for Part 1 and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu. Do the same at and for Part 2.

Angie’s List Founder 32 mins – “In 1996, Angie Hicks spent hours reading contractor reviews to members over the phone. Today, the online review and referral service, Angie’s List, is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange.” At the link find the title,”Angie’s List: Angie Hicks, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files 20161121_hibt_hibtpod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Animal Work Rights 27 mins – “They help us see, they calm us down and they can catch dangerous blood-sugar levels by scent alone. Service animals do life-changing work for humans every day. But who’s looking out for them?” At the link find the title, “Nov 30: Should Canadian unions take up the cause for working animals?, 2016,” right-click “Media files current 20161130_60412.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Arctic Ice Melt 4 mins – “…Scientists have expressed shock at the huge increases in temperature currently being recorded in the Arctic. Temperatures for November would normally be around -13 degrees Fahrenheit (-25 Celsius). Instead, this month they have been about 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees C). In addition, sea ice coverage is down 30 percent from levels 25 years ago, and is at the lowest levels ever recorded for this time of year….” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Bacon Story 16 mins – “Chemist Matt Hartings is excited — and a little frantic — when he receives an unexpected invitation to talk about the science of bacon on The Today Show. Matt Hartings is a chemist who works at American University. When he’s not being bossed around by chairs and deans and provosts, he’s more than happy to be bossed around by his wife and three kids. Matt’s research involves putting nanoparticles inside of polymers to make new stuff that does new kinds of things. He also loves food. And the science of food. He’s currently writing a book on kitchen chemistry and will be speaking about a little of that today.” At the link click “More,” right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Behavioral Economics 65 mins – “Every day we work hard to motivate coworkers, friends, family members and, most important, ourselves. Some people believe in positive reinforcement or financial incentives, others in tough love. But what works best? Ariely investigates what lies at the root of motivation—how it works, misconceptions and approaches to making better decisions in our own lives.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Blind Parents 20 mins – “LOOK, the charity supporting parents of blind children is 25 years old. CEO Charlotte Carson talks to Peter White about the legacy left by her parents Jennifer and Gareth Bowen and her aims for the organisation’s future.
Denise Leigh and Joy Addo, also both blind mums, talk about the problem of carrying or transporting babies, if you are blind or visually-impaired.
Charlie also offers her experience as a partially-sighted mum to two young daughters.”
At the link right-click “Download’ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Bronze Age Collapse P1 47 mins – “The Fall of the Western Roman Empire and its aftermath (discussed by me in Episodes 0004 and 0005) might be the most notorious civilization collapse, but it was by no means the first or even the worst example of that phenomenon. Over a thousand years before Christ, an even more dramatic collapse hit multiple Bronze Age civilizations […]” At the link find the title, “Ep. 0027: The Collapse of Bronze Age Civilizations, Part 1, Sep, 2014,” right-click “Media files PCJ_Ep_0027_Bronze_Age_Collapse_Part_1.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Bronze Age Collapse P2 55 mins – “Join Prof CJ as he discusses: Some possible explanations for the collapse, including: disease; seismic activity; climate change resulting in food shortages; mass migration (often violent), including the so-called “Sea Peoples,” who ravaged much of the Eastern Mediterranean before being stopped by the Egyptians; changes in weapons, armor, and tactics that might have allowed barbarians […]” At the link find the title, “Ep. 0028: The Collapse of Bronze Age Civilizations, Part 2, Sep, 2014,” right-click “Media files PCJ Ep_0028 Bronze_Age_Collapse Part_2.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Bronze Age Lessons 47 mins – “Theses are just some thoughts on lessons for us Modern Day folks to be gleaned from the Bronze Age Collapse (c. 1200 – 1000 BC.) (Knock on wood, we think Prof CJ might have finally found a method for recording decent-quality podcasts from the car without spending huge amounts of his largely nonexistent fortune.) Join […]” At the link find the title, “Ep. 0030: Lessons from the Bronze Age Collapse, Sep, 2014,” right-click “Media files PCJ_Ep 0030_Lessons from Bronze Age Collapse.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

California Trends P1 30 mins – “Many believe Gavin Newsom will be the next Governor of the most populous state in the union. Today, in his first in-depth interview since the election, he is our guest here on Sea Change Radio. The former Mayor of San Francisco, and current Lieutenant Governor of California,  Newsom is a nationally recognized pioneer in gay rights, a champion for the environment, and a consistently progressive Democrat. This week, in Part 1 of a two-part series with the Lieutenant Governor, Newsom and host Alex Wise discuss what the result of the recent presidential election might mean for the country, for the Democratic Party, and for the environment. We also talk about California’s energy future, including the decision to shut down the state’s last nuclear power plant and its ambition to achieve a 55% renewable electric grid.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

California Trends P2 29 mins – “How does Gavin Newsom maintain his optimism in the face of all the destructive policies the president-elect might enact? That’s part of what we talk about today on Sea Change Radio in the second half of our discussion with California’s Lieutenant Governor. We also hear Newsom’s ideas on the future of public transportation, including self-driving vehicles, his thoughts on the ongoing drought, and why he is not particularly hopeful for the Delta Tunnels Project.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Canadian Shooting Hazards 15 mins – “Night hunting is supposed to end fatally for animals. But it’s not supposed to kill livestock — and especially not people. In Manitoba, there are concerns hunting at night is becoming too dangerous.” At the link find the title, “Nov 29: Manitoba wildlife group raises concerns over big game night hunting, 2016,” right-click “Media files current 20161129_74182.mp3,” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Canadian Startups 24 mins – “The Canadian startup scene is heating up. Meet three people whose startups are sending seismic signals into industries as diverse as construction, health care and financial services.” At the link find the title, “Nov 28: Canadian startup founders on disruptive innovation, 2016” right-click “Media files current_2016118_30184.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cancer Treatment 22 mins – “Cancer is complicated and it’s personal, but a leading cancer researcher says those are also the keys to a cure. Dr. Pier Paolo Pandolfi shares insights from the forefront of a new approach to studying human cancers.” At the link find the title, “Nov 30: When will we cure cancer? Dr. Pier Paolo Pandolfi says ‘we are doing it every day’,” 2016,” right-click “Media files current_20161130_74199.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cesar Chavez March 10 mins – Dramatized version of California grape boycott march by Cesar Chavez. At the link find the title, “Episode 100 (Peregrinar), Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files thememorypalace.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Chaos Value 26 mins – “Many of us spend lots of time and energy trying to get organized. We KonMari our closets, we strive for inbox zero, we tell our kids to clean their rooms, and our politicians to clean up Washington. But Economist Tim Harford says, maybe we should embrace the chaos. His new book is Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives.” At the link find the title, “Episode 53: Embrace the Chaos, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files 20161122 hiddenbrain_53.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Childhood Adversities 66 mins – “Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., FAAP, Founder and CEO, Center for Youth Wellness Joyce Dorado, Ph.D. UCSF Healthy Environments and Response to Trauma in Schools Jane Stevens, Founder, Publisher, ACEs Connection James Redford, Director and Producer, Resilience—Moderator Resilience is an amazing story of research, understanding and hope for our children’s futures and for ourselves. People hope that every child lives in an safe and healthy environment. Most people know that neglect, abuse and unhealthy environments are damaging to children. The new documentary Resilience is about dedicated people discovering that adverse childhood experiences can lead to poor physical and mental outcomes in childhood and can carry over to life-threatening issues and health risks in adulthood. The film is about new discoveries and research about life, health and hope for people at all ages” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu

Climate Change and Food 58 mins – “Climate change is as much about what we eat as what we drive or where we live. Rising heat is hitting chocolate, wine, beer, bread and other foods we love, while our appetites for meat, fish, and dairy are responsible for a host of unsustainable farming practices. So what’s a climate-conscious eater to do? On today’s program we’ll look at how climate change affects us at the kitchen table. We’ll ask whether all those craft beers, fair-trade coffees, and single-batch chocolates are part of the solution, or whether going vegan is the key to a climate-friendly diet.” At the link right-click Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Climate Change Issues 60 mins – “Climate scientist Paul Beckwith will tell us why sea ice around the world is in retreat, and what it means for our weather. Is it a planetary climate emergency? From the Center for Negative Carbon Emissions, Dr. Klaus Lackner explains capturing carbon from the atmosphere. It may be our best chance.  Radio Ecoshock 161130” At the link right-click “Download…Lo-Fi” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cold War 90 mins (2 parts) “In this episode and the next, we’re going to look at two instances in the early Cold War of American-sponsored and -instigated overthrows of democratically elected governments, and their replacement by unpopular, USA-backed dictatorships.  Of course, I’m talking about Iran and Guatemala in the early-1950s.  This episode will set the context and cover Iran.  Next time we’ll cover Guatemala and consequences of these sorts of operations.” In Part 2 “Encouraged by their success against Iran’s democratic government (covered in last episode), the Dulles Brothers’ next move was against the small central American country of Guatemala, where a left-of-center government appeared to be threatening the interests of the United Fruit Company.” At the title right-click “Download” for Part 1 and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu. Do the same at and for Part 2.

Cuban Gay Scene 9 mins – “As Cuba marks the death of Fidel Castro, journalist James Kirchick looks back on his record on gay rights, from the round-ups of the 60s to the laws that still haven’t changed.” At the link find the title, “Nov 29: Fidel Castro should not be celebrated, says journalist, 2016,” right-click “Media files current_20161129_38542.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Dementia Decline 46 mins – “A new study shows that dementia rates among people over 65 have declined from 11.6 percent in 2000 to 8.8 percent in 2012—a 24 percent drop. This means one million fewer people than expected suffer from the condition. Researchers say the declines seem to be associated with healthier life styles and higher levels of education. The news is decidedly welcome, but the overall public health challenge remains daunting. Five million Americans are diagnosed with dementia today and that number is expected to triple by 2050. Please join us for an update on new efforts to prevent, diagnose, and treat Alzheimer’s and other kinds of dementia.” (3 guests) At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Digital Culture 47 mins – “It’s a familiar scene: parents or grandparents turning to their younger family members for help learning the latest technology or social media. (Diane’s own teenage grandson introduced her to emojis.) And teens are well-equipped for the job: Young people say they feel the pressure to be “always on” and connected more than ever. But digital communication can facilitate as well as complicate teen relationships, including those with older people. This hour, Diane talks with her grandson Benjamin and two experts about how young people use technology to communicate today and what it means for their relationships, especially with older generations.” (3 guests) At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Disabled in Wheelchairs 45 mins – “Co-founder of Motivation, David Constantine MBE, delivers the 48th Annual Designability Lecture at the University of Bath, talking about his experiences as a wheelchair user and creating a charity / social enterprise to give disabled people in the developing world access to wheelchairs.” At the link find click “More,” rclick “Download” and select “OK” from the pop-up menu.

Dollar History 210 Mins (4 parts) – “Why cover this topic?  First off, because the history of money is a lot more interesting than you might  think, and it’s absolutely crucial to understanding the world, past, present, and future. This will be part 1 of a multipart series (right now I estimate it will probably be around 4 parts) covering the history of the United States dollar.  The series will be non-contiguous — ie, interspersed with episodes on other, probably non-related topics.” In Part 2We continue with our non-consecutive mini-series on the history of the US dollar, which has changed repeatedly over the centuries.” In Part 3 “Here it is, another installment in our non-consecutive mini-series on the tumultuous history of the United States Dollar.” In Part 4 Bretton Woods and related matters are presented. At the title right-click “Download” for Part 1 and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu. Do the same for the other parts.

Election Rigging 17 mins – “President-elect Donald Trump said the election was rigged because millions of non-citizens voted (although there is no evidence to support the claim), 2016 Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein has requested audits in multiple swing states with Wisconsin being the first to begin a recount, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign is willing to go along with a recount despite that Clinton allies are, according to Politico, “irritated with Jill Stein.” Even with all of the talk of tampering, the actual chances of voter fraud are very slim now. The past, however, is a different story. In this BackStory short take, the Guys take a look at the history of rigged elections.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Electoral College 46 mins – “For the second time in 16 years, a candidate has taken the presidency by winning the electoral vote, but not the popular vote. The Electoral College is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. But critics have long said it’s an antiquated, even undemocratic system. At various points in history–including after the Gore-Bush election–there have been attempts to abolish the system. Bills to do that were introduced last week in the House and Senate. Few believe they will succeed. Defenders of the Electoral College say abolishing it would have a devastating effect on our constitutional form of government. Understanding the Electoral College-–and prospects for changing it.” (4 guests) At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

End of Life Care 64 mins – “Why do so many Americans die in ways they say they don’t want, suffering and tethered to machines? When Harvard physician Dr. Angelo Volandes had trouble explaining to his dying patient the possible consequences of her treatment options, he walked her down to the ICU. She immediately understood where her decision might lead, and it changed her outlook. Since then, Dr. Volandes has created dozens of powerful videos to support advance care planning and facilitate difficult conversations about end-of-life care. His ground-breaking work has attracted support from the NIH and private foundations, and his efforts have helped thousands of clinicians, patients and families have “the conversation.” Dr. Volandes’ efforts have demonstrated the power of stories and video in helping patients make decisions that reflect their preferences and values. He has applied his approach to large health-care systems and entire states, and his work has been translated into multiple languages. His presentation will include excerpts from several videos as well as from his recent book, The Conversation: A Revolutionary Plan for End-of-Life Care.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Energy Defined 4 mins – “Episode: 1265 Science and the myth of the self-evident truth.  Today, a closer look at scientific knowledge.“ At the link right-click “Download’ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fake News 20 mins – “British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was elected on a wave of social media enthusiasm.  Few imagined it, but Donald Trump is the US president-elect. Now it has been revealed fake news reports were shared hundreds of thousands of times in the lead up to the US presidential election. It has all become possible in the internet age. So what is the responsibility of internet giants Facebook and Google? Has the internet changed the nature of politics and even democracy?… At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fake News 20 mins – “We track down a fake-news creator in the suburbs, uncover his empire of fake-news sites, and get him to tell us his secrets.” At the link find the title, “#739: Finding The Fake-News King, Dec, 2016,” right-click “Media files 20161202_pmoney_pmpod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Female Hazards 76 mins – “Join author Jessica Buchleitner and contributors Silvia Vasquez Lavado (Peru), Nwe Oo (Bangladesh/Burma border), Masha Maslova (Moldova), and Boona Cheema (India) as they offer advice for our new U.S. president to tackle the most prominent issues women face globally. Will the United States take a stand to ratify the CEDAW ordinance? What will be the fate of immigrant women with children and the programs they depend on? Each contributor offers her story and unique experiences serving communities through various means.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Feminism 27 mins – “The BBC’s Katy Watson travels to Los Angeles and asks why feminism is still regarded by many as a word to avoid. Despite an ongoing gender pay gap, and a lack of female business-leaders, why does the word continue to raise an eyebrow?” At the link find the title, “The Taboo of Feminism, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files p04jdc98.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fidel Castro 27 mins – “Cuba’s iconic leader has died – we look back over his life” At the link find the title, “The Life of President Fidel Castro, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files p04j90lp.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Hair Business 8 mins – “You’ve probably heard of a hair shirt — it’s rough, woven out of goats’ hair and worn as penance.  Now imagine a wedding garment fashioned from human hair. Kishore Kumar donned one to make his nuptial vows. The third generation Indian hair trader is just one of the eccentric characters profiled in anthropologist Emma Tarlo’s new book: “Entanglement: The Secret Lives of Human Hair.” Kumar “proudly showed me his wedding outfit and I have a photograph of him sitting in a gold throne wearing it,” Tarlo says. The hair “fabric” had been dyed blonde and decorated with tiny red and gold sequins. “He also had this idea that he was going to start manufacturing hair for all sorts of different uses, such as fertilizer for food, for skin products, and cloth,” she adds. Indeed, human hair has been put to all sorts of uses. In Korea and Japan, hair has been used for the lining of men’s suits. In south Indian Hindu temples, devotees have their heads shaved, and the shorn hair is carefully reclaimed. “It’s immediately put in these safes, locked safes and then it’s all transported up to the sorting workshops where it’s sorted into very precise lengths,” Tarlo explains. “Then about three times a year it’s auctioned off by e-auction to prevent hair cartels and fixing of prices.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Hate Speech 54 mins – “Hate incidents on college campuses have been on the rise recently, raising these questions among college and high school students alike: What’s free speech?  And what’s hate speech? What’s dissent?  What’s a threat?” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Health Care in Britain 22 mins – “Glasgow GP, writer, broadcaster, and The BMJ’s weekly columnist Margaret McCartney joins us to talk about her new book “The State of Medicine: Keeping the Promise of the NHS”. At the link find the title, “ Margaret McCartney wants to fix the NHS, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files 295165548-bmjgroup-margaret-mccartney-wants-to-fix-the-nhs.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

High Speed Cameras 120 mins – “David Kronstein (tesla500) joins us to discuss the design of his high speed camera, the Chronos 1.4. Lots of technical detail about camera sensors, FPGAs and how to put the whole thing together.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Jury Selection 52 mins – “At the trial of James Batson in 1982, the prosecution eliminated all the black jurors from the jury pool. Batson objected, setting off a complicated discussion about jury selection that would make its way all the way up to the Supreme Court. On this episode of More Perfect, the Supreme Court ruling that was supposed to prevent race-based jury selection, but may have only made the problem worse.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Justice Systems Concerns 58 mins – “On this episode of Slate Money, hosts Felix Salmon of Fusion, Cathy O’Neil, data scientist and author of Weapons of Math Destruction, Slate’s Moneybox columnist Jordan Weissmann and special guest, Laura Arnold the Co-Chair of the Laura and John Arnold Foundation discuss the economics of Philanthropy. Topics discussed on today’s show include: -Criminal-justice data and algorithms -The responsibility of philanthropy -Philanthropy in the age of Trump” The Eye in the Sky program is a major item of discussion. At the link find the title, “The Optimism Edition, Nov, 2016,”right-click “Media files SM1663377024.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Lighting History 21 mins – “In this episode: How we got from candles made out of cow fat to as much light as we want. The history of light is the history of economic growth — of things getting faster, cheaper, and more efficient.” At the link find the title, “#534: The History Of Light, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files 20161130_pmoney_podcast113016.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Louisiana Justice 56 mins – “If you can’t afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you – that’s how it’s supposed to work. But in New Orleans, the lawyer in charge of representing poor people accused of crimes is saying no. His office doesn’t have enough money or time to do a good job, he says, so he’s refusing some serious cases, which is jamming up the courts and leaving hundreds of people stuck in jail with no lawyer. His goal? To break the system in order to fix it.” At the link find the title, “If you can’t afford a lawyer, Dec, 2016,” right-click “Media files If-you-cant-afford-a-lawyer_podcast.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mars Explorer 53 mins – “What does it really take to survive on Mars? Neil Tyson interviews Andy Weir, author of “The Martian,” NASA/JPL engineer Adam Steltzner, NASA Planetary Science Director Dr. Jim Green, Sheyna Gifford, co-host Matt Kirshen, Chuck Nice, and Bill Nye.” At the link click the box with “More,” right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mental Health Research 27 mins – “Adolescence is a time when life-long mental health difficulties can first emerge. Researchers in Cambridge have scanned hundreds of teenage brains and combined the data with genetic information to try to work out why this happens. They hope that by identifying factors which increase the risk of developing conditions like schizophrenia, doctors will eventually be able to intervene early. 1 in 5 burn wounds can become infected as they start to heal. But even burns experts can’t tell which patients need antibiotics without removing dressings and swabbing the wound to culture it in the lab. British researchers have come up with a “smart” bandage – containing tiny nanocapsules of dye which “glows” when it comes into contact with enzymes released by infecting bacteria. It’s hoped if that trials prove successful then the dressings will be used to spot infections earlier. A new study has revealed that nearly all costly add-on treatments offered by UK fertility clinics to increase the chance of having a baby through IVF are not supported by high-quality evidence proving that they work.Australian novelist Julia Leigh’s book Avalanche describes her own personal IVF experience.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

National Security 59 mins – “Experts discuss how the United States can better prepare for and protect the homeland with the growing threat of ISIS inspired terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the end of the sound bar and select ‘Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Navigating Nature 52 mins – “Nowadays, there are all kinds of devices to help us find our way through the world. But before all that stuff, before even cartography, humankind was navigating with nature as the guide. The adventurer Tristan Gooley is committed to recovering and teaching the lost arts natural navigation. Rocks, trees, grass, ducks, puddles, clouds, and the wind are all compass hands to him. Gooley joins us Wednesday to share what he’s learned about natural navigation and the joys of learning nature’s subtle signs. Tristan Gooley is the author of several books about natural navigation, including The Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs and his newest, How to Read Water. “ At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

NBC Chimes 18 mins – “The NBC chimes may be the most famous sound in broadcasting. Originating in the 1920s, the three key sequential notes are familiar to generations of radio listeners and television watchers. Many companies have tried to trademark sounds but only around 100 have ended up being accepted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office — and NBC’s iconic chimes were the first.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow under the title and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Oligarchy Defined 48 mins – “Why do organizations, even ostensibly democratic ones, often seem to be less-than-democratic in practice?  The Iron Law of Oligarchy is the answer!” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Palm Oil Impact 13 mins – “Palm oil is found in processed food products including peanut butter, ice cream, chocolate bars, drinks and even cosmetics. Much of it comes from vast plantations on former low lying peatlands in Malaysia and Indonesia. But the replacement of native forests by palm oil plantations brings with it a long list of serious environmental problems. The native peat is a concentrated store of carbon which when dried and burnt, releases large amounts of carbon dioxide. The land subsides and is more prone to flooding by salty seawater. The draining of the peat even affects nearby forests which Burn more often. Peter Hadfield travelled to Borneo and reports for The Science Show….At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Pandemic Prediction 30 mins – “When pathogenic viruses pass from their animal reservoir into humans – known as ‘spillover events’ – the consequences can be severe. For example, it is thought that the West African Ebola outbreak began with an 18-month-old child in Guinea contracting the virus from a wild animal. To prevent future disease epidemics, we need a better understanding of the nature of spillover events, and the viruses involved in them. In this month’s podcast, we spoke to Professor Jonna Mazet, Director of the One Health Institute at the University of California, Davis. Jonna is also the Global Director of PREDICT, an ambitious project that is trying to identify any pathogens that might pose a threat to human health, and working to build capacity in areas of the world that are at risk of disease emergence.” At the link right-click “Download episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Parkinsons Case 12 mins – “When Amanda Buch’s beloved father is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, it sparks a passion in her for neuroscience. Amanda Buch is a budding neuroscientist and visual artist who draws inspiration from the intersection of brain biology and creativity in art. She graduated from Columbia University with a degree in Biophysics and will be pursuing a PhD in Neuroscience. As a scientist, Amanda aims to better characterize and treat the dysfunctional brain circuitry involved in Parkinson’s disease. She has approached this goal over the past five years by studying it from the perspectives of stem cell therapy, molecular signaling, biomedical engineering, and neuroscience. Her most developed work has involved using sound as a therapy for the brain, a technology called focused ultrasound. She has been coauthored in top science journals including Nature. She enjoys applying her understanding of the brain and her artistic abilities to science communication and illustration.” At the link click “More,” right-click “download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Particle Physics 57 mins – “In this inaugural lecture, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Professor Nick Brook, discusses some of the latest results from an experiment that uses the Large Hadron Collider. The Large Hadron Collider beauty (LCHb) experiment studies the decay and properties of particles containing heavy (charm and beauty) quarks, produced in the forward region from proton-proton collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It uses the LHC as an intensity frontier machine and has recorded the world’s largest data sample of beauty and charm particles. This enables precise studies, including discoveries of new states and measurements of their properties.” At the link find the title, “The beauty and hidden charm of the Large Hadron Collider, Dec, 2016,” right-click “Media files 295852932 uniofbath the beauty and hidden charm of the large hadron collider.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Phantom Limb Pain 15 mins – “Max Ortiz-Catalan discusses his trial of using augmented reality, motor execution technology to help treat patients with phantom limb pain.” At the link find the title, “Phantom motor execution: The Lancet: December 1, 2016,” right-click “Media files 01december-phantomlimb.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Photosynthesis Improvement 33 mins – “Increasing efficiency in photosynthesis has been one of the desired goals of plant biology.  A recent paper in the journal Science presents work by a team led by Dr. Stephen Long from the University of Illinois/University of Lancaster.  By overexpressing three genes in tobacco, the plants were able to increase carbon assimilation, showing that there are mechanisms to improve the process.  We discuss the paper, but also its extensions into food security, climate change and future fuels.  Dr. Long’s website is here and his Gate’s foundation project is here.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Placebos 34 mins – “We talk to science writer Erik Vance about his new book Suggestible You: The Curious Science of Your Brain’s Ability to Deceive, Transform, and Heal.” At the link find the title, “157 Erik Vance – The Curious Science of Your Brain’s Ability to Deceive, Transform, and Heal, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files 1124efa8-71cc-46c8-a972-0b97cdcc3d8b.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the op-up menu.

Polymer Scientist 28 mins – “Plastic Bags and the DNA in our cells are both polymers, very long molecules ubiquitous in nature and in their synthetic form, in materials like polythene, perspex and polystyrene. Professor Dame Julia Higgins has spent a lifetime researching the structure and movement of polymeric material. Trained as a physicist, Dame Julia was one of the early researchers in polymer science and throughout her career worked alongside chemists and engineers. No surprise then that she was the first woman to become both a Fellow of the Royal Society and of the Royal Academy of Engineering. In the 1960s with other young researchers she worked at the Harwell Atomic Energy Research Centre in Oxfordshire, one of the first people to use neutron scattering as a technique to investigate how polymer molecules move. Emeritus Professor of Polymer Science and former Principal at the Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College, London, Professor Higgins tells Jim Al-Khalili how she used her influence as a leading academic to improve representation of women in top posts in science and medicine.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Salt History 55 mins – “Neil Tyson and Eugene Mirman explore how salt has been a critical ingredient in history and the development of civilization. Now extended with 12 minutes of Neil and Bill Nye in the Cosmic Crib talking about evolution, Ivan the Gorilla and how bees fly.” At the link click the box with “More,” right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Science Careers 80 mins -”At the Hamilton, Montana Performing Arts Center, Vincent speaks with three local high school graduates and two high school teachers about how Rocky Mountain Laboratories influenced school science programs and opened up “ At the link career opportunities.” At the link right-click “…downloadTWIM#140” and select”Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sea Rise Reaction 5 mins – “… a new report was released with suggestions for how Seacoast communities should prepare for the effects of climate change. The document could influence town planning and development in the region for years. The report came from the Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission, which was created by the legislature back in 2013. It had 37-members representing Seacoast towns, state agencies, and private-sector interests. Their report identifies where the Seacoast is vulnerable to the effects of climate change and suggests a slew of recommendations for how towns and state and local agencies should respond.” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As’ from the op-up menu….” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” nd select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Seminole Wars 107 mins (2 parts) – “This is the little-known story of how Florida became a part of Team America.  (Spoiler:  It wasn’t totally voluntary…)” In Part 2 “Last time, we covered the First Seminole War; this time, we get to the nastier sequel. The Second Seminole war was the US government’s longest and most expensive Indian War.  It also had many parallels to later campaigns in harsh environments against determined guerrilla fighters, and many lessons which, unfortunately, were not learned, as the nation did its best to consign the conflict to the ‘memory hole’ soon after its end.  Long before the Philippines War, and even longer before Vietnam, there was this brutal war…” At the title right-click “Download” for Part 1 and select “Save Link As: from the pop-up menu. Do the same for the other parts.

Social Enterprise Solutions 20 mins – “Social entrepreneur Shaun Loney believes you need to find the problem solvers, not the problems. He shares his practical vision to address issues communities face, transforming lives along the way.” At the link find the title, “Nov 29: How solving community problems with social enterprise is changing lives, 2016,” right-click “Media files current 20161129_36661.mp3” and select “Save Link Ass” from the pop-up menu.

Survivor Skills for Kids 52 mins – “A few years ago, Paul Tough wrote a book about research showing that character traits like grit, self-control, and optimism are critical to a child’s success. Tough’s latest book builds on that research by explaining how to put it into practice. He argues that a child’s home and school environments are the principle barriers to his or her success. Improve the environment, Tough says, and you can improve the child. He joins us Monday to explain his theory of helping children succeed. Paul Tough is the author of the books How Children Succeed and Whatever It Takes: Geoffrey Canada’s Quest to Change Harlem and America. He is a contributing writer to the New York Times Magazine and a regular contributor to This American Life. His latest book is called Helping Children Succeed: What Works and Why.” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Thyroid Problems 58 mins – “On this episode of the podcast, we have guest Elle Russ. Elle Russ is a writer, actor, health/life coach, and host of The Primal Blueprint Podcast. As the author of The Paleo Thyroid Solution, she is becoming the leading voice of thyroid health in the burgeoning Evolutionary Health Movement (also referred to as paleo, primal, or ancestral health). Elle has a B.A in Philosophy from The University of California at Santa Cruz and is a certified Primal Health Coach. She sits on the advisory board of The Primal Health Coach Program created by Mark Sisson, bestselling author of The Primal Blueprint. Originally from downtown Chicago, she lives and plays in Malibu, CA. You can learn more about her at” At the link right-click “Download Epsidoe Here (MP3)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trade Policies 56 mins – “Opposition to global trade was a huge theme in the Presidential election, and President-elect Trump promises to renegotiate NAFTA and ditch the TPP on his first day in office.  We look at the implications of possible Trump administration trade policies for U.S. workers, for our international trading partners, and for the economy.” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.  

Trump and Climate Change 30 mins – “New President elect of the USA Donald Trump is a climate change denier, and so what does his rise to power mean for the environment? Among his early pledges he states: “The Trump Administration will make America energy independent. We will end the war on coal, and rescind the coal mining lease moratorium, the excessive Interior Department stream rule, and conduct a top-down review of all anti-coal regulations issued by the Obama Administration.” He promises to rip up climate deals and get the USA mining and burning fossil fuels again, giving jobs back to areas that need them. Costing The Earth will take each sector and try to predict what the next four years will hold for each energy generator. Is there any good news for the environment or will Trump’s election usher in a return to dirty, polluting, fossil fuel-burning days that we were pulling away from?”

Trump and Trade 47 mins – “Core supporters of President-elect Donald Trump and many who supported Senator Bernie Sanders for president agree on at least one issue. They both believe that globalization and free trade deals have undermined American workers. Now with Donald Trump heading to the White House, prospects for U.S. participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership have all but evaporated. There are also many who believe he’ll make good on his promises to make substantial changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement and impose higher tariffs on other foreign-made goods. Join us to discuss what less free trade could mean for the American workers and the U.S. Economy” (3 guests) At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Trump Businesses 47 mins – “Donald Trump touted his business successes on the campaign trail. Now, as President-elect, his far-flung corporate empire has raised red flags for ethics watchdogs. Trump tried to address this by handing management of his company over to his children – and vowed to keep them out of his political life. But critics say the move hardly addresses the conflicts of interest that could arise in office. And concerns deepened after his daughter Ivana Trump attended a meeting with the Japanese prime minister last Friday, which was Trump’s first face-to-face with a head of state. Diane and guests discuss questions about Donald Trump’s corporate empire as he prepares for the presidency.” At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Trump Campaign Boss 54 mins – “Kellyanne Conway discusses her life working on a New Jersey blueberry farm as an adolescent in the summers and being brought up by her mother, grandmother, and two unmarried aunts. She reflects on how she became conservative through the values her family placed in her and the inspiring reelection campaign of Ronald Reagan in 1984. Brought in by Donald Trump in August, Conway talks about how she told Trump that he was losing but there was a pathway to victory, which she helped the campaign realize and bring about Donald Trump’s victory. Finally, Conway discusses how she is able to balance being a wife and mother with running a presidential campaign and what the future holds for her.” At the link find the title,”Kellyanne Conway discusses the presidential election of 2016, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files 20161130-conway.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump Opposition 27 mins – “The concept of “allyship” has been making the rounds in progressive political circles for a few years. It seems easy, but doing the work of a real ally can be hard. Being an ally means you want to take part in activism even though you are not a member of the group being oppressed. If you are white, you want to support people of color protesting racism. If you are straight, you want to support the LGBTQ community’s fight for equality. How that support plays out is where things get complicated. Is it a Facebook post, ormarching with Black Lives Matter, or taking your racist aunt to task at Thanksgiving dinner? In the wake of Donald Trump’s election, wearing safety pins has emerged as a way to show support and solidarity to people who feel most threatened by Trump’s agenda. Writer and activist Lara Witt is not impressed by the safety pin movement. In her recent article on, “Your Safety Pins Are Not Enough,” Witt challenges anyone who thinks that a safety pin equals effective activism. “The safety pin is a band-aid on a broken arm,” she says. “It’s not going to do very much.” This week on The Remix we talk to Witt about the reaction to her article, and how she thinks we can all be better allies.” At the link find the title, “Beyond safety pins: How to be a better ally, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files safetyweb.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Veteran Affairs Deficiencies 6 mins – “The Department of Veterans Affairs has policies in place to help ensure the privacy, safety, and dignity of women veterans when they receive care at its medical facilities. For example, exam rooms must have privacy curtains and exam tables must face away from doors. However, we found many instances of noncompliance with these policies. We also found that 27 percent of VA medical facilities lacked an onsite gynecologist. We recommended that VA improve its oversight of care for women veterans, including monitoring access to services such as gynecology and maternity care.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Vitamin D Supplements 12 mins – “Despite high quality systematic reviews reporting ineffectiveness, many guideline groups continue to recommend vitamin D supplementation (with or without calcium) for fall or fracture prevention. Recently Public Health England recommended that everyone needs vitamin D equivalent to an average daily intake of 10 μg (400 IU) to protect bone and muscle health, In this podcast, Andrew Grey, associate professor of medicine at the University of Aukland joins us to discuss what the evidence says for who should, and who shouldn’t take vitamin D supplimentation. Read the full uncertainties article:” At the link find the title, “Evidence for vitamin D supplimentation, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files 294739789-bmjgroup-evidence-for-vitamin-d-supplimentation.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Vitex 30 mins – “Vitex will boost your mood, give you more energy, and cure your man boobs.” At the link find the title, “Vitex with Matt Legge,” right-click “Media files SDS157.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Voting Fraud in NH 4 mins – “New Hampshire polling places were under plenty of scrutiny on Election Day. The attorney general’s office dispatched 50 people to polling locations across the state to keep an eye out for problems. The U.S. Department of Justice had its own Election Day hotline set up to field questions and potential complaints. Officials in the Secretary of State’s office, meanwhile, also kept an eye out for issues. And, despite what President-Elect Donald Trump tweeted Sunday night, nowhere is there any evidence that large groups of people were voting illegally in New Hampshire….” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Weapons of Math Destruction 62 mins – “Cathy O’Neil went from being a Wall Street quant to a member of Occupy Wall Street when she saw the ways that Big Data were being used to affect the lives of people every day. In Weapons of Math Destruction, she explores the algorithms that control us, from the way teachers are evaluated, to how loans are granted (or denied). She argues that rather than the impartial arbiters these algorithms are touted to be, they are dangerously opaque and flawed.” At the link click “Download options,” right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Welfare Roadtrip 58 mins – “UPDATE, Nov. 26, 2016: With Republicans in full control of the federal government, there’s a good chance welfare reform will be an issue they may take on. In anticipation of that, it is worth taking another look at what’s worked and what hasn’t. An updated version of the original episode can be heard below. Twenty years ago, President Bill Clinton vowed to end welfare as we know it. And he did. One of the biggest changes to come out of the 1996 welfare reform law was that that the federal government handed over control of $16.5 billion to the states, in the form of block grants, to spend as they see fit. Today, only a quarter of welfare dollars actually goes toward basic assistance – housing, transportation or essential household items.” At the link find the title, “A welfare check” At the link find the title, “A Welfare Check, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files A-welfare-check_update_podcast.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

White House Renovation 30 mins – “The Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court, the Paris Agreement. The Trump administration is sure to bring lots of changes, among them: White House decor. On today’s show we’ll take a historic tour of how first families have put their stamp on the executive mansion, including President Teddy Roosevelt, who created the west wing. Plus, the latest installment of the Ten-Minute Writer’s Workshop with cartoonist and illustrator Tom Gauld.” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Wilderness Art 38 mins – “Yellowstone may be the first national park, but it was New Hampshire’s White Mountains that for decades prior captured the imagination of American tourists, scientists, and artists. Today, a portrait of Mount Washington’s artistic history. Plus, from Bob Dylan to Yoko Ono, audiences have long had a fascination with the off-beat or out of tune – so why do we love some bad singers and love to hate others? Then, America’s great repository of world knowledge faces an existential predicament. In a world where information is stored in servers and googled at will, can the Library of Congress really keep up? Listen to the full show.” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Working Women P2 27 mins – “Divya Arya meets the women from rural parts of India who are bucking the trend and working in jobs traditionally done by men. She meets the ‘Solar Mamas’ learning solar engineering, a widowed railway porter taking on the tough job her husband used to do, the women in rural Karnataka finding a voice in local radio, and those learning the male-dominated trades of boat building, masonry, carpentry and farm management.” At the link find the title, “Jobs for the Girls – Part Two, Nov, 2016,” right-click “Media files p04j8zq3.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

World War One 220 mins (4 parts) – “Since World War I officially began 100 years ago today (that is, July 28th 1914), I decided it would be an opportune time to kick off a multi-part series on this conflict.  (As of right now, I’m not 100% sure how many episodes this will encompass, but I think probably around 4.) “ In Part 2 “We continue our coverage of the unnecessary, freedom- and life-obliterating carnage-fest that was First World War.” In Part 3 “In this episode, I’m primarily going to cover the effects of entering the war on the United States.  Long story short, it was not a good time for civil liberties or the Bill of Rights…” In Part 4 “With this episode, we wrap up our overview of WWI and the incalculable damage it did to the world.  I’ll likely cover other topics related to this war in the future, but this four-part series is my basic overview of some of the war and its most conspicuous results, legacies, and byproducts.” At the title right-click “Download” for Part 1 and select “Save Link As: from the pop-up menu. Do the same for the other parts.

Thanks for stopping by.

About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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