Media Mining Digest 312 – Nov 3, 2017: 3D Printing in Disasters, Addiction Story, Authority and Power, Aviation Jobs, Background Music, Berkeley Free Speech, Blind Teenager, Brain Research, Burnout in Medicine, Cargo Bikes, Citrus Greening Disease, Climate Change Resistance, Coal Community Problems, Concussions in Teen Sports, C-Section Phenomenon, Domestic Violence in Peru, Dyslexia Problem, Education Innovation in Tasmania, Electric Vehicle Trends, EPA War, FDA Operation, Ferguson Incident, Food Activist, Food Storage in Africa, Fred Korematsu v. U.S., Free Speech, Genocide, Guardianship Problems, Hospital Response to Disasters, Human Rights Researcher, Hunger Worldwide, Investing Fundamentals, Journalists vs President, Koch Brothers Mystery Hour, Mass Incarcerations, Mass Shooting Prevention, Men of Steel, Mental Health Industry, Messy Men vs Women, Microsoft CEO, Mountain Rescues, Muhammad Ali, North Korea Capitalists, NRA Politics, Nursing Profession, Opioid Refugees, Organ Transplants, Orphan Diseases, Pollution Control, Presidential Libraries, Prison Rules, Privacy and Surveillance, Producer Darren Aronofsky, Psychology of Hate, Puerto Rico Economics, Redhat’s Blockchain Initiative, Seal Team Leader, Sex Assault Prevention App, Sexual Harassment, Smart Phone Generation, Tech Megatrends, Tribal Marijuana, Trump as a Distraction, Venezuela in Crisis, Voter Fraud in New Hampshire, Willie Grimes Saga,

Exercise your ears: the 112 podcasts shown below present the best ideas, information and stories from a larger group of 551 for the week, to hear while your hands and eyes are busy. Get all the files as a group for the next four months here, or double or ctrl-click individual titles to get single podcasts and explore the source. A collection of 17,430 podcasts, listed alphabetically and grouped by topic, can be downloaded piecemeal, with files A-B at this link, files C-E link, and the remainder here. You’ll be limited to a 4GB maximum per download at the last place, so multiple group downloads will be needed to get all files, which total over 86GB and may take a few hours. The first entry in the collection is a text file with just titles for quicker reference. A collection of abstracts for all the podcasts is available at this link and updated quarterly. Get even the discarded material using a podcast aggregator loaded with this opml file of the 400 sources. Exercise your ears and relax the rest.

3D Printing in Disasters 30 mins – “Tom and Tracy reads out a statement by Dr. Eric James of Field Ready to spread the word and get some help for their GoFundMe for those who feel so inclined to donate. It would help the use of 3D printing in disaster zones that Field Ready is working with right now due to the recent hurricanes. To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at or on our facebook or twitter!” At the link right-click “Download” and select “save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Addiction Story 53 mins – “Cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and opiates. Learn how these drugs can affect our lives, with guest host Geoff Turner. Feat: Love + Radio, On Drugs, Stoner, Note to Self, Embedded, The Mortified Podcast” At the link find the title, “Podcast Playlist is on Drugs,” right-click “Download Podcast Playlist is on Drugsand select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Affordable Care Act 57 mins – “After the Graham-Cassidy Bill proposed by Republicans — their latest Repeal and Replace effort — failed to garner enough votes recently, patients, healthcare providers, and insurers still face plenty of uncertainty before open enrollment begins November 1. Meanwhile, Senator Bernie Sanders’s single-payer proposal continues to gain fans. We’ll get the latest on how national politics is shaping the health care debate across the country.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

AI Overview 56 mins – “In 2016, the world champion Lee Sedol was beaten at the ancient boardgame of Go – by a machine. It was part of the AlphaGo programme, which is a series of artificially intelligent systems designed by London-based company DeepMind. AlphaGo Zero, the latest iteration of the programme, can learn to excel at the boardgame of Go without any help from humans. So what applications could AI learning independently have for our day-to-day lives? Katie Haylor spoke to computer scientist Satinder Singh from the University of Michigan, who specialises in an area within artificial intelligence called reinforcement learning.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Arianna Huffington 98 mins – “Arianna Huffington (@ariannahuff) is the founder and CEO of Thrive Global and founder of The Huffington Post. She has been named to Time magazine’s list of the world’s 100 Most Influential People and Forbes’ Most Powerful Women list. Originally from Greece, Arianna moved to England when she was 16 and graduated from Cambridge with an M.A. in economics. In late 2005, she launched The Huffington Post, a news and blog site that quickly became one of the most widely read, linked to, and frequently cited media brands on the Internet. In 2012, she won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting. In August of 2016, she launched Thrive Global with a mission of ending the stress and burnout epidemic by offering companies and individuals sustainable, science-based solutions to well-being. Arianna serves on a lot of boards — including Uber and The Center for Public Integrity — and she is the author of 15 books, including Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder and The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time. This is a wide-ranging conversation, and we get into plenty of tactics. Arianna is an expert storyteller and very funny – enjoy!” At the link find the title, “Arianna Huffington, Media Maven, Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files 5df0860b-2537-4101-a5c0-834586573b3a.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Authority and Power 51 mins – “Thursday, we’re talking about the relationship between the police and the public. Last week, Alex Wubbel’s arrest video went viral. She’s, of course, the nurse that wouldn’t allow Salt Lake Police Detective Jeff Payne to draw blood from an unconscious patient without a warrant. The video showed what many saw as unreasonable escalation on Payne’s part. We’re using this as a jumping off point to explore how power and authority are wielded by American police, and what that means for those they are called to protect. At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Aviation Jobs 39 mins – “What Would You Do Different In Your Career? Welcome to the informational, inspirational, and transparent podcast about aviation careers. In this episode, Robert Guyer and Carl Valeri answer your questions.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Background Music 31 mins – “Public bathrooms are noisy, poorly designed, and often nonexistent. What to do?” At the link right-click “Download this episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Berkeley Free Speech 53 mins – “Universities are supposed to be dedicated to the exchange of ideas. But according to social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, campuses now skew so far to the left that they’ve become “political monocultures” . At the ink find the title, “The Politics of the Professoriat: Political diversity on campus, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files ideas_20170908_46795.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Biochar 120 mins – “Today my guest Gloria Flora will helps shed some light on the reality of biochar. Gloria’s the founder and past director of the US Biochar initiative, so she has an extensive knowledge base when it comes to biochar, but she’s also worked for the US Forest Service and she’s a permaculturalist, so she gets how biochar fits into the larger whole.” At the link find the title, “VOC235: Practical Tips, Ideas and Technologies for Homescale Biochar with Gloria Flora, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files VOC_235_GloriaFlora.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Blind Teenager 38 mins – “At just four-years‐old, Molly Burke’s world became a little bit darker: she was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare retinal disease causing loss of vision. Despite this, and the ensuing obstacles and hardships she faced, it wasn’t long before she began bringing light into the lives of others. Molly began public speaking at the age of five as an ambassador for The Foundation Fighting Blindness Canada. Since then, she has inspired hundreds of thousands with her story. Over the years, as Molly’s vision deteriorated, her confidence and optimism only strengthened; but not without struggle or adversity. As a student she was tormented by bullies, and struggled with depression and anxiety. It wasn’t until she found the strength to face her challenges, and the courage to reach out to others, that she came to find her purpose – bringing hope to others Read more on Molly’s About Page and be sure to check out her entire web site” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Brain Lymphatic System 27 mins – “The discovery of the brain’s “waste disposal” system could transform our understanding of neurological conditions. Until now there was no evidence of the lymphatic system in the human brain – that’s the network of vessels which also transports part of the immune system around the body. The American researchers hope that this knowledge may eventually add to our understanding of brain conditions like multiple sclerosis. It’s Divali this week – and the Hindu festival is celebrated with prayers, food and fireworks. But in India firecrackers have become so popular that there is a spike in air pollution – serious for anyone with lung problems like asthma. The sale of firecrackers has been banned in Delhi – in the hope of preventing a toxic smog from blanketing the city. But some residents are more concerned with everyday pollution from cars and industry. A drug trial for an eye condition called uveitis has been stopped early because it was working so well. It affects one in six children who have juvenile idiopathic arthritis – where the immune system attacks the lining of the joints. This new treatment could stop children going blind but the cost may be too high for patients in some developing countries.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Brain Research 127 mins – “The TWiVers discuss the declining readability of scientific texts, and review the use of self-inactivating rabies virus for tracing neural circuits. Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Rich Condit, and Kathy Spindler Guest: Brianne BarkerAt the linkright-click “TWiV 461” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Brewmaster 24 mins – “Science degrees can be found in the most intriguing careers. This week we talk with Becca Ransohoff, an analytical chemist for MadTree Brewing in Cincinnati, Ohio. In June, MadTree released Entropic Theory (a hoppy, juicy IPA) with a special can launch party whereby a portion of the proceeds were donated to iSPACE, a local non-profit that promotes education of science,  engineering, technology and math for kids.  Also a product of science and research, MadTree invested over two years of planning and testing to develop Entropic Theory.  Becca joins us to talk about Entropic Theory and the science behind its creation, while describing her job as an analytical chemist at MadTree Brewing.” At the link right-click “download the mp3” on top of the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Buddhism 46 mins – “We talk to journalist, scholar, and prize-winning author Robert Wright about his latest book Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment.” At the link find the title, “Why Buddhism is True, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files 73bedac7-4caa-437f-ac3f-aca5f21742b6.mp3” and select ‘Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Burnout in Medicine 57 mins – “While the role of a physician has always been demanding – there’s a spike now in doctors who say they’re overwhelmed, and spending more time in front of computers than tending to patients. That’s contributing to a burnout epidemic, leading to high turnover, early retirement, and greater malpractice risk. We’ll find out how doctors in New Hampshire are coping.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

C-Section Phenomenon 28 mins – “Brazil is the C-section capital of the world. In a country where caesareans account for over half of all births and 88% in the private sector. BBC correspondent Julia Carneiro investigates what some call the “C-section epidemic” and examines recent government measures to counter a C-section culture which remains dangerously strong.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cargo Bikes 24 mins – “Our guest this week is Nicole Harkin. Nicole lives in Washington, DC with her family. She recently published her first book, Tilting: A Memoir, and she’s currently working on a mystery set in Berlin. She also runs a small photography business focused on family portraiture. She is from Montana and before becoming a writer worked in government oversight.” At the link click the square with three dots, right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Charter Schools 58 mins – “Progressive Policy Institute senior fellow David Osborne examines the charter school movement and offers his outlook on the future of public education in his book, [Reinventing America’s Schools]. He is interviewed by Chester Finn.” At the link find the title, “After Words with David Osborne, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files program.484772.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Citrus Greening Disease 46 mins – “Florida’s orange industry is feeling the squeeze from disease, hurricanes, and climate change. Can it be saved?” At the link find the title, “The Squeeze On Florida’s Orange Crops, Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files npr_555981398.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Climate Change Deniers 56 mins – “Global warming is “Fake News”, a “Chinese Hoax”. So says a richly funded Conservative movement that’s become a world-wide campaign. In her book, “The Merchants of Doubt”, Naomi Oreskes traces how this propaganda war started and how to fight it.” At the link find the title, “Decoding the resistance to climate change: Are we doomed? Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files ideas_20170914_66265.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Climate Change Resistance 56 mins – “The evidence is everywhere: forests retreating, glaciers melting, sea levels rising. And we’re only just beginning to feel the strain of climate change. Despite all of these dire events and projections, the attacks continue — on climate scientists.” At the link find the title, “Are We F–ked? Decoding the resistance to climate change, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files ideas_20170907_37544.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Coal Community Problems 29 mins – “Residents of coal country are getting sick, but not everyone is convinced of the cause. Our Newsy colleague Zach Toombs explains what the science says and what the government is — or is not — doing about it.” At the link find the title, “216: A coal community divided,” right-click “ Media files 4f1062e3-14a5-4d1b-aff2-fb78c2fcb3ad.mp3” and select “ave Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Comedian Bill Burr 75 mins – “This episode of the podcast features Bill Burr (@billburr). Many of you know Bill as a standup comedian. I know him as one of the funniest humans alive, and someone that many of you requested for years. Rolling Stone called Bill “the undisputed heavyweight champ of rage-fueled humor,” and when we were finally able to talk, he did not disappoint. In this wide-ranging conversation we explore: How Bill found his way into standup comedy Why he enjoys going for an encore after he’s been booed The transformation from a “squeaky clean” comedian to offending everyone How learning can serve as powerful therapy The importance of enjoying success And much, much more ….” At the link find the title, “Bill Burr — The Comedian’s Comedian, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files 57237382-d25d-4608-a5b8-63afd50fccfd.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Communicators Roundtable 24 mins – “Three reporters who cover telecommunications and technology talk about this fall’s top telecommunications and technology issues facing the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Congress and communications companies.” At the link find the title, “Communicators Reporters Roundtable, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files program.486602.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Computer Repair Business 55 mins – “A Show for Computer Repair Techs by Computer Repair Techs interviews MikeWise from Clockwork Networks. At the link right-click “Direct MP3 Download: Podnutz Daily #490 – Mike Wise from Clockwork Networks” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Concussions in Teen Sports 58 mins – “The research keeps piling up about concussions and contact sports, especially football, and some parents are reconsidering whether to let their kids play the game.  We discuss the latest research and its ramifications for parents, athletes and athletic trainers. Plus, current thinking on the recovery process, and how schools are assessing whether students are ready to return to play – or to the classroom.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Crime Writing 54 mins – “Murder mysteries are conventionally thought of as staples of beach and cottage reading – not particularly taxing on the intellect. But that belies the depth and variety of crime writing today, as well as its ubiquity in both pop and literary culture.” At the link find the title, “The art of crime fiction & what it says about human nature, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files ideas_20170905_78437.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Diet and Health 49 mins – “We all want to make good health decisions, but every day a new study comes out that seems to change the game. Fat’s bad for you; then it’s good. Count calories. Don’t. Add in all the marketing and news media, and it’s hard to tell the good stuff from the snake oil. James Hamblin is a doctor-turned-journalist, and in his writing for The Atlantic magazine he wades through the noise to find the signal. He joins us Tuesday to help us better understand how to listen to and take care of our bodies. James Hamblin is an MD and a senior editor at The Atlantic, where he writes about behavioral health, nurition, culture, and preventative medicine. He’s also the host of a video series and a book, both of which are called If Our Bodies Could Talk At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Domestic Violence 27 mins – “Indonesia has just conducted its first ever national survey on domestic violence. It found that 41% of women had experienced some form of domestic abuse. We hear about the work of a pioneering crisis and counselling centre offering holistic support, the first organisation of its kind in Indonesia. In Behind Closed Doors Claire Bolderson reports from three different countries: Kenya, Peru and Indonesia. The issue that unites them all is domestic violence. It’s not that the problem is unique to these countries – the World Health Organisation estimates that one third of women worldwide suffer physical or sexual violence by a partner – but in each of the three countries, we hear about different and often inspiring solutions aimed at combating it.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Drummer Stewart Copeland 72 mins – “Stewart Copeland (@copelandmusic) is a Grammy Award-winning musician, considered by Rolling Stone Magazine to be one of the top ten drummers of all time. He’s a founding member of The Police, and an inductee into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. In this conversation, we delve into lessons for surviving the music industry, why entrepreneurs (and self-directed artists) never get a day off, how The Police developed their unique sound, the decision that changed everything, and much more….” At the link find the title, “#262: The CIA, The Police, and Other Adventures from Stewart Copeland, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files 438e7af7-6545-48d1-99a3-f21bc272f2d0.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Dyslexia Problem 53 mins – “Public schools are denying children with dyslexia proper treatment and often failing to identify them in the first place.” At the link find the title, “Hard to Read: How American Schools Fail Kids with Dyslexia, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files hardtoreaddoc_128.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Education Innovation in Tasmania 10 mins – “The national average for young people entering university is about 40%. In Tasmania it has been 5%. The University of Tasmania has been somewhat invisible, with many people oblivious to it being a major employer, unaware of its contribution to Tasmanian industry, and unaware of the options which open up for graduates. To turn this around, the university is offering a new style of course, the two-year Associate Degree, being cheaper and shorter than a bachelor’s degree, with clear vocational outcomes. Vice-Chancellor Peter Rathjen describes what led to the new courses being offered and what the university hopes to achieve.” At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Electric Vehicle Trends 45 mins – “General Motors lays out an all-electric future. Twenty new electric car and truck models by 2023. Are gas and diesel engines going the way of the horse and buggy?” At the link find the title, “Zooming Toward An Electric Car Future, Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files npr_555639412.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

EPA War 58 mins – “How Scott Pruitt went from fighting the Environmental Protection Agency to running it and rolling back years of policy.” At the link find the title, “War on the EPA ,Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files 347351215-frontlinepbs-war-on-the-epa.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fact v Fantasy 29 mins – “It might seem increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction these days, but Studio 360 host and author Kurt Andersen says the dilemma is old — and one that’s exacerbated by unique characteristics of America. Oh, and cosplay and the Internet. Andersen sat down with Nerdette to discuss his new book, Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History. He’s also obsessed with maps, so we put him on the phone with geographical expert Anne Knowles, who told us all to get lost — in the literal sense.” At the link click the circle with three dots, right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

FDA Operations 58 mins – “Join Dan & howard as we talk with Dr. Jeanmarie Perrone (@JMPerroneMD) about the FDA and taking on “Big Pain” during her time on the FDA Drug Safety and Risk Management committee. Don’t drink the raspberries . . . Brought to you by BrownApron. Stay healthy true believers!” At the link double-click the down-pointing arrow under the sound bar and select “Save As” from the pop-up menu.

Ferguson Incident 28 mins – “Going beyond the headlines of the Ferguson story. We’ll talk with one of the directors of the documentary Whose Streets?. As the news cameras left Ferguson, Missouri, after the police killing of Michael Brown, Sabaah Folayan and her team stayed on to document what happens to people subjected to police violence as a matter of routine. And an F Word from me on surveillance. If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention and if you are, well the feds know about it.” At the link right-click “Download this Incident” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Food Activists 38 mins – “A high school basketball team organizes a canned food drive. A church volunteer group restocks the local pantry with donations from Walmart. Both examples are seemingly positive portrayals of American civic engagement… So what’s wrong with this picture? Playing for Team Human today is Andy Fisher, author of Big Hunger: the Unholy Alliance Between Corporate America and Anti-Hunger Groups. In the book, Fisher tackles the big question of why chronic hunger and food insecurity persist despite the efforts of food banks, pantries, and charity. Fisher’s suggests that our effort to solve hunger with charity is missing a crucial component that would transform stopgap measures into long-term solutions. Join Douglas and Andy as they take a critical look at the what Fisher calls the “non-profit industrial complex,” while looking toward a future where social equity figures into the equation of ending hunger in America. Purchase Big Hunger from your favorite local book seller or at” At the link find the title, “Ep. 59 Andy Fisher “Big Hunger” right-click “Media files 59e405139739f65d3b024738.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Food Storage in Africa 25 mins – “Simple solutions can sometimes have tremendous impacts. In this episode Bret Rierson from the World Food Programme discusses a solution to enhancing food security in Africa and around the world. Most African farmers are small acreage subsistence farmers. They eat and trade what the produce. A simple hermetically-sealed, in-home grain silo can protect a harvest from insects, preserving the yield for longer term use, or sale in more favorable market windows. This solution can aid in the transition from subsistence farming to surplus farming. This simple solution changes the lives of those in need, and ensures food security throughout the developing world.” At the link right-click ‘Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Forest Preservation P2 51 mins – “The Siamese Rosewood tree is now so valuable that two small pieces carried in a rucksack are worth $500. This kind of money means that armed criminal gangs up to a hundred strong have stripped the forests of Thailand bare of the Rosewood. Nearly all of it is destined for the Chinese rosewood ‘hongmu’ furniture market. And, in the north-west of Thailand, the Karen people are trying to create a ‘peace park’ to preserve their natural habitat. Can they stem the storm of exploitation and destruction and keep their forests alive and vibrant?” At the link right-click “Download: and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fred Korematsu v U.S. 53 mins – “What happens when the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, seems to get it wrong? Korematsu v. United States is a case that’s been widely denounced and discredited, but it still remains on the books. This is the case that upheld President Franklin Roosevelt’s internment of American citizens during World War II based solely on their Japanese heritage, for the sake of national security. In this episode, we follow Fred Korematsu’s path to the Supreme Court, and we ask the question: if you can’t get justice in the Supreme Court, can you find it someplace else?” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Free Speech 52 mins – “Facebook is under fire for allowing Russian propagandists to buy ads during the 2016 election. This week, how we do and don’t hold tech giants accountable….” At the link click the circle with three dots, right-click “Download this audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

French Food 39 mins – “Following WWII, France–particularly Paris–became the world’s most stylish tourist destination and capital of fine dining. Americans were smitten. Justin Spring follows the lives of six American writers-adventurers who adopted Paris as their home, and tells how they transformed the way Americans talk and think about food and the way they eat.” At the link find the title, “Episode 283: Gourmands Way…,” right-click “Media files e1b380f1.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Genocide 49 mins – “ … Norman Naimark, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and an expert on Eastern Europe and genocides throughout history, … considers genocides to be “the crime of crimes, worse than war crimes or crimes against humanity,” Naimark defines genocide as “intentional killing of a group of people as such,” meaning that the intention is to eliminate that group completely. He stresses the difference of this definition from warfare, as in war two sides are killing each other with the intention of subjugation rather than extermination. He goes into detail about a few incidents that he considers genocides, including but not limited to Nazi Germany, Stalin’s genocide of the kulaks, the Armenian genocide in the early 1900s, the Carthage genocide in 146 BC, the Rwandan genocide in the 1990s, and the Yuki genocide in California in the 1850s. Naimark argues that as genocides occur in contemporary society, sovereign states have a responsibility to protect their citizens; if they fail to do so the international community has a moral and civic obligation to step in to stop those genocides from occurring. Granted, he argues, that the cost of intervention needs to be assessed before stepping in but that overall each country has a national obligation to prevent the systematic extermination of people. Interested in buying Norman Naimark’s latest book, Genocide: A World History? “ At the link find the title, “Genocides: A World History featuring Norman Naimark, Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files 20171011-naimark.mp3” nd select “save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Guardianship Problems 46 mins – “Court-approved guardians—strangers swooping in and taking over the lives of elderly people who are helpless to stop them. We’ll dig in on who, why and how.” At the link find the title, “Who’s Guarding Against The Guardians? Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files npr_555981372.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Hospital Response to Disasters 38 mins – “As the Atlantic Hurricane season continues unabated White Coat, Black Art tells the story of how hospitals cope when natural disasters strike.” At the link find the title, “Floods Fires Hurricanes and Hospitals, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files whitecoat 20170922_64364.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Human Rights Researcher 53 mins – “Our lecture this week is presented by the Boston University History Department, and is titled “Human Rights and Violent Internal Conflict.” Our speaker is David Cingranelli, Professor of Political Science at Binghamton University.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow under the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Hunger Worldwide 92mins – “On October 16, the Global Economy and Development Program at the Brookings Institution hosted a public event to coincide with World Food Day, where they provided an update on their Ending Rural Hunger project, which examines food and nutrition security needs, policies, and resources around the world.” At the link double-click the down-pointing arrow under the sound bar and select “Save File” from the pop-up menu.

Ideology 75 mins – “ Ideology is an important concept in leftist political philosophy. It has a colloquial meaning as well as a more nuanced philosophical meaning. Brett sits down with two of his comrades, Brendan and Miles, to discuss the concept.” At the link find the title, “Ideology: Capitalism and Liberal Culture, “ right-click “Media files ideology_Final.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Investing Overview 41 mins – “Paul compares the asset class returns of his recommendations with the average returns of the same asset class funds. An understanding of the last 9 months may or may not give you a peek into the future performance of these ETF selections. He also discusses holding emergency money in a money market account or just as part of the long term portfolio. And he addresses the risk and return of his Monthly Income Portfolio at Vanguard.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Investing Fundamentals 52 mins – “In this fun conversation between two old friends and colleagues, Tom Cock of and Paul discuss their 401k Project, John Bogel, and answers to listener/investor questions about newsletters, currency, IRAs, annuities and more. Tom and Paul produced a radio show together for more than a decade. You can also access Vestory’s free video courses on “Real Retirement Investing” online at” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Journalists vs President P1 15 mins – “Last week Brooke was at the Texas Tribune Festival, an annual event that gathers hundred of speakers and thousands of citizens to discuss big issues of the day, ranging from education to climate change to politics. She moderated a couple of sessions: One with two great journalists from two very different places with two very different briefs. One of those journalists was Amy Chozick, a national political reporter for the New York Times, the other was Evan Smith, the  co-founder and CEO of the Texas Tribune. The question at issue turned on President Trumps continuous attacks on the press, and on truth, basic facts. Does it affect the way they practice journalism? And if so, how?” At the link click the circle with three dots and select “Download this audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Journalists vs President P2 26 mins – “When Brooke was at the Texas Tribune festival in Austin last week, she moderated two sessions, one with reporters and one with couple of US Representatives from Texas. Democrat Beto O’Rourke of El Paso, and Republican Will Hurd of Helotes. The two – who didn’t much know each other a year ago –  made headlines in their state when, stranded by a snowstorm, they found themselves sharing a rented Chevy Impala for the sixteen-hundred mile drive from San Antonio to Washington. Brooke asked them roughly the same question she asked the reporters; how do the constant attacks by the President on journalism, on facts, influence how you do your job and how you deal with the press? Does it affect your point of view?  **Correction: At one point, Representative Will Hurd refers to a recent missile launch by Iran as an example real news that is worth reporting. In fact, it was the opposite.**” At the link click the circle with three dots and select “Download this audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Kellogg-Briand Pact 45 mins -”The Kellogg-Briand Pact is often remembered as a failure; signed in 1928 to outlaw war, it was followed in just over a decade by one of the deadliest conflicts in history. But Oona Hathaway and Scott Shapiro see the Pact differently. In their new book, “The Internationalists: How a Radical Plan to Outlaw War Remade the World,” they argue that though it did not successfully end all war, the Pact changed the way states resolve disputes, reduced the likelihood of conquest, and set of a chain of events that led to the modern world order. On September 11, they sat down with Jack Goldsmith at the Hoover Book Soiree to discuss their book and its implications.” At ” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu. Puerto Rico Economics 15 mins – “Following Hurricane Maria’s landfall on Wednesday morning, we have only scarce images and reports from which to comprehend the scale of devastation in Puerto Rico right now. Perhaps due to disaster fatigue, perhaps due to the territory’s second-class status, the media coverage has been perfunctory.” At the link click the circle with three dots and select “Download this audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Koch Brothers Mystery Show P1 14 mins – “The American Dream is under attack! Join boy detectives The Koch Brothers as they use their billions of dollars in corporate revenues and shadowy government influence to solve the country’s most harrowing crimes – crimes they themselves most certainly didn’t commit! Chuck and Davey are trapped in time-out, dreaming of the ungoverned land rights that continue to elude them. But when they heed the beckoning call of a mysterious trickster, our heroes are about to get a whole lot more than they bargained for!” At the link right-click “Download MP3 and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Koch Brothers Mystery Show P2 24 mins – “It’s the thrilling conclusion of Episode 11: The Precarious Peril of the Public Parks! In the land rights utopia of Never-Ever-Federal Land, Chuck and Davey are quickly finding that it’s more haunt than jaunt! Can they escape the dastardly roughrider Teddy Roosevelt before the National Parks system extends its icy grip around the neck of freedom?” At the link right-click “Download MP3 and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Lion Fish Invasion 51 mins – “As part of the BBC Life Stories season, exploring our relationship with the natural world, we travel under the sea in pursuit of a major ecological threat to Western Atlantic coasts – the Lionfish. The species, which recently spread from its natural territory in the Pacific to Atlantic waters, is aggressive, exotic and very, very hungry. How did the lionfish go from being an aquarium favourite to the scourge of an aquatic ecosystem that eats everything in its path?” At the link right-click “Download: and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Martin Luther 52 mins – “Thursday, we’re talking about Martin Luther. In the 16th century, he ignited a movement to rethink the traditions and beliefs of Christianity. He came to be seen as a heretic or revolutionary, but the historian Craig Harline said Luther never set out to be either of those things. He began as a cranky friar who obsessed about the fate of his soul. He went looking for answers, and when he found them, refused to keep his mouth shut. Harline has just written a new book called A World Ablaze. Craig Harline is a professor of history at Brigham Young University. His book A World Ablaze: The Rise of Martin Luther and the Birth of the Reformation  At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mass Incarcerations 58 mins – “Harvard University proessor Danielle Allen examines mass incarceration through the lens of her cousin Michael A., who served 11 years in prison at age 15. Her book, [Cuz], traces both their journeys growing up. She’s interviewed by author Wes Moore.” At the link find the title, “After Words with Danielle Allen, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files program.483921.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mass Shooting Prevention 62 mins – “Las Vegas becomes the site of the worst mass shooting in American history, Trump attacks hurricane victims in Puerto Rico, and Tom Price’s flights of fancy come to an end. Then Ta-Nehisi Coates joins Jon, Jon, and Tommy to talk about his new book, We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy.” At the link find the title, ““What’s your plan to stop mass shootings?” Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files 82bb27c0-45ac-4c35-8c54-.d41e209d1232.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mass Shooting Reporting 8 mins – “On Sunday night, a gunman opened fire on an outdoor music festival in Las Vegas, NV. Since then, reports of deaths and injuries have been mounting, making for what’s being called “the deadliest mass shooting” in modern American history. Amid the tragedy, we’re seeing a spate of familiar media tropes: from offers of “thoughts and prayers” and tussles over the appropriate time to talk about gun control to mis-identification of perpetrators and publication of unconfirmed reports. Brooke recalls some points from On the Media’s Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: Active Shooter Edition to remind us that, while this latest tragedy might feel unique, the media is recycling a playbook that we’ve seen all-too-many times before.” At the link click the circle with three dots, right-click “Download this audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Massey Lectures 58 mins – “In 1970, outspoken Harvard biologist George Wald became the first natural scientist to give the CBC Massey Lectures. Lewis Auerbach produced the 1970 Wald lectures. He tells the remarkable backstory of Wald and his Massey talks.” At the link find the title, “Choose Life: The Lost Massey Lecture by George Wald, Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files ideas_20171004_36425.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Men of Steel 51 mins – “On the next Snap…”Man of Steel.” When an immovable object meets an unstoppable force, what is left standing? [with] Sharp Dressed Man – Glynn discovers discovers the man behind the man he wants to be. Producer: Pat Mesiti Miller The Price Of Silence – How did Ben Holmes disappear and then reappear with a bang? Producer:Davey Kim Sound Design: Renzo Gorrio Old Time Strong Man – What happens when a five-foot-seven, 42-year-old from Queens decides to become a superhero? This story comes from the documentary Bending Steel. Also check out Chris Wonder Schoek and Unconventional Athletes. At the link click the circle with three dots, right-click “Download this audio” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Mental health Industry 60 mins – “Investigative journalist Art Levine reports on the mental health industry in his book, [Mental Health, Inc]. Mr. Levine is interviewed by Dr. Jeff Lieberman, psychiatry director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute and author of [Shrinks].” At the link find the title, “After Words with Art Levine, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files program.484819.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Messy Men vs Women 48 mins – “ Are men actually messier than women? Or is that just some sexist stereotype? E&B break down the surprising research behind who makes more ‘ew.’” At the link find the title, “ Are Men Messier Than Women? Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files 2017-10-18-smnty-messy-final.mp3” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Metric System 27 mins – “Back in the late 1990s, NASA launched the Mars Climate Orbiter to further explore the mysteries of the red planet. The satellite cruised for close to a year, then fired its main engines to enter orbit around Mars. It disappeared behind the planet and never reappeared. The Orbiter had crashed into Mars.Scientists at NASA began to pour over the data, looking for clues about what went wrong. They eventually discovered that a simple conversion error was to blame. NASA was using the metric system, the international standard, for its calculations. But one of their contractors was using U.S. Customary Units, which is the proper term for the American system of inches, pounds, and gallons. Years of planning and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost, all because someone did the right calculation but in the wrong units….” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Microsoft CEO 60 minsSatya Nadella is one of the world’s most inspirational business leaders, as much a humanist as a technologist and executive. On September 28th, he comes to the Intelligence Squared stage to discuss his personal journey from a childhood in India to becoming CEO of Microsoft, the culture change that he has driven inside his legendary technology company, and the transformation that is coming to all our lives as we face the most disruptive wave of technology humankind has experienced: artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and quantum computing. While many people worry about the negative impact of exponential digital growth – from automation taking over our jobs to the increasing power that algorithms are having over our lives – Nadella will proffer his optimistic vision of the future, which he sets out in his forthcoming book Hit Refresh. He will argue that, as technology upends the status quo, the very human quality of empathy will become increasingly valuable. And he will explain how people, organisations and societies must transform in their quest for new energy, new ideas, relevance and renewal.” At the link right the title, “Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on hitting refresh and seizing the opportunity of the digital revolution, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files media.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Million Dollar Question P2 27 mins – “What’s the best way to spend $100 million to fix one huge problem in the world today? That is the challenge laid down by the MacArthur Foundation in Chicago, distributors of the “genius grant”. Ed Butler and a panel of expert guests hear the details of four of the final eight challengers, with ideas to transform the quality of the food we eat and to train eye surgeons to restore sight to vast numbers in Nepal, Ethiopia and Ghana. Is $100 million enough to tackle these challenges and what are the consequences, intended or not, of philanthropy on such a big scale?” At the link right-click “Download: and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mountain Rescues 57 mins – “N.H.’s beautiful Presidential Range attracts hikers in all seasons. Mt. Washington holds the dubious distinction of having “the world’s worst weather” yet hikers and climbers are attracted year-round to the challenging terrain. It’s also been the scene of hundreds of accidents, including the one that took the life of Kate Matrosova in 2015. We examine Matrosova’s story and the lessons learned about risk-taking and decision-making.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Muhammad Ali Biography 50 mins – “Jonathan Eig talks about his new biography of Muhammad Ali, which draws on hundreds of interviews and previously unreleased FBI and Justice Department files. Linguist Geoff Nunberg says 50 years after the ‘Summer of Love,’ we’re still using language popularized by hippies. Roz Chast talks about her new book of cartoons, ‘Going into Town: A Love Letter to New York.’” At the link find the title, “Best Of: The ‘Radical’ Life Of Muhammad Ali Cartoonist Roz Chast, Oct, 2017, click the circle with three dots, right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

North Korea Capitalists 24 mins – “Capitalism isn’t supposed to exist in North Korea. But all over the country, small businesses are popping up, growing the nation’s economy. And much of that money is going straight to the country’s nuclear program.” At the link find the title, “#800: North Korea’s Capitalists,” right-click “Media files 20171013_pmoney_pmpod800.mp3” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Northern Hydro-electric Project 58 mins – “The decision on the hydro-electric transmission project, which would bring power from Canada to New England, has been postponed yet again. We review the goals of this $1.6 billion proposal and examine how the debate around it has changed since it was first presented in 2010.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Nostalgia 29 mins – “Is nostalgia an emotion that’s bitter, or sweet? Why are we so often pulled into memories of the past? This week on Hidden Brain, we talk about what prompts us to feel nostalgic, and the harms and benefits of this emotion. Plus, how Donald Trump employed nostalgia to win the 2016 presidential campaign.” At the link find the title, “The Good Old Days, Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files 20171016_hiddenbrain_hb_clay_routledge-mix_5.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

NRA Politics 50 mins – “Journalist Mike Spies says the NRA’s push to allow guns on college campuses, in daycare centers and in bars is part of an effort to “normalize gun carrying as much as possible in public life.” Also, rock critic Ken Tucker reviews the album ‘Trip’ from singer/songwriter Jhené Aiko. Film critic David Edelstein reviews ‘Blade Runner 2049’ starring Ryan Gosling.” At the link find the title, “NRA-Backed Gun Laws & The State Legislature, Oct 2017,” right-click the circle with three dots, right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Nursing Profession 29 mins – “On this edition of Science Studio, we feature a different kind of guest – a nurse! The first nurse to ever be in the studio with us, Pat Castiglia, former Dean of Nursing at the University of Texas at El Paso, shares with us her extensive study and practice in the nursing field as well as what her future endeavors hold in this science realm.” At the link right-click the play buton and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Open The 58 mins – “Adam Andrzejewski discusses Open The Books, a watchdog organization he founded that tracks government spending at the federal, state, and local levels.” At the link find the title, “Q&A with Adam Andrzejewski, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files program.484504.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Opioid Refugees 58 mins – “As overdoses and deaths continue, New Hampshire physicians are responding to criticism that they’ve overprescribed. Now, some patients with chronic pain find themselves cut off from access to medications, left without other treatment options, and feeling that the anti-opioid push has gone overboard.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Organ Transplants 57 mins – “The organ donation system is complex, and often misunderstood – with a waiting list that is long, and constantly shifting. But living donations, high-risk donors, and new scientific developments in tissue growth are making new strides in addressing the need.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Orphan Diseases 27 mins – “Ian Stedman had red eyes, migraines,skin rashes and joint pain all his life. Dozens of MDs failed to diagnose him. So, he lived with it. When his daughter was born with the same symptoms, he turned to “Dr. Google” and diagnosed his own rare disease.” At the link find the title, “One in a million, Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files whitecoat_20171005_13331.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Political Cartoons 60 mins – “[Washington Post] Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes talks about her work and how it has changed since the rise of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.” At the link find the title, “Q&A with Ann Telnaes,” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Political Comedy 40 mins – “From Jimmy Kimmel on health care to Trevor Noah on police shootings, late night comedy is getting serious.” At the link find the title, “Late Night Television Turns From Funny To Somber, Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files npr_556202238.mp3” and select”Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Pollution Control 27 mins – “Gina McCarthy, former EPA Administrator, and Commission leads Philip Landrigan and Richard Fuller join Gavin Cleaver for a discussion of the problems of pollution and the solutions available.” At the link find the title, “The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health: October 19, 2017,” right-click “Media files 19october_pollution.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

President Chester Arthur 58 mins – “Journalist Scott Greenberger discusses his book, [The Unexpected President: The Life and Times of Chester A. Arthur].” At the link find the title, “Q&A with Scott Greenberger, Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files program.486171.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Presidential Libraries 59 mins – “Author and former congressional staffer Anthony Clark discusses his book, [The Last Campaign], in which he takes a critical look at U.S. presidential libraries and the National Archives and Records Administration, which operates them.” At the link find the title, “Q&A with Anthony Clark, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files program.484478.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Prison Rules 30 mins – “The color of your skin influences your life in prison, from sharing food to celebrating birthdays. Meet Andrew Sabatino (Drew Down) and Arthur Snowden (AR), two guys whose close friendship often challenges the unwritten rules of race relations on the inside. Thanks to Drew Down and AR for sharing the story of their friendship. It’s a big deal to talk about race in prison, so thanks also to Lonnie Morris, Lemar, Phil Melendez, Wayne Boatwright, Charlie and Mesro El-Coles for stepping up.” At the link find the title, “Unwritten, Sept 2017,” right-click “Media files Unwritten_A.mp3” and select ‘Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Privacy and Surveillance 56 mins – “More and more our lives are online. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we leave a digital trail. Cameras follow us as we walk through the city. Financial transactions are recorded be it banking or buying groceries, buying anything. And some people choose to document their lives on social media. Our data is valuable. Profiles are assembled. What about privacy? Does it exist anymore? A human right or an outdated custom?  When political messages are unregulated and targeted, is democracy under threat? This discussion was held as part of Brisbane’s World Science Festival 2017.” At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Producer Darren Aronofsky 128 mins – “Darren Aronofsky (@DarrenAronofsky) is the founder and head of production company Protozoa Pictures. He is the acclaimed and award-winning filmmaker behind both cult classics and blockbusters, including Pi (which earned him a Best Director award at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival), Requiem For a Dream, The Wrestler (the third U.S. film in history to win the esteemed Golden Lion award), Black Swan (which won Natalie Portman the Academy Award for Best Actress and garnered four other Oscar nominations), Noah (His biblically inspired epic that opened at number at the box office and grossed more than $362,000,000 worldwide), and his latest, mother!, a psychological horror-thriller film starring Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Ed Harris, and Michelle Pfeiffer. In this episode, we explore a wide range of topics, including: His creative process and “nomadic writing” Work environment and highly unusual desks The “Month of Fury” How to navigate tough conversations over creativity and control Psychedelics Dealing with critics And much more….” At the link find the title, “#263: Filmmaker Darren Aronofsky — Exploring Creativity, Ignoring Critics, and Making Art, “ right-click “Media files d1969bd1-650c-448e-b4a2-273e3d81619b.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Psychology of Hate 56 mins – “We talk to clinical psychologist Ali Mattu about the psychology of dehumanization and hate.” At the link find the title, “The Psychology of Hate, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files 1dd1dc50-5e32-4fac-8fa8-31183df17027.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Public Utility Commissions 30 mins – “Mark Jamison, a conservative visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, discusses how technological advances such as 5G and apps lessen the significance of the net neutrality debate.” At the link find the title, “Communicators with Mark Jamison, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files program.486083.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Puerto Rico Economics 15 mins – “Following Hurricane Maria’s landfall on Wednesday morning, we have only scarce images and reports from which to comprehend the scale of devastation in Puerto Rico right now. Perhaps due to disaster fatigue, perhaps due to the territory’s second-class status, the media coverage has been perfunctory. While the coverage to date has focused on the flooding and widespread power outages on the ravaged island, Rutgers professor Yarimar Bonilla says there’s an important context to the problems with the electric grid. She and Bob discuss how the damage from Maria is related to the debt crisis, and how it may provide an excuse to justify another wave of privatization on the island.” At the link click the circle with three dots and select “Download this audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Redhat’s Blockchain Initiative 21 mins – “RedHat is a global software company providing open-source software solutions to enterprises. I spoke with Rich Feldmann who is the Global Director of Financial Services and is in charge of RedHat’s Blockchain initiative. In this episode, we discuss: RedHat’s Blockchain strategy; An interesting project RedHat is working on with BlockApps, a “Blockchain-As-A-Service” company, And how cryptocurrency exchanges could leverage RedHat’s expertise, if the conditions are right” At the link find the title, “017: How RedHat is Quietly Transforming Enterprise Blockchain with Rich Feldmann,” right-click “Media files Richard_Feldman_final.mp3” and select ‘Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Reporter in Turkey 58 mins – “[New York Times Magazine] contributor Suzy Hansen reports on the world’s view of America’s power and influence and her own view of the U.S. in her book, [Notes on a Foreign Country]. She’s interviewed by Elmira Bayrasli of the New America Foundation.” At the link find the title, “After Words with Suzy Hansen, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files program.483799.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Seal Team Leader 68 mins – “Jocko Willink (@jockowillink) takes over the show for a special episode. As I learned during our first interview, he is one of the scariest human beings imaginable. In this episode, Jocko shares lessons from his new book Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual. Trust me, it’s fantastic. In this talk he discusses: The success mindset; How to stop laziness and procrastination; Behaviors that lead to failure; His exact workouts; How he adapts his training when he’s on the road; And much, much more …Jocko enlisted in the Navy after high school and spent 20 years in the SEAL Teams, first as an enlisted SEAL operator and then as a SEAL officer. During his second tour in Iraq, he led SEAL Task Unit Bruiser in the Battle of Ramadi–some of the toughest and sustained combat in the SEAL Teams since Vietnam. Under his leadership, Task Unit Bruiser became the most highly decorated Special Operations Unit of the entire war in Iraq and helped bring stability to Ramadi. Jocko was awarded the Bronze Star and a Silver Star. Jocko is also the co-author of Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win — which I loved.” At the link find the title, “Discipline Equals Freedom — Jocko Willink, Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files 95fe892c-1309-421a-be21-7297b0698dd1.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sex Assault Prevention App 5 mins – “A free smartphone app developed at the University of New Hampshire to help prevent sexual assault and provide assistance to victims is now available nationwide. The app – uSafeUS – was unveiled at an event on the UNH campus in Durham last week. It’s a national version of an app that was made available to students on 21 college campuses across New Hampshire last fall. Sharyn Potter is a professor of sociology and executive director of research at the Prevention Innovations Research Center at UNH, and helped develop the app. She joined NHPR’s All Things Considered.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sexual Harassment 66 mins – “Gretchen Carlson may have been fired last year from her job at Fox News, but it hasn’t slowed her down one bit. After filing and settling a sexual harassment lawsuit against her former boss at Fox for a reported $20 million, Gretchen has transitioned from journalism to advocacy. She joins Katie and Brian to discuss her new book, the recent bombshell allegations against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, and her advice for others facing sexual harassment at work. Plus, she recalls what it was like to be crowned Miss America at age 22 and the nerve-racking prank that unexpectedly launched her career in television.” At the link find the title, “41. Gretchen Carlson Takes Her Power Back,” right-click “Media files d9d73e7b-88a9-4fee-9294-1bbf2892e876.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Smart Phone Generation 51 mins – “Five years ago, psychologist Jean Twenge noticed that teenagers were acting differently than the Millenial generation that preceded them. They were more depressed, and more suicidal. They sought less independence from their parents, hung out less with friends, and were less interested in sex. All these behaviors coincide with a pivotal cultural moment: 2012 was the first year a majority of Americans owned smartphones. Twenge joins us Wednesday to explain what she’s learned about today’s super-connected kids. Jean Twenge is a professor of psychology at San Diego State University. Her new book is called iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy—and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood—and What That Means for the Rest of Us At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Tech Megatrends 39 mins – “Technology megatrends, or what some call long range technology roadmaps, are an important input into your strategic thinking as you build your innovation pipeline. I’ve been researching, tracking and presenting on technology megatrends for the last 30 years of my career.During a live show broadcast on Facebook, a member of the audience asked about what technology trends would have major impact on businesses. Rather than just giving a quick off hand answer, I took on objective of giving you insight into the technology megatrends that I’m tracking. The megatrends will have significant impact on society, governments, businesses industries and career.” [PDF with slides is also available when you submit your name and email.] At the link click the down-pointing arrow under the sound bar and select “Save File” from the pop-up menu.

Tom Paxton 33 mins – “Tom Paxton joined us to select a few tunes for The Folk Show and to talk about some of his early influences during his fifty plus years as a folksinger. He’ll be coming this way for appearances in Manchester, New London and Sandwich this autumn.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trees in Trouble 58 mins – “The fall foliage season is sweeping through New Hampshire, causing residents and leaf-peepers to appreciate anew the forests in the state. The colors of the season are a function of forest health, and we look closely at efforts to restore and protect three iconic tree species: elm, ash, and chestnut. And a new report finds that New England is losing 65 acres of forestland per day.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Tribal Marijuana 43 mins – “In recent years, many Native tribes have found a measure of prosperity in casinos and hotels. However, some tribes missed out and were unable to capitalize on that industry for a variety of reasons. Often, their location was a factor and being far from population centers made casino profits difficult to realize. Now there is a new industry popping up, the Marijuana production, distribution, and sale. Many tribes are jumping headfirst into Marijuana, determined not to again miss out on what could be the next big thing for tribal prosperity. Then, we discuss the Cleveland Indians and Chief Wahoo. They have had many protestors over the caricaturized mascot over the years, but when one of the protest leaders is arrested for defrauding the very people he claims to represent, it can hurt your cause considerably. Finally, we discuss the New World tapestry which was hand woven by the British royals, and while it professes to show the history of the ‘New World’ (America), it also shows dozens upon dozens of incredibly stereotypes and incorrect depictions of Tribal Natives. Of course, the royal family is standing by their creation.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at tne end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Trump as a Distraction 44 mins – “We talk to renowned psychiatrist Allen Frances about his latest book Twilight of American Sanity: A Psychiatrist Analyzes the Age of Trump.” At the link find the title, “A Psychiatrist Analyzes the Age of Trump, Oct, 2017,” right-click “Media files a3c12b7c-e755-46f2-84c5-64ac0a798040.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump Lobbyists 49 mins – “‘New York Times’ reporter Nicholas Confessore explains how Trump’s election was a boon to those with access to the president. “If you had a Trump connection, you could write your own ticket,” he says. Film critic David Edelstein reviews ‘American Made’ starring Tom Cruise.” At the link find the title, “Lobbying In Trump’s Washington, Sept 2017,” right-click the circle with three dots, right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

US Attorneys 58 mins – “Former federal prosecutor and George Washington University Law School professor Randall Eliason, who writes the “Sidebars” blog at, talks about the corruption trial of Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), as well as other prominent cases.” At the link find the title, “Q&A with Randall Eliason, Sept, 2017,” right-click “Media files program.486529.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Venezuela in Crisis 58 mins – “Dr. George Ciccariello-Maher is an American political theorist, commentator, and activist. He is an Associate Professor of Politics and Global Studies at Drexel University in Philadelphia and Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Social Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He is the author of three books: We Created Chávez: A People’s History of the Venezuelan Revolution, Building the Commune: Radical Democracy in Venezuela, Decolonizing Dialectics. Brett interviews Dr. Ciccariello-Maher on the history of, and the current situation in, Venezuela. Topics Include: Hugo Chavez, the Constituent Assembly, the opposition, the Venezuelan Communes, the concept of dual power, Jacobin Magazine, the Bolivarian Revolution, and much more.” At the link find the title, “Venezuela in Crisis: Defending the Bolivarian Revolution, Jul, 2017,” right-click “Media files Venezuala.L.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Vietnam by Ken Burns 30 mins – “Award-winning filmmaker Ken Burns joins Chuck Todd to talk about “The Vietnam War,” his latest film produced with Lynn Novick. He talks about shedding pre-conceived notions, and about the reverberations of the war today.” At the link double-click the down-pointing arrow under the sound bar and select “Save file” from the pop-up menu.

Voter Fraud in New Hampshire 58 mins – “It’s not primary season, but voting is top of mind in New Hampshire these days. With the passage of the controversial new voting law SB 3 and its first test in the courts and at the polls earlier this week, Granite State voters are split on whether or not the law is necessary, or simply a tactic to suppress students (and others) from casting ballots. As that story continues to develop, Secretary of State Bill Gardner’s participation on President Trump’s election commission continues to generate controversy. That group met in New Hampshire this week amid protest from activists and pushback over new, unfounded claims of voter fraud in the state during the 2016 election. On this episode of The Exchange, we take a look at the continuing debate over SB 3, dive into the data behind those unproven fraud claims, and invite listeners to weigh in with thoughts and questions about the integrity of New Hampshire’s election process.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Wikipedia Future 89 mins – “Katherine Maher, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, joins Harvard Law School professor Yochai Benkler for a conversation about the future of Wikipedia and global crowdsourced knowledge.” At the link click the square with three dots, right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Willie Grimes Saga 57 mins – “A new book by Concord native Benjamin Rachlin, Ghost of the Innocent Man, tells a story of wrongful conviction and exoneration. We learn about the saga of Willie Grimes, imprisoned for 24 years for a rape he did not commit, and his legal fight for freedom. Rachlin says it’s one of many similar cases in recent years, thanks to expanded use of DNA evidence.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

World Wide Web Creation 4 mins – “The early 1990s were an exciting time for computer scientists as they witnessed the growth of what amounted to a shiny new toy: the internet. It was a giant erector set; an ever-expanding collection of computers linked together and ready to talk. But by itself, the internet was nothing more than an electronic delivery service. It was good at getting packages from here to there, but it had no interest in their contents. That left the door open for creative minds to experiment with what to put inside those packages.One pretty obvious idea was text; for example, research papers. But sending text alone wasn’t enough. Pages of text have titles and paragraphs and all manner of formatting information. To reconstruct a page required instructions. And in 1989, while working at the European research agency CERN, Tim Berners-Lee devised the Hypertext Markup Language for just that purpose. It seemed like a good start, though other alternatives were being floated at the time. Still, Berners-Lee had high hopes for his creation. He went so far as to propose a name for computers that would share information using his newly defined packages: the World Wide Web….” At the link right-click “Click here for audio of Episode 3145” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Yeast, etc 42 mins – “Join top food writer Chris Nuttall-Smith for an obsessive, fascinating journey through the hidden stories of the things we eat. Like the importance of yeast in our diet….” At the link find the title, “New and Notable: Get Cozy Edition, Best podcasts for fall 2017,” right-click “Download New and Notable: Get Cozy Edition” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Thanks for stopping by.

About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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