Mining Digest 360 – Oct 5, 2018: Affordable Housing, Aquaculture, Automating Inequality, Budgeting Value, Chagas Disease, Children with Differences, Christine Legarde, Cohen Case Discussion, College Education Discussion, Compostable Trash, Concrete Recycling, Conservatives in Canada, Coyote Story, Cultural Concepts, Cyberwar, DARPA Discussion, Death Spoof of Babchenko, Democracy and Politics, Dutch Sustainability, Dystonia, Ebola Outbreak Lessons, Environmental Journalism, Euthanasia, FaxSplit, Forest Cultivation, General Magic Project, Genius Research, Geometry and Knitting, George Schultz, Hanoi Trends, Hate Speech, Honduras Private Cities, Human Destructiveness, Huntingtons Disease, ISIS Recruits, Kansas Child Politicians, Kevin Rose with Tim Ferriss, Lottery Winners, Male Supremacy, Manafort Case, Meat Consumption, Merriman Finance Story, One-child Families, Poisons in Kids, Poverty Gaslighting Propaganda, Puerto Rico Blockchain Launchpad, Roe vs Wade History, Scaling a Company, Security Clearance Lawsuit, Sickle Cell and Hip Hop, Silicon Valley History, South Korea Low Birth Rate, Super Computer Uses, Superconductor Goals, Taiwan Culture, Tribalism Intensifies, Video Surveillance Trends, Wartime Civilians, Wine History, World Bank Poverty Fighting, Yemen Children Killed

Exercise your ears: the 93 podcasts shown below present the best ideas, information and stories from a larger group of 668 for the week, to hear while your hands and eyes are busy. Get all the files as a group for the next four months here, or double (ctrl-click) individual titles to get single podcasts and explore the source. A collection of 22,674 podcasts, listed alphabetically and grouped by topic, can be downloaded piecemeal, with files A-B at this link, files C-E link, and the remainder here. You’ll be limited to a 4GB maximum per download at the last place, so multiple group downloads will be needed to get all files, totaling over 140GB and may take a few hours. The first entry in the collection is a text file with just titles for quicker reference. A collection of abstracts for all the podcasts is available at this link and updated quarterly. Get the discarded material, too, using a podcast aggregator loaded with this opml file of the 496 sources. And try PodcastRE from the University of Wisconsin with over 150,000 titles. Exercise your ears and relax the rest.

Affordable Housing 29 mins – “As wildfires rage out of control for yet another summer and the Mueller investigation inches ahead at a seemingly glacial pace, there’s a lot to be down about when it comes to politics and the environment. But this week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to a journalist who’s trying to look at things through a more upbeat lens. By delving into things that should encourage us about our future on this planet, Geoff Dembicki offers plenty of reasons to keep fighting the good fight against climate change. Dembicki sheds some light on issues like housing, education and the hope of converting climate change deniers in an effort to put a spring in our collective steps, even in the face of some pretty dark times.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Apple Automation Expert P1 71 mins – “Sal Soghoian talks with Leo Laporte about his history at Apple, automation on Mac OS and iOS, and his upcoming CMD-D Conference.At the link left-click “Download Options,” right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Apple Automation Expert P2 57 mins – “Sal Sohoian and Leo Laporte go on a deep dive on automation in macOS and iOS and dish about Sal’s history with Steve Jobs.At the link left-click “Download Options,” right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Apple Macintosh Designer 90 mins – “Bill Atkinson is one of the original designers of the Apple Macintosh. He Talks with Leo Laporte about starting at Apple, losing his wife, and his recent work on understanding consciousness. 

Aquaculture 88 mins – “Enjoying the Miyagi. It’s Tuesday morning time for a stand alone show. Jack has no idea what he will talk about today says the fish will tell him. She was right and the fish said, “hey dummy talk about us”, so today that is what we are going to discuss.  While prior shows focused mostly on aquaponics and mentioned doing it as pure aquaculture, today we are going to focus on that side alone.  A few aquaponic components may be mentioned today but we are going to stick really to back yard ponds. Few things on my property give me more enjoyment than my various garden ponds.  There is something peaceful about moving water and fish.  The bonus is if we want fish tacos tonight and didn’t take any out of the freezer, with 4 bread balls and 5 minutes I can have us 4 nice pan fish for cooking. Aquaculture is function stacking in the best way.  You get a beautiful piece of landscaping, wildlife habitat and free food as a bonus.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Automating Inequality 62 mins – “Virginia Eubanks is the author of Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor. She talks with Megan Morrone about the ways technology has failed to help fight poverty.” At the link left-click “Download Options,” right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Beavers 51 mins – “…we’re talking about beavers. Nature writer Ben Goldfarb says beavers were crucial in shaping America’s landscape and its human history. Then we killed them by the score. He joins us to explain why we should learn to love beavers. If you’ve ever seen a beaver in the wild, swimming across a pond, you only saw part of the story. That’s because beavers are like icebergs: most of them is usually hidden below the surface. The same goes for the story of beavers in America. As Ben Goldfarb writes in a new book, beavers are responsible for everything from the health of Yellowstone to the War of 1812. He joins us Tuesday to explore the surprising life of beavers and their profound impact on the country’s landscape and human history.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Budgeting Value 65 mins – “Jesse Mecham is a software developer and author of “You Need a Budget: The Proven System for Breaking the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle, Getting Out of Debt, and Living the Life You Want.” He talks with Jason Howell about the importance of budgeting and how he developed the YNAB software to help out.At the link left-click “Download Options,” right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cal Fussman with Tim Ferriss 119 mins – “I’ve interviewed legendary storyteller Cal Fussman (@calfussman) on this show before (here and here), but this time, the roles are reversed, and he interviews me! If you are not yet familiar with him, Cal is a New York Times bestselling author and a writer-at-large for Esquire magazine, where he is best known for being a primary writer of the “What I Learned” feature. And this interview originally aired on Cal’s podcast, “Big Questions with Cal Fussman.” Cal has transformed oral history into an art form, conducting probing interviews with the icons who’ve shaped the last 50 years of world history: Mikhail Gorbachev, Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Jack Welch, Robert DeNiro, Clint Eastwood, Bruce Springsteen, Dr. Dre, Quincy Jones, Woody Allen, Barbara Walters, Pelé, Yao Ming, Serena Williams, John Wooden, Muhammad Ali, and countless others.” At the link find the title, “#324: Cal Fussman Corners Tim Ferriss, Ju, 2018,” right-click “Media files 197f9fe4-fade-4c43-b81c-47fb36c5fb7f.mp3” and select “Save Link As from the pop-up menu.

Chagas Disease 88 mins – “The TWiP crew solves the case of the Ecuadorian with Immunodeficiency and Chronic Diarrhea, and discuss oral transmission of Chagas disease in mice. Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, and Daniel GriffinAt the link right-click the down-pointing arrow,

Children with Differences 52 mins – “In his book Far From the Tree, the writer Andrew Solomon tells the stories of children whose profound differences—dwarfism, schizophrenia, Down syndrome, genius, and others—have made them the subjects of prejudice and changed their parents’ lives. In his book Far From the Tree, the writer Andrew Solomon tells the stories of children whose profound differences—dwarfism, schizophrenia, Down syndrome, genius, and others—have made them the subjects of intense prejudice. He also writes about the families who often have to rearrange their lives around the life of a child who alters their view of the world. A new film based on Solomon’s book is now out. Friday, we’re rebroadcasting our conversation with him.” At the link right-click the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Christine Lagarde 43 mins – “From the archive — The International Monetary Fund has long been the “lender of last resort” for economies in crisis. Christine Lagarde, who runs the institution, would like to prevent those crises from ever happening. She tells us her plans.” At the link find the title, “Pick of the Week: Not Your Grandmother’s I.M.F. (Ep. 312), Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files 921c9634-8802-4940-a80b-07a83cea2afc.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cohen Case Discussion 46 mins – “What a weird weekend it has been. The Manafort jury is deliberating, the White House lawyer is cooperating with the special prosecutor and giving 30 hours of interview about presidential conduct, and Michael Cohen seems poised to either be indicted or form a cooperation deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York. Benjamin Wittes jumped on the phone to discuss all of this with former White House counsel Bob Bauer, former Justice Department official Carrie Cordero, and Lawfare contributor Paul Rosenzweig.” At the link right-click “Direct download: Episode_340.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

College Education Value 52 mins – “At 19, Mario Martinez felt fortunate to have escaped his rough neighborhood and enrolled in a community college. But the odds that he would earn his degree and achieve the life he wanted were still against him….” At the link find the title, “ Still Rising: First-Generation College Students a Decade Later, Aug, 2018,” right-click “Media files stillrisingdoc_128.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Compostable Trash 29 mins – “The next time you sip on a drink from a straw, you may want to think twice because humans are producing an inordinate amount of plastic waste on straws alone. Plastic straws are one of the leading contributors to ocean  trash, they take up to 200 years to decompose and they can’t be recycled.  Every year, the US alone uses enough straws to fill up nine baseball stadiums. Plastic straws are pretty much the definition of wastefulness, they serve very little purpose and are terrible for the environment.  This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to two people who are doing their best to combat plastic waste in our oceans. First, Mark Marinozzi from World Centric gives us some important facts about plastic straws and talks about the best ways to fight the problem. Then, we hear from Romain Troublé whose organization, Tara Expedition, has been making scientific ocean voyages for the past fifteen years to monitor and collect data about ocean plastic waste.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Concrete Recycling 29 mins – “Most people wouldn’t guess it, but concrete is the single most widely used material in the world. And both production and consumption are on the rise. The amount of energy used to produce all of this concrete is mind-numbing, as is its impact on the climate. This week’s guest on Sea Change Radio is Brent Constantz, the founder of Blue Planet, a company that has developed innovative carbon-capturing methods for concrete production. We discuss Blue Planet’s latest projects, look at the industry as a whole, and examine some encouraging concrete recycling solutions.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Conservatives in Canada 24 mins – “Thanks to MP Maxime Bernier’s tweet last week claiming diversity will ‘destroy’ what makes Canada great, the Conservative Party has been beset with debate over politics of immigration, identity, and what it means to be Canadian.” At the link find the title, “Conservatives are coddling far-right in multiculturalism debate, says Liberal advisor, Aug, 2018,” right-click “Media files current-sc65HBBl-20180822.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Coyote Story 45 mins – “We talk to writer and historian Dan Flores about his book Coyote America: A Natural and Supernatural History.” At the link find the title, “The Coyote Story, Sept, 2018,” right-click “Media files 93cbdbe5-8efe-45c2-ad31-d556524c13c5.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cultural Concepts 10 mins – “Rebeca Hwang has spent a lifetime juggling identities — Korean heritage, Argentinian upbringing, education in the United States — and for a long time she had difficulty finding a place in the world to call home. Yet along with these challenges came a pivotal realization: that a diverse background is a distinct advantage in today’s globalized world. In this personal talk, Hwang reveals the endless benefits of embracing our complex identities — and shares her hopes for creating a world where identities aren’t used to alienate but to bring people together instead.” At the link left-click the share circle, left-click “Download” and select “Download audio” from the pop-up menu.

Cyberwar 24 mins – “Almost 3 years ago Russia dropped a cyber-bomb on Ukraine, hacking energy companies and wiping out power to hundreds of thousands. Government security agents say that was just the beginning. A test of sorts for possibly a much bigger plan. Listen to my free Komando on Demand podcast as I take you through the history of cyber warfare and share things you should be doing now to prepare for a possible cyber attack.” At the link find the title, “Cyberwar is coming and the Russians are leading the way. Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files The Scary Truth about CyberWar – What you need to know to be prepared.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cyberwar Discussion 36 mins– “Jacob Weisberg talks to Clint Watts, the author of Messing with the Enemy: Surviving in a Social Media World of Hackers, Terrorists, Russians, and Fake News, about the question of cyberwar. What is it? What counts? Does the United States have a clear strategy around it? And what’s some basic internet hygiene we all can practice for safe surfing? Plus, John Di Domenico returns with the weekend’s tweets.” At the link find the title, “Cyberwar and Security in the Trump Era, Aug, 2018,” right-click “Media files SLT1325213276.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

DARPA Discussion 54 mins – “Explore the intersection of science fiction and national defense inside the high-tech government agency developing America’s top-secret weapons of the future with Neil deGrasse Tyson, co-host Chuck Nice, former DARPA Director Arati Prabhakar, journalist Sharon Weinberger, and roboticist Hod Lipson.” At the link find the title, “Inside DARPA: Sci-Fi Meets National Defense, Aug, 2018,” right-click “Media files 71ce9b7f-e03b-4467-99d5-c406ef17cd84.mp3” and select “save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Death Spoof of Babchenko 27 mins – “The Life, Death and Life of Arkady Babchenko – The resurrection of a murdered Kremlin critic in Ukraine.At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Democracy and Politics 18 mins – “You can overdo most things, but can you overdo democracy? Political philosopher Robert B. Talisse thinks you can. He explains why in this episode of the Philosophy Bites podcast. We are very grateful for sponsorship from the Marc Sanders Foundation for this episode.” At the link right-click “Direct download: Robert B. Talisse on Overdoing Democracy.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Dutch Sustainability 30 mins – “When liberal politicians suggest we look for policy-making inspiration from social democracies in Europe, the automatic reaction from some corners of the political scene is something like “well, then, move to Sweden!” or “Love it or leave it!” There is no reason that we can’t take lessons from other systems in our collective pursuit of a more perfect union, not to mention a more healthy environment. This week on Sea Change Radio we take a peek at how the Dutch do things. Host Alex Wise speaks with two American environmentalists based in the Netherlands to get their perspective on Holland’s environmental policies and practices. Michael Payne, a wind energy and bicycle advocate, and Mike Fawcett, the founder of Farm Zero discuss the cultural, economic, and financial keys to Dutch sustainability.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Dystonia 57 mins – “Dystonia — involuntary muscle contractions that cause awkward, often painful postures — can be a symptom of Parkinson’s or a movement disorder on its own. Last week, in our Third Thursdays Webinar series, experts and a person with Parkinson’s spoke about the causes of dystonia and different treatment options. Listen here to the webinar audio.” At the link right-click “Download Audio File” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Ebola Outbreak Lessons 18 mins – “On the day the WHO announced the end of the Ebola outbreak in the DRC, Lancet editor Pam Das speaks with Mike Ryan, Assistant DG for Emergency Preparedness and Response at the WHO, and David Heymann, head of Chatham House Global Health, about how the outbreak was contained and what lessons were learned.” At the link find the title, “End of the Ebola outbreak in DRC, Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files TL_Jul_18_ebola.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Environmental Charity 29 mins – “When you read about the giant islands of plastic garbage in our oceans, or see time-lapsed photos of diminishing arctic sea ice, in order to stave off the helpless feeling that creeps up into your throat, do you ever reach into your wallet intending to donate to an organization that’s making a difference? But then you may hesitate. To whom should you give to have the greatest impact? Our guest this week on Sea Change Radio is here to help. She is Kate Williams, the CEO of 1%  For The Planet, a nonprofit that serves as a sort of conduit for environmental giving. They do the research to make it easier for individuals and businesses to support the right environmental organizations. We discuss their model, look at the philanthropic space as a whole, and explore why only 3% of charitable donations in this country go to the environmental sector.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Environmental Journalism 29 mins – “Over the last few decades, the skyline of Malaysia’s capital Kuala Lumpur has mushroomed – a conglomeration of skyscrapers highlighted by The Petronas Twin Towers, two of the world’s tallest buildings, now obscure the horizon in this rapidly-developing city. Is all this construction a good thing for the country? And to what extent are developers and the Malaysian government considering sustainability in this building spree? To better understand the environmental costs and benefits of Southeast Asia’s massive infrastructure developments, Mongabay sent correspondent Keith Schneider to Malaysia. Schneider is our guest today on Sea Change Radio. He gives us an overview of the construction projects, compares them to those of Malaysia’s neighbors in the region, and discusses the influx of Chinese capital flooding the country. As you will discover, Schneider came away from his visit with a surprisingly optimistic outlook on the country’s future.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Euthanasia 28 mins – “In January, Aurelia Brouwers – a 29 year old Dutch woman, with a history of severe mental illness – lay down on her bed to die. She had been declared eligible for euthanasia a month earlier – Dutch law permits the ending of a life where there is, ‘unbearable suffering’ without hope of relief. Aurelia’s death provoked an outpouring on social media, and widespread discussion within the Netherlands… What if a death wish is part of someone’s illness? And does someone with serious mental health challenges have the capacity to make a decision about their own demise? These are questions now being debated in the Netherlands as a result of Aurelia’s death. Crossing Continents features recordings of Aurelia made in the two weeks before she died, hears from some of the friends closest to her, and explores the complex terrain of euthanasia for people with psychiatric problems in Holland.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

FaxSplit 127 mins – “This week we cover lots of discoveries revealed during last week’s Black Hat 2018 and DEF CON 26 Las Vegas security conferences. Among them, 47 vulnerabilities across 25 Android smartphones, Android “Disk-In-The-Middle” attacks, Google tracking when asked not to, more Brazilian DLink router hijack hijinks, a backdoor found in VIA C3 processors, a trusted-client attack on WhatsApp, a macOS 0-day, a tasty new feature for Win10 Enterprise, a new Signal-based secure eMail service, Facebook’s FIZZ TLS v1.3 library, another Let’s Encrypt milestone, and then “FaxSploit” the most significant nightmare in recent history (FAR worse, I think, than any of the theoretical Spectre & Meltdown attacks).” At the link right-click “Download Options,” right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Finding Luck 12 mins – “Luck is rarely a lightning strike, isolated and dramatic — it’s much more like the wind, blowing constantly. Catching more of it is easy but not obvious. In this insightful talk, Stanford engineering school professor Tina Seelig shares three unexpected ways to increase your luck — and your ability to see and seize opportunities.” At the link left-click the “Share” circle, left-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Download audio” to get the podcast.

Forest Cultivation 73 mins – “Nathan Kay is a licensed professional forester in the state of Maine. He has been practicing forestry for 7 years. He holds a Bachelors of Science in Forestry and Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Maine. He believes strongly in the ability of a forest to simultaneously provide for landowner objectives and fulfill important ecological roles.  He joins us today to discuss, forest management on the homestead.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Frankenstein Story 56 mins – “Two hundred years ago a young woman aged just 18 published a book about a monster: Mary Shelley had written Frankenstein. But it was much more than a brilliant yarn, Frankenstein created a new form of science fiction, responding to the recent revolution in scientific investigation and musing on the nature of life and creative morality. The Science Show presents two remarkable interpretations of the Frankenstein story – the late Marilyn Butler of Exeter College, Oxford tells of Shelley’s family and the impact of the book and the plays back then; then Suzanne Burdon, who wrote a novel about Mary Shelley, Almost Invincible, explores what we now know of the significance of Frankenstein and how it transverses debates on the future of research.” At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Gender in Sports 37 mins – “In 2014, India’s Dutee Chand was a rising female track and field star, crushing national records. But then, that summer, something unexpected happened: she failed a gender test. And was banned from the sport. Before she knew it, Dutee was thrown into the middle of a controversy that started long before her, and continues on today: how to separate males and females in sport. This story is a companion piece to Gonads, Episode 5, Dana “Dutee” was reported by Molly Webster, with co-reporting and translation by Sarah Qari. It was produced by Pat Walters, with production help from Jad Abumrad and Rachael Cusick. The Gonads theme was written, performed, and produced by Majel Connery and Alex Overington. Special thanks to Geertje Mak, Maayan Sudai, Andrea Dunaif, Bhrikuti Rai, Joe Osmundson, and Payoshni Mitra. Plus, former Olympic runner Madeleine Pape, who is currently studying regulations around female, transgender, and intersex individuals in sport.At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

General Magic Project 57 mins – “What do you get when the creators of the Macintosh, iPod, Android, Ebay, Linked In, Nest, Flash, and the future CTO of the United States try to invent the iPhone a decade before its time? General Magic was a spin-off of Apple tasked with creating the ultimate personal digital assistant. It failed. Filmmakers Matt Maude and Sarah Kerruish join Leo Laporte to talk about their new documentary, General Magic, which chronicles the rise and fall of the greatest failed company in Silicon Valley.At the link left-click “Download Options,” right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Genius Research 66 mins – “This episode features Professor Dean Simonton, who has spent his life quantitatively studying geniuses, from Einstein to Mozart. Dean and Julia discuss his views on whether IQ is important, whether some innovations are “in the air” at given points in history, whether the “10,000 hours = mastery” theory promoted by Malcolm Gladwell is accurate, and more.” At the link right-click “Download audio mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Geometry and Knitting 60 mins – “This week we’re discussing math and things made from yarn. We welcome mathematician Daina Taimina to the show to discuss her book “Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes: Tactile Mathematics, Art and Craft for all to Explore”, and how making geometric models that people can play with helps teach math. And we speak with research scientist Janelle Shane about her hobby of training neural networks to do things like name colours, come up with Halloween costume ideas, and generate knitting patterns: often with hilarious results. Related links: Crocheting the Hyperbolic Plane by Daina Taimina and David Henderson Daina’s Hyperbolic Crochet blog…At the link find the title, “#487 Knitting in PEARL,” right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

George Schultz 63 mins – “Perspective? No one has a longer or better-informed view of world affairs and America’s role than George Shultz, now 97. (Henry Kissinger is only 95.) Secretary Shultz was a US Marine Captain in World War II. After becoming an economics professor at MIT and the University of Chicago he served the Nixon administration as Secretary of Labor, then director of the Office of Management and Budget, then Secretary of the Treasury. Back in private life by 1974, he led Bechtel Group as executive vice president and president. He was appointed by President Reagan as Secretary of State in 1982, where he helped finesse Reagan’s relationship with Gorbachev that wound down the Cold War. Still active in public policy after leaving government in 1989, Shultz has been an advocate for legalizing recreational drugs, for ending the Cuban embargo, for a world totally free of nuclear weapons, and for a revenue-neutral carbon tax. Secretary Shultz will be interviewed on stage by Peter Schwartz, currently head of strategy for Salesforce and a founding board member of Long Now, formerly the CEO of Global Business Network and author of The Art of the Long View (01991). This SALT talk was arranged in partnership with the Asia Society of Northern California…” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Hanoi Trends 31 mins – “An interrupted journey is like a portal into somebody else’s life. In this programme, Catherine Carr invites strangers to pause on their way from A to B and asks them one simple question: ‘Where Are You Going?’ In the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, Catherine meets the feminist teenagers who dream of equality and a jet-setting seven-year-old who is already worried about college. She meets a depressed new mother struggling to cope, and a teenager praying for good exam grades.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Hate Speech 72 mins – “Back in 2008 Facebook began writing a document. It was a constitution of sorts, laying out what could and what couldn’t be posted on the site. Back then, the rules were simple, outlawing nudity and gore.Today, they’re anything but.How do you define hate speech? Where’s the line between a joke and an attack? How much butt is too much butt? Facebook has answered these questions. And from these answers they’ve written a rulebook that all 2.2 billion of us are expected to follow. Today, we explore that rulebook. We dive into its details and untangle its logic. All the while wondering what does this mean for the future of free speech?At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Honduras Private Cities 28 mins – “Luis Fajardo examines a controversial plan to create privatised cities in the impoverished Central American country of Honduras. Nearly a decade ago a US star economist, Paul Romer, proposed “charter cities” as a model for developing countries to escape poverty and violence; new cities with Western-style institutions and laws, to be built and managed by foreigners in semi-autonomous enclaves carved out of the country.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Human Destructiveness 69 mins – “With all of the black-and-white moralizing in our world today, we decided to bring back an old show about the little bit of bad that’s in all of us…and the little bit of really, really bad that’s in some of us. Cruelty, violence, badness… in this episode we begin with a chilling statistic: 91% of men, and 84% of women, have fantasized about killing someone. We take a look at one particular fantasy lurking behind these numbers, and wonder what this shadow world might tell us about ourselves and our neighbors. Then, we reconsider what Stanley Milgram’s famous experiment really revealed about human nature (it’s both better and worse than we thought). Next, we meet a man who scrambles our notions of good and evil: chemist Fritz Haber, who won a Nobel Prize in 1918…around the same time officials in the US were calling him a war criminal. And we end with the story of a man who chased one of the most prolific serial killers in US history, then got a chance to ask him the question that had haunted him for years: why?” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Humanity Upgrade 18 mins – “In an unmissable talk about race and politics in America, Theo E.J. Wilson tells the story of becoming Lucius25, white supremacist lurker, and the unexpected compassion and surprising perspective he found from engaging with people he disagrees with. He encourages us to let go of fear, embrace curiosity and have courageous conversations with people who think differently from us. “Conversations stop violence, conversations start countries and build bridges,” he says.” At the link left-click the “Share” circle, left-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Download audio” to get the podcast.

Huntingtons Disease 27 mins – “This degenerative illness has a few genetic quirks which scientists believe could cause secondary health benefits. Emerging research suggests that people with Huntington’s are less sickly, don’t get cancer as often and even have more brain cells. Hannah Devlin investigates.” At the link find the title, “Huntington’s disease: the price paid for our big brains? – Science Weekly podcast, Aug, 2018,” right-click “Media files 22-76601-gnl.sci.180824.gj.Huntingtons disease the price paid for our big brains.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

ISIS Recruits 27 mins – “For years, the so-called Islamic State has managed to attract thousands of would-be jihadis and jihadi brides to join their caliphate. The extremist propaganda, online videos and recruiters have seen thousands of people from all over the world flock to Iraq and Syria to join IS; including 850 men, women and children from the UK. The brutality of the terror group is now well known, partly due to their own publicity online. Videos and stories of beheadings, floggings and sex slaves have been released to the public, drawing in a new wave of foreign fighters. It’s thought 50% of UK citizens who left to join IS, have now returned home- the rest are dead, detained or missing. What happens to these returnees when they come back? With only a minority being prosecuted and imprisoned, what efforts are being made to de-radicalise the rest? This investigation explores the danger posed by UK returnees, the efforts to de-radicalise and reintegrate them and the difficulties of proving they were ever part of the caliphate once they’ve returned home.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Kansas Child Politicians 27 mins – “There’s an unlikely election campaign underway in the American state of Kansas where several teenagers have joined the race to be Governor. Kansas is the only place in the US with no lower age limit on running for the state’s top job and the youngsters say they want to energise other young people and boost youth involvement in politics. They come from Republican, Democratic and Independent backgrounds but their views, in a very conservative state, range far and wide across the ideological spectrum. On taxes, spending, environmental laws and even gun control, the teenagers often break with party orthodoxy and look for compromise. All this at a time when school children are leading the grass-roots movement against guns, taking on their political elders for the first time in decades. For Assignment, Claire Bolderson travels to Kansas to meet the aspiring politicians, too young to vote even for themselves, to assess the shifting sands of youth politics.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Kevin Rose with Tim Ferriss 90 mins – “Serial entrepreneur, world-class investor, eagle scout, and all around wild and crazy guy Kevin Rose (@KevinRose), rejoins me for another episode of The Random Show. We discuss Kevin’s new diet obsession that may just save his life for many decades to come, fatherhood, minimalism, lifetime learning, ways to dial back alcohol consumption, lessons learned from Tony Robbins, most recommended books, and much more.” At the link find the title, “#333: Random Show — Fasting, Biohacking, and Tony Robbins, Aug, 2018,” right-click “Media files b997db0e-0ef5-473b-a9b3-3d3fd6e643bd.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Lottery Winners 28 mins – “Most people have dreamed of winning the lottery. It’s a dream that has become ever more common around the world as jackpots get bigger and lotteries more numerous. But does money really make us happy, and how much does this depend on where we live and how we spend it? To find out the BBC’s, Mike Thomson meets lottery winners from around the globe.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Male Supremacy 42 mins – “Do nations fight wars because men are naturally violent? Or do societies condition men to embrace violence so they’ll fight the nation’s wars? Along with co-hosts John Biewen and Celeste Headlee, this episode features reporting by Barry Lam of the Hi-Phi Nation podcast, with scholars Joshua Goldstein of American University, Tom Digby of Springfield College, and Graham Parsons of the United States Military Academy, a.k.a. West Point.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Manafort Case 21 mins – “Paul Manafort was Donald Trump’s campaign chairman for three critical months in 2016, leading up to the Republican Convention. But for a decade before that, he did political work in Ukraine, and it’s the money Manafort made from that work that is now under the microscope in a Virginia courtroom. Manafort stands accused of tax fraud and bank fraud in the first case in the Mueller investigation to go to trial. Allegedly, Manafort set up secret offshore bank accounts, took in tens of millions of dollars, and avoided the Internal Revenue Service. And later, when the work in Ukraine dried up, and he was short of cash, Manafort allegedly lied to banks to get loans. Trump, Inc.’s Ilya Marritz and Andrea Bernstein dissect the trial’s opening with Franklin Foer, a staff writer at The Atlantic who profiled Manafort in his article The Plot Against America.At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Meat Consumption 7 mins – “Dora Marinova says the easiest and quickest action we can take with the biggest benefit for our health and the environment is to reduce our consumption of meat. The environmental impacts of people eating meat form a long list. Dora Marinova illustrates the impact with a simple statistic. She says the amount of land occupied by our buildings in cities and towns is 1% of available land. And the amount of available land used for livestock and their food is 27%. In other words, people’s preference to eat meat has radically altered the planet from the loss of natural environments and the biodiversity that relied on these lands. While the world consumption of beef per person peaked in 2007, the rate of chicken consumption is increasing.” At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Merriman Financial Story 56 mins – In this interview with financial advisor Joshua J. Sheats, of Radical Personal Finance, Paul speaks of his early ventures on Wall Street and in manufacturing, what it was like to build an advisory firm in the 1980s, his life’s challenges, and the goals, affirmations and philosophies that continue to motivate his work with the financial education foundation he started upon retirement in 2012.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Microbiologist Professor Story 76 mins – “Vincent speaks with Mark O. Martin about microbial centricity, teaching undergraduates microbiology, lux art, painting with glowing bacteria, tardigrades and much more at ASM Microbe 2018.” At the link right-click “TWiM #180” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Moral Reframing 12 mins – “Robb Willer studies the forces that unite and divide us. As a social psychologist, he researches how moral values — typically a source of division — can also be used to bring people together. Willer shares compelling insights on how we might bridge the ideological divide and offers some intuitive advice on ways to be more persuasive when talking politics.” At the link left-click the share circle, left-click “Download” and select “Download audio” from the pop-up menu.

Ndrangeta Crime Syndicate 27 mins – “It is thought to be the most powerful Mafia organisation in the world and yet few people have heard of it. The ‘Ndrangheta crime syndicate has used the enormous wealth derived from its control of Cocaine smuggling to spread its tentacles far and wide around the world. The crime organisation began as bandits in the late 19th century in Calabria in southern Italy and is now thought to be operating in 50 countries. The ‘Ndrangheta shuns the limelight but earlier this year a brutal murder brought it unwelcome attention. Investigative reporter Jan Kuciak was shot dead while investigating possible links between the ‘Ndrangheta and the government in his native Slovakia. Suddenly the Mafia was in the news. For Assignment Andrew Hosken travels to Slovakia and Italy to investigate the killing and the ‘Ndrangheta’s global reach and power.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Q and A 57 mins – “Join Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Sarah Rose Siskind as they answer fan-submitted Cosmic Queries about our collision course with the Andromeda galaxy, how the Big Bang got its name, the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, dark matter, and much more.” At the link find the title, “Cosmic Queries – Our Galaxy and Beyond, Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files 20593599-27c6-47d7-8604-f05b0e098355.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

New Hampshire Life 57 mins – “The Exchange is exploring the different regions of the state for our summer series, Going Local. For the Monadnock Region, we go to Keene State College to broadcast before a live audience.” At the link right-click “Listen” button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.  

Nudity Discussion 51 mins – “Some people just love to be naked in public. Dr Keon West travels far and wide to speak to those who enjoy taking their clothes off to find out why they do it, and what the benefits – and disadvantages – might be. His work showed that those of us who are naked in public are more likely to be happier not just with our bodies, but also with our lives more generally.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

One-child Families 28 mins – “Even today the stereotype continues that only children are selfish, spoiled and lonely – it’s the so-called “only child syndrome”. But around the world one-child families are becoming more common. So why do some parents decide to have only one child? And how much does it have to do with circumstance and economics?” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Poisons in Kids 63 mins – “Join Dan (@drusyniak) &Howard (@heshiegreshie) as they chat with Dr. Diane Calello and learn what a pediatrician, pediatric emergency physician, addiction specialist, medical toxicologist and lyric soprano does for fun. Learn what makes a kid a kid and what special things to look out for when managing future big humans. Lots to learn here.” At the link find the title, “The Podcast That Mistook its Pediatrician for a Pork Roll, Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files S02E02_Diane_Calello.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Poverty Gaslighting Propaganda 29 mins“Just remember that what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not happening,” said the President of the United States this week to a group of veterans. It was a statement eerily reminiscent of the quote from George Orwell’s 1984, “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.” It was also yet another example of gaslighting, a term derived from the 1938 Patrick Hamilton play “Gas Light” that’s used to describe efforts to manipulate someone’s perception of reality. It’s, of course, a term with which more and more of us are becoming familiar as of late since we seem to be getting a consistently unhealthy dose of gaslighting under the current Administration. Recently, the White House Council of Economic Advisers published a report that essentially declared poverty in this country a thing of the past. This week on Sea Change Radio, we discuss the ins and outs of this latest gaslighting special with Rebecca Vallas, the vice president for the Poverty to Prosperity Program at the Center for American Progress. Vallas explains what’s at the root of the report, who it really targets and why it should be concerning to all of us.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Puerto Rico Blockchain Launchpad 36 mins – “Hurricane ravaged Puerto Rico is becoming an unlikely launchpad for a blockchain boom. Whilst many thousands of Puerto Ricans are leaving the island after the devastation of hurricane Maria, a small group of wealthy ‘crypto-preneurs’, are moving to this US territory. They harbour hopes to reboot paradise using blockchain technology, the revolutionary idea which helped create digital currencies like bitcoin, and bring prosperity back to this financially struggling island ” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Punjab Mansions 51 mins – “Over the last twenty years or so hundreds of mansions have appeared in the Kharian region of the Punjab. Each mansion represents a successful migration to the West – some to the UK but mostly to Norway. For three or four weeks a year the mansions are holiday homes to the returning migrants and their Norwegian born children. This is often a time when differences and rifts in extended families emerge and a time when young people must assess their futures.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Reporter Harold Evans Career 28 mins – “At a time of unprecedented change and scrutiny of the media, Razia Iqbal interviews and listens again to the archive from British newspaper man Harold Evans, whose name has become a byword for serious investigative journalism. From his flat in New York, she speaks to Sir Harry about giving voice to the voiceless, risking going to prison and changing British law in his lifelong pursuit of the truth.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Roe vs Wade History 27 mins – “Trump has a second Supreme Court pick and that has a lot of people wondering about the future of Roe v. Wade. Here we look at the constitutional basis of the decision and the strange personal history of Roe” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Scaling a Company 39 mins – ““In order to scale, you have to do things that don’t scale.” — Reid Hoffman This episode is a showcase from Masters of Scale, one of the few podcasts I recommend repeatedly to entrepreneurs. It’s a conversation between LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman (@reidhoffman) and Airbnb co-founder Brian Chesky (@bchesky), and it focuses on how you can scale your company by, paradoxically, doing things that don’t scale. This is, in some ways, part two of my conversation with Airbnb’s co-founder Joe Gebbia (which you can check out here). I also highly recommend subscribing to Masters of Scale, which just began its third season and features interviews with the founders of Spotify, Instagram, TaskRabbit, Shake Shack, and Glossier, among many others. And if you’re looking for a companion piece to read with this episode, I can recommend none better than 1,000 True Fans by Kevin Kelly (@kevin2kelly).” At the link find tht tie title, “#326: Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, Brian Chesky of Airbnb, and How to Scale to 100M+ Users, Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files f6217276-dda9-484a-9f90-ccd79579d937.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Security Clearance Lawsuit 30 mins – “The President of the United States this week stripped the former CIA Director John Brennan of his security clearance in a dramatic White House statement by Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The White House is threatening more adverse security clearance actions against presidential critics, and former senior security officials are outraged. Benjamin Wittes sat down Friday afternoon with Bradley Moss, who represents people in security clearance revocation processes, to discuss the president’s move, how different it is, and what we can expect if a lawsuit develops.” At the link right-click “Direct download: Episode_339.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Seoul Culture 31 mins – ‘Catherine Carr travels to the South Korean city of Seoul and invites passers-by to stop for a moment and answer one question – Where are you going? She meets a Korean-American who regrets her decision to move to Seoul – a place her parents call ‘Hell City’ – to a wannabe author with a dark past. And she talks to a political refugee stuck in a passport-less limbo, and a couple in love, who simply cannot live together.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sickle Cell and Hip Hop 4 mins – “The rapper Prodigy may have been the voice of New York, but he couldn’t escape a single recessive gene….When the rapper Prodigy suffered a sickle cell crisis after a Las Vegas concert in 2017, his friends didn’t think much of it at first: they were used to him getting sick. But a few days later, he died. The Realness goes behind Prodigy’s music to reveal his lifelong struggle against his own body, and how that struggle informed his lyrics and fueled his success.[In six sessions.]At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sickle Cell and Hip Hop Ep 1 30 mins – “Prodigy and Havoc begin laying down rhymes together in high school. When their first album flops, they come up with a new sound that’s directly influenced by P’s sickle cell, and it helps define a generation of hip hop. Plus: Big Twins talks about the sickle cell attack he’ll never forget. Explore More: One of the interviews we didn’t get a chance to use was this appearance Prodigy made on The Breakfast Club a while back. About 12:40 in, he talks about how sickle cell influenced his music, and says “a lot of the pain that comes out of me” is from having sickle cell. If you ever needed proof that Prodigy was hella influential, this tribute show Hot 97’s Peter Rosenberg put out after P’s death proves it. Eminem and Kendrick Lamar (who later gave Prodigy a shout out on the BET awards) make guest appearances, rapping some of P’s most famous lines. . Finally, check out the music video for Peer Pressure, one of Mobb Deep’s first singles. In it, Havoc and Prodigy are carrying sickles. A producer who worked with them told us they were meant to represent P’s sickle cell. LANGUAGE WARNING: The Realness contains strong language that some listeners may find offensive.” At the link find the title, “Episode 1: This Sunny Day Right Here, Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files realness071918_cms868901_pod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sickle Cell and Hip Hop Ep 2 30 mins – “As a kid with sickle cell anemia, Prodigy was told he’d barely make it to adulthood. The work of doctors, athletes, Hollywood stars and The Black Panthers help transform his fate. But what kind of life would he lead? Explore More: Keith Wailoo, one of our interview subjects for this episode, wrote a great article summing up the history of sickle cell in this country. Make sure you scroll to see the stunning graph that shows how patients’ life expectancy skyrocketed after the Sickle Cell Control Act. . Prodigy’s childhood physician, Dr. Francis, loved reading the New York Times. And when she died, they wrote her a loving obituary. . After getting out of prison, Prodigy started opening up about his childhood struggle with sickle cell. In this speech at Riverside Church, P talks about his teenage suicide attempt and how therapy helped him. P talking about his teenage suicide attempt and more at Riverside Church. . But Prodigy’s childhood wasn’t all pain. After spending years of Saturdays at his grandmother’s dance studio, the young T’Chaka was a good enough dancer that he would occasionally compete with Alfonso Ribiero for parts. The first people on stage for this famed Diana Ross concert in Central Park are dancers from his grandmother’s studio (including Kerri Edge, who you hear from in this episode). P was supposed to appear at the end, probably to give Diana flowers. But the concert was rained out, and Prodigy later wrote that he got stage fright.” At the link find the title, “Episode 2: T’Chaka, Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files realness072018_cms869655_pod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sickle Cell and Hip Hop Ep 3 28 mins – “Someone is shot inside Def Jam. A rap star chases Mobb Deep through Lower Manhattan. And Prodigy convinces a hip hop mogul to sneak weapons into one of New York’s most decadent nightclubs. Mobb Deep came up in rap’s golden age. No other group defined the era quite like the duo from Queens. Explore More: . This interview on NPR’s Microphone Check is the first time Ali Shaheed Muhammad talked to Prodigy, in public, about the Def Jam shooting he tells us about in this episode. It’s worth a listen. . Right after Prodigy died, Havoc did this really interesting interview with Mass Appeal. He talks about what P was like in the early days – and how Hav was constantly warning Prodigy about carrying guns around with him. . This article about The Tunnel is a must-read. When you’re done with that, check out this list of top “Tunnel Bangers”: there are plenty of Mobb Deep tunes on there.” At the link find the title, “Episode 3: Son, They Shook, Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files realness072318_cms869656_pod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sickle Cell and Hip Hop Ep 4 38 mins – “When Prodigy goes on trial for violating parole, his lawyer files over 90 pages of P’s medical records in his defense. We find those records buried deep in a Brooklyn courthouse, and they open a window into how Prodigy’s body was at war with itself. Explore More: Risco Mention-Lewis, the prosecutor we speak to in this episode, is a Deputy Police Comissioner now, but her passion is a project called COTA. You can learn more about what Mention-Lewis is doing in this interview and video. LANGUAGE WARNING: The Realness contains strong language that some listeners may find offensive.” At the link find the title, “Episode 4: The Most Racist Judge in Nassau County,” right-click “Media files realness073018_cms869658_pod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sickle Cell and Hip Hop Ep 5 21 mins – “It’s The Alchemist’s birthday, but thanks to the NYPD’s “Rap Intelligence Unit,” he and Prodigy are forced to celebrate in a jail cell, and soon after, P is headed upstate. But even Prodigy says prison changed him for the better. Explore More: . Dennis Kozlowski, the Tyco CEO who was incarcerated with Prodigy, is now the Chairman of the Board of the Fortune Society. This group works to help incarcerated individuals resume day to day life once they’re out. Check them out. People who oversee New York’s prisons think they know why healthcare inside may be subpar: there aren’t enough caregivers. Jack Beck, a representative from the Correctional Association of New York, which helps oversee the prisons, testified in 2017 that many prison healthcare jobs were vacant. Being incarcerated didn’t stop Prodigy from making music. This song was recorded while P was inside. In it, he gives a shout out to King Benny, who visited him every weekend. LANGUAGE WARNING: The Realness contains strong language that some listeners may find offensive. Additional audio of Prodigy provided from the audio book of My Infamous Life by Albert “Prodigy” Johnson.” At the link find the title, Episode 5: Go See About the God, Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files realness082718_cms869659_pod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sickle Cell and Hip Hop Ep 6 31 mins – “Prodigy is supposed to fly back home right after a show in Vegas, but he never gets on the plane. As the world of hip hop mourns, there are still questions surrounding his death. We try to find answers, and go inside Prodigy’s memorial service to say goodbye to a rap icon.” At the link find the title, “Episode 6: Missing You, Aug, 2018,” right-click “Media files realness080318_cms869660_pod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Silicon Valley History P1 63 mins – “Adam Fisher is the author of Valley of Genius: The Uncensored History of Silicon Valley (As Told by the Hackers, Founders, and Freaks Who Made It Boom). He talks with Leo Laporte about the secret history of Silicon Valley.At the link left-click “Download Options,” right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Silicon Valley History P2 46 mins – “Adam Fisher is the author of “Valley of Genius: The Uncensored History of Silicon Valley (As Told by the Hackers, Founders, and Freaks Who Made It Boom)”. This is the second part of his conversation with Leo Laporte about the secret history of Silicon Valley.At the link left-click “Download Options,” right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

South Korea Low Birth Rate 27 mins – “Why does South Korea have the lowest fertility rate in the world? The average South Korean woman is expected to have 1.05 children in her life – exactly half the rate needed to maintain a population. That means a shrinking workforce paying less taxes and more elderly people who will need expensive care. South Korea’s government has pumped tens of billions of pounds into dealing with the problem over the past decade, but the fertility rate is still going down. In this whodunnit, Simon Maybin finds out who’s not doing it – and why.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Spanish Civil War 116 mins – “John from Working Class History joins Brett to discuss the Spanish Civil War! This is a long-anticipated episode on a deeply important and relevant historical event. We spent a LOT of time editing and producing this episode, so we hope you find it informative as well as genuinely moving.” At the link left-click the down-pointing arrow under the sound bar, select “Save File” from the pop-up menu and “OK” to get the podcast.  

Super Computer Uses 63 mins – ““We live in a spectacular time,” says Juan Benet. “We’re a century into our computing phase transition. The latest stages have created astonishing powers for individuals, groups, and our species as a whole. We are also faced with accumulating dangers — the capabilities to end the whole humanity experiment are growing and are ever more accessible. In light of the promethean fire that is computing, we must prevent bad outcomes and lock in good ones to build robust foundations for our knowledge, and a safe future. There is much we can do in the short-term to secure the long-term.” “I come from the front lines of computing platform design to share a number of new super-powers at our disposal, some old challenges that are now soluble, and some new open problems. In this next decade, we’ll need to leverage peer-to-peer networks, crypto-economics, blockchains, Open Source, Open Services, decentralization, incentive-structure engineering, and so much more to ensure short-term safety and the long-term flourishing of humanity.” Juan Benet is the inventor of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)—a new protocol which uses content-addressing to make the web faster, safer, and more open—and the creator of Filecoin, a cryptocurrency-incentivized storage market.” At the link find the title, Juan Benet: Long Term Info-structure, Aug, 2018,” right-click “Media files salt-020180806-benet-podcast.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Superconductor Goals 30 mins – “Here at Nerdette, we’ve wanted to visit Argonne National Laboratory for MANY YEARS. Why? Because it’s a massive research facility, it’s just outside of Chicago, and it shares many similarities with Hawkins National Laboratory, the fictional government science complex from the Netflix show Stranger Things. Greta, Tricia and our trusty guide Justin Breaux take a tour of Argonne, where we talk with a bunch of super-smart scientists about the stuff they’re working on and the questions they’re trying to answer. Questions like: If you had one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, what problems should you solve? And if you could solve those problems, how would you go about doing it? And what if one problem — a problem you’ve dedicated your entire career to solving — isn’t solvable for centuries? Also, can we see the Upside Down? Guests: Katherine Riley, director of science at Argonne’s Leadership Computing Facility Rajesh Sankaran, computer scientist at Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Division Lei Cheng, chemist with Argonne’s Joint Center for Energy Storage Research Matt Dietrich, experimental physicist at Argonne’s Physics Division” At the link find the title, “Aug, 2018, Science Experiments To Knowhere: A Field Trip To Argonne National Lab,” right-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Taiwan Culture 28 mins – “Young Taiwanese entrepreneurs working in a start-up hub are offered attractive sweeteners. But this isn’t in California or even Taipei, it’s on the outskirts of Shanghai. The People’s Republic of China is setting its sights on Taiwan’s youth by encouraging them to relocate to the ‘mainland’.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Thailand Cave Rescue 24 mins – “The miraculous rescue of the 12 boys and their young football coach, trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand, has been followed around the world. It was a global operation with divers from several different counties. Its chances of success or failure were finely balanced. In the end there was jubilation, tinged with some sadness. The BBC minute team take you back to each day of the past three weeks and reflect on how the drama unfolded. ” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Tribalism Intensifies 62 mins – “EconTalk host Russ Roberts does a monologue on how political discourse seems to have deteriorated in recent years and the growth in outrage, tribalism, and intolerance for those with different views from one’s own. Roberts suggests that part of the problem is the revolution of the market for information caused by the internet that allows people to customize what they see to fit their own political narratives and worldview. In short, the market for news works to make us feel good rather than to help us to discover the truth. The monologue closes with some suggestions for how we might improve the way we consume information and interact with those we disagree with.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Video Surveillance Trends 31 mins – “We don’t notice surveillance cameras watching us anymore. They’re everywhere! But what if your spouse was suddenly able to watch you cross the street without your knowledge. Would you consider that creepy? What if one day artificial intelligence with facial recognition was used to learn everything about you before you even enter a store? It’s only going to get more pervasive.” At the link find the title, “Smile! Surveillance cameras are always watching you, Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files Smile Surveillance cameras are always watching you.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Volcanoes 60 mins – “This week we’re talking volcanoes. Because there are few things that fascinate us more than the amazing, unstoppable power of an erupting volcano. First, Jessica Johnson takes us through the latest activity from the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii to help us understand what’s happening with this headline-grabbing volcano. And Janine Krippner joins us to highlight some of the lesser-known volcanoes that can be found in the USA, the different kinds of eruptions we might one day see at them, and how damaging they have the potential to be. Related links: Kilauea status report at USGS A beginner’s guide to Hawaii’s otherworldly…At the link find the title, “#486 Volcanoes,” right-click “Play Now” and select “save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

War Culture 44 mins – “Historian Margaret MacMillan asks why both men and women go to war. “We are both fascinated and repulsed by war and those who fight,” she says. In this lecture, recorded at York University, she explores looks at the role of the warrior in history and culture and analyses how warriors are produced. And she interrogates the differences that gender plays in war. Anita Anand presents the programme recorded in front of an audience, including a question and answer session.” At the link left-click “Download,” and right-click “Lower quality” to get the podcast.

Warfare Justification 60 mins – “Historian Margaret MacMillan assesses how the law and international agreements have attempted to address conflict. Speaking to an audience at the Northern Irish Parliament Buildings at Stormont in Belfast, Professor MacMillan outlines how both states and the people have sought to justify warfare – from self-defence to civil war – focusing on examples from Irish and British history. The programme, including a question and answer session, is presented by Anita Anand.” At the link left-click “Download,” and right-click “Lower quality” to get the podcast.

Wartime Civilians 60 mins – “Historian Margaret MacMillan dissects the relationship between war and the civilian. Speaking to an audience in Beirut, she looks back at the city’s violent past and discusses the impact of conflict on noncombatants throughout the centuries. She explores how civilians have been deliberately targeted, used as slaves and why women are still often singled out in mass rapes. And she addresses the proposition that human beings are becoming less, not more violent. The programme is chaired by Anita Anand.” At the link left-click “Download,” and right-click “Lower quality” to get the podcast.

Wine History 60 mins – “How do you pick your wine? By its history? By its grape? By the picture on the bottle? Well you’re about to get your wine world turned upside down. We’ll hear about the history of this fabulous fermentation from Kevin Begos, author of the book “Tasting the Past: The Science of Flavor and the Search for the Origins of Wine”. Then we’ll talk with Erika Szymanski about the little microbes that make it all possible, yeast! On the way, we’re going to have Science for the People’s first ever wine tasting! Related links: Background music: Mozart Flute Quartet in D…At the link find the title, “#485 Fine Times with Wine,” right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

World Bank Poverty Fighting 37 mins – “From the archive — Jim Yong Kim has an unorthodox background for a World Bank president — and his reign thus far is just as unorthodox.” At the link find the title, “Pick of the Week: Hacking the World Bank (Ep. 197), Jul, 2018,” right-click “Media files d61cc065-b9f9-4eda-97a6-a7da2df28f3f.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Yemen Children Killed 19 mins – “After dozens of children were killed in a Saudi-led coalition airstrike in Yemen, scrutiny of the West’s support for the Kingdom has been renewed.” At the link find the title, “Cutting ties with Saudi Arabia won’t stop the war in Yemen, says expert, Aug, 2018,” right-click “Media files current-ORa7aEkJ-20180820.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

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About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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