Media Mining Digest 203 – Oct 2, 2015: Aging Health Issues, Artificial Intelligence, Autism, Beyond Asylum, Bicycle Management, Biological Threats, Birth Control, Bitter Taste, Blood Pressure Control, Broadband Right of Way Basics, Cancer Screening Value, Cataracts, Cultural Gold, Culturomics, Dark Net Definition, Developmental Disabilities, Diabetes Control, Disasters, Down Syndrome, Drug Events, Eating Disorders, Eyes and Diabetes, Eyes Overview, Fluorescent Proteins, Forensic Anthropologist, Fortune Cookies, Glaucoma, Heat Disorders, Hospital Sanitation, Illusion of Control, Indian Assam Tea, Internet Access, Ivory from Mammoths, Kidney Market in Iran, Marketplace Kai Ryssdal, Mass Extinction, Menopause Management, Mindfulness, Mindsets, National Insitute of Medical Science, Obesity Control, Oliver Sacks Tribute, Permaculture Concept, Photojournalists, Poverty Fix, Quantum Biology, Refugee Common Sense, Reproduction Control, Sikh Religion, Sports Medicine, Stress Control, Syria and Russia, Theranos Founder, Traumatic Brain Injury, US Leadership, Young Blood

The best 43 podcasts from a larger group of 226 for the week are shown below. Double or ctrl-click individual highlighted titles to get single podcasts and explore the source, although it’s easier to get all of them as a zip file here for the next four months.  A collection of over 7300 similar podcasts grouped by topic can be downloaded here, but those files total over 45GB and take awhile to transfer.  The first entry of that collection is a text file listing all the titles for quick searches and researching.  All these abstracts have also been assembled alphabetically in two large free volumes at this link and are updated quarterly.  Even more diversity is possible using a podcast aggregator loaded with this opml file of 256 sources so even the discarded podcasts can be downloaded and you can make your own selected list.

Aging Health Issues 86 mins – “Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable MD discusses a shift in how we care for older and frail patients with distinct focus on quality of life. Hear how this new outlook shapes they way we diagnose, treat, and manage dementia, osteoporosis, and urinary disfunction as well as recognizing dementia and preventing the risk of falls. Recorded on 03/11/2015” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Artificial Intelligence 58 mins – “Computers with artificial intelligence, or AI, date back to the 1950s, and since then, the technology has advanced to all sorts of new levels. It seems that the average American now depends on AI several times throughout the day. Computers aren’t just computers anymore. They are becoming much more than that, and the advancement of this technology has many people discussing the dangers of “synthetic intellects.” Jerry Kaplan, serial entrepreneur, technical innovator, best-selling author and futurist, is one of the many who questions the impact of AIs in our society. Join us as Kaplan informs us of the several eye-opening possibilities, such as robots transcending the factory floor, working alongside human laborers of all kinds, and how the law is likely to recognize AIs as “artificial persons” for many purposes.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select ”Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Autism 58 mins – “Recognizing the early signs of autism and seeking early intervention can improve outcomes. UCSF Clinical Professor Dr. Barbara Bennet explains the signs that may indicate a child is at risk for an autism spectrum disorder. Recorded on 11/20/2014.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Beyond Asylum 62 mins – “An estimated 2.9 million people became refugees in 2014, with an average 42,500 forced to leave their homes each day. The unprecedented scale of displacement has placed the global refugee system under visible strain, as humanitarian agencies and host communities struggle to provide for ever-rising needs. This webinar digs more deeply into ways to empower refugees to use their skills and energies to provide for their own livelihoods, and enable refugees to legally take advantage of security or self-sufficiency opportunities beyond countries of first asylum by tapping into the potential of existing migration schemes.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Bicycle Management 5 mins – “Amsterdam is well-known as a cyclists’ paradise; in fact, there are about 2 million bikes in the city. But that many bikes can clog up the streets and sidewalks. Amsterdam’s solution? An entire city department dedicated to removing this bike clutter.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Biological Threats 87 mins – “Dr. George Rutherford discusses the general concepts of disease emergence and re-emergence with specific reference to Ebola virus disease, influenza and anthrax, how we track changing patterns of these diseases around the world and how we approach their diagnosis and control. Influenza in particular is a prototype of an emerging infectious zoonotic disease with complex social and biologic factors that can lead to its epidemic spread. We’ll also discuss personal preparedness and general ideas about how to avoid contact with these diseases. Recorded on 03/19/2015.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Birth Control 88 mins – “Dr. Loris Hwang, UCSF Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, looks at what to consider in choosing a contraceptive method for a teen or young adult. She explains what medical conditions are treated using hormonal contraception and which methods are most effective. Recorded on 11/19/2014.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Bitter Taste 29 mins – “It’s one of the five basic tastes, along with salty, sweet, sour, and umami. It’s also the least popular and the most mysterious. “That tastes bitter” is not usually a compliment, and yet scientists are increasingly concerned that by banishing bitter from our diets, we’re affecting our health in ways we don’t fully understand. In this episode, we get to know bitter a little better, finding good reasons and new ways to appreciate its complex charms.” At the link find the title, “The Bitter Truth,” right-click “Media files The_Bitter_Truth.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Blood Pressure Control 87 mins – “Dr. Robert Baron, UCSF Professor of Medicine, explores hypertension. He explores how to prevent and treat high blood pressure. His key take home points: Most patients will need two or more drugs to achieve goal blood pressure and control only occurs with motivated patients who trust their clinician. Recorded on 02/25/2015.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Broadband Right of Way Basics 29 mins – “For this week’s Community Broadband Bits, we are delving into an area of law and practice that is quite important for Internet network deployment but tends to be dry and confusing. Not for us today though, we have Sean Stokes, a Principal at Baller Herbst Stokes & Lide, joining us to explain Right-of-Way basics. We talk about what the public Right-of-Way (ROW) is, who is responsible for maintaining it, how entities can get access to it and how poles are distinct from the ROW. We discuss how much power local governments and pole owners have to deny access to these assets and some of the costs associated with make-ready. If you don’t know what make-ready is, you’ll know in less than thirty minutes. We finish our discussion by exploring the “Municipal Gain” policy in Connecticut, where munis are entitled to some space on the poles for any purpose they choose to use it. Historically, this was used only for public safety, but it was recently broadened. Sean also explores how he believes we should simplify access for fiber-optics rather than basing access on the particular end service being offered.” At the link right-click “…download this Mp3 file… and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cancer Screening 77 mins – “What are expectations of cancer screening and do they actually reduce mortality? Dr. Judith Walsh, UCSF Division of General Internal Medicine, looks at the principles and effectiveness of screening tests and selected controversies. Recorded on 03/04/2015” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cataracts 84 mins – “The lens is a remarkable structure that plays a critical role in the optical system of the human eye. Dr. Cynthia S. Chiu presents an overview of the lens, including embryologic development, biochemistry, and physiology, providing the foundation to a discussion about diseases of the lens, including presbyopia (age-related loss of lens accommodation) and pediatric- and adult-onset cataract. Cataract surgery has evolved over centuries and new procedures aim to perfect the optical system of the eye in addition to cataract removal. Surgical videos and information on the latest intraocular lens implants, as well as considerations for simultaneous correction of myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), presbyopia, and astigmatism (irregular corneal shape), are featured. Recorded on 10/28/2014.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cultural Gold 55 mins – “In the Milton K. Wong Lecture, anthropologist Wade Davis explores some of the diversity of human culture, and considers what knowledge and expertise we lose by obliterating, or at best ignoring, traditional cultures.” At the link find the title, “Catalogues of Culture – Wade Davis,” right-click “Media files ideas_20150923_43009.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Culturomics 4 mins – “…a team of researchers from Harvard has recently analyzed this mass of words that spans centuries. In these vast quantities of text they saw glimpses of how our language and culture has changed over time. The richness and variety of their insights are amazing. They tracked how frequently different verbs appear in books and newspapers. Over the last 400 years irregular verbs have become more regular. In 1800 we “chid” unruly children, but in the year 2000 we “chided” them. The more frequently a verb is used, the more it resists such regularization: “spoke” will not turn into “speaked” for a long time. However, the verb “sped” is giving way to “speeded,” a change that started around 1920, and is still going on today. Linguists have known of such changes, but the Google data offered detailed insight into this process of transmutation. The Harvard team also tracked how frequently famous people are mentioned in books. They saw that fame reaches a peak about 75 years after a person’s birth, and declines thereafter. Today celebrities rise to fame much faster and become more famous than in the past. But they are also forgotten more quickly.” At the link right-click “Click here for audio….” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Dark Net Definition 14 mins – “There’s a parallel Internet you may not have run across yet — accessed by a special browser and home to a freewheeling collection of sites for everything from anonymous activism to illicit activities. Jamie Bartlett reports from the dark net.“ At the link click “Download,” then right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Developmental Disabilities 86 mins – “From early efforts to landmark legislation and increased public awareness, progress in recognizing, treating and assisting people with developmental disabilities has progressed over the years. Dr. Lucy Crain, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford and UCSF, outlines events since 1874 and the types of developmental disabilities. Recorded on 12/04/2014.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Diabetes Control 71 mins – “Over 25 million Americans have diabetes. Lisa Kroon, Professor of Clinical Pharmacy at UCSF, covers the medicines used to treat Type 2 diabetes, dual therapies and insulin.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Disaster Community Response 85 mins – “Lt. Erica Arteseros of the San Francisco Fire Department talks about what people can do in the event of a disaster that overwhelms emergency responders. Recorded on 02/19/2015 At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Disaster Earthquake Response 75 mins – “If you live with the potential of earthquakes it is important to be prepared. Matthew Springer, UCSF Professor of Medicine, gives specific strategies about how to secure your home, yourself and your pets. Recorded on 02/26/2015.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Disaster Psychology 82 mins – “Dr. Thomas Neylan, UCSF Professor of psychiatry, explores stress and psychiatric implications of trauma and disasters. Recorded on 03/05/2015.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Disaster Response 86 mins – “Most people would be surprised to learn that what a caller reports and what an emergency responder finds are often completely different. Dispatchers are the “Time Zero” responders who can correctly interpret a caller’s report into a coherent, timely and effective response. Learn the ins and outs of these calls and how to best help an emergency dispatcher reach their goal of “right response, right location, right every time”. Recorded on 02/12/2015.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Disaster Robots 9 mins – “When disaster strikes, who’s first on the scene? More and more, it’s a robot. In her lab, Robin Murphy builds robots that fly, tunnel, swim and crawl through disaster scenes, helping firefighters and rescue workers save more lives safely — and help communities return to normal up to three years faster.” At the link click “Download,” then right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Down Syndrome 88 mins “This presentation by Dr. Emily Chen, UCSF Pediatrics, and Kimberly Barr, genetic counselor, will challenge your perspective of Down syndrome. It includes a glimpse back at historical aspects of Down syndrome and covers the medical and non-medical changes that have taken place in recent years to improve the lives of children and adults born with this condition. As part of the program, a panel of young adults with Down syndrome and their family members will share personal perspectives. Information about Down syndrome support resources and future paths is also be presented. Recorded on 11/06/2014.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Drug Events 58 mins – “Adverse drug events are not uncommon in the community and result from inappropriate and appropriate use of medications. While adverse drug events and errors have been studied extensively in the inpatient setting, little is known on why they occur once the patient is at home. Zlatan Coralic, UCSF Department of Clinical Pharmacy, discusses how medications are chosen based on their known risks and benefits, and common adverse drug events and errors. He also presents research examining root causes of adverse drug events in the community. Recorded on 07/10/2014.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Eating Disorders 89 mins – “Eating disorders are highly prevalent among the adolescent population. They are life threatening and require urgent attention. Daniel Le Grange, UCSF Professor of Psychiatry and of Pediatrics, Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, looks at the prevalence and mortality of eating disorders. He discusses inpatient and outpatient treatment and the role of the family. Recorded on 11/12/2014.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Eyes Overview 98 mins – “Ophthalmologist Dr. Saras Ramanathan provides a foundation for understanding ocular conditions and disease. She introduces basic ocular anatomy and physiology in a way that is accessible to an audience of diverse backgrounds. She then uses these principles to help the audience understand how the eye functions normally, and why at times, it does not. Recorded on 10/07/2014” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Eyes and Diabetes 78 mins – “ Dr. Daniel M. Schwartz discusses the many ways diabetes can impact vision. The importance of good blood glucose and blood pressure control will be emphasized. New treatments and imaging methods for ocular diabetes will be reviewed. Recorded on 11/18/2014” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fluorescent Proteins 60 mins – “Broadway actor Brian Cross joins us to talk about how biophysicists use frequency doubling of photons To LOOK INSIDE CELLS! well, it’s really cool I can’t wait for you to hear it!” [This talk concerns how proteins can be changed to emit light that’s used to locate them within cells and tissues as a way to determine what they are doing.] At the link right-click beside “Direct download:…” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Forensic Anthropologist 28 mins – “This week on Working, WNYC’s Arun Venugopal talks to Bradley Adams, a forensic anthropologist for the city of New York. Adams discusses the impact Sept. 11 had on forensic anthropology in the city, the different types of cases he investigates, and how there are no typical days in his line of work. Plus, Adams tells the story of an unidentified female body in Brooklyn and how he helped uncover a murder in the mafia.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the right end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fortune Cookies 18 mins – “On the night of March 30, 2005, the Powerball jackpot was 25 million dollars. The grand prize winner was in Tennessee, but all over the United States, one hundred and ten second-place winners came forward. Normally just three or four players guess all but the last digit and claim a secondary prize, but this time something was clearly different. Lottery officials were flustered, unsure if there was a computer glitch or a hack in the system, but when they asked the winners how they picked their numbers each had the same response: from a fortune cookie.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Glaucoma 58 mins – “Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Dr. Shan Lin, Director of Glaucoma Service and Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology at UCSF explains that in most cases, it is an insidious disease in which high eye pressure leads to damage of the optic nerve, and possible blindness in the later stages. There are two basic forms of glaucoma-the closed angle type versus the open angle type. Different racial groups have different susceptibility to each type. Treatments include eye drops, laser, and surgery. Recorded on 10/14/2014” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Heart Disorders 82 mins – “Dr. Robert Nussbaum and genetic counselor Julianne Wojciak,discuss the major approaches to detecting and interpreting those gene changes that have an impact on health. How do changes in gene affect risk for heart disease? How do we use both the old-fashioned tool of family history and the newest tools of DNA sequencing to answer our patient’s important questions about risk. Recorded on 06/24/2015” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Hospital Sanitation 41 mins – “Superbug hospital clean-up is the topic of conversation this week on the Disaster Podcast. Join hosts Jamie Davis, the Podmedic, and Sam Bradley, along with regular guest Dr. Joe Holley from the Paragon Medical Education Group as they chat with Kevin Wang from Kevin’s company is one of the premier disaster clean up specialists in the world. At the request of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Kevin and his team were asked to come into a major U.S. hospital to swab surfaces in supposed clean and sterile environments. Kevin’s team found some very disturbing things when they revealed their results. The podcast hosts and Dr. Joe Holley learned a new term in the process of listening to Kevin’s description of his team’s estimation of how clean things are in an infectious environment. The phrase was repeated -“TWSBE – That Which Should Be Evacuated – “Twisbee” now that’s scary! This refers to viral or bacterial load levels that, when detected in a situation with a lethal agent, should prompt the crews involved to get out of Dodge! In the CDC hospital sample taken by Kevin and his team, he found numerous situations of TWiSBE in supposedly superbug clean-up rooms and sterile operating suites. While not necessarily a risk for healthy adults, these situations pose potentially catastrophic risks for sick and immune-compromised individuals. Kevin had several recommendations for hospitals out there to instantly improve their infection control programs and room cleaning procedures. Listen to the podcast and see what your system is doing right or wrong in healthcare superbug clean-up.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Illusion of Control 65 mins – “Just how much control do you really have over your life, relationships, happiness, and the events around the world? Well, much less than we would like to admit.Yet, time and again, we see in psychology, that in situations in which the outcomes are clearly, undoubtable random, people tend to latch onto any shred of evidence that could be interpreted otherwise.” At the link right-click beside “Direct download:” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Indian Assam Tea 27 mins – “Jane Deith reports from India on conditions for tea workers picking for some of the UK’s best known brands.” At the link find the title, “Inside the Tea Gardens of Assam,” right-click “Media files p0339lz4.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Internet Access 46 mins – “In many lives, the Internet more and more feels essential in terms of business, communication, education and more. But more than half the world is really not on it. A new White House report says broadband internet service has gone from being an optional amenity to a “core utility.” Like water, sewer and electricity, says the White House. But a new UN report says more than four billion people, more than half the planet, is not there. In poor countries, fewer than one in ten. Is this, should this be, a new human right? This hour On Point, the global digital divide, and its implications.” At the link right-click “Download this story” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Ivory from Mammoths 5 mins – “Selling elephant ivory is illegal around the world thanks to tough regulations like the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species. But despite the international ban, elephant poaching continues in Africa and ivory carvings made from elephant tusks fetch high prices in China.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Kidney Market in Iran 60 mins – “There is only one country in the world where a person can sell a kidney to another citizen who buys it. That country is Iran. Tina Rosenberg of The New York Times talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the Iranian kidney market–how it works, its strengths and weaknesses, and whether its lessons apply to the United States or elsewhere.” At the link right-click “MP3” for “Tina Rosenberg on the Kidney Market in Iran,” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Markeplace Kai Ryssdal 65 mins – “As host and senior editor of “Marketplace,” Kai Ryssdal is one of the most recognizable voices in the country. Each day he translates the most important business and economic news for millions of listeners, from Wall Street to the Oval Office to small business owners and everyday participants in the American and global economies. This fall marks Rysdall’s 10-year anniversary hosting the evening broadcast of “Marketplace,” the most widely heard program on business and the economy in the country. He’ll talk about his time on the show, his unique path to radio, and what it’s been like to cover such an unprecedented time in the U.S. economy.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select ”Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mass Extinction 47 mins – “In 2009, audiences around the world were blown away by a documentary by Louie Psihoyos called “The Cove.” It showed the horrifying secret mass slaughter of dolphins in Japan and the sale of mercury-laden dolphin meat to school children. Won an Oscar. Now Psihoyos has taken his cameras global, and the picture is brutal again. Species falling into oblivion under the pressure of manmade climate change. Some hunted and torn to shreds for gills and fins. A “great extinction.” It’s a powerful call to act, and act fast. This hour On Point,  Louie Psihoyos and his tough new film, “Racing Exctinction.” At the link right-click “Download this story” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Menopause Management 89 mins – “Dr. Michael Policar, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at UCSF School of Medicine, explores what’s new in the management of menopause. From tips for living with hot flashes to hormone treatment, see what works and what doesn’t. Recorded on 02/17/2015.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mindfulness 61 mins – “JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist; Coach for Five Olympic Gold Medal Athletes; Author, Your Performing Edge Philippe Goldin, Ph.D., Psychology, Neuroscience; Assistant Professor, UC-Davis; Researcher, Stanford; Developer, Google’s Mindfulness Trainings Meditation is embraced by world-class athletes, Fortune 500 corporations and by public figures such as Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey, Clint Eastwood and Rupert Murdoch. This ancient practice is often used to improve mindfulness, spirituality and to reduce stress, but is it something worth including in your day to day or just another spiritual/religious paradigm? Our panelists will discuss the underlying science of meditation and answer your questions about improving your happiness as well as your physical, mental and emotional performance.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select ”Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mindsets 27 mins – “Claudia Hammond talks to Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck who has identified that individuals tend towards a fixed or growth mindset, regarding what they can learn and achieve. Her research has also shown that a fixed mindset can be changed, and that once a child or adult adopts a growth mindset, they can achieve more. Professor Dweck’s ideas have spread around the world and increasing numbers of schools are adopting her approaches to praise, learning and encouragement.” At the link find the title, “The Psychology of Praise,” right-click “Media files p0338mj9.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

National Institute of General Medical Sciences 29 mins – “ The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) is a division of the National Institutes of Health, and overseas a $2.4 billion budget to support research at universities, medical schools, and research institutes in the U.S. The director of the NIGMS, JON LORSCH, will talk with host Keith Pannell about his early fascination with science (fascination with a cow heart at age 4) to becoming a researcher, teacher, and administrator. the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Obesity Control 32 mins – “Understanding nutrition’s impact on health requires an intricate knowledge of all the different systems within the human body. Learn how a systems approach to nutrition could change the field.” At the link find the title, “Bringing It All Together: A Systems Approach to Nutrition,” right-click “Media files 150911_systems_science.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Oliver Sacks Tribute 54 mins – “Oliver Sacks, M.D. was a physician, a best-selling author, and a professor of neurology at the New York University School of Medicine. He is best known for his collections of neurological case histories, including The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat, Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain and An Anthropologist on Mars. Awakenings, his book about a group of patients who had survived the great encephalitis lethargica epidemic of the early twentieth century, inspired the 1990 Academy Award-nominated feature film Awakenings starring Robert De Niro and Robin Williams. Today we hear excerpts from Oliver Sacks’s public lectures in Australia during the 1990s and his conversation with Robyn Williams on The Science Show in 2008.” At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Permaculture Concept 121 mins – “Bill and his wife/partner Becky are co-founders of Midwest Permaculture. Now in their ninth year, Bill has become one of the respected permaculture teachers and designers in the U.S.. The goal of Midwest Permaculture is to see permaculture (in name or action) become a household term. Bill’s two adults sons are now involved in permaculture as well. Bill joins us today to discuss among other things “The 4 Fires of Group Work”.
Often, people get together with dreams of starting a permaculture group, a community or a business only to be surprised and disappointed when it falls apart. They have failed to navigate the 4-fires.”
At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Photojournalists 83 mins – “On the opening weekend of the Newseum’s newest exhibit “40 Chances: Finding Hope in a Hungry World – The Photography of Howard G. Buffett,” Emmy award-winning journalist Ann Curry moderates a panel of photo and video journalists who discuss how their work brings a sharpened focus on critical development issues.” At the link find the title, “Photojournalists on Covering Global Crisis,” right-click “Media files IM_20150919.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Poverty Fix 15 mins – “As a global community, we all want to end poverty. Mia Birdsong suggests a great place to start: Let’s honor the skills, drive and initiative that poor people bring to the struggle every day. She asks us to look again at people in poverty: They may be broke — but they’re not broken.” At the link click “Download,” then right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Quantum Biology 16 mins – “How does a robin know to fly south? The answer might be weirder than you think: Quantum physics may be involved. Jim Al-Khalili rounds up the extremely new, extremely strange world of quantum biology, where something Einstein once called “spooky action at a distance” helps birds navigate, and quantum effects might explain the origin of life itself.” At the link click “Download,” then right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Refugee Common Sense 66 mins – “Dan tries to break down some of the issues and add some context to the arguments, nuances and complexities of the current immigration and refugee situation in Europe and the U.S..” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Reproduction Control 60 mins – “The political fight that has broken out in the US about contraception is both surprising and at the same time traditionally American. Linda Gordon, Professor at New York University, puts today’s reproduction control controversies — foreign aid for family planning, the abortion debates, teenage pregnancy and childbearing, stem-cell research –into historical perspective and argues that reproduction control has always been central to women’s status. [2012]At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sikh Religion 50 mins – “Portraits of eminent Indians by Professor Sunil Khilnani. The life of Guru Nanak who founded the Sikh religion in the 15th Century, mystic and poet Mirabai, one of India’s most revered saints, Mughal Empire ruler Akbar and Ethipian slave turned king maker Malik Akbar.” At the link find the title, “Incarnations: Profiles of Guru Nanak, Mirabai, Akbar and Malik Ambar,” right-click “Media files p032vxvl.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sports Medicine 60 mins – “Dr. Carlin Senter is a primary care sports medicine doctor whose focus is to help patients of all ages stay active. She explores exercise and the athlete in every woman. Recorded on 02/10/2015.” At the link right-click “Audio MP3” or “Video MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Stress Control 66 mins – “Groundbreaking science now theorizes that approximately 10 percent of disease is genetic, and 90 percent is due to the way you eat, move, think and supplement – collectively known as your “exposome.” Dr. Gottfried, Harvard- and MIT-educated, practices functional medicine, a systems-based approach to address health from your DNA to your exposome. In this talk, you will learn to customize a plan meant to best serve your health goals and strengthen your “stress shield.‘” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select ”Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Syria and Russia 52 mins – “Russia’s military buildup in Syria is causing serious concern in the U.S. Reports that Russia might be coordinating with Iran to help prop up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are also troubling U.S. officials. Israel worries that advanced Russian weapons could wind up in the wrong hands, possibly those of Hezbollah fighters long in conflict with Israel. Europe is struggling to deal with a massive tide of refugees, many of them fleeing Syria’s civil war and the brutality of Islamic militants. We look at Russia’s actions in Syria and their implications for the U.S., Europe, the Middle East and the fight against ISIS.” At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Theranos Founder 67 mins – “Elizabeth Holmes, Founder & CEO, Theranos In conversation with Sal Khan, Founder & CEO, Khan Academy As a business leader and entrepreneur, Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes is a powerful advocate for STEM education. She was just 19 when she started Theranos, the revolutionary blood testing company valued at more than $9 billion. Holmes and Khan will discuss their thoughts on innovation and ongoing commitment to improving STEM education opportunities for young women and girls.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select ”Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Traumatic Brain Injury 27 mins – Discussion about the causes and treatment of brain injuries. At the link find the title, “My Head,” right-click “Media files p0339dnk.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

US Leadership 18 mins – “Does it seem like Washington has no new ideas? Instead of looking to build the future, it sometimes feels like the US political establishment happily retreats into fear and willful ignorance. Journalist David Rothkopf lays out a few of the major issues that US leadership is failing to address — from cybercrime to world-shaking new tech to the reality of modern total war — and calls for a new vision that sets fear aside.” At the link click “Download,” right-click “Download audio” nd select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Young Blood 14 mins – “Tony Wyss-Coray studies the impact of aging on the human body and brain. In this eye-opening talk, he shares new research from his Stanford lab and other teams which shows that a solution for some of the less great aspects of old age might actually lie within us all.” At the link click “Download,” then right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Thanks for stopping by.

About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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