Media Mining Digest 212 – Dec 4, 2015: Agatha Christie’s Poisons, Alphabet Origin, Animator, Anthrax and Yellow Fever Attacks, Asthma and Alzheimer’s, Beer Microbiology, Bernie Sanders Speech, Blind Experiences, Broadband in Colorado, California Gold Rush, Capitalism Decline, Carl Zimmer, Cellphone Drying Methods, Cheese Microbiology, Climate Warning, College Productivity, Computer Lady Interview, Computer Repair Business, Concrete Buildings, Curie Family, Cyber Protection, Dark Web Market, Ebola Response Review, Emergency Medicine in Disasters, Energy Solutions, Exercise Fights Cancer, ExploraVision, Farm Hacks, Firefighters and Paramedics, Food Research, Gelsemine, Geoengineering, Gluten Research, Greek Crematorium Issue, Health Care Lapses, Hearing Problems, Hover Boards, Human Progress, Humankind Prospects, Inflation Control by Volcker, ISIS, Islamic Science, Jewel Interview, Kissinger Biography, Listening, Marilynne Robinson, Mealtime in America, Migration Trends in Europe, Mindfulness, Neurodiversity, Nuclear Fusion Discussion, Open Education Resource, Patriot Act, Perceptions about Engineers, Perversion, Philanthropy Photons Explained, Platinum Recovery, Podcast Advertising Ethics, Psychedelic Drugs, PTSD Diagnosis, Quantum Entanglement, Racial Mixtures, Refugees, Regrets, Research Stories, Silk Road Investigation, Sitting Hazard, Smell Psychology, Solar Cookers International, Swimmer Diana Nyad, Tiny Homes, Water Supply, West Nile Virus Review

The best 81 podcasts from a larger group of 240 for the week are shown below. Double or ctrl-click individual highlighted titles to get single podcasts and explore the source, although it’s easier to get all of them as a zip file here for the next four months.  A collection of over 7500 similar podcasts grouped by topic can be downloaded here,  but are limited to a 4GB maximum per download, so twelve of those will be needed to get all files, which total over 45GB and will take  awhile.  The first entry of that collection is a text file listing all the titles for quick searches and researching.  All these abstracts have also been assembled alphabetically in two large free volumes at this link and are updated quarterly.  Even more diversity is possible using a podcast aggregator loaded with this opml file of 256 sources so even the discarded podcasts can be downloaded and you can make your own selected list.

Agatha Christie’s Poisons 21 mins – “Welcome to our new monthly podcast, the Chemistry World Book Club. Each month we’ll be sharing our thoughts on one of the latest popular science releases and interview the authors to find out what inspired them to write about science. Join us for a review of the book itself, as well as discussion of the themes and issues found in the book. For this introductory episode, we snap up our magnifying glasses to investigate Kathryn Harkup’s new book, A is for Arsenic: the poisons of Agatha Christie, which casts a keen eye over the science behind the poisons Christie used to dispatch her fictional victims.” At the link right-click “Download: Chemistry World Book Club – A is for Arsenic.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Alphabet 4 mins – “…For 2000 years before the invention of the alphabet, writing was an art apart from speech. It was an art that gave us means for storing knowledge, but it stored knowledge much as an etching or woodcut might. Now all that changed. The result was no less than catastrophic. Psychologist Julian Jaynes has pointed out that it was just at this time — just before 1000 BC — that humans developed analytical consciousness. In popular terms, our thinking became very left-brain. What followed was incredible social upheaval….” At the link right-click “Click here for audio…” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Animator 57 mins – “If you’ve been keeping up with the videos on my YouTube channel recently, you probably know that I like to dabble in animation. The best example so far is probably the animation I created about halfway through my first speed-reading video, which illustrated the fact that people tend to fixate on more content words than function words when they’re reading. I make these animations in a program called Adobe After Effects, and over the past several months I’ve learned enough to create some pretty cool-looking stuff. However, I’m still a complete and utter noob at this… and the work of today’s podcast guest will perfectly illustrate that for you. Today I’m talking with Alan Becker, who is a professional animator and the creator of something you might have seen before: Animator vs. Animation.”

Anthrax and Yellow Fever Attacks 75 mins – “How can something too small to be seen with the naked eye be powerful enough to bring down something like the U.S. Government? It turns out that microbes, mostly invisible, have the extraordinary capacity to affect our lives – through outbreaks of disease and the spread of fear. Twice in history, microbes have even brought the U.S. Government to a halt! Join us at the D.C. headquarters of the American Society for Microbiology to learn more about the Yellow Fever outbreak of 1792 that caused the fledgling Congress to flee and the Anthrax scare of 2001 that also shut down government buildings and agencies.” At the link find the title, “MWV Episode 73 – Shutting Down the Government: Anthrax and Yellow Fever,” right-click “Media files MAH-Shutdown.mp4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Asthma and Alzheimer’s 28 mins – In the first part of this podcast “Asthma drug rejuvenates brains by Ian Woolf, [then]Yeshe Fenner talks about Virtual Observatories, [and] Natalie Lister talks about eating potassium to defeat harmful effects of salt in your diet. Nemeses by Jonathan Coulton.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Beer Microbiology 75 mins – “The master ingredient in beer is yeast — a microbe — and every step in the brewing process helps the yeast do its job better. Watch this live streamed video from the American Society of Microbiology to learn more about how microbes are selected, grown, and manipulated in modern breweries to develop a wide variety of flavors and textures!” or find the title, “The Microbiology of Beer,” right-click “Media files MAH-Beer.mp4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Bernie Sanders Speech 100 mins – “Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) delivers remarks at Georgetown University on democratic socialism, as well as his ideas for defeating the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL).” At the link find the title, “Senator Bernie Sanders Address on Democratic Socialism,” right-click “Media files program.422486.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Blind Experience 19 mins – “We speak to actress Georgie Morrell about her brand new play, A Poke In The Eye. It’s autobiographical, and it’s about her experience of going blind unexpectedly. We also have the latest on the drug Humira which can now be given to children living in England with the eye condition, uveitis.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” fromt eh pop-up menu.

Broadband in Colorado 24 mins – “A few weeks back, Colorado voters overwhelmingly chose local authority and community networks over the status quo Internet connections. Approximately 50 local governments had referenda to reclaim authority lost under the anti-competition state law originally called SB 152 that CenturyLink’s predecessor Qwest pushed into law in 2005. This week, Virgil Turner and Audrey Danner join us to discuss what is happening in Colorado. Virgil is the Director of Innovation and Citizen Engagement in Montrose and last joined us for episode 95. Audrey Danner is the Executive Director of Craig Moffat Economic Development and co-chair of the Mountain Connect Broadband Development Conference. We previously discussed Mountain Connect in episode 105 and episode 137.” At the link right-click “…download this Mp3 file….” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

California Gold Rush 46 mins – “Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the California Gold Rush. In 1849 the recent discovery of gold at Coloma, near Sacramento in California, led to a massive influx of prospectors seeking to make their fortunes. Within a couple of years the tiny settlement of San Francisco had become a major city, with tens of thousands of immigrants, the so-called Forty-Niners, arriving by boat and over land. The gold rush transformed the west coast of America and its economy, but also uprooted local populations of Native Americans and made irreversible changes to natural habitats. With: Kathleen Burk Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at University College London Jacqueline Fear-Segal Reader in American History and Culture at the University of East Anglia Frank Cogliano Professor of American History at the University of Edinburgh.,”” At the link find the title, “The California Gold Rush Apr 2015,” right-click “Media files p02qh5zz.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Capitalism Decline 54 – “Paul Kennedy speaks to Paul Mason, one of Britain’s most outspoken critics of neoliberalism, about why he is optimistic that technology and our changing relationship with the state may create societies that are healthier and more just.” At the link find the title, “The End of Capitalism? Nov 2015,” right-click “Media files ideas_20151125_12191.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Carl Zimmer 31 mins – “On May 25th, 2010 science writer Carl Zimmer gave a keynote address at the American Society for Microbiology’s General Meeting in San Diego, California. The presentation entitled “Newspapers, Blogs, and Other Vectors: Infecting Minds with Science in the Age of New Media” was given at the President’s Forum, “Telling the Story of Science.” Zimmer is a lecturer at Yale University, where he teaches writing about science and the environment. In addition to writing books, Zimmer contributes articles to the New York Times, as well as magazines including National Geographic, Time, Scientific American,Science, and Popular Science. He also writes an award-winning blog, The Loom. From 1994 to 1998 Zimmer was a senior editor at Discover, where he remains a contributing editor and writes a monthly column about the brain. Zimmer also hosts “Meet the Scientist,” a podcast from the American Society for Microbiology.” At the link find the title, “MWV Episode 39 – Carl Zimmer: Newspapers, Blogs, and Other Vectors: Infecting Minds with Science in the Age of New Media,” right-click “Media files MWV39-CarlZimmerAppleDevices.mp4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cellphone Drying Methods 41 mins – “One time, I misjudged the depth of a creek, stepped in, and was literally in over my head. Not that much of a problem, except I had various electronics in my backpack. As thousands (millions?) of people have done, I stuck my phone and camera in a bowl of rice and waited. A few days later, I pulled them out. Neither worked. Of course they didn’t. Rice is not a magical phone saving device, as Trent Dennison, a nurse turned iPhone repairman will tell you. Dennison is one of the very few people in the United States who actually knows how to repair water damaged phones. For the last year, he’s been on a personal mission to stop people from ruining perfectly good rice with waterlogged phones. As Dennison explains, corrosion starts immediately after water touches an electronic device’s internal components; the only way you can reliably repair the phone is by getting rid of that corrosion. In fact, Dennison says, you’d be better off sticking your phone in rubbing alcohol, for reasons he explains in the podcast. Because we at Motherboard like to make you eat your (delicious) vegetables along with our more easily consumable content, we called in Charles Duan, director of Public Knowledge’s Patent Reform Project to talk with us about why independent repair professionals like Dennison are important—and why the right to repair your devices is at risk. Everyone from Apple to John Deere is hoping to use a poorly written copyright law and other tricks to make it as hard as possible—perhaps illegal—for you to repair things you should ostensibly own.” At the link find the title, “Why Putting Your Water Damaged Phone in Rice Is Dumb and Doesn’t Work,” right-click “Media files Why Putting Your Water Damaged Phone in Rice Is Dumb and Doesn’t Work.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cheese Microbiology 69 mins – “Have you ever wondered why mozzarella bubbling and stretching between pizza slices is so different from the earthy flavors of blue-veined gorgonzola? The diversity of cheeses we love are created by encouraging and manipulating the growth of specific microbes. The American Society for Microbiology is excited to explore and celebrate the roles microbes play in the production of a variety of cheeses – from milk-gathering to cheese aging.” At the link right-click the “MP3” link on the page and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Climate Warming 12 mins – “It began as a PowerPoint presentation about climate change. The audience reaction was positive. Chris Rapley describes how he and a bunch of enthusiastic theatre types moulded the presentation into a captivating piece of theatre that presents a problem, a solution, and hope. Chris Rapley says we have a moral and ethical problem regarding our use of fossil fuels. He asks what our legacy will be.” At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

College Productivity 102 mins – “This week’s podcast episode is a replay of a live stream I did a couple weeks ago on the topic of, “how to become an adult.” Joining me in the stream were Simon Clark and Jamie Miles, two YouTuber friends of mine who live in the UK. Simon is a current Ph. D. student in climate science and an Oxford University graduate. Jamie is also an Oxford grad, worked for Google for a while, and is now part of a technology startup. So between us, we’ve got the perspectives of a grad student, a person with experience working for multiple companies (both large and small), and a professional goofball with a camera and microphone – not to mention that together we represent two different countries!” At the link right-click “download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Computer Lady Interview 65 mins – “Lisa Hendrickson shares years of experience about remote support, from software issues and fixes to handling of customers.” Hendrickson created and runs a remote computer repair business and in this interview she describes how the business came into being. At the link find the title, “Podnutz Daily #448 – Discover Your Niche,” right-click “Play now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Computer Repair Business 70 mins – Podnutz – Three computer repair owners discuss problems, solutions and tactics in their business operations. At the link find the title, “The Computer Repair Podcast #155 – How Long is Your Virus Removal?” right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Concrete Buildings 14 mins – “New and stronger concretes have become the standard material for very tall buildings, particularly residential buildings, where structural stiffness is important for the comfort of occupants. In this interview, Paul James, Senior Vice President with Lendlease U.S. Construction in Chicago, talks about the tradeoffs in design and materials selection as a function of use of the structure, the rate limiting factors in the construction of tall concrete and steel buildings, the effects of weather on construction speed, and the role of the construction engineer in material specification.” At the link find the title, “Concrete for Tall Buildings – Constructing Concrete Megastructures – Part III,” right-click “Media files Concrete-Construction-James.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Curie Family 47mins – “Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the scientific achievements of the Curie family. In 1903 Marie and Pierre Curie shared a Nobel Prize in Physics with Henri Becquerel for their work on radioactivity, a term which Marie coined. Marie went on to win a Nobel in Chemistry eight years later; remarkably, her daughter Irène Joliot-Curie would later share a Nobel with her husband Frédéric Joliot-Curie for their discovery that it was possible to create radioactive materials in the laboratory. The work of the Curies added immensely to our knowledge of fundamental physics and paved the way for modern treatments for cancer and other illnesses. With: Patricia Fara Senior Tutor of Clare College, University of Cambridge Robert Fox Emeritus Professor of the History of Science at the University of Oxford Steven T Bramwell Professor of Physics and former Professor of Chemistry at University College London Producer: Simon Tillotson” At the link find the title, “The Curies Mar 2015,” right-click “Media files p02q596w.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cyber Protection 46 mins – “John Watters, chairman and CEO of iSIGHT Partners, discusses cyber “threat intelligence.” His company in northern Virginia tries to pinpoint potential cyber attacks before they are carried out by monitoring other countries and non-state actors.” At the link find the title, “Communicators with John Watters,” right-click “Media files program.420369.MP3-STD.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Dark Web Market 32 mins – “A couple is forced onto the dark web to buy life-saving medicine; Ben buys a drug scale; and a researcher who says the dark web might make the illegal drug trade safer. Listen, decode, and decide: Is the dark web evil?” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow above the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Ebola Response Review 11 mins – “Peter Piot discusses new recommendations for health agencies and public health systems in response to the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak.” At the link find the title, “Ebola response: The Lancet: Nov 22, 2015,” right-click “Media files 22november-ebola.mp3”and select”Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Emergency Medicine in Disasters 27 mins – “Mike Marsh is back in his new role as Operations Chief for American Medical Response (AMR) in Contra Costa County, California. He is an AMR “Star of Life” recipient for his work in MCIs and disasters. Mike has been a frequent guest on the Disaster Podcast and we’ve talked to him about how ambulance companies can add value by starting tactical medical programs. We discussed his involvement in Urban Shield when he brought a herd of ambulances to Alameda County to exercise the Ambulance Strike Team. Sam and Mike discussed the wide variety of options for EMTs and paramedics that didn’t exist that long ago like event medicine, community paramedicine, and tactical medicine. EMSer’s that take advantage of ancillary training, learn new skills and spread their wings in new areas are more likely to find more excitement and new potential in their careers.” At the link right-click “Download” and select”Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Energy Solutions 27 mins – “Roger Harrabin looks at the solutions to the emissions problem. He travels to Malawi, one of the world’s poorest nations, where the energy crisis is about access to energy. He looks at the solar revolution being driven by the falling costs of photovoltaic panels, and visits a huge power plant at the cutting edge of solar technology in Morocco.” At the link find the title, “Changing Climate Change: Solutions,” right-click “Media files p0391hnw.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Exercise Treats Cancer 14 mins – “Up until just 10 years ago, there had been 24 studies into the benefits of exercise for cancer patients. Now there are hundreds. Until just recently, the recovery advice was to rest. Now that has been turned on its head. The latest advice for patients after surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy is to exercise. That means aerobic exercise and weight resistance exercise. The molecules produced by the body drive a range of beneficial processes, all helping body repair. Edith Cowan University in Perth leads the way with an exercise clinic collocated with its centre for cancer treatment. Director Robert Newton describes the approach.” At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

ExploraVision 25 mins – “Do your students have a vision for the future? Then they might be motivated to enter the 23rd Annual Toshiba/NSTA annual ExploraVision competition. Through problem solving, critical thinking and communication skills, this K-12 science competition encourages students to imagine and explore a vision of a technology 20 years into the future.  To help explain what ExploraVision is and how to participate, we welcome Arthur Eisenkraft (Professor of Science Education at the University of Massachusetts Boston and ExploraVision judge) and Acacia McKenna (Director of Science Education Competitions at the National Science Teachers Association) to the show. Listen now to find out how you can help communicate this opportunity and inspire your students to participate in ExploraVision today!” At the link right-click “download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Farm Hacks 60 mins – “…This week I’ve got a broad mix for you. Courtney White says we can capture carbon back into the soil, even if only 2 percent of the population act. I’ll talk new science with Justin Mankin – how disappearing snow cover will impact people around the world. We wrap with octogenarian activist and author Peter Seidel, saying we still have time….” (Seidel promotes the Quivira Coalition.) At the link right-click “Lo-Fi” beside “Download or listen…” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Firefighters and Paramedics 23 mins – “Disaster Podcast host Sam Bradley sits down with wildland firefighter and self-described “Paramedic of Fortune” Norm Rooker to talk about the challenges providing care with paramedics for crews in the austere environment of the pacific northwest. He talks about everything from the requirements of the job and training required to how to avoid bear attacks during deployments. The paramedics and firefighters are essential parts of the fire response to provide care and support to the crews on the fire ground. These specially trained providers where the paramedics treat everything from blisters to broken bones and more. Check out this special segment with Sam and Norm.” At the link right-click “Download” and select”Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Food Research 100 mins – “…What do edible insects, Williams-Sonoma and an IDEO food scientist all have in common with Chef Tyler Florence? Join INFORUM on November 19 to hear from a panel of industry experts convened by Emmy-nominated Food Network chef Tyler Florence. The panel will discuss new and sustainable innovations in how food is produced, distributed, prepared and consumed. Hear from Bitty Foods’ Megan Miller, an expert on the future of protein (crickets?); Adam Zbar, who’s attacking inefficiencies in how grocery stores are modeled; IDEO food scientist Dr. Lauren Shimek; Williams-Sonoma President Janet Hayes; and eco-rabble rouser, Douglas Gayeton.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Gelsemine 6 mins – “…gelsemine’s roots in the crimes of poisoning and subterfuge were quickly weeded out by a man who would go on to popularise such misdeeds in his novels – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Doyle, much like his literary creation, Sherlock Holmes, enjoyed performing scientific experiments. One such experiment, published in 1879, details his experience of taking increasing amounts of gelsemine….” At the link right-click “Download: CIIE_Gelsemine.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Geoengineering Value 24 mins – “How do aerosols, or tiny particles, affect the climate? Do they block solar radiation or warm the planet? On this program, John Moore discusses the science of dust in the sky and how we could mitigate the effects of hurricanes.” At the link right-click “VBR MP3,” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Gluten Research 27 mins – “Gluten is the new dietary enemy. Millions of people around the world are giving up gluten in pursuit of better health. The believers say it can cure a wide range of diseases like arthritis, depression, even autism. But is this unprecedented uptake of the diet justified? Many doctors say that if you don’t have coeliac disease, you don’t need to avoid gluten. Emerging evidence is now challenging this belief. In this special investigation, Dr Maryanne Demasi cuts through the hype of the gluten-free diet. Should we all get on board or is it just another fad?” At the link right-click “MP4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Greek Crematorium Issue 27 mins – “Greek cemeteries have run out of space so the dead are exhumed after just three years. In the only EU country without a crematorium the cash strapped population has few options.” At the link find the title, “Greece: No Place to Die,” right-click “Media files p039dnnx.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Health Care Lapses 27 mins – “Why did Greg Price, an otherwise healthy 31-year old man die from a very treatable cancer that most people recover from? His family believes an uncaring healthcare system was the culprit.” At the link find the title, “Falling through the cracks,” right-click “Download Falling through the cracks.” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Hearing Problems 23 mins- “When Rose*[not her real name] was growing up, she knew something wasn’t quite right about how she heard the world. She says it felt like she was isolated by an invisible wall. But when she got typical hearing tests at an audiologist’s office? She aced them, every time. Rose’s problem was particularly bad in noisy places. “It doesn’t take much,” she says. “It could be five computers in a room and a bunch of shuffling around — you lose me at that point.” It took Rose years, and plenty of doctors’ visits, to figure out what was happening. And when she did find out, it was thanks to the persistence of Professor Nina Kraus. Kraus runs an auditory neuroscience laboratory at Northwestern University. For decades, Kraus has been conducting research on Rose and other patients like her to learn just how vital our brains are to understanding sound. And she discovered how hearing difficulties can be a marker for all types of neurological issues — autism, dyslexia, learning delays — that have nothing to do with our ears.” At the link find the title, “Your Brain On Sound,” right-click beside “MEDIA ENCLOSURE:” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Hover Boards 18 mins – “The hottest toy this holiday season has no identifiable logo, no main distributor, and no widely agreed upon name. Today, we seek out the origin of the hands-free, two wheeled, self-balancing scooter.” At the link find the title, “#666: The Hoverboard Life,” right-click “Media files 20151127_pmoney_pmpod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Human Progress 37 mins – “Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans are co-founders of Excel Venture Management, which builds start-ups in synthetic biology, big data, and new genetic technologies. Juan was the founding director of the Life Sciences Project at Harvard Business School and Steve was a professor at Harvard Medical School for eighteen years, applying breakthrough technologies to diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. They join Nicola Davis down the line from Boston, Massachusetts to discuss the ideas featured in their new book, Evolving Ourselves – How Unnatural Selection is Changing Life on Earth. In the studio is Mark Thomas, Professor of Evolutionary Genetics at University College London. Mark is known for his publications in the fields of human demographic and evolutionary history inference, molecular phylogenetics of extinct species using ancient DNA, cultural evolutionary modeling, and molecular biology.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Humankind Prospects 54 mins – “History suggests that humanity has achieved great things. We live longer, eat better and have a more equitable world than at any other time. But what about the future? Highlights from the most recent Munk Debate on Progress.” At the link find the title, “The Best Is Yet To Come? Nov 2015,” right-click “Media files ideas_20151123_86626.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Inflation Control by Volcker 17 mins – “For much of the 70s inflation was bad. Prices rose at over 10 percent a year. Nothing could stop it — until one powerful person did something very unpopular. Today’s show: How we beat inflation.” At the link find the title, “#664: The Great Inflation,” right-click “Media files 20151120_pmoney_pmpod2.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

ISIS and Apocalypse 58 mins – “The Islamic State is one of the most lethal and successful jihadist groups in modern history, surpassing even al-Qaida. How has it attracted so many followers and conquered so much land in its relatively brief existence? In “The ISIS Apocalypse” (St. Martin’s Press, 2015), Will McCants examines the Islamic State’s tactics and goals, and the many ways in which it is more ruthless, more apocalyptic, and more devoted to state-building than any of its predecessors or current competitors. Based almost entirely on primary sources in Arabic—including ancient religious texts and secret al-Qaida and Islamic State letters that few have seen—“The ISIS Apocalypse” explores how religious fervor, strategic calculation, and doomsday prophecy shape.” At the link right-click “Download (Help)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

ISIS Background 120 mins – “Though insurgent groups are a fixture of contemporary politics and warfare, the Islamic State or ISIS is unprecedented in its mix of brutality, media savvy, territorial gain, and recruitment. In ISIS: The State of Terror, two of America’s leading experts on violent extremism and terrorism explain the genesis, evolution, and impact of the Islamic State. Drawing on their unique access to intelligence and law enforcement and through their own groundbreaking research, Jessica Stern and J.M. Berger detail ISIS’s strategies and techniques – and challenge our own conceptions of terrorism in a rapidly changing jihadi landscape.” At the link right-click “Download (Help)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

ISIS Finances 47 mins – “We are conditioned, when people talk about terror groups, to want to cut off their funding. Figure out who’s bankrolling them, and stop it. With ISIS, it’s not so simple. They are holding turf, and on that turf, people and resources. Oil. Taxes. Grain, for heaven’s sake. And then, the dark stuff. Extortion. Ransom. Plundered antiquities and more. Shutting down the ISIS economy is a challenge. ISIS depends on it. So do the millions now under ISIS rule. The US is now bombing oil trucks, bigtime. But that’s just a start. This hour On Point, going after the money – the economy – behind ISIS.” At the link right-click “Download this episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

ISIS in Southeast Asia 118 mins – “Increasing numbers of Southeast Asians, mostly Indonesians and Malaysians, are going to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS. Indonesian fighters tend to be linked to existing radical organizations, while Malaysians are often recruited through social media. In part because of language, fighters from both countries are living together, training together, and fighting together. What new bonds are they forging? What are the implications when they return? And how are Southeast Asia governments responding?” At the link right-click “Download (Help)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

ISIS Propaganda Control 88 mins – “The Islamic State (or ISIS) uses social media in unprecedented ways to enlist new members to its ranks. ISIS’s propaganda networks pose a real challenge to the international community as it tries to counter ISIS’s ability to recruit members and share its extremist ideology. On October 21, the Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World hosted Ambassador Alberto Fernandez for the launch of his new Brookings paper, “Here to stay and growing: Combating ISIS propaganda networks.” Ambassador Fernandez explored the propaganda history of al-Qaida and ISIS, as well as the various approaches that different regional and international actors have taken to counter ISIS messaging. Ambassador Richard LeBaron, nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, joined Ambassador Fernandez on the panel, which was moderated by Brookings Fellow Will McCants. LeBaron and Fernandez, both former directors of the U.S. government’s Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, will discuss themes present in the ISIS “brand” of propaganda and explain why ISIS messaging is unique. They will also suggest new ways of thinking about counter-messaging and give recommendations for a more effective and comprehensive counter-messaging strategy.” At the link right-click “Combating ISIS propaganda networks” just above “Download (Help)” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Islamic Science 9 mins – “2015 is the International  Year of Light. One thousand years ago, a scientist from the ancient Islamic world was doing pioneering work on optics. It was Hasan Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) who was born in Iraq and settled in Cairo. He wrote a celebrated book on optics, taking forward the work of Ptolomy.  His work was a precursor to that of Kepler and Newton. He studied reflection and refraction and explained how vision works.  Curiously the ancient Greeks thought light shined out of the eye. Hasan Ibn al-Haytham showed the reverse was the case. And as Jim Al-Khalili explains, Hasan Ibn al-Haytham was one of the early proponents of the scientific method.” At the link right-click “Download audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Jewel Interview 49 mins – “She is in that rarified rank of female singers who go by one name: Madonna. Cher. Beyonce. Rihanna. Jewel. As in Jewel Kilcher. Born and raised rough in Alaska. Twenty-one when her first album, “Pieces of You,” came out. It went multi-platinum with “Who Will Save Your Soul,” “You Were Meant for Me.” And Jewel, the young poet, became a star. Now she’s 41, with a lot of life behind her, a child, a divorce, a new album. And still the same free, interesting spirit. She’s with us in the studio. This hour On Point, Jewel.” At the link right-click “Download this episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Kissinger Biography 39 mins – “Niall Ferguson discusses the first half of Henry Kissinger’s life, beginning with his being a young boy in Germany to becoming an intellectual celebrity at Harvard and finally an adviser to both Nelson Rockefeller and John Kennedy, leading Kissinger to becoming a national security adviser to Richard Nixon in 1968.” At the link find the title, “Niall Ferguson on Kissinger the Idealist,” right-click “Media files 20151007.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Listening 14 mins – “It’s not a coincidence that we decided to tackle listening right before a big holiday, when a lot of us are about to spend time with family. After all, sometimes the people we love the most can be the hardest to listen to — and that can make for contentious conversation (unless you’ve got Adele to save you). So we’re rounding out Only Human’s Listen Up project with some guidance to navigating the dialogue at your Thanksgiving dinner table. Henry Alford, who writes about manners for the New York Times, had heard about so many family trainwrecks during the holidays. And he started wondering, what would people who deal with serious conflict have to say about getting through a challenging family gathering? He called up the experts: crisis negotiators. Some strategies he heard from the FBI: saying sorry even when you might not be, and acknowledging differing opinions without actually disagreeing. But what these techniques really boil down to is being attentive and thoughtful. “The person who can come up to me a year later and say, ‘How’s your cat?’ or ‘How did your mother’s surgery go?’ Just any little bit of emotional recall, that’s hugely flattering,” Alford explains. We all want to be listened to, but we’re not great listeners. So this Thanksgiving make sure to offer the mashed potatoes, as well as an attentive ear.” At the link find the title, “Listen Up! The Big Turkey in the Sky,” right-click here, “ download the file.

Marilynne Robinson 47 mins – “The day after the terrible news of mass killing in Paris, more than one person asked me, “What is happening to humanity?” Today, with the video of a teen killed in the street in Chicago, the question comes again. And right alongside it, on this day before Thanksgiving, the question of how we keep our own humanity in a fraught time of fear and anger. We reached out to famed novelist, essayist, moral thinker Marilynne Robinson – author of “Gilead” and more – to talk with us about exactly that. She’s with us. This hour On Point, Marilynne Robinson, on faith, hope and hanging on to our humanity now.” At the link right-click “Download this episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mealtime in America 52 mins – “Three square meals a day. Three to five servings of fruits and vegetables, two to three servings of milk, yogurt, or cheese. Avoid fats and sugar. Red meat in moderation. We’re used to hearing these kinds of instructions. But eating isn’t just about finding the perfect nutritional balance—it has profound social implications, too. On this episode of BackStory, the Guys recover from their Thanksgiving feasts by looking back over the history of mealtime in America. From Victorian table manners to the school lunch program, how have our ideas about what, when, and how we eat our meals evolved?” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the right end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Migration Trends in Europe 61 mins – “Europe is gripped by the biggest migrant crisis since the Second World War. The parallels with that earlier crisis are hard to avoid. When in 1938 tens of thousands were fleeing Nazi Germany, not a single European country agreed to raise its quotas. In response Hitler and Goebbels observed that, while other countries complained about how Germany treated the Jews, no one else wanted them either. This is one of the points that Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg made in the Intelligence Squared Great European Refugees and Migrants Debate. With the squabbling last month between the countries of Europe over the quota system, the Hungarian government erecting a steel fence on its southern border and Germany and Sweden reintroducing border controls, will this period go down in history as another one when Europe closed its doors? Some would argue, however, that humanitarian pleas to give a compassionate welcome to the refugees may be admirable, but the numbers entering Europe are simply too high for everyone to be accommodated. Over a million people have already crossed into the continent this year, and the European Union estimates that another 3 million will enter by 2017. Angela Merkel – who of all the European leaders has been most generous in welcoming the refugees – has seen her popularity in Germany plummet amid anxieties about a surge in support for the extreme right. Meanwhile, the declaration by Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that he is defending Europe’s ‘Christian identity’ against a vast ‘Islamic influx’ has given him a boost in the polls. And now the situation has been further complicated by the horrific attacks in Paris carried out by Isis terrorists. Evidence has emerged that one of the killers may have posed as a Syrian refugee to enter Europe. Whether or not this can be proved, more European countries look set to impose border controls as a response. What will this mean for refugees who are likely to be trapped in a backlog in the Balkan states, and how will the rising tensions be dealt with? Joining Rabbi Wittenberg in this major eventwere: Lord Ashdown, who played a key role in putting Bosnia back on its feet after the war in Yugoslavia; Pia Oberoi, a migration adviser from the UN High Commission for Human Rights; former foreign secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind; and Hungarian migration expert Balázs Orbán.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Mindfulness 51 mins- “Although mindfulness gets a lot of ‘air time’ these days, many people are overlooking the fact that in our closely integrated society it is just as important that we recognize how we present ourselves to the world and to others. Humans naturally have many blind spots that don’t allow them to take a true inventory of their own strengths AND weaknesses, and this can lead to problems in our interactions and our relationships. This lack of self awareness can become particularly problematic in the workplace, where leaders often don’t even know the biases, opinions, and attitudes they are forcing on their teammates. In this episode we speak with Dr. Shelley Reciniello to learn how to become more self aware in order to work better with others and to grow as individuals. Dr. Shelley is the author of the new book, The Conscious Leader: Nine Principles and Practices to Create a Wide-Awake and Productive Workplace. Psychoanalytically trained, Dr. Shelley graduated with honors from Douglass College in New Jersey and she has a Clinical/Social Psychology Doctorate from the Graduate Faculty of the New School For Social Research, where she was a New School Scholar, and recipient of the New School Alumni Fellowship.” At the link right-click “Download”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Neurodiversity 60 mins – “This week we’re exploring the hidden history of autism, and our evolving understanding of neurodiversity. We’ll spend the hour with award winning science writer Steve Silberman, talking about his book “Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity.” At the link find the title, “#345 Neurotribes,” right-click “Media files Science_for_the_People_345_Neurotribes.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Nuclear Fusion Discussion 47 mins – “Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss nuclear fusion, the process that powers stars. In the 1920s physicists predicted that it might be possible to generate huge amounts of energy by fusing atomic nuclei together, a reaction requiring enormous temperatures and pressures. Today we know that this complex reaction is what keeps the Sun shining. Scientists have achieved fusion in the laboratory and in nuclear weapons; today it is seen as a likely future source of limitless and clean energy. Guests: Philippa Browning, Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Manchester Steve Cowley, Chief Executive of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Justin Wark, Professor of Physics and fellow of Trinity College at the University of Oxford Producer: Thomas Morris.” At the link find the title, “Nuclear Fusion Oct 2014,” right-click “Media files p02q59c1.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Open Education Resource 15 mins – “When it comes to technology on campus or in schools, there are really only two things to know – you’re either lucky to be inside the classroom or you’re on the outside praying to find a way in. Software, databases, and media technologies are every bit a part of the instructional kit today as books and study guides. In the competition for attention and implementation, though, what makes it to the classroom is what changes results for student and instructors alike. Educational publishers in 2015 recognize the need to build a digital platform that includes not only textbooks but also a variety of tools and other content. The sources for all that content can be proprietary and privately-developed as well as so-called Open Educational Resources. As defined by the Open Educational Resources Commons, OER are teaching and learning materials that are freely available online for everyone to use, whether you are an instructor, student or self-learner. At Boston-based Boundless, technologists team with teachers to bring original OER materials to a wide audience. Boundless isn’t building a backlist of published texts so much as a community library.” At the link right-click “download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Patriot Act 50 mins – “In the wake of the attacks in Paris, global terror threats, and renewed debate about mass surveillance and national security, we revisit our special hour on the origins of the infamous Patriot Act, born in a post-9/11 climate of fear. We examine what’s in the act: warrantless search and seizure, bulk collection of personal data, intelligence sharing, and more…as well as how much of what we associate with the Patriot Act actually lies in a wild-west of lesser-known programs. Plus, new conversations about France’s current state of emergency and a frank look at the sheer ineffectiveness of mass surveillance in fighting terrorism since 9/11.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow under the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Perceptions about Engineers 70 mins – “This episode of The Engineering Commons finds the gang discussing how engineers are perceived by those outside the engineering field.” And insights in their varied careers about the profession. At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Perversion 56 mins – “If a world archery champion fell madly in love with the Eiffel Tower, who she considered to be a female, married the monument, and then went on to consummate her union with it, would you consider her a crazy person? How about perverted? Insane? What about a person who can only reach sexual climax by falling down stairs? What about a person who masturbates to wheelchairs or to a recently worn hearing aid? Well, those people exist. But should we consider those people mentally ill whose sexual desires deviate from the norm? Given what science is telling us about sexuality, how should we adjust our thinking about perversion? That’s the topic we explore in this episode of the You Are Not So Smart Podcast.” At the link find the title, “Perversion | Jesse Bering, Oct 2013” right-click “ Media files Perversion__Jesse_Bering.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Philanthropy 60 mins – “This week, we’re learning how science can boost the effectiveness of philanthropy. We’ll talk to philosophy professor William MacAskill about his book “Doing Good Better: Effective Altruism and How You Can Make a Difference.” And we’ll speak to education researcher Brendan Rigby about the ethics and impact of voluntourism.‘” At the link find the title, “#344 Effective Altruism” right-click “Media files Science for the People 344, Effective Altruism.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Photons Explained 45 mins – “Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the photon, one of the most enigmatic objects in the Universe. Generations of scientists have struggled to understand the nature of light. In the late nineteenth century it seemed clear that light was an electromagnetic wave. But the work of physicists including Planck and Einstein shed doubt on this theory. Today scientists accept that light can behave both as a wave and a particle, the latter known as the photon. Understanding light in terms of photons has enabled the development of some of the most important technology of the last fifty years. With: Frank Close Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Oxford Wendy Flavell Professor of Surface Physics at the University of Manchester Susan Cartwright Senior Lecturer in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Sheffield. Producer: Thomas Morris.” At the link find the title, “The Photon Feb 2015,” right-click “Media files p02q5988.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Platinum Recovery 19 mins – “How could you convert the dust, leaves and cigarettes that litter the side of the road into something useful and valuable? In this month’s podcast, we spoke to Dr Angela Murray from the University of Birmingham about using microbes to turn waste into high-end products. We hear about a patented technology to convert road dust into precious metal catalysts, and how cleaning up heavy metal pollution can be used to make powerful crystals called quantum dots (pictured).” At the link right-click “Download episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Podcast Advertising Ethics 40 mins – “Gimlet is starting a new line of business, and it’s a complicated one: Branded content. Branded content is a piece of media (a video, a story, a podcast, etc.) paid for by a company that then has editorial control over the product. Lots of companies have been asking Gimlet to make podcasts for them. But, as we see in this episode, there are some very real anxieties about how to do this right. As part of this episode, we’ve put together Gimlet Media’s Advertising Guidelines. You can find them on our website.” At the link click “Download” to download the file.

Podcast Production 24 mins – “Can any topic be turned into a podcast – and succeed? Probably. Because it isn’t just about the topic – it’s also about the talent and production of the podcast. Vincent Racaniello is a professor at Columbia University as well as the creator and host of the podcast This Week in Virology. If you think that sounds too niche-y or academic, he also has a podcast on parasite and one on microbiology! Those are topics that would be very easy to make boring – or appeal only to academic types. But those people do not make up the majority of Vincent’s audience. The podcasts are actually quite entertaining and easy to listen to. What Vincent has is a passion for his topic and a desire to really create a great podcast. And having done over 350 episodes, he has gotten quite good at it.

Podcast Tutorial 34 mins – “Questions have piled up in my inbox and now I’m answering some of them. One of the more interesting questions I received recently was, “Can you explain the process you go through to create podcast episodes (including getting guests?)” I think the process of creating the episodes themselves is pretty interesting, but even more interesting is the process of emailing well-known people and booking them to come on the show. So I’ll dive into both of those things in this episode. We’ll also tackle how to study physics and statistics, methods of relaxing between study sessions, and more.” At the link right-click “download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Psychedelic Drugs 54 mins – “LSD. MDMA. Magic Mushrooms. The demonized drugs of the 1960’s, some of them banned over four decades ago, are back. But now they’re on the front-lines of medicine, as scientists around the world explore their healing properties.” At the link find the title, “High Culture, Part 3, Nov 2015” right-click “Media files ideas_20151124_64261.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

PTSD Diagnosis 23 mins – “PTSD may develop after exposure to exceptionally threatening or horrifying events. About 3% of the adult population has PTSD at any one time, and more than 50% in survivors of rape. In this podcast Jonathan Bisson, professor of psychiatry at the School of Medicine in Cardiff joins us to talk about the evidence for diagnosis and treatment, and Sarah Cosgrove, the patient author of the paper, discusses her experience of treatment.” At the link find the title, “The diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder,” right-click “Media files 234944847-bmjgroup-the-diagnosis-and-treatment-of-post-traumatic-stress-disorder.mp3,” right-click “Save Link As” fromt eh pop-up menu.

Quantum Entanglement 82 mins – “There is no force stronger. Gravity? get out. Electrostatics? no. Love? Incorrect. THE STRONG FORCE! Tia Miceli! Ken Clark! AND OUR SPECIAL GUEST RYAN NORTH!!!! this is a really fun episode where we talk about how protons are made of quarks stuck together with gluons. so much fun.” At the link find the title, “ Episode 59: Strange Truth and Charming Beauty,” right-click “Media files Ep_59_Strange_Truth_And_Charming_Beauty.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Race Mixtures 48 mins – “Mixed race America is a fast-growing piece of the American pie. Ten percent of American births now, and growing. Until 1967, interracial marriage was illegal in many states. Today, relationships regularly cross all the old racial lines. What is it like to be that American? A new film project with the provocative title “Evoking the Mulatto” talks with lots of mixed race Americans about their everyday experience and their most intimate thoughts on love, beauty, justice, racial identity, and the American future. This hour, On Point, we’re listening to mixed race Americans.” At the link right-click “Download this episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Refugee Approaches 54 mins – “PhD students Kiran Banerjee and Craig Damian Smith propose a radical re-thinking of the institutions that shape how nations respond to the voices of refugees.” At the link find the title, “Ideas from the Trenches – Refuge, Nov 2015,” right-click “Media files ideas_20151126_77515.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Refugee Camp France 20 mins – “In a holiday bonus episode, Actuality gets grateful after a visit to a refugee camp in France where migrants from the Middle East and Africa await asylum, and a reporter was surprised to learn her own family’s refugee story.” At the link find the title, “Thanksgiving in the Jungle,” right-click “Media files actuality20151126_64” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Regrets 60 mins – “Every day we make mistakes, and most of the time we just ignore these failings and move forward. But every so often, there is one that makes us pause and take notice. This week, people struggling with those regrets — big and small — that take root and have to be dealt with” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu. .

Research Story 15 mins – “Adam Rogers gets an exciting opportunity to work in a marine biology lab, and see if he really wants to be a biologist. Adam Rogers is articles editor at WIRED, where he edits features about miscellaneous geekery and runs the science desk. His features for the print magazine have included stories about the astrophysics of the movie Interstellar, a fan cruise for apex nerds, and a mysterious fungus that lives on whisky fumes. That last one won the 2011 AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Award for magazine writing and lead to Rogers’ New York Times bestselling book Proof: The Science of Booze. Rogers was a presenter and writer for the television show WIRED Science, which aired on PBS in 2007. Prior to joining WIRED, he was a Knight Science Journalism Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and before that Rogers was a writer and reporter at Newsweek.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Silk Road Investigation 16 mins – “You’ve likely heard of Silk Road – the black market e-commerce hub that was shutdown in 2013 for becoming a magnet for vendors of illicit goods. But the story of its shutdown, and the investigation and trial that followed, is complicated enough that we need a guide. On this week’s podcast Berkman Affiliate Hasit Shah brought together members of the Berkman community to speak with journalist and legal expert Sarah Jeong about what it was like to follow the Silk Road trial, and how the justice system copes when technology becomes a central part of a case.” At the link right-click “download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sitting Hazard 47 mins – “We all know that just sitting on our duffs at the office is no good for our health. But the news on just how bad it is just keeps coming. Get up, stand up is the word from all over now. And better yet – get up, stand up and move. Easy to say. Many are already well down this road. A lot of others, still on their keisters. To be the first one to start standing in the office can be awkward. First treadmill desk, can get crowded. First “walking meetings,” may challenge the culture. But it’s time! This hour On Point, all the latest how and why on the urge to get up, stand up and move at work.”

Smell Psychology 32 mins – “The connection between scent and memory is powerful and can be startling. Many people have been caught off-guard by strong memories brought about simply by catching an everyday scent. Today we’re speaking with Dr. Virginia Barry, Chicago psychoanalyst and author of the unique book Scratch and Sniff Proust. She’ll help us understand the neuroscience behind the strong connection between memory and scent and why the brain is wired this way.” At the link right-click “VBR MP3,” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Solar Cookers International 29 mins – “…Billions of people around the world cook with high-emissions methods. The fuel they use is dirty, expensive, and can be extremely labor-intensive, especially for girls and women. So where is the good news? Well, in 2010 Hillary Clinton announced the creation of a Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, a coalition of for-profit and nonprofit organizations working together to spread cleaner cooking to the developing world. Today on Sea Change Radio, host Alex Wise speaks with Julie Greene, executive director of Solar Cookers International, one of the partners in the Global Alliance. They discuss her organization’s work, some of the business models being used to advance cleaner cooking around the world, and how Shell Oil’s foundation is sneaking fossil fuel into the “clean” cooking mix.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Swimmer Diana Nyad 67 mins – “…You’re never too old to chase your dreams. It takes a team. That became Nyad’s mantra after four failed attempts to swim from Cuba to Florida. Nyad finally accomplished her life-long dream in 2013, at the age of 64, welcomed by hundreds of people lining the beach at her destination in Key West. How can repeated failures contribute to success? Nyad shares some of the important physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological lessons she learned when facing her fears and striving to live life with no regrets. Hear more about her inspiring story and record-breaking 110-mile swim.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Tiny Houses 47 mins – “For years, Americans have been on the McMansion trail. Bigger and bigger homes have driven up the average size of US accomodations and expectations. But there is a counter-movement, the “tiny house movement,” that is pushing for just the opposite. Pushing for – and building and living in – teeny tiny houses. Five hundred square feet. Four hundred. Three hundred. Two hundred. And tiny apartments, too – micro-apartments – gaining interest. Backers. Dwellers. The tiny house people say it’s all about living light. Maybe living better, in a very small space. This hour On Point: tiny houses, and the urge to live small.” At the link right-click “Download this episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Water Supply 58 mins – “Creating and maintaining a clean, sustainable water supply means delivering drinking water and collecting wastewater while dealing with pathogenic microorganisms and infrastructure challenges. It’s not all challenges, however. Two speakers; Sudhir Murthy, PhD, PE, BCEE, Innovation Chief at DC Water, and Kellogg Schwab, PhD, Director of the Johns Hopkins University Water Institute, will speak to Microbes After Hours about promising new endeavors in water management as well as issues of water safety.” At the link find the title, “MWV Episode 89, The Water Supply,” right-click “Media files MWV89 The Water Supply_LibSyn_SD.mp4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

West Nile Virus 76 mins – “2012 saw a surge of West Nile Virus infections, particularly in the central United States. What exactly is West Nile Virus and why do outbreaks occur? West Nile virus was first detected in North America until 1999 when an outbreak occurred in New York City. In the next five years, West Nile virus swept across the continent, reaching the Pacific shore in 2004. Like other Flaviviruses, West Nile is an “arthropod-borne virus” or “arbovirus”. Its transmission and the completion of its life cycle critically depends on the feeding activities of mosquitos, who transmit the virus as they feed on the blood of infected animals Despite the incidence of infection among humans, however, Homo sapiens are actually dead-end hosts for the West Nile virus. Indeed, birds are the primary amplifying hosts and their migratory patterns are thought to have promoted the rapid spread of the virus to new habitats.” At the link right-click “MP3 Audio Only” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Thanks for stopping by.

About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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