Media Mining Digest 287 – May 12, 2017: Abortion, Affordable Care Act, AI and the Law, AI Future, Airway Tips and Tricks, Antiquarians, Antitrust Champion, Asbestos, Biker Clubs in Canada, Blind Visual Interpreters, Body Builder, Brain Injury Terms, Buffalo Renovation, Canadian Youth, Cat Control, Cell Phones in Prison, Chernobyl Remembered, Child Porn Investigation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Comfort Women, Conducted Energy Devices, Consciousness Defined, Conservative Ben Shapiro, Cory Doctorow, Crisis Management, Critical Care Fellowships, CSA History, Cuban Literacy, Death Cafes, Death in ICU’s, Deodorant History, Dictionaries, Digital Transformation of Publishing, Distraction Control, Documentary Evidence, Documentary Tricks, Domestic Violence, Down Syndrome Test, Dr Chris Smith, Drug Epidemic Misinformation, Dying in Strange Ways, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Elder Abuse Forensics, Elliptical Orbit Research, Emergency Medicine Failed Paradigm, Environmentally Friendly Apparel, Espionage in Washington DC, Evidence Based Medicine Rant, Faroe Island Wives, Federal Term Limits, Feminism, Fingerprint Evidence, FOAM Education for Beginners, GM Foods, Great Migration, Grieving Strategies, Health Care, Homelessness Cure, House Flooring, House Insulation Tricks, ICU for Dummies, Immigrant Children, Immigrant Science, Impeaching Trump, Koji Fungus, Leadership During Disasters, LGBT Persecution, License Plate Readers, Life Shaper, Los Angeles Riots, Martial Artist, Medical Literature for Doctors, Migraine Headaches, Murders and Social Media, Native Americans, Neil Barofsky, Networked World, North American Earliest Humans, North Sensing Biohack, Nurse Student News, Office Plant Business, Open Access Publishing, Opioid Epidemic, Organized Crime, Paradigm Shift, Play Deprivation, Podcasting Strategy, Pop Culture in Classrooms, Prophets of Doom, Racist Ideas in America, Radical Right, Researcher Publishing, Robert Bacon, Russian – US History, Russian Cyberattacks, Salt and Sugar Effects, Sanctuary Cities History, School Debt Payoff, Sepsis Cocktail Controversy, Silicon Valley Philanthropy, Slavery and Civil War, Snake Bites, Spouse Abuse Structural Integrity Exams, Sugar Addiction, Supreme Court Jewish Justices, Sydney Science March, Taxes in America, Terrorism, Transition Management, Trauma Medicine, Trump, Turkey Future, Ultrasound Rant and Intro, Victim Compensation, Video Game Impact on Muslims, Virtual Reality Therapy, What Is the Mind, Whistleblowing, White House Chiefs of Staff, Women Leaders, Women’s Clothing Production, World War One, Zika Research

Exercise your ears – the 1470 podcasts shown below present the best ideas, information and stories from a larger group of 488 for the week, to hear while your hands and eyes are busy. Get all the files as a group here for the next four months, or double or ctrl-click individual titles to get single podcasts and explore the source. A collection of over 15,000 similar podcasts, listed alphabetically and grouped by topic, can be downloaded piecemeal, with files A-B at this link, files C-E link, and the remainder here. You’ll be limited to a 4GB maximum per download at the last place, so multiple group downloads will be needed to get all files, which total over 86GB and may take a few hours. The first entry in the collection is a text file with just titles for quicker reference. A collection of all 14,000 abstracts is available at this link and updated quarterly. Get even the discarded material using a podcast aggregator loaded with this opml file of the 400 sources. Exercise your ears and let the rest relax.

Abortion 3 mins – “Abortion is so taboo. People don’t talk about abortions they’ve had. Doctors don’t talk about abortions they’ve given. But it’s happening a lot. Almost a million abortions happened in the US in 2014. So, what actually happens in an abortion, can the fetus feel pain and what are the risks? To find out we visit an abortion clinic in Texas and talk to Dr. Amita Murthy, Dr. Lisa Harris, Dr. Bhavik Kumar, and Dr. Diana Greene Foster. This episode is not about being pro-choice or pro-life, but pro-facts.” At the link find the title, “Abortion: What You Need To Know, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files GLT7198998124.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Affordable Care Act 15 mins – “Rebecca Cooney discusses the Affordable Care Act with US Series author Adam Gaffney.” At the link find the title,”America: Equity and Equality in Health 2: April 13, 2017,” right-click “Media files Gaffney_US_Series_Paper_2_boosted.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

AI and the Law 34 mins – “A number of lawyers are nervous about artificial intelligence (AI) replacing their jobs in the near future, but most don’t understand AI. In this episode of The Digital Edge, hosts Sharon Nelson and Jim Calloway talk to Mark Tamminga who defines artificial intelligence and what its growing popularity means for lawyers. Their discussion includes the big players in the AI industry, the future of technology, and what Mark would say to lawyers concerned that robots will take their jobs. They also talk about the College of Law Practice Management’s Futures Conference 2017, for which Mark and Sharon are co-chairs. This year’s focus will be artificial intelligence and its role in the legal industry.” At the link find the title, “The Digital Edge: Defining Artificial Intelligence as a Legal Tool Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files episode_112.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

AI Future 48 mins – “On Monday 20 April, a crowd gathered in Kings Place to hear a discussion on the future of Artificial Intelligence – or AI – as part of our Brainwaves Series, supported by SEAT. How do we define human intelligence? How close are we to reaching it with machines? And what happens when these machines start taking our jobs? To discuss all this and more, Ian Sample was joined on stage was Anil Seth, professor of cognitive science and computational neuroscience from the University of Sussex, Maja Pantic, professor of affective and behavioural computing at Imperial College London, Anders Sandberg, senior research fellow at Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute, and Alan Winfield, professor of robot ethics at UWE, Bristol.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the op-up menu.

Airway Tips and Tricks 58 mins – “Tom Kehrl and I talk practical tips and tricks when it comes to emergency airway management.  By no means comprehensive, we go through the finer points of intubation we found between two residencies, two fellowships, and supervising resident intubations.  check out all the links in the show notes.” At the link right-click “Direct download: Kehrl_Airway.m4aand select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Antiquarians 40 mins – “How is the history of a nation remembered? Well — it all depends on what you keep. We’re talking about recipes, old record collections, wedding dresses, newspapers, family letters or even your own personal diary. These are the types of documents future generations depend on to understand past American culture. On this episode, Joanne, Ed and Nathan talk about the people who took it upon themselves to collect stuff they knew someone would one day care about — even if some thought it weird. We’ll tell the story of a U.S. congressman who collected his colleagues’ discarded notes and talk to his 21st-century counterpart — someone trying to archive the daily culture of the internet.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar end and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Antitrust Champion 25 mins – “The larger focus of our work in the Community Broadband Networks Initiative is to ensure communities have the networks they need. Our guest for Community Broadband Bits episode 250 is an expert in how markets break and the policies that make them work. Gary Reback is a well known Silicon Valley lawyer and Of Counsel at Carr Ferrell LLP. He also wrote an excellent book, Free the Market: Why Only Government Can Keep the Marketplace Competitive that I fully recommend. Reback has had a front-row seat to the failings of government policy that has allowed a few technology firms to garner so much market power today. We talk broadly about markets and monopoly rather than focusing on broadband and telecommunications. This is a good introductory conversation for people unfamiliar with the real threat and harms of monopoly. A related conversation is my interview with Barry Lynn in episode 83.” At the link right-click “…download this mp3 file directly from hereand select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Asbestos 6 mins – “236 EE How Dangerous Is Asbestos? Apr, 2017,” At the link find that title, right-click “Media files ede_236-ao4.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Biker Clubs in Canada – “Meet Bernie Guindon, the leader of Satan’s Choice Motorcyle Club — an important figure in the history of Canada’s biker clubs and culture.” At the link find the title, “April 28: Meet the godfather of Canada’s outlaw biker club, Satan’s Choice, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170428_45487.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Blind Visual Interpreters 38 mins – “Blind Abilities presents the next installment in its series on Aira. Pete Lane continues his interview with Amy Bernal, Director of Aira Agents, and Patrick Lane, Aira Agent analyst. Hear their thoughts on Aira agent training, their views on customer service and the continuing evolution of the agent position. Aira has grown from eight contract agents at the time of the interview, to twenty-three, and they continue to hire. If you are a sighted listener, check the web site at Aira.IO for details, or contact Erin@Aira.IO for information on becoming an agent…. At the link right click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Body Builder 114 mins – “Dorian Yates (@dorian_yates) is a six-time Mr. Olympia who has taken the already extreme sport of bodybuilding to a new level. He’s one of my adolescent heroes whose innovations in training (e.g., Occam’s protocol) influenced what I later put into The 4-Hour Body. In this particular conversation, we dig into all sorts of topics that I’ve been dying to ask Dorian since I was a teenager. We discuss his relationship to pain, specific workouts, how he warms up, common mistakes and misconceptions, self-talk, his favorite books, and much more.” At the link find the title, “#235: Dorian Yates on High Intensity Training, Injury Prevention, and Building Maximum Muscle,” right-click “Media files The_Tim_Ferriss_Show-Dorian_Yates.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Brain Injury Terms 27 mins – “There are a lot of abbreviations in the Neuroscience ICU and you will almost never hear the layman’s term stroke.  That is what confused me when I began.  I was listening to report and hearing SAH, IVH, ICP, CPP, SDH, DAI, blah blah blah.  Basically, I had no idea what was going on with my patient so thank goodness I was working with a preceptor! With all the abbreviations- it is really just a matter of knowing what the individual words mean- then you can piece together what is going on inside the patient, especially if you have studied images of the brain and become familiar with the the cerebrovascular system….” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Buffalo Renovation 29 mins – “What’s a great way to lift up an impoverished population within a struggling city where utility bills can cost twice as much as rent itself? Local, engaged clean energy efforts. This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to the Deputy Director of PUSH Buffalo, Rahwa Ghirmatzion, about the work that her organization is doing to create jobs and ramp up energy efficiency in the third poorest major city in the U.S. Ghirmatzion tells us about how her organization got its start, how its model has evolved and how PUSH Buffalo is trying to meet rising demands for its services in the face of looming EPA cuts.” At the link right-click “Download’ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Canadian Youth 26 mins – “IABC [Int’l Assoc of Business Communicators] Ottawa held an event at which representatives from six Canadian organizations talked about how they were planning to celebrate Canada’s 150th. Each speaker presented a short case study on the national campaign they were responsible for and then went into detail about how they were building creative heritage campaigns, how they came up with innovative ideas and more. If you couldn’t make the event, fear no more. For this podcast, host Angela Prokopiak spoke with the communications professionals from three of those organizations—Kristina Martin of Actua, Elizabeth Jarvis of 4H Canada and Sophie Babinski of Apathy is Boring. And what is inspiring, these three organizations are joining in the 150 celebrations with a bit of a twist: their work with Canadian youth could make the next 150 years even brighter. Find out how they plan to work with youth for their 150th events and what instigated those activities. We’ll also ask them how they plan to reach their audiences as well as track and evaluate their campaigns.” At the link left-click the down-pointing arrow under the sound bar to get the podcast.

Cat Control 24 mins – “Conservation biologist Peter Marra talks with journalist Rene Ebersole about the threat of outdoor cats to wild animals and to human health. Marra is the co-author, with writer Chris Santella, of the book Cat Wars: The Devastating Consequences of a Cuddly Killer.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cell Phones in Prison 82 mins – Seven short presentations from the National Institute of Justice about control of prison cell phones. At the link find the title, “1 of 7: Cell Phones in Prison, Jun, 2010,” “2 of 7: Cell Phones in Prison,” “3 of 7: Cell Phones in Prison,” “4 of 7: Cell Phones in Prison,” “5 of 7: Cell Phones in Prison,” “6 of 7: Cell Phones in Prison” and “7 of 7: Cell Phones in Prison,” right-click the associated media files and select “Save Links As” from the pop-up menu.

Chernobyl Remembered 73 mins [2 parts] – “An encore presentation of Philip Coulter’s 2007 documentary, “The Zone of Absolute Exclusion” about the Chernobyl nuclear disaster that occurred on April 26, 1986. Thirty-one years later, it remains the worst nuclear accident in history.” At the link find the title, “Chernobyl Remembered, Part 1, Apr, 2017,” and “…Part 2…,” right-click “Media files ideas_20170426_47348.mp3,” and “Media files ideas_20170427_75071.mp3,” and select “Save Link(s) As from the pop-menus to get the files.

Child Pornography Investigation 62 mins [4 parts] – At the link find the titles, “1 of 4: International Trends in Fighting Child Pornography,”(3 mins)2 of 4…,”(18 mins) “3 of 4…”(19 mins) and “4 of 4….” (21 mins) , all from Jun 2009; right-click the following items and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menus: “Media files nijconf2009-fighting-porn-picarelli.mp3,” “Media files nijconf2009-fighting-porn-cummings.mp3,” “Media files nijconf2009-fighting-porn-ludvigsen.mp3,” and “Media files nijconf2009-fighting-porn-wecksell.mp3”.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 36 mins – “Jennifer Brea was a vigorous woman until she became ill with what’s known as chronic fatigue syndrome. She documents life’s challenges in the film, Unrest.” At the link find the title, “April 26: Unrest director documents debilitating life with chronic fatigue syndrome, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170426_49239.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Clean Energy 57 mins – “Billy Parish has a powerful and crystal-clear vision: 100% clean energy for America, and, eventually, the entire world. His innovative for-profit company, Mosaic, is an online clean energy investment platform that crowdsources investments for solar energy projects – similar to Kickstarter, but with a 4.5-7% return on investment. A serial entrepreneur, Billy is a fan of big ideas and swift action. Acting on his blooming environmental consciousness, Billy dropped out of Yale after his sophomore year to start the world’s largest coalition of youth-led clean energy campaigns. From there, he has worked on a variety of projects, always focused on helping the planet, including co-authoring the book Making Good: Finding Meaning, Money, and Community in a Changing World and working on environmental issues on a Native American reservation in Arizona. On November 25, think big and become inspired to create a better world with visionary Billy Parish.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Climate Change 58 mins – “Perhaps the world’s most well-known advocate for the environment, Jane Goodall, DBE, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and U.N. Messenger of Peace, has for much of her nearly six-decade-long career worked to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our planet. The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) is a global, community conservation organization operating in more than 30 countries worldwide with a strong presence in Africa’s chimpanzee range. JGI’s approach to species conservation improves the lives of people, animals and the environment by honoring their interconnectedness. Goodall spends her time traveling around the world nearly 300 days a year, inspiring and mobilizing people with her twin messages of hope and action. Jeff Horowitz is founder of Avoided Deforestation Partners, a global nonprofit network dedicated to healing the climate by protecting forests, which absorb carbon pollution. …Join us for a conversation about reasons for hope, thoughts about the connection between deforestation and climate change, and the threat to environmental protection coming from Washington, D.C.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Climate Change and Biology 52 mins – “Our lecture this week is presented by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, titled “Biology and Climate Change.”  Our speaker is Professor Thomas Lovejoy, Senior Fellow at the United Nations Foundation.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow under the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Comfort Women 34 mins- “This week on Sinica, we are delighted to be joined by Lucy Hornby, China correspondent for the Financial Times, and author of this phenomenal piece on China’s last surviving Chinese comfort women and their longstanding — and often futile — attempts to seek reparations in both China and Japan. Join us today as we talk about this piece, and also other stories of reparations and post-war politics that may leave you, like us, somewhat less cynical going out than coming in.” At the link righ-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the op-up menu.

Conducted Energy Devices 45 mins [4 parts] ­ Four short presentations from the National Institute of Justice by cecconi, hunsaker, [p 3 is missing], paoline and terrill about the safety of CED’s, such as Tasers. At the link find the titles, 1 of 5: Are CEDs Safe and Effective? June 16, 2010,” “2 of 5…” “4 of 5…” and “5 of 5: Are CEDs Safe and Effective?” right-click the associated media files and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menus.

Consciousness Defined 48 mins – “Since 2008, Big Think has been sharing big ideas from creative and curious minds. The Think Again podcast takes us out of our comfort zone, surprising our guests and Jason Gots, your host, with unexpected conversation starters from Big Think’s interview archives. Daniel Dennett is one of the foremost philosophers of mind working today to unravel the puzzle of what minds are and what they’re for, and Co-Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University. His latest book of many is called From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds, and it’s a sweeping (but detailed) attempt to demystify how we get from inanimate matter to cathedrals, symphonies, and of course, podcasts. In this fun and meaty episode of Think Again, Dennett waxes wicked and wise on consciousness, Dolphins, Artificial Intelligence, and much, much more.” At the link find the title, “91. Daniel Dennett (Philosopher) – Thinking About Thinking About Thinking,” right-click “Media files PP7121030594.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Conservative Ben Shapiro 69 mins – “Ben Shapiro has made a name for himself as a prominent young conservative voice in our nation’s political dialogue. At 17, Shapiro became the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in America as a part of the Creators Syndicate. He was the editor-at-large for; co-founder of TruthRevolt, the media watchdog website; has written several successful books and also started his own law practice. Today, he’s the editor-in-chief of; host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” the number one conservative podcast on iTunes; and has almost half a million Twitter followers, who engage in discussion and debate with him every day. Shapiro is a California native and is a graduate of both UCLA and Harvard Law School. Shapiro is frequently called upon to offer his opinion on controversial political and social issues, on everything from the role of the media in our society to the rise of Black Lives Matter to Jews in the United States. He’s known for his confrontational approach and is never one to back down during a heated exchange. Shapiro welcomes agreement and argument alike….” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cory Doctorow 72 mins – “Cory Doctorow’s latest novel is Walkaway, a look into the future of mass surplus and mass unemployment. He talks to Leo Laporte about how people reinvent themselves, the difference between disaster and catastrophe, the future of copyright, and his refusal to use DRM.” At the link click “Download options,” right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Crisis Management 64 mins – “Ian I. Mitroff, Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California; Senior Research Associate, Center for Catastrophic Risk Management, University of California, Berkeley In conversation with Gerald Harris, Member-Led Forum Leader, Science & Technology Forum, The Commmonwealth Club Technology has made our lives incomparably better, but it is also one of the greatest threats facing humankind. All of the marvelous gadgets we’ve invented are not only thoroughly reinventing us, but they are also doing it in ways in which we have no idea of their full impact. In short, we are undergoing a transformation that affects every aspect of our being—our brains, bodies, institutions and the entire world. Ian Mitroff, currently developing ideas for an upcoming book, will discuss these topics and more. According to Mitroff, we cannot continue to dump the latest technologies on the world without doing a better job of forecasting their negative and positive aspects; we need to do everything we can to mitigate potential negative impacts in order to avoid an immense backlash against technology. Mitroff is a professor emeritus at the University of Southern California where he was the Harold Quinton distinguished professor of business policy at the Marshall School of Business and the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. …He is generally regarded as one of the principal founders of the crisis management field. Gerald Harris leads the Club’s science and technology member-led forum and has over 20 years experience as a strategy consultant for energy and high technology companies.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Critical Care Fellowships 63 mins- “I somehow tricked Scott Weingart and Haney Mallemat into sitting down and talking EM-Critical Care with me. We go over Critical Care fellowships and answer your questions about EM/CC. Should all residencies be four years? Where do the experts see our specialty in 10 years? Should we abandon the landmark technique for central line placement? What about video versus direct laryngoscopy? A ton of great stuff in just an hour of your time.” At the link find the title, “Episode 8: Critical Care with Weingart and Mallemat, Dec, 2012,” right-click “Media files Critical_care_fellowships_and_topics.m4a” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

CSA History 89 mins – “Dan Guenthner of Common Harvest Farm, along with his wife Margaret Pennings, has been a CSA farmer since before CSA was even really a thing – 1990, to be exact. With twelve acres of vegetables and a 200-member CSA in Osceola, Wisconsin, just outside of Minnesota’s Twin Cities, Dan and Margaret take a thoughtful approach to how they engage with their CSA membership, the farming community, and their farm’s land and production systems. Dan reflects on the CSA movement, and how it has grown and changed since its inception, and the challenges that even CSA farms with a deep focus on community have faced as local and organic produce has become more widely available. We discuss some of the ways that Dan and Margaret have built their CSA on community organizing and shared values in an effort to break out of the marketing paradigm, and how they are working to get even deeper into this heart of the CSA movement now. Dan also digs into how he has built the production system at Common Harvest Farm, including a foray into draft animal production, and the investment strategy that has supported the development of a highly efficient farm, in terms of both labor and energy use.” At the link right-click “Download this Episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cuban Literacy 15 mins – “A 55-year-long trade embargo still stands, but as US-Cuban relations have warmed in recent years, American businesses have moved into position to seize the day should the ban ever become history. Earlier this month, the second US Publishing Mission to Cuba visited the annual Havana Book Fair to continue developing relationships with potential trading partners – and readers. A population the same as the state of Georgia – about 11.3 million people – Cuba boasts a 100 percent literacy rate. The island nation’s libraries and bookstores are stocked with the political works of Castro and Lenin, of course, but also the poetry of José Martí and the Havana Quartet novels of Leonardo Padura, featuring Inspector Mario Conde….” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Death Cafes 48 mins – “There’s only one thing in life that’s certain: death. Many people believe that talking about death helps us make more of life. Thousands of Death Cafés have popped up in countries across the globe, challenging people to open up about the deceased and their own thoughts and fears about dying. Cafes are often over subscribed with organisers having to turn away individuals from sell out events. Julian Keane visits some of these Death Cafés to explore if a key part of life should be preparing for death. He explores how people across the world deal with death whilst they’re living, and if there’s really a need for the conversation. Julian also meets sociologist Bernard Crettaz. He began the concept of Café Mortel (Death Café) at an exhibition called La mort à vivre (Death for life) in his Geneva museum. Bernard shares more about his work, the theories behind his Death Café concept and how he feels knowing the world is embracing his concept.” At the link find the title, “Dying to Talk, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Death in ICU’s 45 mins – “When physicians have decided there is nothing more they can do for a patient, they will often speak with the families and encourage them to withdraw care. Our facility actually says “Comfort Measures Only (CMO)” instead of “Withdrawing Care” because withdrawing care implies that we will no longer take care of the patient and this is not true- we do everything we can to make our patients comfortable, free from pain, and free of anxiety. I have recently taken care of two patients that were made CMO and there are some things that I have learned that I can share. First, the decision is made by a group- physicians, the patient, family members, and possibly clergy. Some experienced nurses may feel comfortable gently broaching the subject with the family. This is obviously going to be dependent upon how comfortable the nurse feels about the situation and the nurse’s relationship with the family.” At the link find the title, “Death in the ICU, Posted: 8 Sep 2011,” right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Deodorant History 15 mins – “For as long as humans have been around they’ve worried about their smell. “That’s why we’ve had perfumes for as long as we’ve had people,” says Cari Casteel, a CHF research fellow studying the history of deodorant. But, Casteel says, “it wasn’t until the late 19th, early 20th century that the technology and the chemistry catches up to what people want.” Today most Americans don’t give a second thought to using deodorant. In fact, some 90% of the population slathers the stuff on. But in the late 19th and early 20th centuries deodorants and antiperspirants were new, and their makers had to convince potential customers (all women) that perfumes alone weren’t cutting it and that their body odor and perspiration were unacceptable. They did so by preying on women’s insecurities, an approach later used successfully on men. In this episode we explore some of the funny, disturbing, sexist, and quirky advertisements from deodorant’s history and discover that today’s commercials are strangely similar to those of the past.” At the link find the title, “The Smell of Shame: How Deodorant Became Omnipresent in America, Mar, 2017,” right-click “Media files Distillations218Deodorant.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Dictionaries 27 mins – “What can the history and present state of reference publishing tell us about the future of publishing? As keynote speaker opening the PubWest 2017 conference in Portland, Oregon, Erin McKean notes that dictionaries have stood in the vanguard of publishing ever since the first English dictionary appeared in 1604, more than a hundred years before Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. The founder of, the world’s biggest online dictionary, McKean says her professional goal is to make every word in the English language “lookupable” – including the 52% of unique English words that aren’t currently in any dictionary. Before opening Wordnik, Erin McKean was the editor-in-chief of American Dictionaries for Oxford University Press. Erin McKean’s 2007 TED talk, “Redefining the Dictionary,” inspired her to start Wordnik. McKean is the author of three Weird and Wonderful Words books, and most recently The Hundred Dresses: The Most Iconic Styles of our Time. She has written regular columns for the Boston Globe and the Wall Street Journal.At the linkr ight-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Digital Transformation of Publishing 37 mins – “Digital transformation is not a destination. It is a journey. And heading down the road to digital transformation can certainly feel like traveling without a guide or a map. By 2020, Gartner estimates, three out of four businesses will be digital or have digital business transformations underway. However, only 30% of those efforts will prove successful. For a fix on the publishing industry’s latest digital transformation location, Ixxus, a subsidiary of Copyright Clearance Center, recently commissioned Imbue Partners to undertake a survey of leading publishers in the UK and around the world. Executives interviewed for the Imbue report conceded the phrase “digital transformation in the publishing industry” is both aspirational and nebulous. They are experiencing some confusion and frustration at the complexity of the journey and the perceived rate of change. Overall, the good news is that the Publishing industry has a vision and a plan for the digital transformation journey. Panelist Max Gabriel, Chief Technology Officer, Taylor & Francis Group, noted that the most striking transformation is the shift from a product focus to a customer focus….” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Distraction Control 37 mins – “A conversation with Matthew Crawford about his book The World Beyond Your Head. The Memory Palace – Family Snapshot. Listen to this segment again at Charlotte Perkins is a Senior at Kearsarge Regional High School and the New Hampshire State Champion of Poetry Out Loud. She’s competing at the National Championships at the end of the month and Virginia spoke to Charlotte and her mother Beth about the experience. Overheard – A weird new video game, a mystery on a mountain, a band you should check out, and Tracy Morgan reads his own audio book.“ At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Documentary Evidence 23 mins – At the link find the title, “3 of 3: Impression Evidence: Strengthening the Disciplines of Fingerprints, Firearms, Footwear, and Other Pattern and Impression Sciences Through Research, Jun, 2010,” right-click “Media files nijconf2010-impression-evidence-srihari.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Documentary Tricks 39 mins – “Nature documentaries and wildlife films transport us to places in the world that still feel wild, but what if the wilderness they present is staged? What if, in order to capture nature’s unvarnished beauty and conflict, filmmakers have to engage in a bit of fakery? In this episode we examine how deception is used to enhance the drama of nature documentaries, from Disney’s Oscar-winning film White Wilderness, to the incredible footage featured in the BBC’s Planet Earth II. Plus, we own up to some of the production tricks we use to make this podcast.” At the link find the title,”Episode 35: Full Disclosure,” right-click “Media files 5765296-episode-35-full-disclosure.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Domestic Violence 151 mins Eight short presentations from the National Institute of Justice about domestic violence custody and shelter issues. At the link find the titles, “1 of 5: Domestic Violence Shelters: The Experience of the Survivor, Jun, 2009,” “2 of 5: Domestic Violence Shelters: The Experience of the Survivor,” “3 of 5: Domestic Violence Shelters: The Experience of the Survivor,” “4 of 5: Domestic Violence Shelters: The Experience of the Survivor,” “5 of 5: Domestic Violence Shelters: The Experience of the Survivor,” “1 of 3: Custody Evaluation in Domestic Violence Cases, Jun, 2009,” “2 of 3: Custody Evaluation in Domestic Violence Cases,” and “3 of 3: Custody Evaluation in Domestic Violence Cases,” right-click the associated media files and select “Save Link(s) As” from the pop-up menus.

Domestic Violence Services 12 mins – “Mary Louise Kelley, Director of the Family Violence Prevention Services program at the Department of Health and Human Services, is joined today by Anne Menard, Director of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, and Eleanor Lyon, the principal investigator on the research project Meeting Survivors’ Needs Through Non-Residential Domestic Violence Services and Supports: Results of a Multi-State Study. This study focused on nonresidential domestic violence services because it is a growing segment of domestic violence services, and it was an opportunity to hear from people who might be less likely to access shelter services.” At the link find the title, “Meeting Survivors’ Needs Through Non-Residential Domestic Violence Services and Supports: Results of a Multi-State Study, Aug, 2012,” right-click “Media files dv-services-full.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Down Syndrome Test 30 mins – “When Lee Herzenberg remembers the day her son Michael was born, she laughs and calls it a “cool birth.” …The nurses whisked the newborn off to the nursery without telling Lee anything was wrong. It was then that a doctor noticed the characteristic features of Down syndrome: floppy muscles, eyes that slanted upward. …But Michael wasn’t lost. Michael’s birth sparked their search for a blood test that has revolutionized prenatal care in this country. … At 81, Lee, a professor of genetics, is still running the lab she and her husband founded more than 50 years ago. Len died in 2013…. The Herzenbergs are best known as the creators of the modern-day fluorescence-activated flow cytometer, or FACS. It was a machine born out of frustration: Len couldn’t stand squinting down a microscope looking at cells. Before the FACS, a biologist looking at slides could feel like he was playing a really intense round of “Where’s Waldo”, staring at crowds of all kinds of cells, trying to pinpoint the exact one he was looking for. Not only was it annoying, Len Herzenberg worried it wasn’t particularly scientific. …When Len Herzenberg died, one colleague told The New York Times that “without Len, tens of thousands of people now alive would not be.” But in the 1970s, the Herzenbergs were still proving the value of this machine. That’s when they started thinking about using it to create a blood test for Down syndrome. … The first step, however, was to show that you could pull out fetal cells.”Scientists now estimate that for every 200 billion cells in a mother’s bloodstream – about 10 of those are fetal cells. Bianchi was one of the first people to see them. The New York Times quoted Len Herzenberg saying it was a “first step” towards a blood test for Down syndrome for all pregnant women. But it would take thirty years for a practical test to become a reality. As it turned out, Len Herzenberg’s FACS wasn’t the right tool for prenatal diagnosis. There weren’t very many fetal cells to be sorted, and if a pregnant woman already had children, scientists couldn’t be sure if the cells in her blood came from the current fetus or one of her older kids. But in 2008, Len helped ensure the right tool was found. A researcher named Stephen Quake had discovered a way to sequence chunks of fetal DNA floating in expectant mothers’ blood. …Now, at just 10 weeks into a pregnancy, a whole range of things can be revealed with this test. Not just Down syndrome, but a host of other chromosomal abnormalities as well as the sex of the child to be. …The Down syndrome baby who kicked off the search for this blood test is now a 54-year-old man. He lives in a squat house in Redwood City, Calif., just a 30 minute drive from his birth mother’s home.” At the link find the title, “A “Dadvocate” Speaks Out for Down Syndrome, Apr, 2016,” right-click “Media files onlyhuman042616 cms599570_pod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Dr Chris Smith 27 mins – “In today’s episode I talked to Dr Chris Smith who has been podcasting since 2001 (predating even the mighty Adam Curry)! Now that’s early. Chris produces and presents the Naked Scientists Podcast – which started as a radio show. Chris tells how he put the show on the Internet for people to download and how the podcast audience exploded in 2005 as iTunes opened its Podcast Directory. Chris gives some interesting insights into content creation and getting feedback from your listeners – including setting up core samples of your audience as focus groups. He also covers how great content can carry your content even if you’re not a big name brand.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Drug Epidemic Misinformation 56 mins – “Attorney General Jeff Sessions has signaled that he’d like to revamp the War on Drugs. We take a look at the history of the battle, and how sensational media depictions of crack, heroin, and meth have helped fuel it. Plus: our Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: Drugs Edition. Then, a look at how America’s first drug czar used racist propaganda to outlaw marijuana. And why the debate between treatment and law enforcement is blurrier than you might think.” At the link find the title, “This American War on Drugs, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files otm041417pod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu

Dying in Strange Ways 68 mins – “Cody Cassidy, Co-author, And Then You’re Dead: What Really Happens If You Get Swallowed by a Whale, Are Shot from a Cannon, or Go Barreling Over Niagara Paul Doherty, Co-director and Senior Staff Scientist, Exploratorium; Co-author, And Then You’re Dead: What Really Happens If You Get Swallowed by a Whale, Are Shot from a Cannon, or Go Barreling Over Niagara In conversation with Kishore Hari, Director, Bay Area Science Festival How far could you get digging a hole to China? How long could you last if you stood on the surface of the sun? Did you ever want insights into the physics, anatomy and astronomy behind some of the weirdest deaths you can think of? Paul Doherty, a senior scientist at San Francisco’s Exploratorium, and co-author Cody Cassidy answer these questions and more. Join us for an interesting conversation about some of the most cartoonish, outlandish and impossible deaths and how these fantastical scenarios relate to real science. *THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE*” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Egyptian Book of the Dead 43 mins – “Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the text and context of The Book of the Dead, also known as the Book of Coming Forth by Day, the ancient Egyptian collections of spells which were intended to help the recently deceased navigate the underworld. They flourished under the New Kingdom from C16th BC until the end of the Ptolemaic era in C1st BC, and drew on much earlier traditions from the walls of pyramids and on coffin cases. Almost 200 spells survive, though no one collection contains all of them, and one of the best known surrounds the weighing of the heart, the gods’ final judgement of the deceased’s life.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Elder Abuse Forensics 135 minsEight short presentations from the National Institute of Justice about Elder Abuse investigation. At the link find the titles, “1 of 5: Is It Old Age, Abuse or Homicide? Jun, 2009” “2 of 5: Is It Old Age, Abuse or Homicide?” “3 of 5: Is It Old Age, Abuse or Homicide?” “4 of 5: Is It Old Age, Abuse or Homicide?” “5 of 5: Is It Old Age, Abuse or Homicide?” and “1 of 4: Forensic Aspects of Elder Abuse, Jun, 2010,” “2 of 4: Forensic Aspects of Elder Abuse,” “3 of 4: Forensic Aspects of Elder Abuse.” and “4 of 4: Forensic Aspects of Elder Abuse” then right-click the lder associated media files and select “Save Link(s) As” from the pop-up menus.

Elder Abuse Prosecutions 60 mins – Three short presentations from the National Institute of Justice about the prosecution in elder abuse situations. At the link find the titles, “1 of 4: Prosecuting Cases of Elder Abuse” “4 of 4: Prosecuting Cases of Elder Abuse,” right-click the associated media files and select “Save Link(s) As” from the pop-up menus.

Elliptical Orbit Research 58 mins – “In this episode we examine the fates of Phaeton, Vulcan and Pluto as they were thought of by Olbers, Le Verrier and Clyde Tombaugh.  We also examine the observations of James Craig Watson, introduce William Henry Pickering and follow the work of Percival Lowell.” At the link right-click “Direct Download Link” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Emergency Medicine Failed Paradigm 29 mins – “At SmaccDUB, I got to debate my friend and head wizard of St. Emlyns, Simon Carley. Our topic was, Emergency Medicine (EM) is a Failed Paradigm. I took the pro side–it was a ton of fun” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Environmentally Friendly Apparel 45 mins – “Tim Christian is a 38-year-old father of 3 boys under 7, airline pilot of 17 yrs and founder of OORR [Out Of Rat Race]. He lives in Chatswood, a satellite CBD just 10 minutes north of Sydney, Australia. He loves riding his bike and is currently learning how to play guitar. He considers himself a perpetual student of self-improvement. Everything he does tends to be about making this world better for his family, for others, and for future generations. In this episode, we learn about How Tim got started with OORR Looking for manufacturers Going from prototype to manufacturing and validating the market Tim’s tips for launching on Kickstarter Building an email list using product giveaways and using Facebook to advertise Finding and working with influencers on social media Managing the Kickstarter campaign Using third-party fulfillment to pick, pack and ship product Tim’s parting tips for anyone just starting out Links and resources mentioned in this episode Website: Social Media Twitter: @OORR Instagram: Resources Unifi – Recycled plastic yarn manufacturer Brandsnob – Influencer marketplace Adespresso – Facebook ads manager” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Espionage in Washington, DC 91 mins – “H. Keith Melton and Robert Wallace discuss their book, [Spy Sites of Washington, D.C.: A Guide to the Capital Region’s Secret History].” At the link find the title, “Espionage in Washington, D.C., Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files program.476435.MP3-STD.mp3 and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Evidence Based Medicine Rant 17 mins – “While making episode 24, we had a little aside into the pitfalls of evidence based medicine. Dr. Kaminstein makes his feelings known, and we talk about those feelings.” At the link find the title, “Episode 24.5: “EBM is Crap” Nov, 2014,” right-click “Media files EBM_is_CRAP.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Faroe Island Wives 29 mins – “The Faroe Islands are facing a shortage of women of marriageable age. Many of them have left and not returned so men are now travelling to South East Asia looking for love.” At the link find the title, “Wives Wanted in the Faroe Islands, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files p0516cj2.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Federal Term Limits 37 mins – “On today’s show: Civics 101: Term Limits 700 Fathoms Under the Sea was produced by David Schulman. Listen again at PRX.orgBenjamin Ludwig is the author of Ginny Moon and he stopped by the studio to talk about his debut novel. On Monday May 1st, at 7:00p, Water Street Bookstore in Exeter, NH will be hosting a launch party for the book. A Series of Tubes, our semi-regular series on tech, tackles password managers.” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Feminism 26 mins – “Camille Paglia is one of the most provocative public intellectuals in America. She’s never afraid to speak her mind — even when it rankles her fellow feminists.” At the link find the title, “April 26: Modern feminism needs to ‘stop blaming men,’ says Camille Paglia, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170426_61839.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fingerprint Evidence 19 mins – At the link find the title, “1 of 3: Impression Evidence: Strengthening the Disciplines of Fingerprints, Firearms, Footwear, and Other Pattern and Impression Sciences Through Research, Jun, 2010,” by Gerry LaPorte and Dr Busey, then right-click “Media files” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

FOAM Education for Beginners 18 mins – “The latest episode of the EM Res Podcast talks about where new residents should start if they are looking to get into the FOAMed [Free Open Access Medical Education] world.  It can be daunting to start out, but once you get into it you’ll find it a great way to learn anytime, anywhere. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and if your blog or website was left off it is by no means a slight.  There are many great resources out there.  Go to to see their full listing of EM/CC Podcasts and blogs.  Remember, start with basic core content, and branch out from there.  If you are a more seasoned EM resident or attending, go big from the start.” At the link right-click “Download Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

GM Foods 46 mins – “Science Vs peels back the label on GM foods to find out whether they’re safe to eat and what impact they can have on the environment. Both sides of the debate have written impassioned songs, but what does the science say? We talk to Prof. Fred Gould, Dr. Janet Cotter, and Prof. David Douches to find out. ***Please note*** this episode has been updated. In the original version we suggested that the Bt corn that killed monarch caterpillars was taken off the market as a direct result of studies demonstrating its harm. But although the corn was eventually taken off the market, the company that made it later told us it was phased out “for business reasons”, such as declining sales — and they did not mention the dead butterflies.” At the link find the title, “GMO… OMG? Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files GLT4275075665.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Great Migration 25 mins – “Between 1915 and 1970, more than 6 million African-Americans moved out of the South to cities across the Northeast, Midwest and West. This relocation — called the Great Migration — resulted in massive demographic shifts across the United States. Between 1910 and 1930, cities such as New York, Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland saw their African-American populations grow by about 40 percent, and the number of African-Americans employed in industrial jobs nearly doubled. “[The Great Migration] had such an effect on almost every aspect of our lives — from the music that we listen to to the politics of our country to the ways the cities even look and feel, even today,” says Isabel Wilkerson. “The suburbanization and the ghettos that were created as a result of the limits of where [African-Americans] could live in the North [still exist today.] And … the South was forced to change, in part because they were losing such a large part of their workforce through the Great Migration.” Wilkerson, whose parents were part of the Great Migration, details the mass exodus of African-Americans in her new book, The Warmth of Other Suns. The book weaves together three narratives of ordinary people — a sharecropper’s wife, a surgeon and a farm worker — making their way from the South to an uncertain future up North. During her research for the book, Wilkerson interviewed more than 1,000 people who made the migration from the South to Northern and Western cities. Interestingly, many of the people who Wilkerson encountered — who moved during the time period of 1915 to 1970 — had no idea that they were even part of the Great Migration….” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu,

Grieving Strategies 29 mins – “Growth can come from grief, according to Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg. After her husband Dave Goldberg’s death, she shares how to build resilience and find joy in her book Option B.” At the link find the title, “April 24: How grief can lead to joy: Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg explains Option B, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170424_89454.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Health Care Business 68 mins – “Dr. Elisabeth Rosenthal, Editor-in-Chief, Kaiser Health News; Former Correspondent, The New York Times; Author, An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back, Twitter @RosenthalHealth …Elisabeth Rosenthal will reveal the dark details of the American health-care system. Breaking down the monolithic business into its individual industries—the hospitals, doctors, insurance companies and drug manufacturers—that together constitute our health-care system, Rosenthal will divulge a history of American medicine that’s never been told before. She will also tell patients exactly how they can fight back. After 22 years as a correspondent at The New York Times (where she covered a variety of beats from health care to environment), Rosenthal joined Kaiser Health News last September. She is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School and briefly practiced medicine in a New York City emergency room before converting to journalism.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Health Care in Canada 27 mins – “Longtime health columnist André Picard tackles the biggest problems plaguing Canada’s health-care system, and acknowledges the successes too.” At the link find the title, “April 24: Canadians too accepting of mediocre health care, says André Picard, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170424_46361.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu

Health Care in Massachusetts 53 mins – “Our lecture this week is presented by the Boston University School of Law and the School of Public Health, and is titled “Massachusetts and Health Reform: What Comes Next.”  Our speaker is Massachusetts State Representative, Jeffrey Sánchez, Chair of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow under the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Homelessness Cure 58 mins – “Podcaster and writer Erica Sandberg talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about homelessness in San Francisco. Sandberg talks about what the city can do about homelessness and her experience with Downtown Streets Team, which gives homeless people in the Bay Area the chance to work in exchange for gift cards that let them buy food and other basics.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

House Flooring 18 mins – “Solid hardwood floors are on the wish list of most people that I know who are planning to build a home.  Wood floors are warm and welcoming, but they’re also expensive and they don’t hold up well to moisture and humidity, pets, rowdy children and heavy foot traffic. Fortunately, wood flooring alternatives have now entered the residential market in the form of wood look tile and wood look luxury vinyl flooring. They provide the warm look of wood, without many of the downsides that go along with hardwood flooring.  What gives these alternatives the look of hardwood is an high definition wood image that’s applied to the surface of the tile or vinyl. In this week’s mini lesson,  I’ll give you the pro and cons of wood look tile, plus some buying tips.  Last week we went over the pro and cons of luxury vinyl flooring.  Take a listen to episode 65 if you missed that.” At the link right-click “Download this Episode” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

House Insulation Tricks 30 mins – “An Englishman’s home is his castle, but most homes are not well defended against cold air and high fuel bills and if we are going to hit our 2050 carbon dioxide emissions targets we need to start a retrofit revolution from our front doors. Tom visits the house of his producer, Martin, to take stock of his ‘typical’ Edwardian terrace. Pre-1920s housing makes up a big proportion of UK homes and what Tom and a team of eco-house experts discover in Martin’s house is not uncommon: draughty doorways, patches of damp, hot-spots and cold spots. Martin’s home has room for improvement and so Tom then makes a whistle-stop tour of homes that are part of the SuperHomes network. SuperHomes is an organisation of determined householders who have made big changes to their dwellings to improve energy efficiency, cut bills and reduce emissions. They show that small changes can make a big difference. However, in order to tackle our ageing housing stock, a lot of skilled workers are needed. Energy consultant Peter Rickaby, and Gavin Killip from the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University explain that we simply do not have the skilled workforce to carry out the necessary retrofit renovations. The problem will be, according to Professor Linda Clarke from the Westminster Business School, exacerbated by Brexit.Meanwhile, at his ‘power station’ in Notting Hill, Michael Liebreich, director of New Energy Finance at Bloomberg thinks we should think big: renovating all our homes could mean that we don’t need big new power stations like Hinkley.” At the link right-click “Download” and select ‘Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

ICU for Dummies 52 mins – “What every new nurse wishes he/she knew. In this AUDIO ONLY version, I will blow your mind and tell you everything you need to know about: ICU Dayshift vs ICU Nightshift ; Traveling with your patients to CT/MRI; Lab results, CBC, BMP & Coags: what is really important?” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Immigrant Children 48 mins – “What Trump’s new corporate tax cut means for California, what happens to kids when their parents are deported, El Michels Affair reimagines Wu-Tang sample tracks.” At the link find the title, “What corporate tax cuts mean for California, when parents are deported, new music from El Michels Affair, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files SHOW_042517-965e232a.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Immigrant Science 56 mins – “In the first episode of our special edition Cosmic Queries series, “Let’s Make America Smart Again,” Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Chuck Nice welcome CNN’s Fareed Zakaria to break down the impact of immigration on science and technology in America.” At the link find the title, “Let’s Make America Smart Again, with Fareed Zakaria, Mar, 2017,” right-click “Media files 311754409-startalk-lets-make-america-smart-again-with-fareed-zakaria.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Impeaching Trump 12 mins – “Nobody saw the Donald Trump presidency coming — but Allan Lichtman did. And now the historian predicts Trump may well be impeached.” At the link find the title, “April 27: Election forecaster Allan Lichtman predicts Trump impeachment, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170427_43743.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Koji Fungus 42 mins – “It’s impossible to imagine Japanese meals without soy sauce, or the umami-rich fermented bean paste called miso, or the rice-based spirit known as sake. Which means that Japanese cuisine depends on the one fungus that enables the fermentation of all these delicious foods: koji. Today, American chefs are discovering what Asian cooks have known for centuries, that koji is a microbial powerhouse with seemingly magical abilities to completely transform food. But how does a mold from a family of microbes known for their toxicity turn salty, mashed beans into sticky, succulent miso? How did koji make its way from Japan to the U.S.? And how might the weird and wonderful ways chefs in the U.S. are now using koji transform the American dinner table, too?” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the end of the sound bar and select “Save link As from the pop-up menu.

Leadership During Disasters 57 mins – “A firefighter rushes into a burning building. An army commander leads his troops through a dangerous mission. An ordinary woman helps her colleagues evacuate the building safely and efficiently after an earthquake. In times of emergency, people often display incredible leadership in the face of danger and uncertainty. What can we learn from those situations and how can we cultivate the same values in less dangerous, yet still high-stakes moments? Drawing on real-life extreme situations, retired Brigadier General and West Point instructor Professor Thomas Kolditz’s in extremis leadership model translates these lessons into a framework for leading effectively in your career and life. Join Host Kate Ebner this Veteran’s Day (November 11) for this special show to celebrate the extraordinary leadership of the men and women who have served in our armed forces. ” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

LGBT Persecutions 19 mins – “Many gay men in Chechnya are attempting to flee the region — and many are calling on Canada, and other countries, to help resettle them.” At the link find the title, “April 25: Persecuted LGBTQ in Chechnya need help from Canada, says activist, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170425_97921.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

License Plate Readers 45 mins [3 of 4 parts] Three short presentations from the National Institute of Justice about police use of license plate readers. [Part 2 is missing.] At the links find the titles “1 of 4: Using License Plate Readers to Fight Crime, Jun, 2010,” “3 of 4: Using License Plate Readers to Fight Crime,” and “4 of 4: Using License Plate Readers to Fight Crime,” right-click the associated media files and select “Save the Link(s) As” from the pop-up menus.

Life Shaper 50 mins – “Since 2008, Big Think has been sharing big ideas from creative and curious minds. The Think Again podcast takes us out of our comfort zone, surprising our guests and Jason Gots, your host, with unexpected conversation starters from Big Think’s interview archives. Sarah W. Goldhagen taught for ten years at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design and spent many years as the Architecture Critic for the New Republic. She’s written about buildings, cities, and landscapes for publications all over the world. Sarah’s new book Welcome To Your World: How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives is a thoroughly entertaining, eye-opening manifesto arguing that the buildings we live and work in deeply affect us, physically and psychologically, and that we can’t afford the soul-crushing architecture we mostly subject ourselves to. In this episode: why we tolerate design that’s bad for us, startling parallels between a passage from a Chekhov short story and Sarah’s book, the many ways concrete can be beautiful, and why schools shouldn’t look like prisons (maybe prisons shouldn’t, either?)” At the link find the title, “96. Sarah W. Goldhagen (Architecture Critic) – Souls & Spaces,” right-click “Media files PP5771900591.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Los Angeles Riots 48 mins – “Tomorrow marks the 25th anniversary of a spasm of civil unrest that left large swaths of the city in ashes, and tested the boundaries of social order. We’ll look back on what happened and what was behind the anger. And this weekend it will be 100 days since President Trump took office. We’ll have a look at his time in office so far, and how its affected California.” At the link find the title, “The legacy of the Los Angeles Riots and how Trump’s first 100 days have affected California, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files SHOW_042817-7a2d747a.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Martial Artist 101 mins – “Murray Carter (@CarterCutlery) is a Canadian craftsman like no other. At eighteen, he fell into an apprenticeship with a sixteenth generation Yoshimoto bladesmith that lasted six years — and was asked to take the position of number seventeen in the Sakemoto family tradition (perhaps the only Caucasian ever to have had the honor and privilege of this position). Murray continued forging blades in Japan for twelve more years and in June 2001, he was awarded the rating of Mastersmith by the American Bladesmith Society, thus proving the highest degree of competency by Western standards. In 2005, he moved to the United States (as an Alien of Extraordinary Ability, no less) to start Carter Cutlery; he has continued forging blades in Oregon since.” At the link find the title, “Body Building – “#236: The Alien of Extraordinary Ability, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files The_Tim_Ferriss_Show-Murray Carter.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Medical Literature for Doctors 47 mins – “In Episode 24, EM Res vets Drs. Kaminstein and Kochert return with Dr. Becker to talk about how residents should approach reading medical research articles.  Do you need to read everything?  What should you read?  How do you do it?  All this and more in the first of a series on reading original research for residents.” At the link right-click “Direct download: Journal_reading_podcast_final.m4a” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Migraine Headaches 60 mins – “Learn to identify and avoid your unique migraine triggers by looking at the most common triggers: food, odors, additives and deficiencies. All the information provided during this program will relate to safe treatments, which are available without the side effects that often come from taking prescription drugs. For example, you will learn about a histamine-free diet, which resulted in 68 percent of patients having half as many migraines. We will look at other natural treatments, such as: root powder, a single B vitamin, coenzyme Q10 and a medical plant. Taken together, these safe techniques have the potential to reduce migraines from three times a week to once every other month. In this program, Blake will outline some of the many safer, natural remedies for migraine headaches with the goal of helping you to become free from migraine pain. For more information, visit:” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Murders and Social Media 26 mins – “Violent acts being filmed and posted to social media have many asking whether it’s possible to reverse the trend of violent video sharing.” At the link find the title, “April 28: Facebook isn’t doing enough to control violent posts, says expert. 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170428_95550.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Native Americans 39 mins – “Sarah Eagle Heart, of the Oglala Lakota tribe, is a Native American activist, educator, storyteller and all-around badass. She is also the first Native American guest on The Mash-Up Americans. She schools Amy and Rebecca on the Indian boarding school era, how she took down a totally racist Homecoming tradition as a teenager, and why identifying as American is both a point of pride and pain. They also discuss the virtues of a matcha latte.” Are We All Immigrants? Nope; Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files EagleFull-42d911a2.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Neil Barofsky 61 mins – “Neil Barofsky talked about his book, Bailout: An Inside Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street, his account of serving as special inspector general of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). He described his efforts to prevent fraud and abuse in the $700 billion allocated for TARP. He detailed his establishment of SIGTARP, the office that employed 140 and won criminal convictions of 18 people, and was continuing work on 153 pending civil and criminal investigations when he resigned in 2011. He related conflicts with Treasury Department officials as his office tried to protect taxpayers from losses in the programs. He also detailed his prior jobs and what it was like to work for the federal government in Washington, D.C. Mr. Barofsky is a senior fellow at the New York University School of Law where he received his law degree in 1995. He was Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York for eight years.:” At the link you can purchase a download for $.99; however, a copy is also included in the blog archive.

Networked World 62 mins – “Anne-Marie Slaughter is one of the world’s top foreign policy thinkers, admired by influential global leaders such as Joe Biden, Condoleeza Rice and Eric Schmidt. …She was among the first to see how networks are overturning traditional hierarchies, upending international diplomacy and transforming patterns of global power and politics. Now once again, with the launch of her new book ‘The Chessboard and the Web’, she has moved ahead of conventional thinking and came to the Intelligence Squared stage to share her insights. The power of networks, she explained, has grown so quickly with the advance of digital technology that we have barely begun to fully understand it and see how it can transform our world. …Slaughter was joined by former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and connectivity expert Geoff Mulgan. Steering the conversation was the Guardian’s Jonathan Freedland.” At the link find the title,”Anne-Marie Slaughter on Our Hyper-Networked World, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files media.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

North American Earliest Humans 27 mins – “Evidence of human inhabitation of North America is quite sparse and quite contentious. So far the oldest indigenous Americans are thought to have migrated to the continent via the Beringia land bridge between Siberia and Alaska 40,000 – 17,000 years ago. But new analysis of Mastodon bones, tusks and teeth, as well as large stones, found in California, could be revealing hominin activity 130,000 years ago. The discovery of what looks like man-made breaks in the bones, and stones being brought in to be used as hammers and anvils, tied in with new dating techniques is intriguing paleoanthropologists around the world….” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

North Sensing Biohack 26 mins – “Most of us are content to use our existing five senses to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch our way through the world. But an increasing number of people called biohackers are not satisfied with watching the everyday brilliance of a sunset or petting a silky kitten. They want infrared vision and electromagnetic fingertips. “Why wouldn’t I want to add one more sense to the ones I already have and enjoy so much? The ability to feel just a little bit more?” Nic Fox asked reporter Catherine Girardeau. Fox has a device embedded in his chest that vibrates when he faces magnetic north. To understand more about these would-be cyborgs we turned to Kara Platoni, author of We Have the Technology: How Biohackers, Foodies, Physicians and Scientists Are Transforming Human Perception, One Sense at a Time. Platoni is a science reporter and a lecturer at University of California, Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism. She describes how many biohackers feel the future hasn’t gotten here fast enough. They’re ready to be cyborgs now.” At the link find the title, “Making Senses: How Biohackers Are Using Artificial Perceptions to Enhance Reality, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files Distillations219_0406.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Nurse Student News 42 mins – “Every ICU has a slightly different requirement as far as what you are assessing as the RN. Even though every patient is unique, there is a general ICU assessment that will work for most. In this audio only version, we will go through a basic ICU assessment and cover Neuro, Cardiac, Respiratory, GI/GU, Skin, and other miscellaneous items that will help you form a plan and help you attempt to form your own assessment “flow”.” At the link find the title, “The ICU Assessment, Nov, 2011,” right-click “Media files Assessment.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Office Plant Business 12 mins – “Producer Christine Driscoll meets an alleyway plant dealer and discovers an industry right under our noses.” At the linkf idn the title, “The Hide Rug of the Plant World, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files GLT3904896235.mp3” right-click “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Open Access Publishing P1 39 mins – “Publishing and chess would not seem obvious soulmates, but they share much in common. Like chess masters, publishers almost never make a quick strike that leads to victory. It’s possible to win chess in as few as two moves, though most tournaments last much longer. At the London Book Fair earlier this month, the reputations of many publishers exhibiting may have rested on foundations that are decades, even centuries old. But this is 2017, and resting anywhere or on anything is no longer a reliable business strategy. In the dynamic open access publishing environment, especially, nothing stands still for long. Like chess, CCC’s Christopher Kenneally noted for an SRO audience at an OA forum, the winning move for open access requires a thoughtful strategy. He spoke with a panel including — Caroline Burley, Journals Operations Manager, Publishing Services & Production, for the Royal Society of Chemistry. David Prosser, the Executive Director of RLUK, the representative body for the UK’s leading research libraries. Brett Rubinstein, Head of Business Development and Europe/Middle East/Africa (EMEA) Sales at IOP Publishing, a leading scientific society promoting physics and with a worldwide membership of around 50,000. Amanda Ward, Head of Program Management for the Open Research Group Business Operations at Springer Nature.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Open Access Publishing P2 44 mins – “At London Book Fair throughout the week of March 13, Copyright Clearance Center is presenting a variety of programs on publishing, rights and technology. On Wednesday, March 15, CCC returns with an annual London Book Fair community forum on Open Access trends in scholarly publishing. Guests include representatives of Springer Nature, Royal Society of Chemistry, and IOP Publishing, as well as Research Libraries UK (RLUK). In 2016, London Book Fair attendees heard that the rise of open access business models has created a wealth of opportunities to serve author communities online. “As we look at what kind of services that we provide to authors, we want to look  how they can cite and share their articles as well as how they can get greater impact value from the article,” Fiona Hutton, Executive Editor and Business Development Manager, Open Access (OA), at John Wiley & Sons Ltd., told CCC’s Chris Kenneally.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Opioid Epidemic in Canada 24 mins – “Don MacPherson has worked for decades to fix what he sees as a broken system. The solution he says is legalizing and regulating illicit drugs.” At the link find the title, “April 25: Drug controls are ‘absolutely pathetic,’ activist says regulation will save lives, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170425_78716.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Opioid Treatments 41mins – “Join Howard and Dan as they ride off into the sunset, astride two COWS, guns loaded with naloxone bullets, while they snack on bitter almonds and read their tattered copy of the Journal of Medical Takatsubo. So long, suckers!” At the link find the title, “March 2016 – Vaya Con Dios, Mi Babu,” right-click “Media files 250931573-acmt-march-2016-vaya-con-dios-mi-babu.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Organized Crime 38 mins – Three short presentations from the National Institute of Justice about organized crime. At the link find the titles, “1 of 4: International Organized Crime: Recent Developments in Policy and Research, Jun, 2010,” [Part 2 is missing] “3 of 4: International Organized Crime: Recent Developments in Policy and Research,” and “4 of 4: International Organized Crime: Recent Developments in Policy and Research” right-click the associated media files and select “Save Link(s) As” from the pop-up files.

Paradigm Shift 52 mins – “…New paradigms emerge after a period of crisis in science, when theories fail to describe what scientists observe about the natural world, noted moderator Chris Kenneally. “All of us are living today in such a period of crisis, but the revolution is not a scientific one. It is a technological revolution, first, as well as a social revolution, and a media revolution, too,” he said. “The World Wide Web is the flashpoint, and devices likes smartphones and laptops and platforms like Amazon and Facebook provide the artillery and the battlefields.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Play Deprivation 57 mins – “What if your boss came into your office and told you to spend more time on…play? Play is a vital part of the human experience, essential not only in childhood but throughout adulthood as well. In a state of play, we are open to possibility and new ideas – critical capabilities for any leader. On December 9, Dr. Stuart Brown, the founder of the National Institute for Play and author of Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination and Invigorates the Soul, will draw from decades of research to illustrate the benefits of play starting in early childhood development all the way throughout the human life cycle. Dr. Brown will introduce the applications of play in the workplace and for leadership development. Together, he and Host Kate Ebner will explore the benefits of play at work, school and in the home. Tune in for a show you’ll want to share with your boss, spouse, child’s teacher, friends and more.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Podcasting Strategy 36 mins – “Michael Rose, Content Strategist, gives us some top tips of content and our podcasts. Areas discussed: Definition of Content Strategy Content Strategy for podcasters Writing shownotes before recording Classic journalist techniques for writing – the inverted pyramid The anatomy of a post SEO and your shownotes The difference between categories and tags in WordPress Some recommended podcasts on content from Michael: Boxes and Arrows Content Talks Michael also recommends these books: Content Strategy for the Web – Kristina Halvorson Elements of Content Strategy – Erin Kissane And, for good measure, a couple of useful links on the inverted pyramid style: Inverted Pyramid Inverted Pyramid for the web.” At the link find the title, “#29: Content Strategy for Podcasters – Michael Rose, 2011,” right-click “Media files pa029-michael-rose.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Pop Culture in Classrooms 33 mins – “Our guest this week is Matt Brady.  Along with his wife Shari, these two high school science teachers have been working to bring pop culture into the classroom to increase student engagement and understanding of science.  Their website The Science Of helps broadcast these ideas and strategies with the goal of providing a place for popular culture to act as a springboard to science education, discussion and information.  Matt joins us to talk about teaching science with pop culture, discuss how this approach can help connect teachers to their students, and share with us his favorite pop culture references used in his science classroom.” At the link right-click “download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Prophets of Doom 255 mins – “Murderous millennial preachers and prophets take over the German city of Munster after Martin Luther unleashes a Pandora’s Box of religious anarchy with the Protestant Reformation.” At the link find the title, “Show 48 – Prophets of Doom, Apr, 2013,” right-click “Media files dchha48_Prophets_of_Doom.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Racists Ideas in America 53 mins – “Our lecture this week is presented by the Boston University African American Studies Program, and is titled “Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America.”  Our speaker is University of Florida Assistant Professor of African American History, Ibram X. Kendi.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow under the play button and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Radical Right 68 mins – “Jane Mayer, Staff Writer, The New Yorker; Author, Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right; Twitter @JaneMayerNYer Who are the people bankrolling our political system? Mayer takes us behind the scenes and exposes the powerful group of individuals who are shaping our country. She traces the billions of dollars spent by the Kochs, the Scaifes, the Olins, and the Bradleys and uncovers their influences on policies related to climate change, the economy and more. Mayer also discusses the results of the 2016 election and what the future might entail if these elite billionaires continue to drive decisions at the state and federal levels.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Researcher Publishing 46 mins – “For so many reasons – including the establishment of Open Access business models, ready access to digital publishing tools, and the nearly limitless power of cloud computing – scholarly publishing in 2017 is innovative and dynamic. Much of the energy comes from the researcher community, who have broken out of their roles as content contributors to establish themselves as the partners, customers, and even competitors of publishers. As part of the Research & Scholarly Publishing Forum at last week’s London Book Fair, Copyright Clearance Center CEO Tracey Armstrong moderated a panel discussion that explored how researchers are driving innovation in scientific publishing, and finding new roles in publishing far beyond the laboratory bench. The RSPF is presented by the UK’s Publishers Association and the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP)” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Roger Bacon 43 mins – “The 13th-century English philosopher Roger Bacon is perhaps best known for his major work the Opus Maius. Commissioned by Pope Clement IV, this extensive text covered a multitude of topics from mathematics and optics to religion and moral philosophy. He is also regarded by some as an early pioneer of the modern scientific method. Bacon’s erudition was so highly regarded that he came to be known as ‘Doctor Mirabilis’ or ‘wonderful doctor’. However, he is a man shrouded in mystery. Little is known about much of his life and he became the subject of a number of strange legends, including one in which he allegedly constructed a mechanical brazen head that would predict the future.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Russian – US History 41 mins – “In recent years, the White House’s relationship with the Kremlin has dominated the headlines in America —  from Syria to Ukraine. According to CNN, Vladimir Putin denounced last night’s U.S. airstrike against Syria (a response to a Syrian chemical weapons attack earlier this week) as “aggression against a sovereign state in violation of the norms of international law.” In addition, an FBI probe into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russians in the 2016 election has turned into a full-blown political scandal.  It can be tempting to view these events through the familiar lens of the Cold War, but in this episode, Joanne, Ed and Brian probe the deeper history of our relationship with Russia — and discover moments of comity as well as conflict.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar end and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Russian Cyberattacks 49 mins – “In the inaugural show of HackerNinjaScissors, Bret Padres interviews Robert M Lee. Robert M. Lee is the CEO and Founder of the critical infrastructure cyber security company Dragos where he has a passion for control system traffic analysis, digital forensics, and threat intelligence research. He is also a non-resident National Cybersecurity Fellow at New America focusing on policy issues relating to the cyber security of critical infrastructure. For his research and focus areas, Robert was named one of Passcode’s Influencers, awarded EnergySec’s Cyber Security Professional of the Year (2015), and inducted into Forbes’ 30 under 30 for Enterprise Technology (2016).” At the link find the title, “HackerNinjaScissors – Robert M Lee – Cyber Threat Intel, Feb, 2017,” right-click “Media files HNS_Podcast_1_Final.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Salt and Sugar Effects 28 mins – “The food we eat is the greatest cause of death and illness worldwide. The main culprits – salt, sugar and fat – are now so embedded in our diet, in the form of processed foods, that most of us consume far too much. Yet Professor Graham MacGregor doesn’t believe it’s up to us to reverse this situation. It’s up to the food industry, he says, who manufacture the processed foods, to take the ‘rubbish’ out. Now Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Wolfson Institute of Preventative Medicine, Graham MacGregor has spent much of his career campaigning tirelessly to persuade the food industry to do just that – to reduce these demons in our diet – firstly salt, and now sugar. And he’s had remarkable success. As a nation we now eat thirty thousand tonnes less salt each year than we did fifteen years ago, saving the NHS a staggering £1.5 billion per year. Blood pressure lies at the heart of this huge saving and, as Graham explains to Jim al-Khalili, blood pressure is not a natural consequence of ageing. High blood pressure is simply a consequence of too much salt.” At the link click “Download” and select high or low quality to automatically download the file.

Sanctuary City History 31 mins – “In this History Grab Bag, Joanne, Ed, Brian and Nathan discuss the history behind items in the news. They’ll look at the deep history of sanctuary cities and rule of law, and look at America’s history of boycotts all the way back to the Boston Tea Party. They’ll also talk about why it’s so hard for presidents – from Nixon to Trump – to actually shrink the federal government. Plus, footnotes!” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar end and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

School Debt Payoff 47 mins – “…In this episode, we give a rundown of the various programs and strategies you can use to delete, pay off, or refinance your student loans.”At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sepsis Cocktail Controversy 16 mins – “The Metabolic Resuscitation of Sepsis first, then listen to this interview with Paul Marik: Note to Listeners: I took down the original version and put up this edited version. The only difference from the original is some additional comments added at 13:03 to give a more accurate perception of the current level of evidence of this therapy. Please, please read the Pulmcrit post listed above before listening.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Silicon Valley Philanthropy 79 mins – “Why are Silicon Valley’s nonprofits struggling to meet demand in one of the wealthiest and most sophisticated regions in the world? In addition to national or global causes, why aren’t more Silicon Valley philanthropists directing their dollars toward local organizations and issues? And why hasn’t more entrepreneurial ingenuity been harnessed to solve local problems? A new report, “The Giving Code: Silicon Valley Nonprofits and Philanthropy,” by Alexa Cortés Culwell and Heather McLeod Grant, found that despite a nearly $5 billion boom in philanthropy in Silicon Valley—driven by a 150 percent increase in individual giving from 2008 to 2013—the region’s nonprofits are struggling to keep up with growing demand for their services, having less than three months’ cash on hand. The report reveals a shocking prosperity paradox in Silicon Valley with skyrocketing wealth found alongside growing displacement of vulnerable populations and declining quality of life. Even as Silicon Valley boasts more than 76,000 millionaires and billionaires, its middle class is shrinking—nearly 30 percent of residents (roughly 800,000 people) rely on some form of public or private assistance to get by. Our panel, comprised of prominent philanthropists and local nonprofit leaders, will take a deeper look into Silicon Valley’s giving culture.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Slavery and Civil War 71 mins – “Bridget Ford, Professor of History, California State University, East Bay; Author, Bonds of Union: Religion, Race, and Politics in a Civil War Borderland Americans today worry that social and political divisions threaten our democracy and our futures together, bound by one nation. Bridget Ford will offer valuable historical perspective from the Civil War era, this country’s greatest test of unity and moral purpose. Drawing from her recent book, Bonds of Union, Ford will show how diverse Americans worked to create a stronger, more inclusive nation that prevented the country’s permanent dissolution. Her talk will focus on the establishment of publicly funded schools for all children, and the new Republican Party’s critical involvement in that effort in the 1850s. She will argue that the United States has a longer, deeper history of imagining an inclusive society than we typically imagine, one that stretches back to the decades before the Civil War.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Snake Bites P2 27 mins – “In part two of the episode, we look at what to carry for snake bite during disaster response. Basic wide bandages, duct tape, quick clot bandages and general first aid supplies are what Dr. Ben Abo ( carries when traveling to wilderness locations. Dr. Joe Holley and the Tennessee Task Force One USAR Team carry CroFab – the synthetic pit viper antivenin. For non-indigenous snakes, such as exotic pets that get loose, many systems have to reach out to local and regional zoos to get the necessary venom treatments for exotic snakes. In the Miami region, there are special venom teams such as Venom One. Poison centers around the country can reach out to them and gain access to specialized knowledge and logistical assistance to transport the antivenin for a specific bite. Dr. Ben Abo makes the comment that with Venomous bites, logistics saves lives. Miami-Dade County Venom One SiteAt the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Spouse Abuse 28 mins – “On a hot summer night 22 years ago, Attiya Khan ran through the streets fleeing her ex-boyfriend Steve, who’d been abusing her on a daily basis. Now, years later, Attiya has asked Steve to meet and filmed the process.” At the link find the title, “April 25: ‘Has it affected him?’ Woman confronts her abuser in documentary ‘A Better Man’, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170425_60101.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Structural Integrity Exams 4 mins – “New laser technique detects metallic structural defects.” At the link find the title, “Episode 764 – ‘Super’ Metallic Laser Detector,” right-click “Media files ScienceElements_April24_2017.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sugar Addiction 46 mins – “Some people argue that sugar should be regulated, like alcohol and tobacco, on the grounds that it’s addictive and toxic. How much sense does that make? We hear from  a regulatory advocate, an evidence-based skeptic, a former FDA commissioner — and the organizers of Milktoberfest. Below is a transcript of the episode, modified for your reading pleasure. For more information on the people and ideas in the episode, see the links at the bottom of this post. And you’ll find credits for the music in the episode noted within the transcript.” At the link find the title, “There’s a War on Sugar. Is It Justified? Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files freakonomics podcast042617.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Supreme Court Jewish Justices 64 mins – “Dr. Dalin will cover the lives, legal careers, judicial legacies, and Jewish background of the eight Jews who have served or who currently serve as justices of the U.S. Supreme Court: Louis D. Brandeis, Benjamin N. Cardozo, Felix Frankfurter, Arthur Goldberg, Abe Fortas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer and Elena Kagan, who was appointed by Barack Obama in 2010. He will also discuss how Woodrow Wilson’s historic appointment of Louis D. Brandeis in 1916 began the tradition of a “Jewish Seat” on the Supreme Court, and the role that antisemitism did or did not play in these eight Justices’ legal careers and Senate confirmation hearings.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sydney Science March 27 mins – “Ian Woolf speaks with John Hewson, Simon Chapman talks about public health and politics, Ian Woolf speaks with Mike Hall, Jonica Newby talks about appreciating science, Ian Woolf speaks with Angie.” At the link right-click “download MP3” and select “Savae Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Taxes in America 69 mins – “Are Americans overtaxed? How does the average American feel about the tax system and tax reform? Vanessa Williamson of the Brookings Institution talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about her book, Read My Lips. Williamson shares the results of her survey of American attitudes toward taxation and government spending. People misperceive much about who pays what and the structure of the tax system, particularly the payroll tax. But some of what appears to be errors–about foreign aid and government waste for example, come from the average person’s definition of these terms being different from the narrow meaning.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Terrorism Prevention 38 mins – “Defending against terrorism requires more than stopping or catching terrorists. Just as important as military and law-enforcement actions against active terrorists are broader government and community efforts to prevent individuals from adopting extreme ideologies in the first place, and countering the attraction of violent methods for those already radicalized. Counterterror expert Matthew Levitt discusses a new bipartisan report that aims to help the new U.S. administration improve and broaden our efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism (PCVE). Read their report at” At the link find the title, “Countering Violent Extremism with Matthew Levitt, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files 316293985-the-washington-institute-countering-violent-extremism-with-matthew-levitt.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu..

Terrorism Studies 68 mins [4 parts] – Four short presentations from the National Institute of Justice by Dr John T. Picarelli, Dr Michael Kenney, Dr Laura Dugan, and Irish Prime Minister Richard Troy about finding and applying the best research. At the links find the titles, “nijconf2009-terrorism-studies-dugan…kenney…piarelli…troy” right-click the associated media files and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menus.

Transition Management 57 mins – “Baby Boomers aren’t interested in retiring from life just because they’ve ended a chapter of their careers. And why should they be? Today, people are living longer than ever before, and the post-career years now offer unprecedented opportunities for a deeply fulfilling life well beyond retirement. Join Host Kate Ebner for an eye-opening conversation with legendary coach and executive educator, Richard Leider, and co-founder of Fast Company, Alan Webber, who have literally written the book on re-imagining life. Inspired by Leider’s work, Life Reimagined is a ground-breaking venture by AARP that invites people of all ages to a journey of self-discovery and meaningful contribution. Rather than accepting the later years as a time of dwindling quality of life, Life Reimagined offers a map for navigating life, tapping into purpose to connect you with the resources, perspective and support needed for vitality, growth and fun at any age. Tune in to learn how to re-imagine your own life.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Transition Strategies 57 mins – “You may have an inspiring vision or goal, but do you have the courage to act on it? Join Host Kate Ebner and Master Leadership Coach Chris Wahl for a powerful conversation about how to move in the direction of your vision, even when circumstances seem to conspire against you and the path isn’t obvious. An expert on adult development and personal transformation through leadership, Chris Wahl brings a compassionate and motivating perspective to the topic of navigating personal and professional transitions. Wahl is a pioneer in the field of coaching and founder of Georgetown’s well-known leadership coaching program that is renowned for delivering transformational learning experiences. You will learn how to approach your own transition with courage, humor and perspective.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trauma Medicine 30 mins – “The science of trauma resuscitation has undergone a fairly massive evolution in the past decade.  This talk was our attempt to summarize the best-of-the-best in trauma literature from the past several years, and package it into a series of clinically useful recommendations (i.e., our evidence-based opinions).  This talk was live peer reviewed by trauma surgery deity Karim Brohi, who gave us a thumb’s up (although you kind of had to be there).” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump and Asia Reaction 64 mins – “Michael Wesley, Jane Golley and Warwick McKibbin from the Australian National University discuss what Asia should do in the age of US President Donald Trump.” At the link find the title, “National Press Club: What should Asia do in the age of Trump? Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files NPCc_TrumpAsia_2604_512k.mp4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump and Canada Relations 20 mins – “Trade relations between Canada and the U.S. are heating up with recent tariffs imposed on importing soft lumber into the states. Is the dairy industry next?” At the link find the title, “April 26: Trump targets Canada’s lumber and dairy industry trade, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170426_23859.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump and Religion 30 mins – “Virginia Heffernan talks to Reza Aslan about Christianity and religion as a whole in the age of Trump.” At the link find the title, “The End of Values Voters, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files PPY8025365410.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump and the Middle East 58 mins – “A distinguished panel will discuss their perspectives on Donald Trump’s presidency as well as policies and actions which may lead to peace or further conflict in the region. Alon Sachar has worked to advance Middle East peace under two U.S. administrations and cowrote A Path to Peace (with Senator George Mitchell). Maher Kalaji is a frequent contributor to our Middle East forum, and Eddy Simonian, an Assyrian Christian, wrote his master’s thesis on Lebanon’s sectarian conflict. Along with moderator Banafsheh Keynoush, the three panelists will present their perspectives on the potential effects of Trump’s words and actions in the Middle East.” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump and the Press 27 mins – “Trump’s famously adversarial relationship with the media has created obstacles for reporters covering Trump. So how has the last 100 days been?” At the link find the title, “April 27: Washington journalists share challenges covering 100 days of Trump, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170427_56959.mp3” select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump Government Resisters 20 mins – “We have a president in the United States. We do not have a king. We do not have a dictator.” At the link find the title, “April 27: Why this U.S. civil servant runs a rogue Twitter account against Trump,2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170427_27177.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump Impact 62mins – “As Donald Trump approaches the first 100 days of his presidency, things couldn’t be worse. His administration has been more gaffe-prone, incompetent and unstable than any other in American history. Trump has been engulfed in a scandal over his campaign’s links to Russia, his first choice for National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign within weeks, and other senior officials remain under investigation for dodgy dealings with the Kremlin. And what of Trump’s key policies? Despite a Republican majority, his efforts to repeal Obamacare foundered in Congress, while his controversial ‘travel ban’ was deemed unconstitutional and blocked twice in the courts. Meanwhile, Trump has kept busy bragging about the size of his inauguration crowd and tweeting crackpot wiretapping allegations. And when it comes to foreign policy, he has been just as reckless and haphazard as his critics predicted. He has flip-flopped on NATO and has taken a bizarrely belligerent stance against longstanding allies such as Germany and Mexico. Make America great again? Quite the reverse – Trump is leading the USA towards disaster and decline. That’s the hand-wringing liberals’ view of Trump, but have they got him right? In the eyes of his supporters, he’s the first president in history to actually follow through on his campaign promises. Trump pledged to shake up the system and put America first. He vowed to withdraw from disastrous trade deals which harm blue-collar workers like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to protect America’s borders with hardline immigration policies and to get tough on China and North Korea. And that’s what he’s done. And while the Washington establishment has tried to block him at every step, he has prevailed. But moderates need not despair. Trump was initially deplored for his isolationist foreign policy, but he is proving himself to be remarkably flexible. He has finally reasserted American global leadership by enforcing the ‘red line’ against chemical weapons and retaliating against Assad’s barbaric attacks. After standing up to Assad and Russia where Obama never dared, Trump and select has proved himself to be no Kremlin lackey. So will Trump restore America to greatness? Or will he send it to the dogs?” At the link find the title, “Trump is Making America Great Again, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files media.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump Supporter 27 mins – “Joe Borelli is a New York City councilman who spoke on behalf of Donald Trump during the presidential campaign – he was thrilled when Trump won the election last November, and approached the Trump presidency with high expectations. Over the first 100 days of the Trump Administration Joe recorded his impressions of the new president, starting with a visit to the Inauguration in Washington on 20 January.” At the link find the title, “Me and the President, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files p0515fvl.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump Supporters 12 mins – “No other president has kept campaign promises the way Donald Trump has, say young Republicans.” At the link find the title, “April 27: How these young Republicans rate Donald Trump’s 1st 100 days, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170427_16312.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Turkey Future 32 mins – “Can Turkish democracy – and Turkey’s strategic relationships with Europe and the United States – survive Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s increasing consolidation of domestic political power? Three Turkish experts, including the author of a timely new book on Erdogan’s rise and ambitions, discuss the country’s likely future.” At the link find the title, “Turkey’s New Sultan? With Soner Cagaptay, Gonul Tol, and Amberin Zaman, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files 319291275-the-washington-institute-turkeys-new-sultan-with-soner-cagaptay-gonul-tol-and-amberin-zaman.mp3 Turkey’s New Sultan? With Soner Cagaptay, Gonul Tol, and Amberin Zaman” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Ultrasound Rant and Intro 27 mins – “In this episode, I talk about a few topics that I have wanted to ramble about related to Ultrasound. How much US is too much for the resident? Can you do “too much” ultrasound? Is there a role for the FAST exam in stable trauma patients? Is the US the new stethoscope, and is it just an extension of the physical exam? Hear what I think.” At the link find the title, “Episode 12: Ultrasound Rants and Ramblings, Aug, 2013,” right-click “Media files US_rant.m4a” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Victim Compensation 19 mins – “Attorney Kenneth Feinberg, known as the Master of Disaster, has been charged over the years with deciding just how much a life is worth — compensating victims of tragedy.” At the link find the title, “April 28: What’s life worth? Ken Feinberg on victim compensation, 2017,” right-click “Media files current_20170428_95112.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Video Game Impact on Muslims 40 mins – “Ahmed reveals his nerdy side in this special video game themed episode. In Level 1, Ahmed talks to his cousins, siblings Nyle and Basim (of the Kominas!) Usmani, about how video games bring them together and why killing brown folks in Call of Duty makes them feel nauseous. In Level 2, Ahmed calls up Rami Ismail, co-founder of Dutch indie game studio Vlambeer, to get an insider’s take on the cultural insensitivity of first-person shooter games set in the Middle East and how being Muslim affects the way he designs his games. Level 3 is not in the podcast at all — IT’S AN ESSAY. Ahmed writes about playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare for the first time. Read it at” At the link find the title, “Episode 22: The Third-Act Nuke,” right-click “Media files PPY8077339356.mp3” right-click “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Virtual Reality Therapy 51 mins – “Virtual reality has the potential to be far more than fun and games.  It can be a powerful therapy to treat phobias and anxiety disorders. This week we’re joined with a double whammy of experts:  Dr. Robert Reiner, Executive Director and founder of Behavioral Associates, and Dr. Eva Zysk, Psychology Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

What Is the Mind 47 mins In this episode we focus on the most recent 5 years of Brain Science, looking back at our guests and topics with a focus on the question What is Mind? Since there is no consensus about this deeply human question, I am sharing how my own thoughts have grown and evolved over 10 years of reading, talking to scientists and philosophers and creating this podcast. Since this is part 2 of our 10 years celebration, I have also included some more listener feedback. Thanks to everyone who has sent me feedback since the show started in December 2006. You are the reason I hope to continue to create new episodes in 2017 and beyond. For detailed show notes and episode transcripts go to” At the link find the title, “BS 131: What is Mind? part 2 of our 10th Anniversary Retrospective,” right-click “Media files BS131_What_is_Mind_.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Whistleblowing 48 mins – “Recorded at Ryerson University’s Centre for Free Expression, Paul Kennedy hosts a panel on why whistleblowers are vital to the public interest…and how their exposure of wrongdoing can ultimately be helpful, even to their workplace.” At the link find the title, “Don’t Shoot the Messenger: the value of whistleblowing, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files ideas 20170428_60929.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

White House Chiefs of Staff 68 mins – “Chris Whipple, Documentary Filmmaker; Author, The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency Joe Garofoli, Senior Political Writer, San Francisco Chronicle; Twitter @joegarofoli—Moderator Can Donald Trump, the ultimate outsider, learn how to be an effective president? According to author and documentarian Chris Whipple, Trump cannot be effective unless he empowers a strong chief of staff to take charge of his White House and execute his agenda. Drawing on his extensive interviews with two former presidents and 17 living chiefs of staff, Whipple says this is one of many lessons learned by such diverse figures as Dick Cheney, Rahm Emanuel, Donald Rumsfeld and Leon Panettta. Whipple says chiefs of staff, often referred to as “the gatekeepers,” can make or break an administration. Whipple will offer new insight into our understanding of presidential history—from how James Baker’s expert managing of the White House, the press and Capitol Hill paved the way for the Reagan Revolution to how Watergate, the Iraq War and even the bungled Obamacare rollout might, conversely, have been prevented by a more effective chief. Come hear a fascinating look at this unique fraternity and the inner workings of the White House. *THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE*” At the link right-click “Play Now” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Women Leaders 57 mins – “Women comprise roughly half of the workforce, but only 3.2 percent of the Fortune 500 CEOs. Only 14.4% of executive officers in the Fortune 500 are women. Meet two talented senior executive women who are working to change those numbers. Senior Vice Presidents Karen Dahut and Susan Penfield of Booz Allen Hamilton are bringing along the next generation of women leaders inside the firm and beyond. Join Host Kate Ebner to hear the advice, wisdom and perspective of these two savvy executives whose visions of leadership are as much about giving back as about moving forward. Whether you are an aspiring professional woman or simply want to learn from top leaders whose personal experience yields lessons for us all, you’ll be inspired.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Women’s Clothing Production 76 mins – “Elizabeth Pape, founder of the women’s clothing company Elizabeth Suzann, talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about starting and running her company–a manufacturer and seller of high-end women’s clothing in Nashville, Tennessee. The conversation chronicles the ups and downs of her entrepreneurial story, the recent evolution of the women’s clothing market, and the challenge of competition from lower quality, lower-priced products.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

World War One 45 mins -”April marks the 100th anniversary of the United States’s entry into World War I. So on this episode of BackStory, Brian, Joanne, and Ed discuss how this oft-forgotten war set the stage for the American century. We’ll explore how Woodrow Wilson led a decidedly isolationist country into war. We’ll also discuss the repressive ways Wilson and his administration cracked down on anti-war sentiment.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the sound bar end and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Zika Research 3 mins – “Scientists take steps to prevent birth defects caused by Zika virus.” At the link find the title,Episode 765 – Countering Birth Defects in Zika Virus,” right-click “Media files ScienceElements_April26_2017.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Thanks for stopping by.

About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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