Media Mining Digest 288 – May 19, 2017: Addiction History, Addiction Types, Affordable Housing Shortage, Afghanistan Conflict, AI and Google, Alcohol Misuse, Algae Products, Asthma Best Practices, Athletics Big Data, Avian Flu, Bacterial Geneticist, Balance of Power, Ben Bernanke, Best Person for Job, Big Data Uses, Bill Nye on Climate Change, Blindness Prevention, Border Control Overview, Border Wall Myths, Brain Facts and Myths, Breast Cancer Overdiagnosis, Breitbart, Broadband, Butter History, Campus Protests, Cary Fiorina, Chelation Therapy, Childrens’ Literature, Code for America, Coincidences, Computer Repair Equipment, Cooperative Economy, Cyber Protection Tips, Cyber Conflicts, Dam Maintenance, DC Motors, Drug Price Control, Elephant Issues, Emily Dickinson, Familial Searching of DA Evidence, Farm Operations, Ferguson Riot Filming, Financial Stability, Fish Industry, Forensic Data Management, Friendster Rise and Fall, Genetic Engineering Risk Assessment, Girl Construction Toys, Gladwell about Blink, Great Migration, Green Bronx Machine, Growing Up, Health Care Single Payer, Hopeful Monsters, Identity Politics, Indian Economy, Infrastructure Needs, Investing by Paul Merriman, Israel Health Services, Lethal Injection Drugs, Light and Spectra, Lonely Planet Guidebooks, Microbiome Transfer, Mindfulness Trends, Moral Philosophy, Neighborhood Health, Nepalese Women, New Orleans Criminal Justice Reform, Opioid Misuse, Ovarian Cancer, Overdiagnosis, Police Shooting Training, Political Climate, Potato Background, Power Grid Story, Power Net Metering, Prison Population Size, Product Startup, Putin, Quantified Workers, Refugees and Technology, Rikers Prisoner Stories, Russia-China Relations,Sex Assault Statistics, Solar Power Economics, Solar Storms, Student Loan Debts, Sweet Potato Research, Tattoo Removal, Terrorism Research, Trump Tuberculosis Case, Universal Child Allowances, Valley of the Fallen, Venezuela Conflict, Waste Recycling, Women in Construction, World Trade Organization

Exercise your ears: the 111 podcasts shown below present the best ideas, information and stories from a larger group of 412 for the week, to hear while your hands and eyes are busy. Get all the files as a group here for the next four months, or double or ctrl-click individual titles to get single podcasts and explore the source. A collection of over 15,000 similar podcasts, listed alphabetically and grouped by topic, can be downloaded piecemeal, with files A-B at this link, files C-E link, and the remainder here. You’ll be limited to a 4GB maximum per download at the last place, so multiple group downloads will be needed to get all files, which total over 86GB and may take a few hours. The first entry in the collection is a text file with just titles for quicker reference. A collection of all 14,000 abstracts is available at this link and updated quarterly. Get even the discarded material using a podcast aggregator loaded with this opml file of the 400 sources. Exercise your ears and let the rest relax.

Addiction History 42 mins – “Opioid addiction is a national epidemic. According to the U.S Department of Health & Human Services, “drug overdose deaths are the leading cause of injury death in the United States.” In this episode, Nathan, Ed and Brian look at America’s long history with opioids – like opium, morphine and heroin. They’ll discuss how late 19th century doctors spurred the nation’s first addiction crisis and how race and class have shaped our perception of addicts and addiction.” At the link right-click the download arrow at the end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.  

Addiction Types 56 mins – “Since 2008, Big Think has been sharing big ideas from creative and curious minds. The Think Again podcast takes us out of our comfort zone, surprising our guests and Jason Gots, your host, with unexpected conversation starters from Big Think’s interview archives. Adam Alter is the author of the New York Times bestseller, Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave, and has written for the New York Times, New Yorker, Atlantic, WIRED, Slate, Washington Post, and Popular Science, among other publications. He’s an associate professor of marketing at New York University and also teaches in the psychology department. His fascinating and chilling new book, Irresistible: the Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping us Hooked has, among other things, convinced Jason to stop charging his cellphone in his bedroom.” At the link find the title, “93. Adam Alter (Social Psychologist) – Ping!,” right-click “Media files PP5765678848.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Affordable Housing Shortage 56 mins – “FRONTLINE and NPR investigate the billions spent on affordable housing, and why so few get the help they need.” At the link find the title, “Poverty, Politics and Profit, May, 2017,” right-click “Media files 321920922-frontlinepbs-poverty-politics-and-profit.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Afghanistan Conflict 48 mins – “After a bloody Taliban attack on a military base, Defense Secretary Mattis is in Afghanistan. How long and deeply should the U.S. stay involved?” At the link find the title, “All In Again In Afghanistan? Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files npr_525588450.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

AI and Google 18 mins – “Amazing things are happening to the way we live, eat, and get around. Thanks to robots. But robots are programmed by humans. And those people carry implicit biases, as we all do. And those biases get encoded into the AI. Which can get really ugly, really fast. Like when Google Photo tagged Jacky Alciné’s photos of him and his friend as gorillas a few years ago. This week, we look back at what he found, how the company responded, and the bigger problem behind this one landmark incident. Plus, an update on what Jacky’s doing now.” At the link click the circle with three dots, right-click “Download this audio” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

AI Future 48 mins – “Recorded in front of a live audience as part of our Brainwaves series, Ian Sample asks a group of experts how AI will change our social landscape – for better or worse.” At the link right-click “Download MP3” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Alcohol Misuse 35 mins – “As the level of alcohol consumption goes up, so the risk of physical, psychological, and social problems increases. In this podcast we’re joined by Ed Day, consultant addiction psychiatrist at Kings College London, Alex Copello, professor of addiction research at the University of Birmingham, and Martyn Hull, GP with a special interest in substance misuse at the Ridgacre Medical Centres in Birmingham. They discuss practical aspects of the assessment and treatment of alcohol use disorders from the perspective of the non-specialist hospital doctor or general practitioner.” At the link find the title, “Assessment and management of alcohol use disorders, Feb, 2015,” right-click “Media files 191951284-bmjgroup-alcohol-misuse.mp3,” right-click “Media files 191951284-bmjgroup-alcohol-misuse.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Algae Products 26 mins – “The topic of discussion is all about algae, more specifically the benefits of algae as a fuel and fertilizer. Guest,  Jon Dougal, chairman and founder of SuperAlgae, inc. discusses what inspired him to work with algae, the many environmental and commercial benefits algae can have and the future of algae as a resource.” t the link right-click the play button beside “listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.  

Asthma Best Practices 12 mins – “Drs Vega and Adams tackle challenging issues on asthma, including optimal spirometry use, eosinophil measurement, and beta-agonist overuse.” At the link find the title, “Best Practices in Asthma: Beta-Agonists to Spirometry, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files 878681_a96k.mp4” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Athletics Big Data 36 mins – “In today’s show, we have a discussion with Kerri McMaster, co-founder and head of strategy for Performance Labs, who shares the 25 year process of applying big data and AI to improving the performance of amateur and professional athletes….” At the link find the title, “Innovating with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to Improve Personal Performance S13 Ep10

Avian Flu 6 mins – “Avian influenza is an extremely infectious and potentially fatal disease in poultry. In 2014 and 2016, outbreaks in the U.S. led to the death of more than 50 million chickens, turkeys, and other birds, and cost billions of dollars. Controlling avian influenza viruses in poultry is crucial to preventing those viruses from evolving to infect people. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has taken actions to address lessons learned from its responses to the outbreaks, such as encouraging states to form response teams. However, it does not have a plan to evaluate the effectiveness its efforts. We recommended that USDA develop such a plan.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Bacterial Geneticist 28 mins – “Tiny tree dwelling snails, partula, were so abundant across French Polynesia that garlands of partula shells would be presented to visitors to the islands. But when immunologist Dr Ann Clarke joined her husband, the late evolutionary biologist Professor Bryan Clarke, on expeditions to research the unique way this species had developed, a study in speciation turned, before their eyes, into a study of extinction. Ann witnessed first-hand the terrifying speed that biological controls, another mollusc introduced to kill a different, larger predatory snail, instead turned on Partula, and within a few short years, drove them to extinction in the wild. The subsequent scramble to save the species resulted in the launch of a global effort called The Frozen Ark to save the genetic resources of all animals which, like partula, face obliteration.
The Frozen Ark was founded by Ann, her husband and the late Professor Ann MacLaren and with consortium members around the world, tissue and genetic material from threatened fauna is preserved as an ultimate animal conservation back-up. More than 48,000 samples have been collected by Frozen Ark members in zoos and natural history museums around the world from more than 5,500 different species. Frozen samples inform multiple captive breeding programmes, including at London Zoo, where descendants of partula rescued from extinction, are being bred ready for re-introduction back to their home in French Polynesia…” At the link right-cl9ck “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Balance of Power 57 mins – “A Balancing Act: Congress and the Presidency. These two branches of government have ways of checking each other’s power and influence – including through the power of the purse, special investigations, the veto, and the bully pulpit. As part of the NPR series, A Nation Engaged, we’ll look at how these have been used in notable ways throughout  American history — up to the present.” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.  

Ben Bernanke 18 mins – “Ten years ago, two little-known funds at Bear Stearns blew up, and the financial crisis was on its way. Today, we ask the person at the center of it all, former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, why it happened.” At the link find the title, “#768: A Chat With Ben Bernanke,” right-click “Media files 20170503 pmoney 768pmpod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Best Person for Job 60 mins – “Stories of people who decide that they are the best person for the job, no matter how dangerous. Including a story about a stay-at-home mom with a history of gun running for a guerrilla organization, and a surgeon who does surgery…on himself.” At the link you can listen, but a download must be purchased; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Big Data Uses 29 mins – “Have you ever googled something that you would never dream of saying out loud to another human being? Many of us turn to Google when we have a deeply personal or embarrassing question. And we’re often more honest when we type our questions into search engines than when we answer surveys or talk to friends. Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, a former data scientist at Google, says our online searches provide unprecedented insight into what we truly think, want, and do. This week on Hidden Brain, what big data knows about our deepest thoughts and secrets.” At the link find the title, “Ep. 70: Who We Are At 2 A.M.,”right-click “Media files 20170501 hiddenbrain_70.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Bill Nye on Climate Change 27 mins – “We talk to Bill Nye about his approach to communicating climate change and what he hopes will change in the future.” At the link find the title, “177 Bill Nye – Let’s Change the World, May, 2017,” right-click “Media files 4136ba03-c36a-40be-8dcd-d7b5a792023a.mp3 “ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Blindness Prevention 20 mins – “Andrew Bastawrous CEO Peek, which is a social enterprise providing technology and support to healthcare providers, which will help them screen people for eye disease. He is currently doing this work in Africa as part of a campaign called Clearly, which aims to find global solutions to improve vision correction. Tom Walker reports from a running club in Bristol which encourages blind and visually-impaired people to run with a guide.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Border Control Overview 91 mins – “In the midst of efforts to further ramp up enforcement at the U.S.-Mexico border even as illegal crossings are a fraction of what they were at their peak in 2000, MPI research sketches the changing realities at the border and offers data that should help inform the policy debate. This discussion features the release of two MPI publications that provide a comprehensive analysis of U.S. immigration enforcement at the border and the Consequence Delivery System used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection to analyze the effectiveness of its efforts, as well as map the significant changes in Mexican crossing trends and intent to re-enter the United States after deportation. MPI speakers, along with former U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske and former Mexican Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan discuss the contemporary border enforcement picture and progress in achieving “operational control” of the Southwest border; the next steps for the U.S.-Mexico border management relationship that has been built over the past two decades; and what policy responses by the United States, Mexico, and Northern Triangle would be most responsive to the changing nature of migrant flows in the region. As the Trump administration and Congress consider the future of border policy and funding proposals for a border wall, this discussion evaluates the state of the border, the effectiveness of various enforcement strategies, current trends in apprehensions and the flows of migrants, and what the changing realities mean for the migration policies and agendas of the United States, Mexico, and the region.” At the link right-click “Download(Loading)” and select ”Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Border Wall Myths 27 mins – “Is the U.S. border with the Mexico really an open border? Is all the talk of building a wall for real, or is it just a metaphorical wall? And who’s really crossing illegally? We separate fact from fiction with the help of Maria Hinojosa of Latino USA. Plus, Maria explains how cows can complicate things.” At the link find the title, “191: The four myths of Trump’s wall, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files 319743908-decodedc-191-the-four-myths-of-trumps-wall.mp3” and select “Save Link s” from the pop-up menu.

Brain Facts and Myths 65 mins – “While some neuroscientists, such as Cristof Koch, may discount the importance of how many neurons the brain contains, this still rates as an extremely important technique that also has implications for other long held assumptions such as the idea that all brains are made the same. Herculano-Houzel has shown that primate brains are built differently than the so-called “generic” mammalian brain. Primate brains contain more neurons that a similarly sized rodent brain. The Human Advantage debunks several well worn neuroscientific dogmas including the idea that the human brain is too large. It also does away with the persistent myth that humans still have a deeply embedded reptilian brain. This book follows the tradition of books like Eric Kandel’s In Search of Memory. It combines a first hand account of how science is really done with an excellent over view of important new ideas.” At the link right-click “FREE: audio mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Breast Cancer Overdiagnosis 21 mins – “In this podcast Alexandra Barratt, professor of public health at the University of Sydney, discusses how questions about overdiagnosis in breast cancer screening programmes were first raised 45 years ago, and why it has taken so long for the concept to become mainstream. Read her full analysis:” At the link find the title, “Overdiagnosis in breast cancer – 45 years to become a mainstream idea, Mar, 2015,” right-click “Media files 194161257-bmjgroup-overdiagnosis in breast cancer-45 years to become a mainstream idea.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Breitbart 58 mins – “Before Donald Trump started his presidential campaign in 2015, there was a congressional race that redefined what was possible in American politics. Steve Bannon and Breitbart News got involved in that race early, just like they later got deeply involved in Donald Trump’s race. On this week’s show: What happened in that campaign, what it made it work, and how we got to now.” At the link click “Download” to get the audio file.

Broadband in Colorado 35 mins – “Bonus episode! We did several interviews while at the Broadband Communities Summit and Dallas, so we are publishing two episodes this week. Diane Kruse joined us for today’s discussion, episode 253, with an update about progress around community broadband in Colorado and great advice for communities considering an investment….” At the link right-click “…download this mp3….” and select “save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Broadband in Maryland 30 mins – “If you picked up the Institute for Local Self-Reliance dictionary, under “public-private partnership,” it would say “See Westminster and Ting fiber-optic network.” We discussed it with Westminster City Council President Robert Wack in episode 100 of Community Broadband Bits and he rejoins us for episode 252 to update us on the progress they have made. At the link right-click “…download this mp3….” and select “save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Broadband in Vermont 30 mins – “We’ve been covering the East-Central Vermont Community Fiber-Optic Network (ECFiber) since 2009; it has come a long way from inception. ECFiber is a group of rural Vermont towns that are working together to deploy a regional network to offer high-quality Internet access to communities typically stuck with slow, unreliable connections such as DSL and dial-up. In this episode, Christopher talks with Carole Monroe, CEO of ValleyNet, and Irv Thomae, District Chairmen of ECFiber’s Governing Board. The not-for-profit ValleyNet operates the ECFiber network.” At the link right-click “…download this mp3….” and select “save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Broadband Use by Government 89 mins- “The National Broadband (Communications) Plan: Issues for Public Safety” At the link find that title dated Nov 2011, right-click “Media files nijconf2011-national-broadband-plan.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Butter History 39 mins – “Butter is beautiful: solid golden bars add the perfect flakiness to pastry, give cake a delightfully tender springiness, and melt mouth-wateringly onto toast. But unlike its cousin, cheese—another concentrated, solidified form of milk—we don’t tend to think of butter as something that’s available in hundreds of varieties, each with a different flavor, color, and texture. Nor do we necessarily consider a dairymaid costume to be a uniform of women’s empowerment. But we should. This episode, we explore the science behind butter’s subtle variations, as well as its long history as a vehicle for both ritual worship and female entrepreneurship around the world.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Campus Protests 48 mins – “The flap over Ann Coulter at Berkeley is just the latest in a slew. We’ll look at free speech and college campuses.” At the link find the title, “Higher Education And The Free Speech Debate, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files npr_525595616.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Carly Fiorina 40 mins- “Recorded on March 16, 2017 Although many people have heard of Carly Fiorina, former presidential candidate and first woman to lead a Fortune 20 company as CEO of Hewlett-Packard, few have had the chance to sit down and speak with her. In this special live taping of Uncommon Knowledge, at the National Review Institute’s Idea Summit, with guest host Michael Franc, director of Hoover’s Washington, DC, Programs, Fiorina discusses the 2016 presidential election, her personal path to conservatism, and her beliefs about the future for US and global politics. She opens up about the often-brutal criticisms she received during the election, her choice to become conservative, the loss of her stepdaughter to drug addiction, and the ways in which she believes conservatives are fighting to help people help themselves by giving them the tools and resources necessary to change their own path. Fiorina goes on to analyze the current state of the union, the disenfranchised Americans she’s met, and the solutions she believes in for the future of the United States…. ” At the link find the title, “Carly Fiorina on the Future of the United States, May, 2017,” right-click “Media files 20170510-fiorina.mp3” and select “save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Chelation Therapy 60 mins – “Join Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they talk chelation, chelation, chelation. Featuring arthroprosthetic cobaltism, birds with MS, and a special new feature: Tilda Swinton’s beauty tips.” At the link find the title, “December 2013 – Chelation PHACT or Fiction. A Reduction to Absurdity.,” right-click “Media files 126626580-acmt-chelation-phact-or-fiction-a.mp3”and select “Save link As” from the pop-up menu.

Childrens’ Literature 59 mins – “I’m pleased to post show # 258, June 24, my interview with Prof. Paul Ringel of High Point University, author of Commercializing Childhood. Paul’s study may seem superficially beyond Hearsay Culture’s scope, until one considers the role of marketing, especially to children, on the Internet. Paul’s book frames part of this heretofore-unknown marketing history by focusing on early American efforts to create children’s magazines. As a historian, Paul explores the motivations for creating such magazines, as well as their successes. In our interview, we discussed this history and how we might think about today’s technologically-enhanced efforts to capture children’s eyeballs. I greatly enjoyed this discussion with my friend Paul, and hope that you find it enlightening!” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Code for America 60 mins – “Jennifer Pahlka, founder of Code for America, talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the organization she started. Code for America works with private sector tech people to bring technology to the provision of government services. Pahlka discusses some of the success Code for America has had with improving government and the challenges of citizenship and technology in the 21st century.” At the linkr ight-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Coincidences 30 mins – This week on Hidden Brain: coincidences. Why they’re not quite as magical as they seem, and the reasons we can’t help but search for meaning in them anyway.” At the link find the title, “Encore of Ep. 45: What Are The Odds? May, 2017,” right-click “Media files 20170508_hiddenbrain_45b.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Computer Repair Equipment 104 mins – “What computers and devices do we use and why in our business specs and all.” At the link find the title, “Podnutz – The Computer Repair Podcast #230 – What Stuff Do We Use?” right-click “Media files podnutz230.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cooperative Economy 38 mins – “Playing for Team Human today is Pia Mancini. Pia is a visionary democracy activist who co-founded the Net Party in Argentina and DemocracyOS. Today Pia joins Douglas to talk about her new project Open Collective. Open Collective is platform that helps small, non-traditional organizations to collectivize, raise funds, and manage expenses in a networked and transparent fashion. Open Collective is a useful resource for listeners who are trying to build sustainable funding for their local community group, political organization, and even school club. Pia explains how Open Collectives not only is helping to fund a growing number of unique organizations, but signals a future where transparent, collective partnerships might foster new models of democratic participation and exchange of resources. Douglas begins today’s show with a monologue on shame. How is shame used as an instrument of social control? Rushkoff advances a thesis on how open, transparent social organizing, like what is being fostered by Pia and Open Collective, counters shame and enhances our ability to forge solidarity.” At the link find the title, “Ep. 34 Pia Mancini “No Shame! Towards a Cooperative Economy” right-click “Media files 59005ba22887e2d93f0d1d2b.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cyber Protection Tips 27 mins – “Cyber Security and Safety Tips, Remove Aggressive Malware With 7 Tools (28 minutes) Sponsor – Try Instant Housecall Today Free for 15 Days! (use code: MikeTechShow) Malwarebytes Techbench Show #617 Notes DC Unconvention 2017 Use discount code: MTS to save $40 Video for Show #617 Show Links – 11 Cyber Security and Safety Tips (PDF) Scammer Call Easily Remove Aggressive Malware With These 7 Tools Help for Ken ESET AV Remover Tech Site Builder” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Cyberconflicts 35 mins – “We are delighted to have Adam Segal with us today to discuss the geopolitics of cyberspace and cybersecurity policies. Dr. Segal is CFR’s Ira A. Lipton chair in Emerging Technologies and National Security and director of the Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program at the Council. Dr. Segal was also the project director for the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force Report “Defending an Open, Global, Secure, and Resilient Internet.” Prior to joining CFR, he was an arms control analyst for the China Project at the Union of Concerned Scientists. Dr. Segal has been a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for International Studies, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and Tsinghua University in Beijing. Dr. Segal’s latest book is, “The Hacked World Order: How Nations Fight, Trade, Maneuver, and Manipulate in the Digital Age.” He writes for the CFR blog Net Politics and tweets at @ADSChina….” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Dam Maintenance 4 mins – “New Hampshire’s deteriorating roads and bridges – and how to invest in them – are major questions for lawmakers this year. But whatever the funding, one critical piece of the state’s infrastructure – private dams – likely won’t see a penny. New Hampshire’s dams received a C- in this year’s infrastructure report card. That’s par for the course – most of the state’s infrastructure got the same rating, or worse. But most of the state’s infrastructure is taken care of by the state. Most dams are on their own. Like the old dam at Moeckel Pond in Windham. “When we get over to the spillway here,” Young gestures to the cement structure spanning a small brook, “you’ll be able to actually see the rocks through the concrete, where it’s thin and chipped. So, you’re standing on rocks and dirt.”…” At the link right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “save Link As from the pop-up menu.

DC Motors 89 mins – “In this episode of The Engineering Commons, we discuss an electromechanical component commonly used to achieve physical motion; the ubiquitous direct-current (DC) motor.” At the link right-click “Download’ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Drug Price Control 180 mins – “Spending on prescription drugs in the U.S. has been increasing rapidly over the past few years, fueled by the introduction of expensive new drugs and price hikes on existing drugs. While the public demands new and better cures, polls suggest that they also overwhelmingly want the government to rein in prices. With prescription drug spending now accounting for roughly $1 of every $6 spent on health care, controlling pharmaceutical spending is also important to controlling health spending more broadly. How can we slow the pace of prescription drug increases without discouraging innovation and discovery?…” At the link right-click “audio only” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Drug Production Trends 89 mins – “In the fall of 2016, the Colombian government signed a peace agreement with the country’s long-running insurgency group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (the FARC), earning the Colombian President Manuel Santos the Nobel Peace Prize. The peace deal provides an unprecedented opportunity not only to end decades of vicious violence, but also to achieve robust peace, justice, and development of Colombia’s marginalized rural areas. How Colombia will address the country’s illicit economies, including drug cultivation and trafficking that have long fueled the violent conflict, will significantly influence the sustainability and quality of the peace and was one of the key negotiating points between the FARC and the Colombian government. After years of drug suppression efforts, coca cultivation in Colombia expanded vastly over the past two years, stimulating calls for restarting aggressive eradication and giving rise to claims that the coca boom in Colombia is once again prompting an increase of cocaine use in the United States. Yet premature and inappropriate counternarcotics measures can jeopardize the peace in Colombia without easing drug use problems in the United States….” At the link right-click “audio only” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Elephant Issues 27 mins – “Religiously and politically potent, elephants in Sri Lanka kill dozens of people each year. How can they live more harmoniously with humans on this small island nation?” At the link find the title, “Elephants, politics and Sri Lanka, May, 2017,” right-click “Media files p052fcgk.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Emily Dickinson 43 mins – “Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the life and works of Emily Dickinson, arguably the most startling and original poet in America in the C19th. According to Thomas Wentworth Higginson, her correspondent and mentor, writing 15 years after her death, “Few events in American literary history have been more curious than the sudden rise of Emily Dickinson into a posthumous fame only more accentuated by the utterly recluse character of her life and by her aversion to even a literary publicity.” That was in 1891 and, as more of Dickinson’s poems were published, and more of her remaining letters, the more the interest in her and appreciation of her grew. With her distinctive voice, her abundance, and her exploration of her private world, she is now seen by many as one of the great lyric poets.” At the link right-click Download’ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Familial Searching of DNA Evidence 80 mins – “Familial DNA Searching: Issues and Answers,” At the link ind that title dated Nov 2011, right-click “Media files nijconf2011-familial-searching.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Farm Operations 78 mins – “Danya Tietelbaum is the co-founder and co-owner of Queen’s Greens, 35 acres of fields and greenhouses in the heart of the Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts. Queen’s Greens’ specialty is what they call “boutique wholesale”, supplying restaurants, retailers, local universities, and regional distributors, with certified organic greens, herbs, and a small selection of other vegetables. Danya digs into why they’ve limited their crop mix and marketing outlets, and the implications that’s had for their business. We take a deep dive into the Queen’s Greens model for putting out a reliable crop of salad mix week after week, including weed control on solid-seeded beds and how they manage massive quantities of row cover to control flea beetles. As a wholesale-only operation, Queen’s Greens fills over a hundred orders each week during the growing season. Danya explains the systems they use to track and fulfill those orders, and the administrative structure they’ve developed to get everything delivered, even though Queen’s Greens doesn’t own a delivery truck.We also discuss their conversion of a tobacco barn into a GAPs-audited packing shed, as well as their winter spinach production.” At the link right-click “Download this Episode” and select “Save Link As: from the pop-up menu.

Farm Operations 83 mins – “Jason Weston is a co-owner of Joe’s Gardens in Bellingham, Washington, a five-acre urban farm started in the 1890s. One of the last of the original truck farms in the Bellingham area, Joe’s Gardens sells almost all of its produce retail on site. Jason has become well-known for his innovations with the Planet Junior two-wheeled cultivating tractors that he uses for weed control on his farm, and he provides an introductory tutorial into their features and uses, and how they changed everything for Joe’s Gardens. We dig into how the two-wheeled tractors support his intensive, no-bed production, and into the modern weed-control tools that he has used to almost eliminate hand weeding on his farm. We discuss how Joe’s Garden is laid out to maximize space utilization, and the tillage and production practices that support that layout. Jason also shares how he and his forbears have maintained fertility in a continuous vegetable rotation for 120 years, and the long-term approach he takes to managing soil health. We also discuss the changes in Joe’s Gardens’ marketing over the years as the wholesale and retail marketplaces have shifted in product demand and consumer attitudes. Joe talks about the challenges they faced in shifting to a retail operation, and the family dynamics that helped make that shift successful.” At the link right-click “Download this Episode” and select “Save Link As: from the pop-up menu.

Ferguson Riot Filming 25 mins – “In this special episode, we bring an interview we did at EMS World Expo 2016 where Sam Bradley interviewed first responder filmmaker Ray Kemp from Triple Zilch Productions. Ray and his team specialize in content for and about first responders. During the Ferguson, Missouri riots, Ray Kemp took a camera team down to record Christian Hospital EMS response to calls during the riots. Sam chats with Ray about his experience there on the ground during this contentious time.” At the link right-click “Download” and select ‘Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Financial Stability 88 mins – “It has been nearly a decade since the start of the global financial crisis of 2007-09. The crisis serves as a sobering reminder of the economic harm that can be caused by bouts of financial instability, as well as the continuing need to monitor the overall health and stability of the world financial system. Over the last six months, economic activity has gained momentum and increases in many asset prices reflect a more optimistic outlook for growth as well as an improving appetite for risk. As a result, the overall outlook for financial stability has likely improved. In the U.S. corporate sector, hopes for corporate tax reform have lifted sentiment. Will these reforms lead to greater economic risk-taking, or instead add to financial risk-taking, given already elevated leverage? What will be the spillovers from advanced countries’ policies into emerging markets? What is the right policy mix for decisionmakers to secure a stronger path for growth and financial stability?…” At the link right-click “Download the Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Fish Industry 87 mins – “Best-selling author and lifelong fisherman Paul Greenberg spends a year eating fish at breakfast, lunch and dinner to help answer the question: “What fish should I eat that’s good for me and good for the planet?” At the link find the title, “The Fish on My Plate, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files 319568430-frontlinepbs-the-fish-on-my-plate.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Forensic Data Management 48 mins – “A group of four short presentations from the National Institute of Justice about the exchange of forensic data. At the link find the titles, “1 of 6: Forensic Information Data Exchange and the Partnership Between Law Enforcement and Crime Laboratories Jun, 2010,” “3 of 6: Forensic Information Data Exchange and the Partnership Between Law Enforcement and Crime Laboratories,” “4 of 6: Forensic Information Data Exchange and the Partnership Between Law Enforcement and Crime Laboratories,” and “5 of 6: Forensic Information Data Exchange and the Partnership Between Law Enforcement and Crime Laboratories,” right click on the associated media files and select “Save Link(s) As” from the pop-up menu.

Friendster Rise and Fall 40 mins – “In 2003, Jonathan Abrams was sitting atop one of the hottest new companies in Silicon Valley. He and his website were at the forefront of an industry that would eventually be worth more than $400 billion. So, what went wrong?” At the link find the title, “Friendster: Part 1 (Season 5, Episode 2), Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files GLT7039121697.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Genetic Engineering Risk Assessment 43 mins – “Uruguay is a major producer of soy and corn from genetically engineered seeds, with over 2.5 million acres in production.  Dr. Paul Vincelli talks about the regulatory framework in Uruguay with Dr. Alejandra Ferenczi, Head of Biosecurity with the Ministry of Agriculture in Uruguay.  The regulatory system of Uruguay involves many levels of regulation and input to evaluate the safety of the crops.  Dr. Ferenczi discusses how multiple regulatory bodies perform risk analysis, risk assessments and communication around GE crops.  The discussion also covers issues of food safety, risk, and public perceptions.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Girl Construction Toys 58 mins – “Debbie Sterling, founder and CEO of GoldieBlox, shares her evolution from lonely inventor to inspiring entrepreneur with a vision to give young girls the confidence to become engineers through hands-on play. Sterling talks about overcoming gender stereotypes and her own fears, as well as the entrepreneurial challenges of embracing failure and succeeding despite scant resources.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Gladwell about Blink 16 mins – Gladwell talks about his book, “Blink” in this podcast from C-Span and can be bought at that source. The file is also in the blog archive.

Great Migration 108 mins – “In The Warmth of Other Suns, Isabel Wilkerson chronicles the decades-long migration of African Americans from the South to the North and West through the stories of three individuals and their families. Over a decade in the writing and research, and drawing on archival materials and more than 1,200 interviews, Wilkerson traces the lives of Ida Mae Gladney, George Starling, and Robert Foster, from their difficult beginnings in the South, to their critical decisions to leave and look for a better life in Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. Isabel Wilkerson won a Pulitzer Prize in 1994 for her feature writing in The New York Times, making her the first African American woman to receive a journalism Pulitzer. She has also won a George S. Polk Award, a Guggenheim Fellowhip, and a Journalist of the Year award from the National Association of Black Journalists. She is Professor of Journalism and Director of Narrative Nonfiction at Boston University.” At the link right-click “Download mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Great Migration 26 mins – “Isabel Wilkerson talks about her book, The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration, focusing on the transfer of Southern culture to the North, creating a new, vibrant culture in the country.” At the link right-click Wilkerson-podcast.mp3” and select “save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Great Migration P1 49 mins – “Pulitzer Prize winner Isabel Wilkerson joins us to discuss her book The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration, which depicts the move of African-Americans away from the Jim Crow South to the north and west.  We focus on the experience of Dr. Robert Foster, who moved from Monroe, LA to California in search of opportunities to practice his profession.  We also learn more about the experience African-Americans had living in north Louisiana in the 1950s.” At the link under “Download options,” right-click “VBR MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Great Migration P2 50 mins – “Pulitzer Prize winner Isabel Wilkerson rejoins us to finish discussing her book The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration, which depicts the move of African-Americans away from the Jim Crow South to the north and west.  We focus on the experience of Dr. Robert Foster, who moved from Monroe, LA to California in search of
opportunities to practice his profession.  We also learn more about the
experience African-Americans had living in north Louisiana in the 1950s.” At the link under “Download options,” right-click “VBR MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Green Bronx Machine 30 mins – “Today’s guest is from the Bronx in New York. His journey to agriculture started accidentally while he was dealing with student conflict in his class. From zero agricultural background, Stephen Ritz created a system – a whole school program that changed how the students, the parents, and the community view agriculture. This program, called Green Bronx Machine, is more than about educating his students about farming. Stephen sees it as a way to solve real problems in the community like lack of student engagement in school, poor education, and poor health including unequal opportunities for the disadvantaged. On today’s episode, Stephen talks about the effects and benefits of Green Bronx Machine to the students and the community as a whole. He shares how he integrates growing food with academics. Stephen also elaborates on one of the goals of the program’s model, which is not about a “me” mentality, but a “we” mentality. This outlook is about people everywhere working together in achieving the goal of making wise choices, living healthy, and personal and community development. He is encouraged to see the outcome as his students are empowered to make healthy choices as a result of instilling child wellness and mindfulness in them.” At the link click the down-pointing arrow under the sound bar to download the file.

Growing Up 57 mins – “At first, it’s super annoying, getting told it’ll make sense when you’re older. Then, when you’re a teenager, hard lessons are learned, despite your best efforts to be too cool to care. By the time you’re actually old, you know a bunch of stuff— and you’re desperate to hold onto it. You might even wonder HOW you know all the things you know. Hosted by Chana Joffe-Walt and featuring SNL’s Sasheer Zamata.” At the link you can buy the podcast; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Health Care Single Payer System 26 mins – “The people of the UK are right to treasure their NHS,” writes Mark Britnell in his new book In Search of the Perfect Health System (Palgrave Macmillan). Currently chairman of KPMG Global Health, Britnell has worked in healthcare systems in over 60 countries. For his book he analysed 25 healthcare systems in search of what was working and what wasn’t in times of challenging demographic and economic change. He doesn’t find perfection, but against the others the NHS measures up pretty well.” At the link click the cquare with three dots, right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Hopeful Monsters 60 mins – “This week on Science for the People, we are talking about a controversial theory in evolutionary biology that has led to research on the role of single mutations that drastically alter the body plan of organisms. Guest host Anika Hazra speaks with Olivier Rieppel, curator of Evolutionary Biology at the Field Museum, about the history of this theory and where it stands within modern science. And she talks with Nipam Patel, professor of Molecular Cell Biology and Intergrative Biology at UC Berkely, about his experimental research on the role of certain mutated genes in the physical development of crustaceans.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Identity Politics 46 mins – “Playing for Team Human today is musician Tessa Lena. Tessa’s music explores the tension between technology and human agency. In her songs and in this interview, Tessa playfully challenges robotic conceptions of humanity. Tessa offers a compelling argument for power of music to call us out of those automatic, quantified notions of self and society. Both Lena and Rushkoff pose essential questions; Is technology being used to extend our human potential? Does the embedded economic agenda driving technology inevitably thwart ambitions that focus on people over profit? Tessa’s brand new record Tessa Fights Robots serves as the launching point for a true Team Human conversation about the power of art, music, and play in an increasingly robotic society. Team Human is supported by listeners. A special thanks to our new supporters as well as all of our monthly sustainers who make each episode possible.” At the link find the title, “Ep. 35 Tessa Lena “Fighting the Robots,” right-click “Media files 5909810632cd29ac786fc12b.mp3” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Indian Economy P1 24 mins – “Something incredible happened in India about six months ago. The government declared most of the paper money invalid. Demonetization they called it. Today, we meet the man who came up with the plan.” At the link find the title, “#770: When India’s Cash Disappeared, Part One May, 2017,” right-click “Media files 20170510_pmoney_pmpod770.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Indian Economy P2 21 mins – “What happened when India’s Prime Minister declared most of the paper money in India worthless? We travel to India to see what happened after the country’s demonetization.” At the link find the title, “#771: When India’s Cash Disappeared, Part Two May, 2017,” right-click “Media files 20170512_pmoney_771_pmpod_final.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Infrastructure Needs 27 mins – “America’s crumbling and obsolete infrastructure is a $2 trillion problem. Everyone agrees it needs a fix. So why can’t politicians make it happen? It’s a failure of leadership, says Harvard’s Rosabeth Moss Kanter. She explains why, and we visit the Brent Spence Bridge between Ohio and Kentucky, a poster child for American political dysfunction over our roads and bridges.” At the link find the title, “193: Politicians Playing Politics with Our Bridges and Roads, May, 2017,” right-click “Media files 322131290-decodedc-193-politicians-playing-politics-with-our-bridges-and-roads.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Investing by Paul Merriman 75 mins – “Paul discusses the Ultimate Buy-and-Hold Strategy – its value to protect your money and provide peace of mind no matter what the market does – and much more, with Rob Berger of DoughRoller, a website dedicated to “making the most of your money.” Rob’s mission is to help people make sense out of the ever-more complicated world of personal finance, investing, and money management. A transcript of the interview can be read here.” At the link right-click “Download’ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Israel Health Plan 27 mins – “Professor Mark Clarfield from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, with an overview of a new Lancet country Series about health in Israel.” At the link find the title, “Health in Israel: The Lancet: May, 2017,” right-click “Media files 05may_israel.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Lethal Injection Drugs 30 mins – “We talk to associate professor of surgery at Indiana University Teresa Zimmers about her work on whether or not lethal injection drugs actually provide a humane, painless death as promised.” At the link find the title, “178 Teresa Zimmers – The Murky Science of Lethal Injection,” right-click “Media files f5ae4cf5-ce1f-4b08-97b7-042928cc4908.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Light and Spectra 51 mins – “In 1861, Gustav Kirchhoff published the astonishing results that he could, merely by examining the light received from the Sun, determine what elements it was made from. One this episode, we’ll trace the scientific investigation of the nature of light from Isaac Newton through Joseph Fraunhofer to the work of Kirchhoff and Robert Bunsen.” At the link right-click “Direct Download Link” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Lonely Planet Guidebooks 42 mins – “In 1972, Maureen and Tony Wheeler bought a beat-up car and drove from London “as far east as we could go.” They wound up in Australia, by way of Afghanistan, India and Thailand. Their notes on how to travel on a shoestring became a book, which grew into Lonely Planet — the largest travel guide publisher in the world. PLUS in our postscript “How You Built That,” how 15-year-old Michael Mendicino, with help from his mom, took a teenage trend and turned it into a board game called Bottle Flip.” At the link find the title, “Lonely Planet: Maureen & Tony Wheeler, May, 2017” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Microbiome Transfers 31 mins – “Back when Robert was kid, he had a chance encounter with then President John F. Kennedy. The interaction began with a hello and ended with a handshake. And like many of us who have touched greatness, 14 year old Robert was left wondering if maybe some of Kennedy would stay with him.  Now, 50 years later, Robert still finds himself pondering that encounter and question. And so with the help of brand new science and Neil Degrasse Tyson, he sets out to satisfy this curiosity once and for all.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.  

Mindfulness Trends 48 mins – “From apps, to the office, meditation and mindfulness are bigger than ever. We’ll take a deep breath and explore the realm of om.” At the link find the title, “The Meaning Of Our New Mindfulness, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files npr_525443712.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Moral Philosophy 58 mins – “I’m pleased to post one new show, Show # 259, September 16, my interview with the amazing Prof. Shannon Vallor of Santa Clara University, author of Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting. Shannon has written an exceptionally important and unique work focusing on what personal virtues should guide our integration of new technologies into society. Defining the contours of what she calls “technonormal virtues,” Shannon calls on informed citizens to become “moral experts” in a collective effort to create “a future worth wanting” (or, even better, demand for “useful tools that do not debilitate us.”) Because Shannon writes about philosophy and virtue as an applicable construct rather than an abstraction, her book should be required reading for anyone seeking better understanding of how we might achieve the best social and moral results from our technological advancements.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Neighborhood Health 169 mins – “In America today, where you live can truly have a significant impact on how you live. According to the CDC, your zip code is a greater indicator of your overall health and life expectancy than your genetic code. The social factors that your doctor can’t see during a routine check-up – like the distance from your home to the closest grocery store, the availability of green spaces, and your ability to walk safely outside – are all driving your health and wellness. …Brookings hosted an event focusing on the important role of the public, private, and government sectors when it comes to improving the health of local communities. We heard from national and local experts in a dialogue on the topic.” At the link right-click “Download the audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Nepalese Women 50 mins – “Getting your period in Nepal is a big deal. Menstruating women face many restrictions – they are not allowed to worship or enter the kitchen. Our young Nepali reporters Divya Shrestha and Nirmala Limbu still remember the shock at suddenly being excluded from festivities for being “impure”. Some menstruating women are banished from home for four days and have to sleep in an open hut. Such beliefs are hard to eradicate, but Divya and Nirmala find that some young women are rebelling.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

New Orleans Criminal Justice Reform 82 mins – “Michael Jacobson, Ph.D., President and Director Vera Institute of Justice, discussed reforming the New Orleans justice system in NIJ’s Research for the Real World Seminar series.” At the link find the title, “Reforming New Orleans’ Criminal Justice System: The Role of Data and Research, Oct, 2012,” right-click “Media files rfrw-jacobson.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Opioid Misuse 50 mins – “The December 2012 Edition of the JMT Podcast. Join Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak as they explore the special Opioid Edition of the Journal of Medical Toxicology. Topics including use, misuse and abuse of opioid medications along with one sad dog.” At the link find the title, December 2012 – A Call To Arms (Opioid Special Edition),” right-click “Media files 71985563-acmt-december-2012-a-call-to-arms.mp3” and select “Save Link As from the pop-up menu.

Ovarian Cancer 17 mins – “Ovarian cancer is the 7th most common cancer in women world wide, and 5 year survival continues to remain low – in the UK this has been attributed to delayed diagnosis. In this podcast Sudha Sundar, senior lecturer in gynaecological oncology at the University of Birmingham, discusses how doctors can identify women at risk, and who to refer for specialist evaluation.” At the link find the title, “Diagnosing ovarian cancer, Sept, 2015,” right-click “Media files 222884196-bmjgroup-diagnosing-ovarian-cancer.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Overdiagnosis 17 mins – “Overdiagnosis means different things to different people. Stacy Carter, associate professor at the Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine at the University of Sydney argues that we should use a broad term such as too much medicine for advocacy and develop precise, case by case definitions of overdiagnosis for research and clinical purposes.” At the link click the square with three dots, right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Police Shooting Training 7 mins – “When police in New Hampshire use deadly force, it’s most likely on someone who is armed, intoxicated and often severely mentally ill. That’s according to an NHPR review of police shootings in the state over nearly two decades. So how do police make a decision to shoot or not shoot when they know the person they’re pointing a gun at is suicidal, psychotic or intoxicated?…” At th elink right-click the play button beside “Listen” and select “Save Link As from the pop-up menu.

Political Climate 68 mins – “Playing for Team Human is Micah Sifry. Next month Micah will host the 2017 Personal Democracy Forum. On today’s show, Micah and Douglas discuss how the stakes are higher than ever for bringing people into an active civic life and engagement with democracy. Looking beyond the 2016 electoral postmortems and whodunits, Micah and Douglas talk about the power of humans breathing together–conspiring–in real space and time, while also leveraging technologies of connection, to build an actionable progressive agenda. Listeners of Team Human will find kindred spirits at the Personal Democracy Forum and Civic Hall. If you voted and you’ve been marching and calling your representatives but are still looking for ways to enhance your civic power and find community, PDF 2017 is ready for you. Personal Democracy Forum 2017, themed What We Do Now, will be held June 8-9 at the NYU Skirball Center, NYC. Team Human will be recording on location at this year’s PDF. Also check out Team Human Ep. 07 recorded at last year’s PDF featuring Institute For the Future’s Marina Gorbis and Douglas Rushkoff’s PDF keynote speech. Also on today’s show, a monologue from Rushkoff about why so many of us have to drive to work. (Hint: it’s not because the world was created that way.)” At the link find the title, “Ep. 36 Micah Sifry “What We Do Now! #PDF17” “Media files 59127c4563b65b6d27abf526.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Potato Background 38 mins – “In the industrialized world the potato is defined as one of a few varieties of tuber crops.  But there is tremendous diversity available to be exploited, and potato breeders are folding that into modern germplasm using a variety of methods. Dr. David Douches from Michigan State University describes some of the current efforts in traditional potato breeding.  The history of potato improvement is discussed, along with the efforts to introduce genes from wild populations that can improve cultivated varieties. These traits are mostly centered around color, disease resistance and nutrition. We also discuss efforts going on in the broader potato world, using genetic engineering to improve disease resistance and storage, both which could be of benefit to the developing world and the environment.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Power Grid Story 22 mins – “We’re gonna give it to you straight. This story is Sam’s white whale. For years, the electrical grid has called to him like a siren, and lead him down a treacherous path of unintelligible tech jargon, mind-numbing energy reports, unfinished radio stories, and lots of mixed metaphors. But out of the ashes, the story of Boothbay, Maine rose like a Phoenix…or perhaps it was cobbled into existence, like Frankenstein. Either way, this is a story about the electrical grid, and it’s darned interesting. Sam has slayed the beast.” At the link find the title, “Episode 10: Gridlocked, Mar, 2016,” right-click “Media files 4321569-episode-10-gridlocked.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Power Net Metering 30 mins – “When Thomas Edison built his first electric power stations, there were no electric meters in people’s homes. Lacking a better method, he started billing people a monthly fee based on how many light bulbs they had. It wasn’t a very precise system. Electric meters (much like the ones we still have today) were soon developed to replace the bulb-counting system. As electricity comes into houses, a little dial turns forward to show how much is used. And while the original designers never considered this possibility, it turns out that the little dial turns backward when electricity leaves a home.

Prison Population Size 121 mins – At the link find the title, “State Responses to Mass Incarceration, Nov 30, 2011,” right-click Media Files “Media files nijconf2011 mass-incarceration.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Product Startup-Clothing 45 mins – “Tim Christian is a 38-year-old father of 3 boys under 7, airline pilot of 17 yrs and founder of OORR. He lives in Chatswood, a satellite CBD just 10 minutes north of Sydney, Australia. He loves riding his bike and is currently learning how to play guitar. He considers himself a perpetual student of self-improvement. Everything he does tends to be about making this world better for his family, for others, and for future generations.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Product Startup-Drapes 47 mins – Alice Orozco sells custom, made to order draperies at Pret-a-Portiere. She started her business in 2012 with the aim to make quality (normally very expensive custom made drapes) highly accessible to most and provide an alternative way of buying these curtains. Alice sources fabrics direct from the mills and design some of my fabrics as well. She produces and sells her own designs. Some of her sourced fabrics sell in fabric designer houses for well over $100 per meter wholesale. She’s really proud to be able to offer her customers the same product for a quarter or third of the price.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As’ from the pop-up menu.

Putin 62 mins – “Since Russia meddled in our election, there’s been concern that the fake news and disinformation that’s so prevalent there could be taking hold in this country. But is that hyperbole? This week we look at what it’s actually like to live in the confusing information landscape that is Putin’s Russia.” At the link you can buy the podcast; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Quantified Workers 53 mins – “What are the rights of the worker in a society that seems to privilege technological innovation over equality and privacy? How does the law protect worker privacy and dignity given technological advancements that allow for greater surveillance of workers? What can we expect for the future of work; should privacy be treated as merely an economic good that could be exchanged for the benefit of employment? In this talk Berkman Klein fellow Ifeoma Ajunwa looks at how the law and private firms respond to job applicants or employees perceived as “risky,” and the organizational behavior in pursuit of risk reduction by private firms, as well as ethical issues arising from how firms off-set risk to employees.” At the link click the box with three dots, right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Refugees and Technology 59 mins – “…In addition to all the energy abounding in the tech sector for a tech-based solution to the current refugee crisis, more traditional stakeholders in the global protection system—such as national governments and NGO actors—have also made a major shift towards integrating technology into their protection strategy. Notably, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has set a goal of ensuring that “all refugees, and the communities that host them, are connected to mobile networks and the Internet so that they can leverage these technologies to improve their lives.” This MPI webinar explores the recent “tech turn” in refugee protection and integration, and considers whether it is likely to make a lasting impact. Speakers discuss the most promising innovations and their broader implications for policymakers. They discuss the challenges and opportunities for governments, as they seek to work with new actors such as tech companies. And they discuss the broader digital infrastructure needs of refugee camps and services—including the crucial issue of Internet connectivity for refugees.” At the link click “Download(Loading),” then right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Rikers Prisoner Stories 34 mins – When mentally ill inmates in New York City’s Rikers Island jail become too sick, violent, delusional or suicidal for the jail to handle, they’re sent to Bellevue Hospital Prison Ward for treatment. The inmates in Bellevue are awaiting trial for a variety of offenses, ranging from sleeping on the subway to murder. But for Dr. Elizabeth Ford, a psychiatrist who treats them, the charges against her patients are secondary. “My job is to try to look past that and … to care for them, to be curious about them and to be non-judgmental,” she says. “It is … a daily struggle, but one that I have found over the years [to be] incredibly rewarding.” Ford began treating inmates at Bellevue in 2000 during an internship and eventually worked her way up to become director of the hospital’s forensic psychiatric service. She revisits her experiences treating Rikers’ inmates in her new memoir, Sometimes Amazing Things Happen….”At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Russia-China Relations 90 mins – “In “A Wary Embrace,” a new paper from the Lowy Institute for International Policy, Bobo Lo sets out the critical question of whether Russia and China will “define the rules of global politics” in the 21st century. As Western democracies have turned increasingly inward under a backlash against globalization, the notion of a rising Sino-Russian partnership has garnered greater attention. Can a Russo-Chinese partnership form the center of an alternative model to the democratic, market system of the West? How deep does the bond between Moscow and Beijing run?” At the link right-click “Download the audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sex Assault Statistics 80 mins – “How Collaboration Between Researchers and Police Chiefs Can Improve the Quality of Sexual Assault Investigations: A Look at Los Angeles” At the link find that title with the date Nov 2011, right-click “Media files nijconf2011-collaboration.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Solar Energy Economics 48 mins – “China’s out to own the sun. What about the United States? Plus, what we’re doing to protect ourselves from cyberattacks on energy grids.” At the link find the title, “China’s Day In The Sun And The Future Of The Solar Industry, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files npr_525908497.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Solar Storms 88 mins – “Leo Laporte and Iain Thomson discuss what it really means when the NSA says it’s halting collection of Americans’ texts and emails, the Cassini Spacecraft crossing through Saturn’s rings for the first time, and the new Amazon Echo Look. Then, NASA Astrophysicist C. Alex Young joins to discuss space weather and how it could negatively affect everything electronic. Jason Howell gives us a (literal) head-to-head comparison of the Gear VR and Google Daydream. NAB 2017 just came to a close and Dale Baskin joins to present a few of his favorite finds, including the Atomos Ninja Inferno. Leo and Iain answer a Call for Help and suggest a way to cheaply and easily record a discussion between multiple people to be posted online. Finally, we answer some of your questions in the mailbag.” At the link click “Download Options,” right-click “Audio” and select “Save Link As from the pop-up menu.

Student Loan Debts 46 mins – “Parents On The Hook For Student Loans” At the link find the title, “Parents On The Hook For Student Loans, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files npr_525742275.mp3” nd select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Sweet Potato Research 40 mins – “The sweet potato has special seasonal or fast-food application in the industrialized world, but in many parts of the world it is an important part of the daily diet.  The sweet potato is botanically distinct from the standard solanaceous potato, and stands to have additional application as a nutritious food for new populations.  Dr. Jan Kreuze is classically trained in plant virology and has practiced his craft in potatoes.  He is currently working at the Center for Potato Improvement (CIP) in Lima Peru, near the center of potato diversity.  He discusses what a sweet potato is, its natural diversity and some of its genetic oddities.  The podcast concludes with discussion of a natural horizontal gene transfer that could be the basis of domestication.” At the link right-click “Download” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Tattoo Removal 21 mins – “There was a time when tattoos were taboo, and you thought long and hard before getting one. Today 20 percent of American adults are inked. Tattoos just don’t carry the stigma they once did—unless it’s a particular kind of tattoo, in a particular place on the body. Fortunately, as our penchant for getting tattoos has grown, so has our ability to get rid of them. In the 1960s researchers started experimenting with lasers to remove tattoos, and since then the technology has dramatically improved. Now we can erase our past, whether it’s a sailor’s bad decision from overseas or a gang identifier that prevents its owner from getting a job—and could even get him killed. Sociologist and CHF Beckman Legacy Project research fellow Joseph Klett traces the modern history of tattoo removal through the stories of his father—a retired sailor—and ex-gang members in California.” At the link right-click the down-pointing arrow at the end of the sound bar and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Terrorism Research 24 mins – “Gary LaFree, Director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism at the University of Maryland” At the link find the title, “ NIJ Conference10th Anniversary of 9/11: Advances in Social Sciences, Jun, 2011,” right-click “Media files nijconf2011-lafree-keynote.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump Background 49 mins – “Trump has backed off his signature campaign promise to build a border wall right away. We look at the symbolism of a barrier on the southern border, and how it obscures the truth about immigration. Also, how our president has long managed to succeed without actually succeeding, the challenges of tracking hate crimes without good data, and an attempt to reclaim the word ‘Jew.’” At the link find the title, “In Other Words, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files otm042817pod.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Trump Impeachment 46 mins – “Allan Lichtman, distinguished professor of history at American University, correctly predicted last September that Donald Trump would be become our next president. He joins Diane to explain the possible grounds for President Trump’s impeachment and why a Republican controlled Congress might just follow through. Then, Pulitzer Prize winning writer Elizabeth Strout talks about her new book, “Anything is Possible”. And if you are interested in checking out past Elizabeth Strout shows, here’s some listening: a Readers’ Review of “My Name is Lucy Barton”, a Readers’ Review of “Olive Kitteridge”, and a 2013 interview with Strout. In “From the Archives” this week, Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” is having a moment. It’s hit the top of the Amazon bestseller list, and this week an adaptation debuts on Hulu. In 2002, Diane hosted a Readers’ Review of “The Handmaid’s Tale”. Listen here. And if you want to hear more from Atwood, Diane has interviewed her many time over the years. Go to, and search for “Margaret Atwood”.” At the link you can listen, but not download; however, a copy is included in the blog archive.

Trump Surprises 93 mins- “In front of their first-ever live audience, Sarah, Ezra, and Matt talk about Trump surprises, Singapore’s health care system, and the impact of longevity inequality on retirement programs.” At the link right-click “ MP3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Tuberculosis Case 15 mins – “Anna contracted multidrug resistant TB in 2005, and was in isolation in hospital for 4 months. In this podcast she describes what that treatment was like, and what frustrated her most about her care during that time. Read the full clinical review on MDR-TB:” At the link find the title, “The reality of being treated for multidrug resistant TB,” right-click “Media files 194530834-bmjgroup-treated-for-mdr-tb.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Universal Child Allowances 240 mins – “The current tax system provides financial support to some families with children through the administration of a Child Tax Credit (CTC), which can be worth as much as $1,000 per child, in addition to the support provided through the long-standing child tax exemption. Though several policymakers have proposed expanding or amending the CTC to provide additional assistance, the idea of a Universal Child Allowance—which would instead provide a cash grant to all families with children—is also gaining increased attention as a way to help families meet the costs associated with raising a child. Why do countries around the world have such a program and would it make sense in the U.S.? What would such an allowance look like and what would be its benefits and costs?…”At the link right-click “audio only” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Valley of the Fallen 27 mins – “Giles Tremlett takes us into the fierce battles being fought over The Valle de los Caidos, an enormous memorial to Spain’s civil war dead constructed by the dictator Francisco Franco. For some a great monument, for others a war crime. Today, the battle over how Franco and the Civil War should be remembered is one of the most significant religious and political conflicts in Spain.” At the link find the title, “Cathedral of the Fallen, May, 2017,,” right-click “Media files p051rcbn.mp3”and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Venezuela Conflict 45 mins – “Experts discuss the ongoing political and economic upheaval in Venezuela, including how policies implemented over the past fifteen years are shaping the current crisis.” At the link right-click “Download’ and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Waste Recycling 54 mins – “There are more people, consuming more goods, producing more waste. And the materials from which our goods are made will always remain a resource. In a discussion from the 2017 Planet Talks program at WOMAD, we hear three perspectives on waste. Nicholas Chileshe is a professor of construction and project management. He says the building industry is ideal for the use of recycled materials and would benefit from clear standards, guidelines and changed thinking. Veena Sahajwalla is a materials scientist. She explains producing aluminium from used aluminium cans requires just 5% of the energy needed to produce aluminium from the rock, bauxite. She experiments creating new materials from old such as tyres and plastic bottles. And right to repair activist Kyle Wiens explains how Apple devices are designed to be inaccessible for such things as battery replacement. The company uses non-standard screws requiring non-standard screwdrivers. Some areas of Europe and the US are introducing right to repair legislation requiring manufacturers to sell spare parts and make repair information available.

Women in Construction 48 mins – “Women Workers And The Future Of Manly Jobs.” At the link find the title, “Women Workers And The Future Of Manly Jobs, Apr, 2017,” right-click “Media files npr_525751207.mp3” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

World Trade Organization 89 mins – “Adjusting to the expanding role of emerging economies and confronting a rising tide of populism in the Western world are just two of the challenges facing the liberal economic order established by the Bretton Woods institutions. In the trading regime, these challenges have been compounded by the failure of the Doha Round and the inability to significantly update multilateral rules in two decades. How will the World Trade Organization (WTO) navigate these troubled waters? Moving forward, the WTO will need to find ways to ameliorate the negotiation logjam in order to deliver fresh gains from liberalization and mitigate the trade growth slowdown, as well as address sources of stress in the dispute settlement mechanism. At the same time, it may need to combat a potential protectionist backlash if key members succumb to the temptation of economic nationalism….” At the link right-click “Download the Audio” and select “Save Link As” from the pop-up menu.

Thanks for stopping by.


About virginiajim

Retired knowledge nut.
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